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The plan


get more race-specific as you approach the
Meet the spring. That’s exactly what these 12-week
expert plans are designed to achieve, and they
Phil Mosley should be started three months before your
target qualification race.
Mosley is a multiple national age-group medallist These plans aren’t ideal for complete
and has competed for Great Britain at age-group
beginners, but you can still borrow
and elite level
elements of them and fit them around your
own schedule. Similarly, as long as you’re
THE PROSPECT of competing for your sensible you can swap the days around
country in a world championship might within any single week to suit your own
seem like a distant dream, but the age- availability. Don’t launch into these plans
group system in triathlon makes it more from scratch and hope they’ll work, because
realistic than you may think. Each year they could lead to fatigue and injury if you
hundreds of athletes do exactly that, while don’t already have a year or two under your
holding down day jobs and family lives. belt. The Key and Training Zones on the
There are usually at least 12 qualifying slots opposite page will help here, as they’ll
for each five-year age-group, so whether Work hard and you could be encourage you to train at the right
you’re 25 or 75 there’s a realistic chance of flying the flag for Britain intensities. For details of how to qualify to
securing yourself a place on the squad. You represent Great Britain in the World
can choose to qualify for sprint or Olympic Championships visit
Photos British Triathlon/Nigel Farrow, | Delly Carr / ITU, Corbis Illustrations Phil Nicodemi

distance, or if you fancy something The qualification standard is high, but not take-part/events/itu-etu-qualifiers.
different there are also championships for out of reach. It’s not unheard of for people to
long-distance triathlon, duathlon, qualify within their first year of becoming a
aquathlon and cross triathlon. In 2012 the triathlete, although normally it takes longer. Are these plans for you?
ITU World Age-Group Championships are However, to stand any chance you need to Before beginning these plans you should
in Auckland, New Zealand and in 2013 start getting serious about your training. And already be able to:
they’re being hosted in London. So even if that means dedicating between seven and 16 Ride your bike for at least 90 minutes
you think it’s out of reach now it’s still hours each week, as well as getting plenty of Run for at least 50 minutes
worth having a go because it could set you race experience. Preferably you should train Swim 400 metres non-stop
up strongly to qualify in the following year. consistently throughout the winter and then

How it works
Get your guide ready to go 12-WEEK
12-W R

X to XX hour
7 to 16 hours training per week s training

per week

Cut out the guide following Fold the guide in quarters Now carry it with you for
the dotted outline using the fold guides reference while training FOLLOW THIS PL

82 April 2012

TRI39.zone_plan.indd 82 2/21/12 6:19:45 PM


TraininG ZOneS

USING THESE Training Zones will help you train at the right intensity

for each session. This helps develop specific aspects of your fitness, as
well as making sure you don’t overdo it.

You can either estimate your intensity, using the Training Zone
descriptions, or use a heart-rate monitor for a more precise measure.
PLAN If you use a heart-rate monitor, use the percentages provided, and
subtract them from your maximum heart rate to calculate your
zones. Tools like cycle power meters and GPS watches will also help
track your training progress, but they’re not essential for these plans.
These training zones are only a guide, so don’t worry about being
overly precise with heart rates because they’ll fluctuate anyway. It’s
good to be mindful of your intensity but it’s even more important
that you get out there and enjoy your training.

ZOne 1: Recovery
60 to 65% of your maximum. Easy pace, feels nice and light.
ZOne 2: Steady
65 to 75% of your maximum. Fairly easy pace. Easy enough so that you
could breathe just through your nose if you wanted to.
ZOne 3: Tempo
75% to 80% of your maximum. A fairly hard, but sustainable pace.
ZOne 4: Race Tempo
80 to 90% of your maximum. A hard pace that requires real focus to sustain.
7 to 16 hours training per week KEY: WU Warm up, WD Warm down, MAIN Main set, FC Front crawl, KICK

Kick with a float held out in front of you, PULL Front crawl with a pull float
between thighs, RI Rest interval, BACK Backstroke, BREAST Breaststroke,
1-ARM Front crawl using one arm only N/S Negative split – swim the 2nd
half faster than the first, FDRAG Drag your fingers along the surface during
the FC arm-recovery, FISTS Swim FC with clenched fists, DOG doggy paddle,
SCULL Kick with arms in front, sculling your hands sideways, BAND Front


crawl with a rubber band or inner-tube tied around ankles, ANKLES FC with
pull float between ankles

week 01 week 02 week 03 WeeK week 04 reCOVerY

AM Swim 2,900m
AM Swim 2,000m AM Swim 2,000m
AM Swim 2,400m WU 300m FC, 200m KICK, 200m FC MAIN 3x(300m


WU 300m FC, 200m KICK, 100m PULL +20secs RI WU 200m FC, 200m PULL, 100m KICK +20secs RI
WU 2x(150m FC, 100m KICK, 50m PULL) PULL in Z3+30secs RI, 100m FC in Z2 +20secs RI,
MAIN 4x50m 1-ARM, 200m N/S, 4x50mFDRAG, MAIN 8x50m as (25m FDRAG, 25m FC) +60secs RI.
MAIN 4x(25m DOG,25m FC, 25m FISTS, 25m FC, 100m FC in Z3+20secs RI, 100m FC in Z4+20secs RI)
200m N/S, 4x50m FISTS, 200m N/S WD 200m easy 1x400m in Z3 (+15secs RI), 2x200m in Z3 (+15secs RI),
25m SCULL, 25m FC)+20secs RI. 2x400m N/S WD 400m easy FC or BACK
FC or BACK 2x100m in Z3 WD 200m easy FC or BACK
+30secs RI WD 400m easy FC or BACK PM Run 60mins run in Z2, include 6x30secs fast
PM Run 50mins run in Z2, include 6x20secs sprints PM Run 50mins run in Z2, include 6x20secs sprints


Brick 70mins Brick 70mins Brick 1 hour

Bike 50mins
(bike to run) Bike WU 10mins in Z2 MAIN 2x15mins in (bike to run) Bike WU 10mins in Z2 MAIN 3x10mins in (bike to run) Bike WU 7mins in Z2, 2mins in Z3, 1min in
WU 10mins in Z2 MAIN 2x15mins in Z3 (+2mins RI)
Z3 (+2mins RI) straight into run 25mins as (10mins in Z3(+2mins RI) straight into run 25mins as (10mins in Z2 MAIN 12x1min hard in Z4 (+1min RI) straight into
WD 5mins in Z2
Z3, 15mins in Z2) Z3, 15mins in Z2) run 25mins (5mins in Z4, 20mins in Z2)

AM Swim 2,500m
AM Swim 2,000m AM Swim 2,000m WU 400mas (25m KICK, 50mFC). 400m as 25m drill
WU 300mFC, 200m KICK, 100m PULL +20secs RI Endurance session WU 200m FC, 200m KICK, 200m of choice, 25m FC MAIN 400mFC N/S +60secs RI,


MAIN 100m FC in Z2 +10secs RI, 200m PULL in Z2 drill of choice MAIN 6x75m FC in Z3 +10secs RI, 400m 50mBACK, 300m PULL in Z3 +40secs RI, 50m
PM Run 40mins WU 10mins in Z2 MAIN 2x9mins
+20secs RI, 300m FC in Z2 +30secs RI, 400m PULL PULL in Z2 +30secs RI, 6x50m FC in Z3 +10secs RI, BREAST, 200mFC in Z3 +20secs RI, 50m BACK,
in Z3 to Z4 (+2mins RI) WD 10mins in Z2
in Z2 WD 400m easy FC or BACK 200m PULL in Z2 WD 150mFC in Z1 200m PULL in Z3, 50m BREAST WD 400mFC/PULL
PM Run 40mins WU 10mins in Z2 MAIN 20mins in PM Run 40mins WU 10mins in Z2 MAIN 2x10mins in in Z1
Z3 to Z4 WD 10mins in Z2 Z3 to Z4 (+2mins RI) WD 8mins in Z2 PM Run 50mins WU 10mins in Z2 MAIN 30mins in Z3
WD 10mins in Z2


rest day rest day

AM Run 50mins AM Run 50mins AM Swim 2,000m AM Run 42mins
WU 10mins in Z2 MAIN 30mins in Z2, sprinkle in WU 10mins in Z2 MAIN 20mins in Z2, sprinkle in WU 300m FC, 100m KICK, 4x50m BUILD (+secs15 RI) WU 10mins in Z2/Z3 MAIN 8x1minute flat out


6x1min in Z4 WD 10mins in Z2 3x2mins in Z4 WD 10mins in Z2 MAIN 200m BAND+secs20 RI, 300m ANKLES (+2mins RI) WD 10mins in Z2
PM Swim 2,000m open water. Include 4x200m at PM Swim 2,000m open water. Include 3x500m at +30secs RI, 400m PULL +40secs RI, 200m FC PM Swim 2,000m open water. Include 10x100m at
750m race pace with one-minute rests 1500m race pace with 90sec rests WD 200m FC, 100m KICK 750m race pace with 30secs rests


Bike 80mins Bike 80mins Bike 1hour Bike 75mins

Muscular endurance WU 30mins in Z2 Muscular endurance WU 30mins in Z2 MAIN Muscular endurance WU 20mins in Z2 Muscular endurance WU 20mins in Z2
MAIN 2x15mins in Z3 (+5mins RI) WD 15mins in Z2 2x15mins in Z3(+5mins RI) WD 15mins in Z2. MAIN 2x10mins in Z3(+5mins RI) WD 15mins in Z2. MAIN 2x20mins in Z3 (+5mins RI) WD 10mins in Z2.


Bike 2 hours Bike 2 hours Run 40mins Bike 2 hour

Endurance ride in Z2 Endurance ride in Z2 in Z2 with 6x20secs sprints Endurance ride in Z2

April 2012 83

TRI39.zone_plan.indd 83 2/21/12 6:19:48 PM

week 05 week 06 WEEK RECOVERY
week 07 Race week 08 Simulation

AM Swim 2,500m
AM Swim 2,500m
WU 3x300m as (100m FC, 100m KICK, 100m PULL) AM Swim 2,000m

WU 3x300m as (100m FC, 100m KICK, 100m

Rest day
MAIN 8x50m as (25m FISTS, 25m FC). 3x(150m FC WU 200m FC, 200m KICK, 200m PULL
PULL) MAIN 8x50m as (25m FISTS, 25m FC).
in Z2, 100m FC in Z3, 50m FC in Z4)+20secs RI WD MAIN 6x100mFC in Z3+20secsRI, 6x25mFISTS
3x(150m FC in Z2, 100m FC in Z3, 50m FC in
300m easy FC or BACK +5secs RI, 4x100m FC+20secs RI, 6x25m
Z4)+20secs RI WD 300m easy FC or BACK
PM Run 60mins run in Z2, include 6x30secs fast FDRAG+5secs RI WD 100m easy FC or BACK
PM Run 60mins endurance run in Z2

Brick 60mins

Brick 60mins
Bike 35mins (bike to run) Bike WU 7mins in Z2, 2mins in Z3, 1min
(bike to run) Bike WU 7mins in Z2, 2mins in Z3, 1min
WU 10mins in Z2 MAIN 20mins as 30secs max in Z2 MAIN 5,4,3,2,1mins all in Z4 (+1min RI) Run 30mins easy in Z2
in Z2 MAIN 6x2mins in Z4 (+90secs RI) straight
power, 30secs in Z1 WD 5mins in Z2 straight into run 30mins as (5mins in Z4, 25mins in
into run 30mins as (5mins in Z4, 25mins in Z2)
Z2) WD 200m KICK, 200m FC or BACK

AM Swim 2,000m
AM Swim 2,500m
AM Swim 2,500m WU 200m FC, 200m KICK, 200m PULL MAIN
WU 800m as 2x(100m FISTS, 200m FC, 100m

WU 800m as 2x(100m FISTS, 200m FC, 100m 6x100m FC in Z3+20secs RI, 6x25m FISTS +5secs
FDRAG) MAIN 800m FC in Z2, 100m BACK/ PM Run 30mins
FDRAG) MAIN 800m FC in Z2, 100m BACK/ RI, 4x100m FC +20secs RI, 6x25m FDRAG +5secs
BREAST, 400m PULL in Z2 WD 400m easy FC or WU 5mins in Z2, 5mins in Z3 MAIN 10x30secs max
BREAST, 400m PULL in Z2 RI WD 100m easy FC or BACK
BACK speed (+1min RI) WD 10mins in Z2
PM Run 30mins WU 10mins in Z2 MAIN 10mins in PM Bike 55mins muscular endurance WU 10mins
PM Run 50mins WU 10mins in Z2 MAIN 30mins
Z3 WD 10mins in Z2 in Z2 MAIN 2x15mins in Z3 (+5mins RI) WD 10mins
in Z3 WD 10mins in Z2
in Z2

Rest day Bike 90mins in Z2 Run 60mins Endurance run in Z2

AM Run 40mins WU 10mins in Z2/Z3 MAIN AM Swim 2,000m AM Run 45mins

WU 400m FC, 400m as (25m FDRAG, 25m PULL) WU 10mins in Z2/Z3 MAIN 2x12mins in Z3 (+2mins
Rest day
20mins as (30secs hard, 30secs easy) WD 10mins

in Z2 MAIN 400m PULL in Z2+60secs RI, 100m FC in RI) WD 5mins in Z2
PM Swim 2,000m Open water. Include 4x200m Z3+20secs RI, 400m PULL in Z2 +60secs RI, 100m PM Swim 2,000m open water. Include 2x400m at
at 750m race pace with 90secs rests FC in Z3 WD 200m KICK 750m race pace with 1min rests

Race simulation (or actual race) (bike to run)



Bike 75mins Muscular endurance WU 20mins in Bike 1hour

1 hour 15mins WU Bike 10mins in Z2/Z3 MAIN Bike
Z2 MAIN 2x20mins in Z3(+5mins RI) WD 10mins in Muscular endurance WU 20mins in Z2 Bike 90mins in Z2 including 6x3mins in Z4
50mins in Z4, straight into run 25mins in Z4
Z2 MAIN 2x10mins in Z3(+5mins RI) WD 15mins in Z2
WD Bike 10mins in Z1


Race simulation (open-water swim) 40mins WU

Bike 2 hour Run 30mins
10mins in Z2/Z3 MAIN 15mins in Z4 WD 5mins in Bike 2 hour Endurance ride in Z2
Endurance ride in Z2 in Z2, including 6x30sec hard


week 09 WEEK week 10 RECOVERY

week 11 Taper
WEEK week 12 Race

AM Swim 2,500m AM Swim 2,000m

AM Swim 2,000m


WU 400m FC, 8x25m drill of choice MAIN 6x50m WU 400m FC, 200m KICK, 200m PULL, 100m FC
WU 200m FC, 200m FDRAG, 200m FC, 200m
FC in Z3+15secs RI, 2x150m PULL in Z2, 6x75m FC MAIN 4x100m FC in Z3+20secs RI, 4x50m PULL AM Swim 1500m
KICK MAIN 4x100m FC in Z3+30secs RI, 4x50m
in Z3 +15secs RI, 300m PULL in Z2, 6x50m FC in in Z2+10secs RI, 3x100m FC in Z3+20secs RI Easy FC, but include 8x50m hard (+30secs RI)
PULL in Z3+15secs RI, 4x100m FC in Z3+30secs
Z3+15secs RI WD 250m PULL in Z1 WD 200m PULL in Z1
RI WD 200m easy FC or BACK
PM Run 50mins run in Z2 PM Run 40mins in Z2


Brick 50mins Brick 40mins

Bike 35mins Bike 35mins
(bike/run) WU Run 10mins in Z2 MAIN 3x (bike (bike/run) WU Run 10mins in Z2 MAIN 2x(bike
WU 10mins in Z2 MAIN 20mins alternating WU 10mins in Z2 MAIN 15mins alternating (30secs
5mins in Z4, straight into run 5mins in Z4)+3mins 5mins in Z4, straight into run 5mins in Z4) +3mins
(30secs max power, 30secs in Z1) WD 5mins in Z2 in Z3, 30secs in Z1) WD 10mins in Z2
rests WD Run 5mins in Z1 rest WD Run 5mins in Z1

AM Swim 2,000m
WU 300m FC, 100m KICK, 4x50m BUILD (+15secs AM Swim 2,000m


RI) MAIN 200m BAND+20secs RI, 300m WU 400m FC, 8x25m drill of choice MAIN
PM Run 25mins
PM Run 30mins ANKLES+30secs RI, 400m PULL+40secs RI, 6x50m FC in Z3+15secs RI, 2x150m PULL in Z2,
WU 5mins in Z2, 5mins in Z3 MAIN 4x30secs max
in Z2, including 6x30secs hard 200m FC WD 200m FC, 100m KICK 6x75m FC in Z3+15secs RI WD 350m PULL in Z1
speed (+1min RI) WD 10mins in Z2
PM Bike 55mins muscular endurance WU 10mins PM Bike 50mins WU 10mins in Z2 MAIN
in Z2 MAIN 2x15mins in Z3(+5mins RI) WD 10mins 2x15mins in Z3(+5mins RI) WD 5mins in Z2
in Z2


Rest day Rest day

AM Swim 2,000m
AM Swim 2,000m
Open water. Include 4x100m at 750m race pace
Open water. Include 10x100m at 1500m race pace


PM Swim 2,000m with 30secs rests AM Swim 1,000m

with 30secs rests
Open water. Include a 750m race pace effort PM Run 33mins WU 10mins in Z2/Z3 Open water in Z2
PM Run 53mins WU 10mins in Z2/Z3 MAIN
MAIN 5x1 minute in Z4(+2mins RI) WD 10mins in
2x15mins in Z3(+3mins RI) WD 10mins in Z2
Photos | Delly Carr / ITU



Bike 1 hour
Bike 90mins Bike 1 hour 30 Bike 30mins
Muscular endurance WU 20mins in Z2
in Z2 in Z2 Optional Z2 ride
MAIN 2x10mins in Z3(+5mins RI) WD 15mins in Z2


Bike 90mins
Run 30mins Bike 1 hour 30 ITU Age-Group World Championships
in Z2 including 4x5mins in Z4 or preferably a
in Z2, including 6x30secs hard in Z2 including 4x1min in Z4 qualification race
10-mile cycle time trial

84 April 2012

TRI39.zone_plan.indd 84 2/21/12 6:19:49 PM


TraininG ZOneS

USING THESE Training Zones will help you train at the right intensity
YO R for each session. This helps develop specific aspects of your fitness,

as well as making sure you don’t overdo it.
E You can either estimate your intensity, using the Training Zone

descriptions, or use a heart-rate monitor for a more precise measure.
If you use a heart-rate monitor, use the percentages provided and
subtract them from your maximum heart rate to calculate your
zones. Tools like cycle power meters and GPS watches will also help
track your training progress, but they’re not essential for these plans.
These training zones are only a guide, so don’t worry about being
overly precise with heart rates because they’ll fluctuate anyway. It’s
good to be mindful of your intensity but it’s even more important
that you get out there and enjoy your training.
ZOne 1: Recovery
60 to 65% of max. Easy pace, feels nice and light.
ZOne 2: Steady
65 to 75% of max. Fairly easy pace. Easy enough so that you could breathe
just through your nose if you wanted to.
ZOne 3: Tempo
75% to 80% of max. Fairly hard but sustainable pace.
ZOne 4: Race tempo
80 to 90% of max. Hard pace. Sustainable, but requires real focus.
7 to 16 hours training per week

KEY: WU Warm up, WD Warm down, MAIN MAIN set, FC Front crawl, KICK
Kick with a float held out in front of you, PULL Front crawl with a pull float
between thighs, RI Rest interval, BACK Backstroke, BREAST Breaststroke,
1-ARM Front crawl using one arm only N/S Negative split – swim the 2nd half
faster than the first, FDRAG Drag your fingers along the surface during the FC
arm-recovery, FISTS Swim FC with clenched fists, DOG doggy paddle, SCULL
Kick with arms in front, sculling your hands sideways, BAND Front crawl with
AGE-GROUP CHAMPS QUALIFIER RACE- a band tied around ankles, ANKLES FC with pull float between ankles

week 01 week 02 week 03 WeeK week 04 reCOVerY

AM Swim 2,000m AM Swim 2,000m

WU 200m FC, 200m PULL, 100m KICK+20secs RI AM Swim 2,900m
AM Swim 2,400m


WU 300m FC, 200m KICK, 100m PULL+20secs RI WU 300m FC, 200m KICK, 200m FC MAIN
MAIN 4x50m 1-ARM, 200mN/S, 4x50m FDRAG, MAIN 8x50m as (25m FDRAG, 25mFC) +60secs WU 2x(150m FC, 100m KICK, 50m PULL)
RI. 1x400m in Z3 (+15secs RI), 2x200m in 3x(300m PULL in Z3 +30secs RI, 100m FC in Z2
200m N/S, 4x50m FISTS, 200m N/S WD 200m MAIN 4x(25m DOG,25m FC, 25m FISTS, 25m FC, +20secs RI, 100m FC in Z3+20secs RI, 100mFC in
easy FC or BACK Z3(+15secs RI), 2x100m in Z3 WD 100m easy FC or 25m SCULL, 25m FC) +20secs RI. 2x400m
BACK Z4+20secs RI) WD 400m easy FC or BACK
PM Run 90mins endurance run in Z2 N/S+30secsRI WD 400m easy FC or BACK PM Run 90mins endurance run in Z2
PM Run 90mins endurance run in Z2


Brick 85mins Brick 90mins Brick 70mins

Bike 50mins
(bike to run) Bike WU 10mins in Z2 MAIN (bike to run) Bike WU 10mins in Z2 MAIN 3x15mins (bike to run) Bike WU 7mins in Z2, 2mins in Z3, 1min
WU 10mins in Z2 MAIN 2x15mins in Z3(+2mins RI)
2x20mins in Z3 (+2mins RI) straight into run in Z3(+2mins RI) straight into run 30mins as in Z2 MAIN 6x3mins in Z4 (+2mins RI) straight into
WD 5mins in Z2
30mins as (10mins in Z3, 20mins in Z2) (10mins in Z3, 20mins in Z2) run 30mins as (5mins in Z4, 25mins in Z2)

AM Swim 2,500m
AM Swim 2,000m AM Swim 2,100m WU 400m as (25m KICK, 50m FC). 400m as 25m
WU 300m FC, 200m KICK, 100m PULL+20secs RI Endurance session WU 200m FC, 200m KICK, drill of choice, 25m FC MAIN 400m FC


MAIN 100m FC in Z2+10secs RI, 200m PULL in 200m drill of choice MAIN 6x75m FC in Z3 +10secs PM Run 40mins N/S+60secs RI, 50m BACK, 300m PULL in
Z2+20secs RI, 300m FC in Z2+30secs RI, 400m RI, 400m PULL in Z2 +30secs RI, 6x50m FC in Z3 WU 10mins in Z2 MAIN 2x9mins in Z3 to Z4 Z3+40secs RI, 50m BREAST, 200m FC in
PULL in Z2 WD 400m easy FC or BACK +10secs RI, 200m PULL in Z2 WD 150m FC in Z1 (+2mins RI) WD 10mins in Z2 Z3+20secs RI, 50m BACK, 200m PULL in Z3, 50m
PM Run 50mins WU 10mins in Z2 MAIN 30mins PM Run 50mins WU 10mins in Z2 MAIN 2x14mins BREAST WD 400m FC/PULL in Z1
in Z3 to Z4 WD 10mins in Z2 in Z3 to Z4(+2mins RI) WD 10mins in Z2 PM Run 50mins WU 10mins in Z2 MAIN 30mins in
Z3 to Z4 WD 10mins in Z2


rest day rest day

AM Run 50mins AM Run 50mins AM Swim 2,000m AM Run 45mins
WU 10mins in Z2 MAIN 30mins in Z2, sprinkle in WU 10mins in Z2 MAIN 30mins in Z2, sprinkle in WU 300m FC, 100m KICK, 4x50m BUILD (+15secs WU 10mins in Z2/Z3 MAIN 8x1 minute flat out


6x1min in Z4 WD 10mins in Z2 3x2mins in Z4 WD 10mins in Z2 RI) MAIN 200m BAND + 20secs RI, 300m (+2mins RI) WD 10mins in Z2
PM Swim 2,000m open water. Include 4x400m PM Swim 2,000m open water. Include 3x500m at ANKLES +30secs RI, 400m PULL +40secs RI, PM Swim 2,000m open water. Include 2x600m at
at 1500m race pace with one-minute rests 1500m race pace with 90sec rests 200m FC WD 200m FC, 100m KICK 1500m race pace with 2mins rests


Bike 90mins Bike 90mins Bike 1hour Bike 90mins

Muscular endurance WU 30mins in Z2 MAIN Muscular endurance WU 30mins in Z2 MAIN Muscular endurance WU 20mins in Z2 Muscular endurance WU 30mins in Z2
2x20mins in Z3 (+5mins RI) WD 15mins in Z2 2x20mins in Z3(+5mins RI) WD 15mins in Z2 MAIN 2x10mins in Z3(+5mins RI) WD 15mins in Z2. MAIN 2x20mins in Z3(+5mins RI) WD 15mins in Z2.


Bike 3 hour Bike 3 hours Run 1 hour Bike 3hours 30mins

Endurance ride in Z2 Endurance ride in Z2 Run in Z2 Endurance ride in Z2

April 2012 85

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week 05 week 06 WEEK RECOVERY
week 07 week 08

AM Swim 2,500m AM Swim 2,500m
AM Swim 2,000m

WU 3x300m as (100m FC, 100m KICK, 100m WU 3x300m as (100m FC, 100m KICK, 100m

WU 200m FC, 200m KICK, 200m PULL MAIN
PULL) MAIN 8x50m as (25m FISTS, 25m FC) PULL) MAIN 8x50m as (25m FISTS, 25m FC).
6x100m FC in Z3+20secs RI, 6x25m FISTS +5secs
3x(150m FC in Z2, 100m FC in Z3, 50m FC in 3x(150m FC in Z2, 100m FC in Z3, 50m FC in
RI, 4x100m FC+20secs RI, 6x25m FDRAG+5secs
Z4)+20secs RI WD 300m easy FC or BACK Z4)+20secs RI WD 300m easy FC or BACK
RI WD 100m easy FC or BACK
PM Run 90mins endurance run in Z2 PM Run 90mins endurance run in Z2

Brick 70mins

Brick 70mins
(bike to run) Bike WU 7mins in Z2, 2mins in Z3, Bike 35mins
(bike to run) Bike WU 7mins in Z2, 2mins in Z3, 1min Run 30mins
1min in Z2 MAIN 9x2mins in Z4(+90secs RI) WU 10mins in Z2 MAIN 20mins as 30secs max
in Z2 MAIN 9x2mins in Z4(+90secs RI) straight Easy in Z2
straight into run 30mins as (5mins in Z4, 25mins power, 30secs in Z1 WD 5mins in Z2
into run 30mins as (5mins in Z4, 25mins in Z2)
in Z2)

AM Swim 2,500m AM Swim 2,000m

AM Swim 2,500m
WU 800m as 2x(100m FISTS, 200m FC, 100m WU 200mFC, 200mKICK, 200m PULL MAIN
WU 800m as 2x(100m FISTS, 200m FC, 100m

FDRAG) MAIN 800m FC in Z2, 100m BACK/ PM Run 30mins 6x100mFC in Z3+20secsRI, 6x25m FISTS
FDRAG) MAIN 800mFC in Z2, 100mBACK/
BREAST, 400m PULL in Z2 WD 400 easy FC or WU 5mins in Z2, 5mins in Z3 MAIN 10x30secs max +5secsRI, 4x100mFC+20secsRI, 6x25m FDRAG
BREAST, 400m PULL in Z2 WD 400 easy FC or
BACK speed (+1min RI) WD 10mins in Z2 +5secsRI WD 100m easy FC or BACK
PM Run 50mins WU 10mins in Z2 MAIN 30mins in PM Bike 75mins muscular endurance WU 20mins
PM Run 50mins WU 10mins in Z2 MAIN 30mins in
Z3 to Z4 WD 10mins in Z2 in Z2 MAIN 2x15mins in Z3(+5mins RI) WD 20mins
Z3 to Z4 WD 10mins in Z2
in Z2

Rest day Run 60mins
Run 60mins
Endurance run in Z2

AM Run 45mins AM Swim 2,000m AM Run 53mins

WU 10mins in Z2/Z3 MAIN 4x2 minutes flat out WU 400m FC, 400m as (25m FDRAG, 25m PULL)
WU 10mins in Z2/Z3 MAIN 2x15mins in Z3(+3mins

(+3mins RI) WD 10mins in Z2 MAIN 400m PULL in Z2+60secs RI, 100m FC in RI) WD 10mins in Z2
PM Swim 2,000m open water. Include 5x200m at Z3+20secs RI, 400m PULL in Z2+60secs RI, 100m PM Swim 2,000m open water. Include 10x100m at
1500m race pace with 1min rests FC in Z3 WD 200m KICK 1500m race pace with 30secs rests

Race simulation


Bike 90mins Bike 1hour

(or actual race) (bike to run) 2 hours WU Bike Bike 90mins
Muscular endurance WU 30mins in Z2 MAIN Muscular endurance WU 20mins in Z2 MAIN
10mins in Z2/Z3 MAIN Bike 1hour in Z4, straight in Z2 including 6x3mins in Z4
2x20mins in Z3(+5mins RI) WD 15mins in Z2 2x10mins in Z3(+5mins RI) WD 15mins in Z2.
into run 36mins in Z4 WD Bike 10mins in Z1


Bike 3 hour Run 1 hour Race simulation

Bike 3 hour
Endurance ride in Z2 Run in Z2 (open-water swim) 40mins WU 10mins in Z2/Z3
Endurance ride in Z2
MAIN 23mins in Z4 WD 5mins in Z1


week 09 WEEK week 10 RACE TRIAL

week 11 WEEK
2 week 12 WEEK

AM Swim 2,000m AM Swim 2,500m AM Swim 2,000m



WU 200m FC, 200m FDRAG, 200m FC, 200m WU 400m FC, 8x25m drill of choice MAIN 6x50m WU 400m FC, 200m KICK, 200m PULL, 100m FC
KICK MAIN 4x100m FC in Z3+30secs RI, 4x50m FC in Z3+15secs RI, 2x150m PULL in Z2, 6x75m FC MAIN 4x100m FC in Z3+20secs RI, 4x50m PULL AM Swim 1500m
PULL in Z3 +15secs RI, 4x100m FC in Z3+30secs in Z3+15secs RI, 300m PULL in Z2, 6x50m FC in in Z2+10secs RI, 3x100m FC in Z3+20 RI WD 200m Easy FC, but include 8x50m hard(+30secsRI)
RI WD 200m easy FC or BACK Z3+15secs RI WD 250m PULL in Z1 PULL in Z1
PM Run 70mins endurance run in Z2 PM Run 60mins in Z2


Brick 50mins Brick 40mins

Bike 35mins Bike 35mins
(bike/run) WU Run 10mins in Z2 MAIN 3x(Bike (bike/run) WU Run 10mins in Z2 MAIN 2x(Bike
WU 10mins in Z2 MAIN 20mins alternating WU 10mins in Z2 MAIN 15mins alternating (30secs
5mins in Z4, straight into run 5mins in Z4)+3mins 5mins in Z4, straight into run 5mins in Z4)+3mins
(30secs max power, 30secs in Z1) WD 5mins in Z2 in Z3, 30secs in Z1 WD 10mins in Z2
rests WD Run 5mins in Z1 rest WD Run 5mins in Z1

AM Swim 2,000m
WU 300m FC, 100m KICK, 4x50m BUILD(+15secs AM Swim 2,000m


RI) MAIN 200m BAND +20secs RI, 300m ANKLES WU 400m FC, 8x25m drill of choice MAIN 6x50m
PM Run 30mins PM Run 30mins
+30secs RI, 400m PULL +40secs RI, 200m FC WD FC in Z3+15secs RI, 2x150m PULL in Z2, 6x75m FC
WU 5mins in Z2, 5mins in Z3 MAIN 10x30secs max WU 5mins in Z2, 5mins in Z3 MAIN 8x30secs max
200m FC, 100m KICK in Z3+15secs RI WD 350m PULL in Z1
speed(+1min RI) WD 10mins in Z2 speed(+1min RI) WD 10mins in Z2
PM Bike 75mins muscular endurance WU 20mins PM Bike 50mins WU 10mins in Z2 MAIN
in Z2 MAIN 2x15mins in Z3(+5mins RI) WD 20mins 2x15mins in Z3(+5mins RI) WD 5mins in Z2
in Z2.


Rest day Rest day

AM Swim 2,000m AM Swim 2,000m
PM Swim 2,000m Open water. Include 10x100m at 1500m race pace

Open water. Include 6x100m at 1500m race pace


Open water. Include 10x100m at 1500m race pace with 30secs rests AM Swim 1500m
with 30secs rests
with 30secs rests PM Run 55mins WU 10mins in Z2/Z3 MAIN Open water
PM Run 40mins WU 10mins in Z2/Z3 MAIN
2x15mins in Z3(+3mins RI) WD 10mins in Z2 7x1minute in Z4(+2mins RI) WD 10mins in Z2


Bike 1 hour
Bike 2 hour 30 Bike 2 hours Bike 30mins
Muscular endurance WU 20mins in Z2 MAIN
In Z2 in Z2 Optional Z2 ride
2x10mins in Z3(+5mins RI) WD 15mins in Z2


Bike 90mins
Run 1 hour In Z2 including 5x5mins in Z4 or preferably a Bike 90mins ITU Age-Group World Championships
Run in Z2 25-mile cycle time trial in Z2 including 5x5mins in Z4 qualification race

86 April 2012

TRI39.zone_plan.indd 86 2/21/12 6:19:56 PM

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