Doppler Vor (Dvor)

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Airport Ground Navigation

Dr. Arjun Singh 

ISBN: 9780070704459
Publication Date & Copyright: 2012 McGraw-Hill Education Private Lim-

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Table of Contents Figures (79) Tables (3)



The conventional VOR suffers from serious course errors caused by reflections
affecting the phase of the variable signal. Investigation was made to eliminate the
effects of siting conditions and signal reflections on omni-course errors. This led
to the development of the DVOR, which minimizes variable phase shift as a
source of error. In early 1958, a project was undertaken at the technical develop-
ment centre in Indianapolis, USA, to determine the characteristics of compatibility
of DVOR. In April of 1958 a DVOR utilizing 20 loops with an aperture of 17 feet
was flight-tested and later on a 50 loop DVOR having an aperture of 44 feet was
tested as possible solution to VOR siting problems at difficult locations. In August
1958 a prototype of experimental DVOR was installed and tested at Charleston, S.
C., where a conventional four loop VOR was already installed. The flight test re-
ports indicated a definite improvement in VOR course scalloping. Under the same
conditions, where the VOR had a maximum scalloping error of ±2.8° and under
similar conditions maximum course scalloping from the DVOR was ±0.4°. The res-
ult of the tests at Charleston S.C. and at Indianapolis provided the background in-
formation for the development of present DVOR having an antenna system in
number 49 or 50 and a counterpoise of diameter of 100 feet. Figure 5.1 is typical
physical layout for DVOR installation.

Figure 5.1 Typical DVOR installations with 49 antennas.

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The course forming signals received by an aircraft from a DVOR are compatible
with the signals received by an aircraft from the VOR. The aircraft receiver should
respond in the same manner to signals received from either system. Considering
the same siting conditions for both systems, reflections will cause considerable
less error in the resultant variable signal from the DVOR. This is because the vari-
able signal from the DVOR is produced by frequency modulation. The FM variable
signal from the DVOR is received with a minimum phase shift due to reflection,
because of the capture effect in an FM. This means in the DVOR system, the
stronger direct path FM signal will predominate in the aircraft receiver when it re-
ceived alone with the weaker reflected path FM signal. The output of the FM de-
tector in the receiver will contain principally the 30 Hz information carried by the
stronger direct signal, not the 30 Hz information carrier by the reflected signal.
The 30 Hz variable signal contained in the direct path FM signal will give a true
omni-course indication when compared in-phase with omni-directional AM refer-
ence signal.

The DVOR 30 Hz reference signal is produced by amplitude modulation. However,

due to the fact that it is transmitted with the same audio phase in all directions,
reflected signals will have small effect upon the desired course. The most import-
ant consideration when comparing the two systems, i.e., the variable signal is a
result of FM in the DVOR and AM in the conventional VOR. This is the primary
reason for installing DVOR to replace some existing conventional VOR as well as
initially installing DVORs at difficult siting areas. Figures 5.2 and 5.3 show phas-
ors representing DVOR and VOR system at eight points of magnetic azimuth. It is
assumed that the both VORs are free from course error. The definition for omni-
course in the conventional VOR is the number of degrees the detected 30 Hz ref-
erence signal at some particular magnetic azimuth. Figure 5.3 shows the 30 Hz
signal produced by space modulation (labeled AM) lagging the FM produced ref-
erence signal as a receiver is moved clockwise around the VOR. The degree of lag
increases with a greater clockwise movement around the VOR. Notice the FM de-
tected 30 Hz signal is always shown in the same phase (0°) and is therefore
called the reference signal. The phase of the AM 30 Hz signal is different at every
azimuth and is therefore called the variable signal.

Figure 5.2 Phasor diagram showing the 30 Hz course-forming signal at eight

azimuths of DVOR systems.  2/88
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Figure 5.3 Phasor diagram showing the 30 Hz course-forming signal at eight

azimuths of CVOR systems.

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In Fig. 5.2, it is noticed that the FM produced signal leads the AM produced signal
as a receiver is moved clockwise around the DVOR. The degree of lead increased
with a greater clockwise movement around the DVOR. Here the 30 Hz signal is al-
ways shown in the same phase (0°) and is therefore called the 'reference signal'.
The phase of the FM detected 30 Hz signal changes at every azimuth and is
therefore called the 'variable signal' in the DVOR system. By comparison, the 30
Hz variable signal is AM produced in the conventional VOR and the 30 Hz variable

signal is FM produce in the DVOR. This condition of the FM variable signal leading 3/88
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with a clockwise receiver movement is necessary in order to have the DVOR sys-
tem compatible with VOR system. This means a VOR receiver NE of the VOR will
receive an AM 30 Hz signal that lags the received FM 30 Hz signal by 45°. The
same receiver NE of a DVOR will receive an FM detected 30 Hz signal that leads
the received AM detected 30 Hz by 45°. This is the same as the AM lagging the
FM signal as in the CVOR. The omni-course indicated by the receiver will be 45° in
either case.

The two systems are compatible because the AM detected 30 Hz signal will lag
the FM detected 30 Hz signal whether the original source of signals is from a VOR
or DVOR. The FM detected in the VOR receiver will produce a 30 Hz signal
whether the signal was originally generated by the electromechanical action of a
tone wheel in the VOR or by the special method employed in the DVOR system.
The special method of generating the FM signal in DVOR system utilizes the 'Dop-
pler effect'.

The Doppler effect is a change in wavelength of a sound, as heard by the listener,

while a change in distance occurs between the source of sound and the listener.
A change of wavelength results in a change in pitch as heard by the listener. This
same condition holds good for both audio and radio frequencies. During the
period of time that a change of distance occurs between an RF source and RF re-
ceiver, there will be change in wavelength of the energy as it is received. A change
of wavelength will result in a change in the frequency being received because ,
where v is the velocity of light. The distance between the aircraft receiver and the
DVOR RF source is made to change 30 times per second. The Doppler RF source
is changed in position by feeding, in sequence 48 antennas, which are arranged in
the circular manner. The system is designed such that change in distance
between the RF source and receiver causes the received frequency to increase
and decrease by approximately 480 Hz. The Doppler effect produced FM is detec-
ted by the aircraft receiver to produce a 30 Hz course forming signal. The phase
of the 30 Hz signal will be different at each azimuth around the DVOR. The DVOR
also transmits voice and code identification information to the aircraft. This in-
formation amplitude modulates the RF carrier and is radiated omni-directionally
along with the 30 Hz AM reference signal.


Doppler effects cause the frequency of a received wave to change, when a
change in distance occurs between the transmitting and receiving point of elec-
tromagnetic waves. The change in distance involves time and therefore, repres-
ents a change in velocity of the wave at receiving point. This is true because velo-

city is a function of distance and time . The change in distance

can be generally

produced by three methods.

Transmitter and receiver are changing position simultaneously.

Transmitter position is fixed while receiver position is moving.

Receiver position is fixed while the transmitter position is moving.

The first method applies to the DVOR system for two reasons:

1. The source of transmitted energy moves at the rate of 30 Hz as the 48 anten-

nas are fed in sequence.

2. The receiving aircraft is moving. 4/88
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However, for simplicity, the DVOR may be analyzed as the third case, i.e., the
receiver position will be considered fixed while the transmitter position is
changing. In the following section, linear and circular motion is discussed for
clarity purpose.

5.2.1. Linear Motion

Assume a stationary source of energy (S) located at a point (X). Another point
marked (O) denotes an observer.

The frequency of the energy emitted by (S) is a constant value i.e., amplitude and
frequency, and shown as a train of sine wave moving toward (O) in one second of

time (t) in Fig. 5.4. The frequency of energy radiated by 'S' is constant.

Where N is the number of the wave cycle to reach at 'O'. The frequency of the
sound energy being emitted by 'S' is constant. The wavelength (λ) of the fre-
quency heard by the observer is the same as that being emitted and can be ex-
pressed by


where, v is the velocity of propagation, fs is frequency of source.

Figure 5.4 A stationary source of energy 'S' and a fixed observer 'O'.

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In Fig. 5.5, source (S) is moving towards observer (O) at some velocity (vs). This
causes any given number of cycle (N), being generated, to be compressed into
shorter distance. Since N cycles appear to be compressed into shorter distance,
the frequency observed will be higher than the frequency of the source. In Fig. 5.5,
N cycles will be contained in the distance from source (S) to the fixed observer
(O). Since the distance from 'S' to 'O' is (v – vs) × t.


where, fs is frequency of source.

Figure 5.5 Constant frequency source of energy (S) moving towards observer
(O) with velocity Ns, the same number of cycles appear to be occurring in a
shorter distance than Fig. 5.4. 5/88
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Now, if the observer is moving toward the source and the source is stationary as
in Fig. 5.6, the problem must be approached from a different viewpoint. In this
case, any number of the waves, being generated will be intercepted by the ob-
server at a fast rate. It appears as if the velocity of propagation has increased.


Combining Equations (5.2) and (5.3), we get


Figure 5.6 Observer (O) moving towards source (s) with velocity vo while
energy from the source is moving toward the observer at v.

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It is concluded from Equation (5.4) that

a. If the distance between 'S' and 'O' is closing, v0 and vs are positive.

b. If the source or observer, or both, are receding v0 and vs are negative. 6/88
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Assume that an observer is at the side of a road and automobile is approach-

ing on observer at 60 miles per hours. The horn on the automobile is sounding
at the frequency of 300 Hz. Assume the speed of the sound to be 1087 feet
per second.

a. What frequency does the observer hear as the automobile approach

b. When the automobile is next to the observer at point b?
c. As the automobile passes by point (c)

For all practical purpose, it may be assumed that the automobile is directly ap-
proaching the observer when it is at point (a) and directly receding when at
point c.


Using equation (5.4) to answer the problem

a. Input data is fs = 300 Hz, v = 1087 ft/sec, vs= 60 mile/hr = 88 ft/sec, vo = 0

mile/hr (the observer is stationary). Substituting the above input to Equa-
tion (5.4) and result is as follows

The frequency heard by the listener is approximately 26 cycles higher

than the actual frequency of the automobile horn.
b. The automobile and observer are at approximately the same location.
This means the distance between the two is not changing and therefore
Doppler effect would be absent. The frequency heard by the listener
would be the actual frequency of the horn i.e., 300 Hz.
c. Input data is fs = 300Hz, v = 1087 ft/sec, vs = –60 miles/hr = –88 ft/sec,
v0 = 0 miles/hr (the observer is stationary) and substituting the input data
to Equation (5.4) for the following results

The frequency heard by listener is approximately 22 cycles lower than the ac-
tual frequency of the automobile horn.

Figure 5.7 Illustration for Example 1.

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5.2.2. Circular Motion

In the previous section, the discussion has been about movement of the transmit-
ter along straight line, either toward or away from the receiver. A straight-line dis-
tance changes between the transmitting and receiving points will produce the
greatest amount of Doppler effects. Another common type of motion is to rotate
the energy source in a circle. This is an important consideration because a similar
effect is used in DVOR.

Figure 5.8 Circular motion of RF energy to produce Doppler effect. 7/88
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A rotating source of energy (s) producing different amounts of Doppler effect at

the observation point (O). θ is measured counter-clockwise from the observation
point (O) to the source (s) and may be considered as radial. Figure 5.9 shows a
source is rotating at a constant number of revolutions per second. The velocity of
the source is changing at a uniform rate because the source is constantly chan-
ging direction. Remember, velocity is vector quantity and therefore has direction
as well as magnitude. Since the direction of motion of source(s) is changing, its
velocity is also changing. The direction of motion of 's' relative to the receiving
point 'O' is changing uniformly. The instant 's' is at point A; the direction of motion
is perpendicular to a line drawn to 'O'. The motion of the source at this instant is
directed as shown by arrow 'a' and distance between 's' and 'O' is not changing.
This mean the frequency received at 'O' at this instant is not modified by Doppler
effects. This same condition occurs the instant 's' is at position C. The motion of
the source directed as shown by arrow 'c' and again the distance between 's' and
'O' is not changing. When 's' is points A and C, the distant point 'O' receives the ac-
tual frequency emitted from 's'.

Figure 5.9 Velocity components of source (s) at point e.

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When 's' is at position B or D, the greatest deviation from the original source fre-
quency occurs. Doppler effect is most pronounced at B and D because the rate of
distance change between 's' and 'O' is greatest at these instances of time. When
the source 's' is at position B, it is moving away from 'O' in the direction shown by
arrow 'b'. At this instant, 's' is moving away from 'O' in a straight line. This condi-
tion is not entirely verified by figure because of the size of 's to, s' (diameter) orbit,
compared with the size of the receiving point 'O'. However, if 'O' is assumed to be 8/88
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considerable distance away from 's', the arrow 'b' can be assumed to fall on the
straight-line x-O. In other words, if 'O' and 's' are far enough apart, the energy from
's' appears to be point source.

The two factors that determine the orbital velocity of 's' are distance and time.
The distance in this case is the circumference of the circle. With circular motion, a
more convenient expression for time is cycles per second (frequency). The orbital
velocity of 's' can be expressed as:


where, c is the circumference = 2πr,

f is frequency (cycle per second)

t is time for one complete rotation

r is radius of the circle

Substituting, vs = 2π fr = ωr where, r is the radius of the circle and f is cycles per

second. Relative to the observer 'o', the expression vs = ωr is only true when the
energy is directed away from the observer as represented by phasor 'b', the velo-
city vs = – ωr. Since the direction of energy represented by phasor 'a' and 'O' is
perpendicular to the observer the velocity vs = 0. The velocity of the energy relat-
ive to the observer will be a 'sine' function of the angle of rotation since the energy
is emitted in orbital manner.

In respect to the observer, the velocity at A is zero and increase to a maximum

negative value at B. The relative velocity changes from B to D until it reaches its
maximum positive value at D. Since as in Fig. 5.8 the relative velocity first de-
creases then increases at a sinusoidal rate, the velocity as seen by the observer is
vs modified by negative 'sinφ'. Its velocity phase can be broken up into two com-
ponents as shown in Fig. 5.9


vsx is component of vs parallel to OX = vs sinθ

vsy is component of vs is perpendicular to OX = vs cosθ

The velocity of the energy source (s) relative to observer (O) (vsx) is sine function
of the angle of rotation.


In respect of observer (O), Fig. 5.10 shows that the velocity at A is zero and in-
creases to a maximum positive value at B and decreases at zero at C. The relative
velocity then increases to a maximum negative value at D and decreases at zero
as source S approaches A. Equation (5.6) satisfies the velocity sign convention, it
must be modified by 'negative sin θ' and can be expressed as:


Figure 5.10 Plot of vsx versus angle of rotation θ. 9/88
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To satisfy the design of DVOR, the rotation of sideband RF energy should be anti-
clockwise, which satisfies the Equation (5.7). Substituting Equation (5.7) for vs in
Equation (5.4)



ω = 2πf = 6.28 × orbital frequency

θ = angle measured counter clock wise from observer (O) to the source (S)

[Note: Equation (5.8) will be applicable for both the high (RF) and low (audio)
frequencies.] 10/88
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Assume 'S' is emitting a 1000Hz tone and rotating 5 cycles per second. As-
sume the distance between S and O to be large so the radiation from S ap-
pears to be point source.

What is the highest frequency received by O?

What is lowest frequency received by O?
What the frequency received by 'O' when the source is at 45°?
When will O receive a 1000 Hz?


a. Referring to Fig. 5.10, the highest frequency will occur when energy is be-
ing emitted at D. The angle θ measured counter clock wise from 'O' to
point D is 270°. Using Equation (5.8)

b. The lowest frequency will occur when energy is being emitted at point B.
The angle θ measured counter clockwise from O to point D is 90°. Using
Equation (5.8)

c. The frequency when θ = 45° from Equation (5.8) is

d. Notice that although the source is half way between the location which
yield the mean frequency (1000 Hz) and the lowest frequency (920 Hz),
the frequency being received has not change halfway (960 Hz)
e. 'O' will receive 1000 Hz the moment s is moving perpendicular to the line
X – O. This will occur at point A and C in Fig. 5.10 in these position, sin θ
is zero since θ is either 0° or 180°.

The discussion on Doppler effects is confined to frequencies in the audio

range. This principle is also applicable to RF energy to produce Doppler effect
in the DVOR.

Several differences are apparent. First, the DVOR source frequency is in the
108–116 MHz range. Secondly, the source is electrically rotated by the action
of the distribution feeding the circle of 48 antennas. Thirdly, the effective velo-
city of the source movement is very high in the DVOR. Although the observer
is also moving for all practical purposes, the movement of the aircraft may be
ignored. At first glance, it would appear that the speed of an aircraft, particu-
larly if it is going very fast, would affect the Doppler shift and cause course er-
rors. It is true that the movement of the aircraft has an effect on the observed
sideband transmitter frequency, but a corresponding Doppler effect occurs on
the carrier frequency, which corrects for errors introduced into the sideband

5.2.3. Single Sideband DVOR

In single sideband DVOR

RF carrier (100–118 MHz) amplitude modulated by 30 Hz reference is radi-

ated from central antenna.

Sideband energy (fc + 9960 Hz) the source is electrically rotated by the action
of the distributor feeding a large number of sideband antennas, which are
mounted on the circumference of the circle with radius of 22 feet.

In DVOR, the observer (aircraft receiver) is also moving, would appear that the
speed of the aircraft particularly if it is moving very fast would affect the Doppler
frequency shift and cause errors. However it will be demonstrated that for all
practical purposes the movement of the aircraft may be ignored.

EXAMPLE 3 11/88
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Calculation will show that the source of sideband RF at a Doppler facility or-
bits around a 22 feet radius at a speed of 2,820 mph or 4150 ft/s. To prove
that the speed of an aircraft has little effect upon the 10 kHz FM signal, let us
assume that an aircraft is approaching a DVOR at same speed, 4150 ft/s and
calculate the maximum Doppler effects on both the carrier and sideband RF.



A. Doppler effects on the carrier frequency when an aircraft is approaching a

DVOR facility.

B. Doppler effect on the sideband frequency when an aircraft is approaching
from the east at 4150 ft/sec.

a. East sideband antenna being fed


The difference between observed carrier and sideband sub-carrier

frequency is

b. North sideband antenna being fed (lowest observed frequency)

The difference between the observed carrier and side-band sub-car-

rier frequency

The difference between center lower sub-carrier frequency and low-

est observed frequency

c. South sideband antenna being fed (highest observed sideband


The difference between the observed carrier and sideband


The above example shows the observed sideband frequency is approximately

fc + 9960 Hz FM with deviation ± 480 Hz. Therefore it can be concluded that 
for simplicity, one may ignore the speed of the aircraft and the Doppler effect 12/88
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on the carrier. When this is done the DVOR sideband may be analyzed as a
moving source with stationary observer. Also when this is done, a simple for-
mula for calculating frequency deviation of the FM signal can be derived. The
derivation is as follows


Therefore, for simplicity, we can ignore the speed of the aircraft and the Dop-
pler effect on the carrier.

For DVOR optimum value


Since 0.00127234 sin q can never exceed 0.00127234, it may be dropped with
small error.



If the output of the receiver AM detector is desired


The last column of the chart in Table 5.1 shows the results of using Equation
(5.13) for the side band frequency of 113,909, 960 Hz. The output of the receiver
FM detector will appear as 30Hz sine wave as shown in Fig. 5.11.

Table 5.1 Doppler FM signal present at the output of the receiver AM detector
and at the input to the FM detector during one rotation of the distributor

Antenna Azimuth Doppler effect Carrier transmis- Received AM

fed with sideband FM signal re- sion signal re- detector out-
transmitter signal ceived at 90° ceived at 90° put signal
(θ°) (Hz) (MHz) (Hz)

East (0) 113,009,960 113.00 9,960

Northeast (45) 113,009,623 113.00 9,623

North (90) 113,009,484 113.00 9,484  13/88
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Antenna Azimuth Doppler effect Carrier transmis- Received AM

fed with sideband FM signal re- sion signal re- detector out-
transmitter signal ceived at 90° ceived at 90° put signal
(θ°) (Hz) (MHz) (Hz)

North west (135) 113,009,623 113.00 9,623

West (180) 113,009,960 113.00 9,960

South West (225) 113,010,297 113.00 10,297

South (270) 113, 010,436 113.00 10,436

South East (315) 113,010,297 113.00 10,297

East (360) 113,009,960 113.00 9,960

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Figure 5.11 FM (Variable) 30Hz detected by an aircraft receiver approaching

from East of the DVOR.

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Figure 5.12 Double sideband DVOR. 14/88
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Show the results of using Equation (5.12) when sideband frequencies of

108,009,960 Hz is used.


For a sideband frequency of 108,009,960 Hz

[Note: Unlike the conventional VOR, the maximum frequency deviation of the
sideband in DVOR is a function of frequency.]


A. For a sideband frequency of 118, 009, 960 Hz.

or Doppler Frequency Deviation (DFD)

The setting of 10 kHz modulation percentages has small effect upon course
width. But the 30 Hz AM signal is adjusted to compensate for the incorrect
amplitude of the 30 Hz FM signal in the VOR receiver. The frequency deviation
will vary from ± 455.2 Hz at 108 MHz to ± 497.3 Hz at 118 MHz. to com-
pensate for a frequency deviation of other than ± 480 Hz, the 30Hz AM modu-
lation percentage is changed to establish the correct course sensitivity. The
percentage of AM modulation necessary is determined by.


Any large frequency deviation of the 9960 Hz difference frequencies between

the sideband and carrier transmitter will cause excessive course errors to ex-
ist above the DVOR. An error in the difference frequency of 100 Hz will cause a
course error of approximately 1°.

5.2.4. Double Sideband DVOR

In double sideband DVOR,

RF carrier (108 MHz ≤ fc ≤ 118 MHz) amplitude modulated by 30 Hz refer-

ence (plus identification and voice if used) is radiated from the central

Upper sideband (fc + 9960 Hz) and lower sideband (fc – 9960 Hz) are radi-
ated from a ring of antenna and are commutated around the ring at a 30 Hz.

[Note: The Doppler effect on the carrier and sideband are the same as in the case
of single sideband DVOR.] 15/88
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In Fig. 5.13, it is seen that USB is moving toward the aircraft and LSB away from
the aircraft. The Doppler effect on USB and LSB is most pronounced at this in-
stant. However, the observed frequency of the USB increases while the observed
frequency of the LSB decreases by the same amount. Hence the correct relation-
ship between carrier and sideband is preserved. The correct relationship is main-
tained for all positions around ring, where all sideband antennas are installed on
the counterpoise inner ring.

Figure 5.13 Opposite movement of USB and LSB as experienced by the aircraft.

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Figure 5.14 Spectrum between carrier and sidebands.

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The sidebands antennas are installed at uniform distance and spacing between

antennas is 7.5° and the carrier antenna is installed at the center of the

ring which is visible to all sideband uniformly from any direction.


The use of a DVOR in place of a VOR will result in the reduction of course errors
caused by reflected signals. When an aircraft is using a DVOR, the error producing
signal is present at the FM detector in the receiver. When using a conventional
VOR, the error production signal is applied directly to the phase comparison cir-
cuit. The action of an FM detector in minimizing or rejecting signals, which are
smaller in amplitude than the desired signal, is sometimes referred to as Capture
effect? Where does it take place? How much does it reduce errors? The answers
to these questions are not simple. This chapter will discuss how the DVOR
courses are formed and how capture effect minimizes errors in a VOR receiver
due to reflections.

5.3.1. DVOR Course Formation 16/88
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An audio phase relationship between the AM and FM 30 Hz detected signals, a
reference point must be established between the aircraft azimuth and the posi-
tions of the distributor and goniometer output.

For an aircraft North of the DVOR, the South antenna can be used as a reference.
The goniometer output must be adjusted so that it produces an Omni-directional
amplitude modulated wave with the audio phase as shown in Fig. 5.15.

Figure 5.15 AM (Reference) Omni-directional radiation vs fed south antenna at

time to.

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By comparing the 10 kHz FM signal against the 30Hz AM signal the phase rela-
tionship between the 30Hz detected components can be established. Referring to
Fig. 5.16 when the South antenna is being fed, aircraft A is located North of the
DVOR would receive an FM signal of 9960 Hz. The distributor would then advance
toward the East antenna where frequency would become 10440 Hz and so on
through one complete rotation. The FM signal, when compared with the AM signal
would appear as in Figs. 5.17 (a) and (b).The detected 30 Hz components are in
phase as shown in Figs. 5.17 (c) and (d). Aircraft B in Fig. 5.16 would receive the
same AM signal as aircraft A since the AM is radiated omni-directionally. Again
using the South antenna as the reference, at the same instant aircraft A is receiv-
ing 9960 Hz, aircraft B will be receiving 10,440 Hz and the relationships will be as
shown in Fig. 5.18 (a) and (b). The detected FM, Fig. 5.18 (d) leads the detected
AM, to Fig. 5.18 (c) waveform by 90°. This will lead to Doppler shift in 9960 Hz

Figure 5.16 Aircraft (A) is North of the DVOR and Aircraft (B) is East of the
DVOR. 17/88
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5.3.2. Signal Reflections

The DVOR composite signal integrates with two types of modulation i.e., AM and
FM. Both the modulations are very much susceptible to reflection from the near-
field and far-field reflecting objects. The description of the AM and FM signal re-
flection is presented in the following section. AM signal Reflections

To produce an omni-course error at some azimuth, the phase relationship
between the AM and FM signals must be displaced from normal. The AM signal is
transmitted omni-directionally and would be little affected by reflections.

Considering a direct and reflected AM signal as shown in Fig. 5.19 a path differ-
ence of 17 NM would produce only 1° difference between the direct and reflected
30 Hz components as received by the aircraft at A. This 1° phase shift is based
upon the wavelength of 30 Hz signal. If the direct and reflected 30 Hz compon-
ents were of equal amplitude, their resultant upon detection would be a 30 Hz
component shifted in phase by 0.5°, since the reflected signal is normally weaker,
the resultant 30 Hz component would usually have a phase shift of considerably
less than 0.5°. Therefore, the AM signal would not be a source of major course er-
rors. The RF phase of the AM direct and reflected signals will only change the
amplitude of the recovered audio and not change the phase of the detected

Figure 5.17 Navigational signals received by the aircraft North of the DVOR. 18/88
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Figure 5.18 Navigational signals received by the aircraft East of the DVOR. 19/88
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Figure 5.19 Phase shift in the resultant 30Hz AM reference signal caused by
the reflected signal.

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The aircraft is approaching to DVOR from the East direction and the reflecting ob-
ject is the South of the DVOR. When DVOR signal transmitted from East antenna,
there will be negligible reflection of DVOR signal but when South antenna is ex-
cited, the reflection as well course error of DVOR signal will be high. FM Signal Reflections

From Fig. 5.18 and Table 5.2, the direct and reflected FM frequencies can be tabu-
lated for an aircraft East of the DVOR and a reflection object South of the DVOR. If
both the direct and reflected FM signals could be combined in the FM discrimin-
ator, the resultant would be of two 30 Hz signals 90° out-of-phase. This does not
occur because the FM discriminator works on a principle sometimes referred to
as Capture effect. The result of the capture effect is that the principal output of
the discriminator will be dependent upon the stronger of the two signals of near
frequencies entering it. Since the reflected signal is the weaker signal, the direct
signal will be predominant.

Table 5.2 Tabulation of direct and reflected path FM frequencies of Fig. 5.20

Fed Antenna FM Frequency Direct Path FM Frequency Reflected Path

S 10440 9960

SE 10299 9621

E 9960 9480

NE 9621 9621  20/88
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Fed Antenna FM Frequency Direct Path FM Frequency Reflected Path

N 9480 9960

NW 9621 10299

W 9960 10440

SW 10299 10299

S 10440 9960

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To understand better what happens in an aircraft receiver when two FM signals

arrive, let us first consider only the direct and reflected frequencies from the
South antenna of Fig. 5.20 and Table 5.2. The reflected 9960 Hz signal will as-
sume to be 0.5 that of the direct 10,440 Hz signal. These signals will arrive at the
antenna of the aircraft receiver in the form of space modulated signal. The block
diagram of the aircraft receiver is shown in Fig. 5.21. The RF signals will pass
through the RF and IF amplifier stages to the AM detector where the RF will be re-
moved. The 10440 Hz direct path and the 9960 Hz reflected path frequencies
would be mixed and appear at the input to the 9960 Hz band pass filter. The
mixed 9960 Hz and 10440 Hz would have the appearance of the waveform shown
in Fig. 5.22 (c). Two properties of the mixture of these signals will be examined.

Figure 5.20 Reflecting object south of the DVOR and an Aircraft East of the

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These two properties are the amplitude and frequency of the resultant signal,
which will be considered separately. In general there are two cases for the addi-
tion of the signal.

The lower frequency signal is less than half the frequency of the other signal.

The lower frequency signal is greater than half the frequency of the other
signal.  21/88
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Case (1) is the type of signal addition i.e., when 10 kHz and 30 Hz signal is

Case (2), however, is less familiar and is applicable to signal sideband modu-
lation in the DVOR. Amplitude
In Fig. 5.22 shows the resultant of the mixture of two signals with different fre-
quencies and amplitudes in linear impedance.

Figure 5.21 Block diagram of a VOR aircraft receiver.

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Figure 5.22 Resultant of two sine waves of different amplitudes and

frequencies added in linear impedance.

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The ratio of amplitudes in Fig. 5.22 (a) is 2:1 (K = 5.0), (b), it is 4:1 (K = 0.25), and
(c) is 1:1 (K = 1.0). Inspection of these photographs reveals the presence of amp-
litude variations in the envelope. In this chapter we will refer to this as single side-
band amplitude modulation.

[Note: The term amplitude modulation as strictly defined refers to modulation pro-
duced by double sidebands. The term single sideband is commonly used to de-
scribe single sideband suppressed carrier modulation (SSB-SC).]

The modulation envelope produced by single sideband modulation is more com-

plex than that produced by double sideband modulation. First, the problem will be

considered from phaser analysis point of view. Let phaser KE, in Fig. 5.23 repres-
ent a signal of lower frequency (9960 Hz) and smaller amplitude (0.5). Phaser E 22/88
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will represent a signal of greater amplitude (1.0) and higher frequency (10,440
Hz). If E, remains stationary, then KE, must rotate clockwise at the rate of 480 Hz.
Since the peak value of each cycle is of interest, phasor E, will represent the in-
stantaneous value of the modulation envelope.

Figure 5.23 Phasor diagram where E represents a signal of greater amplitude

and higher frequency and KE represent a signal of smaller amplitude and lower

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As KE rotates, E will change in amplitude. As KE, makes one rotation E, will go

through one maximum and one minimum, so the frequency of the envelope mod-
ulation will be fd (480 Hz). However, the envelope modulation will not be a pure
sine wave. It will contain harmonics of fd and the amplitude of these harmonics
will be dependent on the value of K. Increasing value of K, the ratio of the smaller
signal to the larger signal, will increase the harmonic content. By the law of


Equation (5.15) describes the envelopes of the resultant wave and also describes
the audio signal it would produce in an ideal detector. Equation (5.15) may be
broken down by complex mathematical analysis into a DC component, a funda-
mental component, a second harmonic component, a third harmonic component
etc. It might be well at this point to discuss the relationship and similarities
between K, the ratio of sideband voltage to carrier voltage, where 'm' is the modu-
lation index. The symbol, 'm' is a specialized term used to indicate relationship
between the RMS sideband power and the carrier power in double sideband amp-
litude modulation only.


When considering double sideband modulation by a single audio frequency, the

modulation index 'm' indicates the percentage of modulation and is equal to K
where K is the ratio of sideband voltage to carrier voltage. In the case of single
sideband modulation the modulation percentage may be calculated by use of the

where, 23/88
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Now the problem will be approached from the standpoint of Sine wave addition.
Figure 5.24 shows two Sine waves and the resultant of their addition in linear im-
pedance. At some points the two waves add, while at other points the waves can-
cel. The time from one resultant envelope maximum to the next is


Figure 5.24 Two sine waves (a) and (b) and their resultant, (c) by addition in a
linear impedance.

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In Fig. 5.22, the resultant signal obtained by using different values of K. The audio
voltage that can be AM, detected from these envelopes is dependent on the amp-
litude of the smaller voltage and not on the larger voltage. Except for the presence
of harmonics, single sideband modulation is quite similar to double sideband
modulation. The amount of power required for single sideband modulation is ap-
proximately one-half that required for double sideband modulation. Frequency
The phaser E2 is rotating counter-clockwise at a frequency 10440 Hz. The phaser
E is rotating counter-clockwise at a frequency of 9960 Hz. The instantaneous res-
ultant of these two phasors is more easily seen if E1 is held constant and E2 is ro-
tated clockwise at 480 Hz. This phaser representation is shown in Fig. 5.26 (a).

Figure 5.25 Phasor representation of Fig. 5.24(c).

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Figure 5.26 Phasor representation as E2 rotates clockwise about E1.

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In Fig 5.26 as E2 is rotated clockwise from time (t1) to (t2), Er resultant rotates
clockwise about point P through the angle 'α' as shown in Fig. 5.26 (b). Since Er
resultant is rotating clockwise, its frequency is lower than that of the voltage E1.
As the phasor E2 rotates clockwise from time (t1) to (t2), Er resultant rotates clock-
wise about point P through the angle as shown in Fig. 5.26 (c) and is therefore a
higher frequency than E1. The resultant frequency is then varying above and be-
low the frequency of E1 (± 480). Referring again to Fig. 5.26 (b) notice that Er is
moving clockwise from time (t1) to (t2) and its period is greater than the period
from time (t2) to (t1) where Er resultant is moving in a counter-clockwise direction.
The frequency of the resultant is going further above E2 than below E1. The
amount of frequency deviation Δf can be computed by using the following


where, fd is the frequency difference between E1 and E2, and K = .

To make proper use of Equation (5.19) the direction of rotation of the smaller
amplitude phasor must first be established. In the example of Fig. 5.26 the phaser
E2 is of smaller amplitude and of a lower frequency than E1. Therefore, it is rotat-
ing clockwise in respect to E1. From Fig. 5.27 as E2 rotates from t1 to t2, Er result-
ant rotates through in a clockwise direction; therefore the frequency of the result-
ant is lower than the frequency of E1. How for the frequency of E2 is below the fre-
quency of E1 can be determined by making use of Equation (5.19). Maximum fre-
quency deviation below E1


Figure 5.27 Phaser E2 is a lower frequency than phaser E1 and is rotating in a

clockwise direction. 25/88
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To establish whether the denominator of the equation is (1 + K) or (1 – K), determ-

ine, by looking at Fig. 5.27 if E2 is adding to or subtracting from E1 when the low-
est frequency occurs. In this case the maximum frequency deviation below E1 will
occur at t3. At t3 the phaser E2 is adding to phasor E1 and the expression (1 + K) is
used in Equation (5.20). As E2 rotates from t3 to t1, Er resultant rotates through in
a counter-clockwise direction. Therefore Er resultant will be a higher frequency
than E2. The maximum frequency deviation above Er will occur at t1 when E2 is
subtracting from E1. There will be minimum frequency deviation. Therefore, max-
imum frequency deviation above E1


The expression (1 – K) is used in the denominator of Equation (5.21) because at

t4, E2 is subtracting from E1. The total frequency deviation (Δf) is the sum of Equa-
tions (5.20) and (5.21). 26/88
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In the phaser diagram of Fig. 5.27


Using Equation (5.20)

Using Equation (5.21)


The combined signal from the AM detector is amplitude modulated (signal

sideband) at 480 Hz and has a phase modulated frequency of 10,440 + 480 =
10,920 Hz and 10440 – 160 = 10,280 Hz. This signal is passed through the
9960 Hz band-pass filter into the limiters. The limiters will remove the 480 Hz
AM and the signal going into the FM detector will be a phase modulated sig-
nal of constant amplitude.

Equation (5.20) and (5.21) are used when Er is at a lower frequency than E1
and rotating about E2 in a clockwise direction. If Er becomes a higher fre-
quency than E1 and rotates in counter-clockwise direction, the equation



For each rotation of E2 the frequency will vary from 10440 Hz up to 10920 Hz,
back through 10920 Hz down to 10440 Hz. The output of the FM detector
would appear as in Fig. 5.28.

Figure 5.28 Flutter in FM discriminator output.

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The amplitude of the flutter above the axis is larger than below the axis be-
cause of the 480 Hz frequency change above 10440 Hz while the lower fre-
quency change is only 160 Hz below 10440 Hz. The frequency of the flutter is
(fd) or the difference frequency between the 10440 Hz and 9960 Hz which is
480 Hz.

5.3.3. Capture Effect on Reflected Signal

Using the situation of Fig. 5.20 and referring to Fig. 5.29 the 30 Hz variable output
of the receiver FM channel can be seen. The direct and reflected frequencies are
combined in the AM detector producing a single sideband modulated wave at the
detector output. The AM on this wave is due to the blending of the beat frequen-

cies. The frequencies inside the AM envelope are tabulated from Equations (5.20) 27/88
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and (5.21) using a K ratio of 0.5. The amplitude of the flutter output of the FM de-
tector is dependent on its frequency deviation. These frequency deviations, when
compared to the 960 Hz deviation of the direct signal, give a ratio of flutter output
amplitude relative to the 30 Hz deviation of the direct signal also give a ratio of
flutter output amplitude relative to the 30 Hz output amplitude. The FM detector
output is a 30 Hz signal with the flutter combined with it.

Figure 5.29

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The number of these flutter excursions on the 30-Hz component can be estim-
ated by averaging the beat frequencies and dividing by 30 Hz. In this case the av-
erage beat frequency is approximately 410 Hz. This frequency riding on the 30 Hz
components would appear as approximately 14 Hz. During the first half cycle of
the FM detector 30 Hz output, the flutter amplitude is upward, as shown in Fig.
5.29 (FM detector output), because the upward frequency deviation of the flutter
is greater than the downward deviation when compared to the direct signal. This
condition is true during the time the South through the East antennas is fed. No-
tice the frequency modulation produced from the South antenna goes 480 Hz
above 10440 Hz and only 160 Hz below. During the last half-cycle of the FM de-
tector output the FM modulation starting at the North antenna has its larger fre-
quency deviation below 9480 Hz and has a smaller frequency deviation above
9880 Hz producing the flutter amplitude downward.

Table 5.3 Capture effect on reflected signal vs direct signal frequency

Fed Frequencies Fre- Frequency inside AM Fre-

an- combined in quency envelope quency
tenna AM detector of AM devi-
envel- ation of
ope flutter
(Hz) 28/88
1/9/2021 DOPPLER VOR (DVOR) | McGraw-Hill Education - Access Engineering
Direct Re- Beat FM Produced by Phase
Signal flec- Fre- Modulation in Audio
(Hz) ted. quency. Detector
Signal (Hz)

S 10440 9960 480 10280 – – 640

10440 10920

SE 10299 9621 678 10079 – – 904

10299 10779

E 9960 9480 480 9800 – – 640

9960 10440

NE 9621 9621 0 0 – –0 0

N 9480 9960 480 9000 – – 640

9480 9640

NW 9621 10299 678 8943 – – 904

9621 9844

W 9960 10440 480 9480 – – 640

9960 10120

SW 10299 10299 0 0 – –0 0

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The output of the FM detector is sent through a 30 Hz filter most of the flutter is
removed. As the reflecting signal moves 180° away from the aircraft, the average

beat frequency approaches 630 Hz and approximately = 21 Hz of flutter

will be riding on the 30 Hz components. Due to the 30 Hz filter, the reflecting ob-
ject in relation to the aircraft produces beat frequency near 30 Hz. However, the
flutter deviation at 30 Hz beat frequency is only 40 Hz and when compared to the
960 Hz, produces flutter amplitude of only that of the 30 Hz recovered from

the direct signal.


5.4.1. Modulation due to Interference

All spurious side-frequency components in the acceptance band of a receiver are
equivalent to spurious modulation. These are amplified and demodulated to-
gether with the desired signal. Those spurious components, which lie within the
actual communication band, give an output in spite of all possible precautions,
which may be taken in the design of the receiver. Those components, which lie in
the adjacent bands, may be reduced by increasing the selectivity of the tuned cir-
cuits and/or by reducing the cut-off frequency of the audio circuits. When these
expedients are carried to an extreme in an AM receiver, it is at the expense of a
reduction in the HF components of the desired signal, as is often found in low-
priced broadcast receivers. In an FM receiver too great a selectivity leads to har-
monic distortion of the desired signal. In general, the response to interference
may be analyzed only in connection with the over-all band-pass characteristics of
a receiver and differs for AM and FM. 29/88
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The sources of interference in the communication band for a particular service
are: (1) frequency spectra from undesired radio transmissions, (2) random noise
spectra originating in the antenna and receiver circuits, and (3) spectra from im-
pulse discharges in other electrical equipment. Items (2) and (3) are usually
called random noise and impulse noise, respectively.

5.4.2. Combination of Spurious Components

with Desired Carrier
A single undesired component E1 at angular velocity ω1 combines with a desired
unmodulated carrier Ec at angular velocity ωc as shown by the vector diagrams of
Fig. 5.30. The observer is assumed to be riding with the desired carrier, which is
shown stationery so that the undesired vector apparently moves at angular velo-
city (ω1 – ωc). The vectors may be located along the reference axis at t = 0
without loss of generality so that the phase difference θ is (ω1 – ωc)t. The result-
ant wave relative to the desired carrier is then


Figure 5.30 Combination of single spurious component with carrier.

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The peak value varies between Ec(1 + p) and Ec(1 – p). The phase varies between
the extremes where the resultant is tangent to the locus when E1 is less than Ec
as shown in Fig. 5.30 (a) but continues to rotate between maximum and min-
imum velocities. When E1 is greater than Ec, as shown in Fig. 5.30 (b). A single
component produces the equivalent of both AM and FM. The demodulated beat-
note spectrum may be resolved into spurious signal components for both types
and includes the fundamental and harmonics of the difference in frequency from
the carrier. The harmonics are very pronounced when E1 and Ec are of nearly
equal magnitude, while a nearly pure single frequency tone is obtained when one
is several times the other.

5.4.3. Interference from AM Stations 30/88
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An interfering AM wave modifies the vector diagram of Fig. 5.31 (a) as shown in
Fig. 5.32. The amplitude of the interference varies at the modulating frequency of
the interfering wave between the loci E1+ and E1-. The degree of the resulting AM
is = or , and there is no FM component, when θ is 0° or 180°, re-
spectively, where m is the original degree of modulation of the interfering wave. A
lower degree of AM is sometimes usefully converted to 100 % AM in laboratory
equipment by making and maintaining θ at 180°. The resulting AM con-

sists almost entirely of even harmonics of the interfering modulation and the res-
ulting PM (or FM) is a maximum when the interfering carrier and the resulting car-
rier differ in-phase by 90°. The conversion from AM to PM is then substantially
distortion less if q is maintained constant and (φ+ - φ-) is less than about 50°. FM
may be obtained by making the original AM inversely proportional to the signal
frequency. When the interference is an AM wave on the same channel as a de-
sired transmission, the resulting distortion alternates between AM and PM, and
the demodulated signal contains an audible beat note at the difference of the car-
rier frequencies. This type of interference may be audible in AM receivers for
levels of interfering carrier as much as 60 dB below the desired carrier and is in-
dependent of receiver bandwidth.

Figure 5.31 Interference from AM wave.

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Synchronized carrier has been transmitted with the same AM from antennas sep-
arated by 100 miles or more. The value of 'q' in the resulting wave, in regions
where the carriers are of comparable magnitude, then depends on the difference
in transmission time, and the pulsations in signal amplitude and distortion are
demonstrated readily by listening to a receiver operated in a motorcar as it moves
over the road. The pulsations in amplitude and phase are at a super-audible rate,
if the carrier of an interfering station is separated by more than one channel from
the desired carrier, but the undesired modulation is then detected and heard in the
output of an insufficiently selective AM receiver. AM is forced intermittently bey-
ond 100 % is not only distorted in its own channel but, owing to the discontinuous
character of the resulting wave, produced a sideband frequency spectrum which
is several times the normal width. During swings to over modulation, the extra
sideband frequency components then appear in the assigned communication
bands of adjacent channels and cause unintelligible monkey chatter therein.

5.4.4. Interference from FM Stations

As interfering PM or FM wave with low 'm' modifies the vector diagram of Fig.
5.30 (a) as shown in Fig. 5.32, the resulting AM is all even harmonic distortion of

the original PM when θ is 0° or 180°. The resulting PM is less than the original, 31/88
1/9/2021 DOPPLER VOR (DVOR) | McGraw-Hill Education - Access Engineering
when θ is zero, and may be greater than the original and is reversed, when θ is
180°. It is accompanied by odd harmonic distortion in both cases. The PM in the
resulting wave is a minimum when the interfering and derived carriers are at 90°.
The AM is greatest under these conditions and when the original 'm' is less than
about 0.5 and θ is held constant, is nearly undistorted.

An interfering PM or FM wave with low 'm' in the same channel with a desired
stronger unmodulated carrier is detected in a receiver designed for any type of
modulation with an accompanying beat note and pulsations in amplitude and dis-
tortion. The amplitude of such an output is ordinarily negligibly small. The index
'm' may be hundreds or thousands of radians in FM broadcasting, so that the in-
terfering vector E1 may rotate several times in alternate directions in each modu-
lating cycle according to the identity θ = m cos at. The resulting wave has modula-
tion characteristics which are alternately AM and FM and lead to a beat-note pat-
tern which is repeated approximately once in each cycle of interfering modulation.
A limiter, or a non-amplitude responsive frequency detector, is used in most FM
receivers to avoid the effects of AM, but the frequency variation of the beat note
remains and is detected. The amplitude of the unfiltered beat note is proportional
to the instantaneous frequency departure of the interfering wave from a desired
unmodulated carrier. The beat-note pattern on the screen of an oscilloscope is
useful in the laboratory for determining frequency deviation since a calibrated ref-
erence generator may be used to determine zero beat. The frequency of the beat
note is often above audibility for large portions of the modulating cycle. The peak
amplitude of its HF components is reduced considerably in the output by the de-
emphasis restoring filter. The stronger of two FM broadcast transmissions on the
same channel eliminates all intelligible replicas of the original modulation of the
weaker signal when the carrier input ratio is greater than about 6 dB. The power in
the beat note in the output is no greater than about 0.01 % for the same modula-
tion on the desired carrier, even when the carriers are equal, because of the reduc-
tion in the restoring filter, and is further reduced in proportion to the ratio of the
desired to the undesired carrier. The stronger of two wide-band transmissions is,
therefore, received with practically no interference from the weaker.

A disturbing and unavoidable type of distortion appears when an FM transmission

is received over two paths that differ slightly in length, as by direct and reflected
waves. The instantaneous phase and amplitude of the resulting wave depend crit-
ically on the instantaneous phase of the direct and delayed waves as determined
by the modulation. The severe distortion of the signal depends on the modulation
index, the signal frequency, and the time difference and relative attenuation over
the multiple paths.

The AM channel of the DVOR system produces 30 Hz amplitude modulated car-
rier energy i.e., radiated omni-directionally from the single antenna located at the
centre of the antenna counterpoise. The detected 30 Hz AM signal has the same
phase at all azimuth positions around the DVOR. Therefore, it serves as the refer-
ence phase signal in the DVOR system. The FM signal serves as the variable
phase signal. The AM channel also produces voice and identification modulation
of the carrier transmitter. Most of the equipment used in the AM channel, and its
operation is identical to the CVOR. Figure 5.33 is a block diagram of DVOR AM
channel using one carrier antenna.

Figure 5.32 Interference from PM or FM wave of small modulation index. 32/88
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Figure 5.33 Block diagram of the 30 Hz AM reference channel.

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5.5.1. Carrier Transmitters

The carrier transmitters used with the DVOR are normally the same type as those
with VOR. These transmitters frequency generation are crystal controlled and
have a rated power output of 100 W. No modification of the carrier transmitter is
necessary for DVOR application except few controlling signal to keep the power

The carrier transmitter should operate at the assigned station frequency, which
falls in the VHF aviation band. However, the operating frequency of the carrier
transmitter at some facilities is 3 kHz lower than the assigned station frequency.
This causes the frequency spectrum of the single sideband Doppler signal to be
more nearly centered in the IF band-pass of the aircraft receiver. Since only single
sideband modulation is used for the FM signal, slope detection may occur if the
operating frequency is not 3 kHz lower than the assigned station frequency.  33/88
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The signal path used in amplitude modulating the carrier transmitter is shown in
Fig. 5.33. The DVOR transmitter is amplitude modulated with voice and 1020 Hz
in the same manner as the CVOR. The equipment used consists of speech ampli-
fier, oscillator-keyer unit, carrier modulator driver, and carrier modulator. The DVOR
system does not require 10 kHz modulation of the carrier expects temporarily for
determining the 10 kHz modulation percentages during tune up. The output of the
VOR test generator is connected through switch panel to the 10 kHz input of the
carrier modulator driver. By use of the VOR test generator and switch panel the
carrier transmitter can be modulated with 10 kHz signal from the test generator.
This feature is used during adjustment of the 10 kHz space modulations.

5.5.2. Antenna Changeover and Phasing Unit

The antenna change over and phasing units used with DVOR are the same types
as used with VOR. The function performed by the APCU are

Change over relay provides switching of equipment.

The adjustable transmission line phaser permits phasing the carrier RF to the
sideband RF produced by the electronic Goniometer.

Three wattmeter bodies a selector switch and meter that permits measure-
ments of the power going to the carrier antenna from the carrier transmitter
to the modulation eliminator and sideband power from the sideband

5.5.3. Modulation Eliminator

The amplitude modulated RF output of the carrier transmitter is routed through
the carrier relay and an RF body in the ACPU to the input of the modulation elimin-
ator unit. Since only one modulation eliminator is used with DVOR, the input to the
unit will be either the RF output of the no-1 carrier transmitter or no-2 carrier trans-
mitter, depending on which equipment is in operation.

The modulation eliminators used with the DVOR are identical to the ones used
with the VOR and perform the same functions. A portion of the modulated carrier
RF supplied to the modulation eliminator is diverted to a power divider bridge cir-
cuit where most of the amplitude modulation is removed from the RF energy. This
RF energy is approximately 7 W, dependent upon the power divider setting, fed
from the modulation eliminator bridge circuit to the input of the Goniometers,
where it is used to produce RF sideband energy (fc ± 9960 Hz ± 30 Hz). Most of
the amplitude modulation is removed from the RF energy i.e., supplied to the Go-
niometer. The percentage of the residual amplitude modulation remaining is con-
trolled by the bias control on the modulation eliminator. The major portion of the
amplitude modulated carrier is not used in the modulation eliminator, but is
routed through an RF phaser and an RF body in the ACPU to the carrier modula-
tion bridge. In the carrier modulation bridge, the RF carrier is amplitude modulated
by the 30 Hz of total sideband RF (fc ± 9960 Hz ± 30 Hz) energy from the Go-
niometer. The percentage of modulation of the RF carrier is set to the correct
value by adjusting the modulation eliminator power divider.

5.5.4. Carrier Phaser

As shown in Fig. 5.35 the amplitude modulated RF carrier from the modulation
eliminator is fed to one input of the carrier modulation bridge and the output-1 of
the goniometer is fed to the other input of the carrier modulation bridge. An RF
phaser, located in the ACPU, is placed in the carrier line between the modulation
eliminator and the carrier modulation bridge so the RF phase of the carrier can be 34/88
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varied to obtain an optimum phase relationship between the carrier RF energy and
the sideband RF energy and the sideband RF energy at the carrier modulation

Figure 5.34 Antenna change over and phasing unit as used with DVOR.

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Figure 5.35 Carrier modulation bridge and associated waveforms.

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This optimum phase relationship exists while the carrier phaser is adjusted to ob-
tain maximum 30 Hz amplitude modulation of the RF carrier by the sideband RF
energy as observed at the carrier modulation bridge. If required, quadrature phas-
ing can be used by inserting 90° length of coaxial cable in the carrier line, after the
phaser and for proper phasing for minimum 30 Hz amplitude.

5.5.5. Carrier Modulation Bridge

The amplitude-modulated RF carrier is fed from the ACPU into one corner of the
carrier modulation bridge; the No.1 RF sideband (–) which varies as the Sine func-
tion (–) is fed to the opposite corner of the bridge. A 250 W dummy load is con-
nected to the bottom of the bridge and the carrier antenna (or the antenna bridges
if a four-loop carrier array is used) is connected to the top of the bridge as shown
in Fig. 5.35.

The carrier modulation bridge has two input signals i.e. carrier RF at point A and
sideband RF at point B. The RF carrier energy from point A divides into two equal
portions i.e. half going to point C and half to point D. The RF sideband energy
from point B separates into two equal portions i.e. half going to point C and half
to point D. Note that the carrier phase is considered positive at point A, and RF
sideband is zero amplitude starting positive at point B when the distributor is
feeding the North antenna. If the output point C is considered when the rotor has
moved 90°counter clockwise from North, it can be seen that the sideband RF will
arrive at point C 180° out-of-phase with the RF carrier from point A. The sideband
energy will subtract from the carrier energy and will produce 30 Hz AM as shown
in Fig. 5.35. The sideband energy arriving at point D will be in-phase with and will
add to the RF carrier, which will produce 30 Hz AM.

Since the carrier antenna fed from point C and the dummy load at point D appear
as nearly equal and parallel load to the carrier and sideband powers, the bridge
output will be almost equally divided between the carrier antenna and dummy
load. Thus, if 100 watt of carrier power is supplied to the point A, 50 W will be radi-
ated as carrier and 50 W will be dissipated in the dummy load. To modulate the
100 W of RF carrier 30%, 6.75 W of sideband RF power would be required at point
B, 3.375 W of sideband power would be radiated along with the modulated carrier,
and 3.375 W would be dissipated in the dummy load. None of the carrier inputs at
point A will feed into the sideband input at point B and none of the sideband input
at point B will feed into the carrier input at point A. this condition occurs because
two currents of the carrier arrive at corner B of the bridge with equal amplitude
and 180° out-of-phase, and thus cancel. The same is true of the two currents of
sideband energy arrived at corner A.

5.5.6. Recovered 30 Hz AM Signal

The modulation of the RF carrier, in the carrier modulation bridge, by Goniometer
output no.1 sideband RF energy produces the modulation pattern illustrated in
Fig. 5.35. The recovered 30 Hz AM signal will be of the same instantaneous
phase at all azimuths. The recovered 30 Hz AM signals is of zero amplitude when
the distributor rotor feeding the south sideband antenna and is starting in the pos-
itive direction. Carrier Transmitter 30 Hz AM Modulation

The amount of 30 Hz amplitude modulation of the carrier is adjusted after carrier
phasing has been accomplished. If quadrature phasing were utilized, the 90° line-
section would be removed. Then the modulation eliminator power divider would
be adjusted to obtain the desired modulation percentage as indicated by the oscil-
loscope. It is found that the operating frequency of a DVOR directly affects the de-
viation of the frequency modulation. This, in turn, affects 30 Hz variable levels in

the receiver. In order to keep course sensitivity to be correct, the 30Hz AM is ad- 36/88
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justed to compensate for a change in 30 Hz FM. The desired deviation of ± 480
Hz occurs only with sideband transmitter frequency of 113.9 MHz. Therefore, the
percentage of AM modulation is adjusted to 30% only when the sideband trans-
mitter is operating at 113.9 MHz. At facilities that operate on frequencies other
than this, the percentage of AM must be adjusted to another value. The correct
value can be calculated as follows.

Practically speaking, negligible error will be introduced if the station assign fre-
quency is used in the formula.

The operation of the DVOR system, based on the principle of a phase difference
between two AC signals, can be used to determine azimuth of the aircraft loca-
tion. In the DVOR, one of the these signal is a 9960 Hz subcarrier, which produces
the 30 Hz FM signal that has a phase variation with azimuth, the other signal, the
30 Hz AM signal has a fixed phase at all azimuths. The purpose is to discuss the
FM channel, which produces a changing of deviating frequency by means of Dop-
pler effects.

5.6.1. Sideband Transmitter

The sideband transmitter used with DVOR is normally similar to a CVOR transmit-
ter, which has been modified to work with the VOR Automatic Frequency Correc-
tions (AFC) unit. The modified equipment permits the AFC unit to control the oper-
ating frequency of the sideband transmitter master oscillator and maintain the
correct frequency difference between the sideband transmitter and carrier trans-
mitter. A reactance control unit is also added to the sideband transmitter to con-
trol the frequency of its master oscillator.

The sideband transmitter operates at a frequency 9960 Hz above or below the op-
erating frequency of the carrier transmitter. The sideband transmitter oscillator
must operate 830 Hz (9960/12) above the carrier crystal frequency. Due to react-
ance control unit shunted across the sideband crystal, it is necessary to choose a
crystal i.e., 1350 Hz above the carrier oscillator frequency. The frequency differ-
ence between the sideband transmitter and carrier transmitter must be kept as
close as possible to required 9960 Hz separation. It has been found through ex-
perimentation that any large frequency deviation of the 9960 Hz difference fre-
quency between the sideband and carrier transmitter will cause excessive course
errors to exist about the DVOR. An error in the difference frequency of 100 Hz will
cause a course error of approximately one degree.

As shown in Fig. 5.36, a portion of the RF energy from both the carrier and side-
band transmitter intermediate power amplifiers (PA) stages is applied to the AFC
unit. It will suffice here to say that a difference frequency between sideband and
carrier transmitter greater than 9960 Hz will produce a positive DC voltage from
the AFC unit. Conversely, the frequency difference is less than 9960 Hz will pro-
duce a negative DC voltage output from the AFC unit. If the frequency difference
is exactly 9960 Hz, the voltage output from the AFC unit will be zero. The DC
voltage output of the AFC unit can vary from +3 to –4 volts.

Figure 5.36 Block diagram of the DVOR FM channel. 37/88
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The DC control voltage from the AFC is applied to the reactance control circuit in
the sideband transmitter where it is used to control the frequency of the master
oscillator. The desired frequency control of the sideband transmitter oscillator is
accomplished by the effect of DC control voltage from the AFC circuit through
voltage-variable silicon capacitor. They are commonly referred to as varicap,
semi-caps or varactor diodes. The capacitance of the voltage variable capacit-
ance is in parallel with the oscillator crystal and the fine frequency adjustment ca-
pacitor. The sideband and carrier transmitter frequency difference goes too high,
i.e., above 9960 Hz, the DC control voltage from the AFC unit will go positive. This
will cause the voltage-variable capacitors to have some value greater than 18 pF
in parallel with the fine frequency adjustment capacitor. The higher capacitance
will cause the frequency of the oscillator to decrease.

When the oscillator has deviated frequency from adjusted value where the differ-
ence frequency between the sideband transmitter and carrier transmitter ap-
proaches 9960 Hz, the control voltage from the AFC unit will stabilized and main-
tains the 9960 Hz difference. If the difference frequency between transmitters
goes lower than 9960 Hz, the capacitance of the capacitors will decrease and fre-
quency of the sideband transmitter oscillator will increase until the transmitter dif-
ference frequency is 9960 Hz. It should be pointed out that the change in capacit-
ance of the voltage-variable capacitors is almost instantaneous with a change in
the control voltage from the AFC unit. The difference frequency between the side-
band and carrier transmitter is kept very close to 9960 Hz.

The sideband transmitter frequency must be maintained at the operating carrier

frequency plus 9960 Hz and cannot vary more than ± 0.005%. The difference fre-
quency must be 9960 ± 500 Hz without AFC. The difference frequency with AFC
must be 9960 ± 5 Hz initially or 9960 ± 10 Hz operating.

5.6.2. Antenna Changeover and Phasing Unit

The unmodulated RF energy from the sideband transmitters goes to the ACPU.
Figure 5.37 will show that the power goes through an antenna change over relay
and wattmeter RF body to the antennas.

Figure 5.37 Schematic of distributor unit. 38/88
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5.6.3. Distributor Input from Sideband

RF energy from the sideband transmitter is routed through the APCU to the input
of the distributor as shown in Fig. 5.37. It is located between the ACPU and dis-
tributor input is a line matching stub, 250 W dummy load, power divider stub, side-
band phaser and distributor input stub. The distributor progressively distributes
the RF energy counter clockwise from the 1 to 48 sideband antenna. The design
of the distributor is based on the utilization of the specific source and load imped-
ances. However, there are several interrelated effects involving the distributor and
the input and output circuitry. This discussion deals with the distributor input cir-
cuitry, but it will be necessary to consider the effects on the distributor and its out-
put circuitry as well. Line Matching Stub

The distributor is designed to use a specific or constant input and output imped-
ance. However, the distributor input impedance is a function of the resistance and
reactance of the distributor and the sideband antenna. The impedance of the dis-
tributor is a function of the components of the distributor, the feed capacitor, the
internal transmission line, and the rotor-to-stator capacitance. As the distributor
rotates, the rotor-to-stator capacitance varies cyclically as the distributor pro-
gressively feeds on, then two and so on. This change of loading causes the input
impedance of the distributor to vary as the 48 sideband antennas are progress-
ively fed RF energy. In fact that the distributor input impedance varies at a 1440
Hz (30 × 48), plus which prevents it from supplying the correct ratio of energy to
adjacent antennas to keep the apparent motion constant, causes a 1440 Hz ripple
on the detected FM signal. However the 1440 Hz ripples causes by the varying in-
put impedance of the distributor can be seen in the waveform at the appropriate
test point provided by manufacturers when proper stubbing is accomplished.

Although it is very desirable to have transmission line from the sideband transmit-
ter matched to the power divider input, this is impossible due to the varying input
impedance of the distributor. However, average matching can be accomplished by
stubbing in the conventional manner with the distributor running. The VSWR must
be reduced to approximately 1.04:1 initially when the stub, is the proper length
and is at the correct location and its operating tolerances is 1.1:1. Sideband Power Divider 39/88
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The conventional types of transmitters are used with the DVOR system. Theses
transmitters are rated at 200 W output. Only approximately 9 W of sideband RF
power is required at the distributor input to produce the desired 30% of 9960 Hz
modulations. Since the sideband transmitter would have unstable operation if it
were coupled to supply this low output power, it is necessary to have a power di-
vider; then, the sideband transmitter can be sufficiently coupled for stable

A simple and economical transmission line type of power divider is installed in

the input line to the distributor. Installation personnel usually fabricate the power
divider. Figure 5.38 shows a diagram of the power divider and the input and out-
put circuitry. The power divider is shown in simplified form in Fig. 5.39. As per Fig.
5.39 the power divider sections (a) and (b) are fabricated to give a power division
of approximately 10:1. It can be seen that if the distributor line were disconnected
from the point F, the dummy load would dissipate the total amount of power from
the sideband transmitter. Since section (a) and (b) form a near 180° open trans-
mission line section, their effect would be to cause very high impedance at point
E, where the 50 W dummy load is connected. An impedance minimum would exist
at a point just to the left of point F where it is 90° as measured from point G.

Figure 5.38 Basic DVOR distribution circuit block diagram.

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If the distributors were disconnected from point F and reconnected at point G ap-
proximately half of the sideband power would be dissipated in the dummy load
and approximately half would be supplied to the distributor. The sections (a) and
(b) of Fig. 5.39 should be cut to the lengths such that the distributor input line is
connected to a point to the left of the point F, where the impedance minimum is
located, nearly all the power from the sideband transmitter would be dissipated in
the dummy load since the distributor input line would be connected at very low
impedance point. The length of sections (a) and (b) are cut to supply sufficient
sideband power to the distributor to produce approximately 30% space modula-
tion of the carrier. The ratio is 10:1. With this power division ratio established, it is
only necessary to vary the sideband transmitter output coupling when it is desired
to provide fine control of the percentage of FM modulation.

Figure 5.39 Simplified diagram of the sideband power divider. 40/88
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The sideband phaser is used to minimize carrier parasitic currents in the fed side-
band antenna. When a sideband antenna is not being fed by the distributor, the
output of the distributor presents high impedance to the sideband lines. Each
sideband antenna feed-line is cut to minimize parasitic under this condition (i.e.,
unfed). When the distributor turns 'ON' so as to couple energy to a sideband an-
tenna, the antenna feed-line is no longer connected to an open and parasitic radi-
ations from that antenna will increase. Due to the fact that VSWR exists at the dis-
tributor input, a phaser in the input can be used to vary the impedance appearing
at the distributor output connector. When the phaser is adjusted to produce high
impedance at this point, parasitic radiation will be minimized.

One effects of carrier parasitic is 1440 Hz amplitude modulation of the carrier re-
ceived by the field detector. Thus, one method of adjusting the sideband phaser is
to adjust for a minimum 1440 Hz in the aural channel of one of the monitors. The
1020 Hz Ident should be keyed during phaser adjustment. Distributor Input Matching Stub

The distributor input stub serves to produce average matching of the distributor
input to the sideband power divider and its dummy load. If the VSWR is too high
on this input line, the varying input of the distributor will cause excessive 1440 Hz
ripple on the detected FM signal. Matching of the distributor input stub must be
accomplished with the distributor running. It is not generally possible to reduce
this VSWR to as low a value another line. The standing wave ratio as measured at
the input to the distributor stub has an initial tolerance of 2.0:1 and an operating
tolerance of 2.5:1.


Several types of distributors are presently used in DVOR. The distributor assembly
is designed for floor/wall mounting with a centrally located bracket for bolting to
the floor/wall. The distributor has six major operating components: the stator as-
sembly, the rotor assembly, the distributor feed capacitor, the drive motor as-
sembly, the Goniometer assembly and unbalance to balance RF transformer (BAL-
UNS). The drive motor is a single phase, hysteresis, synchronous motor equipped
with 10 microfarads starting capacitor. It is designed for 60 Hz operating at 1800
rpm and rotates in the counter-clockwise direction as viewed from the top of the
distributor. The purpose of the distributor unit is conjunction with the carrier and

sideband transmitters, the 48 sideband antennas, and one carrier antenna, is to 41/88
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provide a means for generating and transmitting the 30Hz FM and 30 Hz AM com-
ponents of the composite DVOR signal. The rotation of the distributor rotor at a
30 Hz rate successively couples sideband RF energy to 48 sideband antenna 30
times per seconds. This produces the effect of a source of radiation revolving
around a 22 feet radius circle at a 30 Hz rate. In a VOR receiver this appears as
the detected 30 Hz FM signal. The rotation of the Goniometer at a 30 Hz rate
provides a means of amplitude modulating the RF carrier at a 30 Hz rate. This pro-
duces the 30 Hz AM signal in the VOR receiver. The rotor of the distributor and
Goniometer capacitors is mechanically coupled to the same motor driven shafts
to maintain the set phase relationship between the 30 Hz AM and the 30 Hz FM
signal. A phase adjustment permits the selection of any given phase relationship
between the 30 Hz FM and 30 Hz AM signal.

The RF power from the sideband transmitter is fed from the sideband power di-
vider to the distributor through the feed capacitor assembly. The capacitor plates
of the assembly are spaced 0.003 inch. The sideband RF energy is transferred
from the lower capacitor plate to the rotor bar by a transmission line, which is in-
tegral with the rotor. On each side of the rotor bar are shielded plates, which re-
duce the stray capacitance from the rotor capacitor bar to the stator assembly.
These shields are connected to the capacitor ring attached to the bottom of the
rotor and are capacitive coupling to the ground by way of the stator housing as-
sembly. Sideband RF energy is coupled from the rotor bar to a stator bar which is
directly connected to one of the 48 sideband antenna output jacks. There are 48
stator bars evenly spaced every 7.5° around the periphery of the stator housing.
The input impedance of the distributor, measured at the input is the function of
the resistance and reactance of the distributor and the sideband antennas. The
antenna impedance is defined as the actual impedance of the Alford loop of the
antenna reflected back to the output jack. The impedance of the distributor is a
function of the input feed capacitor, the rotor transmission line, and the rotor to
stator capacitors.

Figure 5.40 shows two positions of the rotor bar in respect to the stator bar(s).
One position shows the rotor bar directly over one-stator bar and the other posi-
tion shows the rotor bar midway between two stator bars. Capacitance and coup-
ling of the RF energy is a function of the opposing areas and the spacing of the
rotor and stator bar. The spacing between the rotor and stator bars is 0.008 inch.
As the rotor is rotated, the rotor to stator capacitance will vary as the opposing
area of the rotor and stator change. Since the opposing areas of the distributor
feed capacitor are constant with rotor position and impedance of the rotor trans-
mission line is constant, the variation of rotor to stator capacitance will cause the
input impedance of the distributor to vary with rotor position. The value of the dis-
tributor input impedance cannot be accurately determined except by measure-
ment since it is depend upon both the distributor construction and the sideband
antennas. Also, since impedances a function of the frequency, the input imped-
ance will not remain constant over the range of VOR frequencies. The waveform
at the input of the distributor, when the input line is properly stubbed and the 48
sideband antennas are connected and the distributor is rotating, is shown at test
point 2 in Fig. 5.38.

Figure 5.40 Relative positions of rotor and stator bars.

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A DVOR system RF to antenna is rotated at a 30 Hz rate in a 22 feet radius circle
when the operating frequency is 113.9 MHz. However, rotating an antenna is im-
practical because of the high speed, which it would have to move. The Doppler
system uses 48 antennas equally spaced about the periphery of a 22 feet radius
circle and the distributor to simulate the rotating antenna movement. It is im-
possible to exactly simulate the rotating antenna movement; however, a good ap-
proximation of this movement can be obtained if an apparent source can be
made to move uniformly along the chords of the polygon described by the 48 an-
tennas. To move uniformly along the polygon, the output of each of the 48 anten-
nas must be such as to yield a good approximation of the movement of the one
antenna. Much research was performed during the development of the DVOR to
obtain the correct distributor output to produce the simulated rotating antenna.
One difficulty encountered and corrected was the excessive amplitude variation of
the sideband radiation pattern caused by the blending action of the distributor in
consecutively feeding the 48 sideband antennas. Because of the necessary spa-
cing of the sideband antennas and the distributor rotor bars, a difference in amp-
litude of the sideband radiation pattern occurred 1440 times per seconds due to
the imperfect blending of the sideband energy to the sideband antennas. Several
types of the distributor were tested, including the board rotor type, the forked rotor
type, the narrow type, and a trapezoidal rotor with triangular shaped stators. The
best results were obtained by using a forked trapezoidal triangle which produces
an approximate Cos (0.836) blending of the sideband energy between the anten-
nas as the rotor rotates. There is a small amount of amplitude variation still
present with this rotor. This is shown in Fig. 5.41 (a) with an antenna load and in
Fig. 5.41 (b) with a dummy load.

Figure 5.41 Multiple output waveforms at adjacent output terminals of


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Although the amount of 1440 Hz amplitude variation of the sideband radiation

pattern is kept to a minimum by the design of the distributor, there is still amp-
litude variation present due to the necessary spacing of the sideband antennas.
The amplitude of the 1440 Hz variation caused by the spacing of the sideband an-
tennas is the minimum amount of 1440 Hz modulation of the sideband signal
that can be obtained. The electronic switching unit for DVOR antennas are dis-
cussed in the upcoming section.

5.7.1. Phase Adjustment

Some distributor Goniometer combinations have been constructed so that when
the phase adjuster dial is set with to approximately 90°, the No.1 distributor out-
put being fed maximum sideband energy when the Goniometer output No. 2 is
minimum (zero), approaching a negative RF phase.

For simplification in analyzing the action of the phase adjuster this can be re-
stated as: the number 26(south) distributor output is being fed maximum side-
band energy when the Goniometer No-1 output is minimum (zero), approaching a

positive RF phase. This is illustrated in Fig. 5.42. The phase adjustment permits 43/88
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the physical relationship of the distributor rotor is to be advanced or delayed in re-
spect to the stator. This causes an advance or delay of the recovered 30 Hz FM in
respect to the recovered 30 Hz AM. The phase adjuster is optimally aligned for a
south, which is accurately calibrated for 360°. It permits precise movements of
the motor support unit.

Figure 5.42 Phase adjustment antenna and Goniometer output.

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The motor and Goniometer are both attached to the motor support unit. When the
phase adjuster is turned, the motor support bracket is turned, moving both motor
stator and the Goniometer stator. Since the motor is synchronous type, its rotor
move with its stator causing the Goniometer rotor to remain phase locked with is
stator. Since the distributor rotor is on the same shaft as the Goniometer rotor, it
will be rotated in respect to the fixed distributor stators, thereby advancing or re-
tarding the phase of the FM signal. If the phase adjuster is moved to when its
reads less, the 30 Hz FM signal will be advanced in-phase and all course will
move counter clockwise. Conversely, if the phase adjuster is moved to where the
reads more, the 30Hz FM signal will lag and all courses will move clockwise.

Figure 5.43 shows the phasor and sine wave representation of the 30 Hz FM and
30 Hz AM signals as they would appear at 0°, 90°, 180° and 270° azimuth with the
phase adjuster set at its normal position.

Figure 5.43 Phaser and sine wave representation.

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Figure 5.44 shows the phasor representation of the 30Hz FM and 30HzAM sig-
nals as they would appear when the phase adjuster has been moved to a 10°
small number. Notice that all courses have moved counter-clockwise. A normal
phase adjuster setting of 90° was assumed.

Figure 5.44 Phaser representation of the 30 Hz FM and 30 Hz AM signals.

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5.7.2. Sideband Antenna Feed Lines

The sideband feed-lines are cut to a length which minimizes the induction of the
parasitic currents into un-fed sideband antennas, the amount of parasitic current
related to the impedance seen by the radiated RF signal looking into the un-fed
antennas and back down their feed lines to the high impedance of the distributor
outputs. Each sideband feed line is connected to a modified adjustable type
Alford loop antenna. The energy radiated from each sideband antenna space
modulates the carrier to form 10 kHz subcarrier. The apparent motion of the side-
band antenna produces frequency modulation of this subcarrier by Doppler

5.7.3. Recovered FM Signal

The radiated Doppler sideband RF energy is combined with the separately radi-
ated carrier RF energy in the input circuits of the aircraft receiver. The sideband
signal appears as the upper sideband to carrier. Figure 5.45 illustrates the main
frequencies that are present in a receiver and which are produced from the carrier
and sideband signals of VOR and DVOR operating at a carrier frequency of 113.9

Figure 5.45 Frequency spectrum for VOR and DVOR. 45/88
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5.7.4. Modulation
Single Side Band (SSB) modulation is similar to Double Side Band (DSB) modula-
tion except that harmonic frequencies of the considerable amplitude are gener-
ated during SSB modulation. The amount of power required to produce the same
percentage of SSB modulation is approximately twice that required for DSB mod-
ulation. This topic has been discussed in Chapter 1 (/mhe-lookup/atom-
id/d4df26bc0137e848) extensively.

5.7.5. Frequency Deviation of FM Sideband

In the VOR, the 9960 Hz FM sub-carrier frequency deviation ± 480 Hz from 9960
Hz thirty times per seconds. This deviation is fixed by the spacing of the tone
wheel teeth and rotational rate. When the FM sub-carrier signal is received by an
aircraft receiver, it is limited to prevent any amplitude variation from appearing at
the receiver FM detector. Due to the limiting action, the percentage of 10 kHz
modulations is not too critical. The amplitude of the 30 Hz FM signal at the output
of the FM detector is shown in Fig. 5.46. It is observed that the amplitude of the
30 Hz will always be the same, for any given transmitter frequency, since the FM
signal is limited and always appears at the same amplitude into the FM detector.
The DVOR uses the Doppler effect to produce the frequency deviation of the FM
signal. Since the DVOR uses 48 antennas equally spaced about the periphery of
the standards 22 feet radius circle, the maximum frequency deviation of the FM
signal will be ± 480Hz only at one particular sideband transmitter operating fre-
quency. This frequency is 113.9 MHz. As discussed in the previous section the
Doppler frequency deviation is 4.2144 × fMHz.

Figure 5.46 Response curve of a typical aircraft receiver FM slope detector. 46/88
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If the DVOR is operating at 108 MHz the FM deviation would be ± 455.2 Hz and at
118 MHz would be ± 497.3 Hz. Figure 5.46 shows the relative amplitude of 30 Hz
signal at the output of the receiver FM detector for ± 480 Hz deviation at the side-
band frequency of 113.9 MHz, ± 455.2 Hz deviation at a sideband transmitting fre-
quency of 108 MHz and ± 497.3 Hz deviations at a sideband frequency of 118
MHz. If the amplitude modulation of the carrier transmitter is set to 30% and the
sideband transmitter is operating at 113.9 MHz (DFD = ± 480Hz), the 30 Hz AM
and 30 Hz FM signal would appear at the phase comparator circuit of the VOR re-
ceiver at the correct amplitudes. However, if the sideband transmitter is operating
at 108MHz the DFD is ± 455.2 Hz, and from Fig. 5.46, it can be seen that the amp-
litude of the 30 Hz FM signal from a slope detector has decreased. This decrease
in amplitude of 30 Hz FM signal will appear at the receiver phase comparator cir-
cuit where, when it is compared with the 30 Hz AM signal, the resultant voltage
will be decreased. This decrease in the resultant voltage in the phase comparator
circuit will have the effect of causing a broader course (less course sensitivity);
i.e., the aircraft would have to fly farther off-course than normal to get the same
indication as obtained with normal course sensitivity.

When Doppler system is operating at 118 MHz and the DFD is ± 497.3 Hz, the out-
put of the receiver FM detector will be greater than normal in amplitude. This in-
crease in the amplitude of the 30Hz FM signal will result in an increase in course
sensitivity, a narrower course. The amplitude of the 30Hz FM signal will be ap-
proximately 5% low when the sideband transmitter frequency is 108 MHz and ap-
proximately 5% high at 118 MHz. Obviously something must be done to keep the
course sensitivity at its normal 20° value. However, the setting of the 10 kHz mod-
ulation percentage has small effect upon course width. Not only that, an increase
in 10 kHz level causes certain DVOR errors (mainly one called counterpoise ef-
fect) to be more predominant. Therefore, 30 Hz AM signal is adjusted to com-
pensate for the incorrect amplitude of the 30 Hz FM signal in the VOR receiver.

5.7.6. FM Modulation
The percentage of 10 kHz modulation is set on the DVOR by using a comparison
method. This is accomplished as follows:

The carrier transmitter is modulated 30% by using the 10 kHz output of the
VOR test generator,

The monitor10 kHz level and field intensity are set to their normal readings. 47/88
1/9/2021 DOPPLER VOR (DVOR) | McGraw-Hill Education - Access Engineering
Third, the test generator 10 kHz output is turned-off and the sideband trans-
mitter and distributor are turned on.

In the last step, the sideband transmitter output is coupled to obtain the
same 10 kHz level reading as in the first step.

5.7.7. Carrier Transmitter 30 Hz AM

The final step would be to change the 30 Hz amplitude modulation percentage to
compensate for the frequency modulation of the FM signal other than ± 480Hz.
The percentage of 30 Hz AM necessary for compensation, can be determined by:


At a carrier frequency of 117.3 MHz, the nominal percentage of transmitter

30Hz AM modulation required is:

The initial tolerance would be 28.1 to 30.1% and operating tolerance would be
27.1 to 31.1 % of the 30Hz AM signal.


The purpose of this sub-section is to discuss the antenna array and radiation pat-
terns of the DVOR facility. The DVOR has two separate of antenna systems. These
antenna systems are mounted on the top of the counterpoise, which has been ex-
tended with wire mesh to provide overall counterpoise diameter of 100 feet. The
DVOR signal will look the counterpoise surface as perfect ground system or you
can say that ground is elevated by 4 meters above the ground to have better per-
formance of the DVOR. The DVOR antenna structure system consists of three ma-
jor parts i.e., carrier antenna, sideband antenna array and counterpoise.

5.8.1. Carrier Array

The carrier array for the DVOR consists of one or four Alford loop antennas. If four
loops are used, they are arranged in the same manner as the antennas of the
CVOR. The antennas are the adjustable end plates type loop.

Figure 5.47 Modification of the Alford loop antenna for use with DVOR. 48/88
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When the single carrier antenna is used, the loop is modified by the additional of
two pairs of 3-inch diameter x 1/8 inch thick aluminum alloy capacitor plates. The
capacitors are added between the transmission line sections of loop.

5.8.2. Sideband Antenna Array

The sideband array consists of 48 Alford loop antennas, which are modified by
the addition of capacitor plates for the carrier antenna. The 48 antennas are
mounted on standard VOR antenna pedestals at the radius of 22 feet ± 1/4 inch
from the center of the counterpoise. The middle of the antenna loops is approxim-
ately 48 inches above the counterpoise, including pedestals, spacers, etc. The an-
tennas are spaced at 7.5° of azimuth apart. All antenna feed section jumpers are
connected so that the antenna have the same relative polarity or phase angle of
radiation. The antennas are oriented that the feed or input transmission line sec-
tion is tangential to the circle. Each antenna is physically rotated 180° from the
adjacent antenna. The purpose of this particular orientation will be dealt under
section on parasitic. The protective cover called a radome, is placed over top of
the antenna. The antennas are numbered 1 through 48 counting counter clock-
wise (CCW) around the array number one antenna is normally at the North (0°) for
a standard DVOR facility.

Figure 5.48 Alternated transmission line crossovers on adjacent antenna fixed

on 22 feet radius circle.

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5.8.3. DVOR Counterpoise

The counterpoise consists of 100 feet metallic roof top structure with additional
mesh screen added to make the overall diameter 100 feet at height from ground
10–20 feet. At some locations the counterpoise is further extended by the addi-
tion of concentric wires. The role of the counterpoise is

1. DVOR radiates its signal into space in omni-direction and it is a composite

signal. Its signal covers the azimuth and elevation depending upon the radi-
ated effective power into space.

2. When signal radiates in omni-direction, it follows two-paths i.e., direct path

and reflected path. 49/88
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3. Reflection of the signal may be due to close obstruction near to the facility
i.e., near-field reflection, and secondly due to high rise building, high tension
wire, high metallic structure etc. which are far from the facility, causes far-
field reflection.

4. Both type of the reflection introduces course error, radial error or scalloping
error, which results the high error spreads.

5. For ideal conditions, the facility site, where antenna is to be installed must
have plane ground around VOR facility.

6. Practically, near site parameters of the aerodrome like grass growth, bush,
fence boundary wall of the aerodrome and movement of the vehicle would
always influence the VOR signal and causes high error spread.

7. To avoid the near-field and far-field reflection, the counterpoise of the re-
quired size is essential. The size of the counterpoise will change depending
upon the local condition of the site.

8. The counterpoise is made of the iron sheet or wire mesh, which can provide
the ideal ground for the VOR signal.

9. Normally wire mess counterpoise will be preferred over metallic sheet be-
cause cost and weight.

10. The size of the mess is (square).

The counterpoise installed at the requisite height of required dimension will re-
duce the far field reflection considerable.

5.8.4. Carrier Radiation Patterns Vertical Pattern
Above the elevation angle of approximately 9° and below an angle of about 3°, the
carrier pattern for DVOR is the same as for the CVOR. However between these
angles, the field strength of the DVOR is somewhat less. This is due to the exten-
ded counterpoise of DVOR. Figure 5.49 shows a plot of the calculated theoretical
patterns for the two types of facilities considering the ground as a perfect re-
flector. The area of discontinuity in the two patterns corresponds to the vertical
angle where the reflection zone (called Fresnel zone) moves from the ground to
the counterpoise. In practices this transition is not immediate, partially due to
some diffraction by edge of the counterpoise. The geometric grazing angle is
called the critical angle. For the CVOR carrier array, the critical angle is approxim-
ately 3°, which is shown in Fig. 5.50. Both of the carrier radiation patterns of Fig.
5.49 were plotted using the Equation (5.25).


Figure 5.49 Vertical radiation pattern.

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Figure 5.50 Grazing angle for the DVOR carrier radiation pattern.

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In the Equation (5.25), counterpoise pattern 'cos α' is the vertical directivity factor
for the Alford loop and 'h' is the height of the antenna above the reflecting sur-
face. For simplification of the calculation, it is assumed that for the entire eleva-
tion angle above the critical angle, the reflected signal comes from the

It is further assumed that for angle below the critical angle, the reflected signal
comes from the ground. Thus, the value of 'h' is approximately 168° (at 115 MHz)
when the receiving device is above the critical angle and 672° when below the crit-
ical angle.

The plot of Fig. 5.49 considers the ground as the perfect reflector. Since ground is
not a perfect reflecting surface (coefficient of refection is less than one), the
lobes near the ground will have smaller amplitude. The upper lobe, which is de-
pendent primarily on counterpoise reflections, will not be reduced as much; there
cannot be a perfect null at ground level. Horizontal Plane Carrier Radiation Pattern

The horizontal plane carrier radiation pattern for the DVOR is the same as that for
the CVOR, i.e., a circular uni-phase pattern. If only one Alford loop is used, the RF
energy is fed from the modulation bridge directly to the antenna. If a four loop car-
rier array is used, the RF energy is fed from the modulation bridge to two antenna
bridges, then to the two antenna pairs. The bridges and antenna connections are
exactly the same as for the VOR shown in Fig. 5.51.

Figure 5.51 DVOR carrier antenna system with a 4-loop array. 51/88
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 Share (/#copy_link) Sideband Radiation Patterns Vertical pattern

The vertical radiation pattern for each individual sideband antenna is practically
the same as the carrier. However, if viewed from one azimuth, the critical angle
will be different from each of the sideband antennas. The reason is that, during
one rotation of the distributor, the distance of each antenna to the edge of the
counterpoise is different relative to the particular azimuth from which the signals
are being received. The critical angle will vary between 2.36° to 4.32° as shown in
Fig. 5.52.

Figure 5.52 Critical angles for the DVOR sideband radiation pattern.

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 Share (/#copy_link) Counterpoise effect

Since the critical angle varies from antenna to antenna, a receiving device located
within this critical area will receive varying sideband signal amplitude as the dis-
tributor turns. This is called counterpoise effects. When critical angle varies, the
signal reflection area will move on and off the counterpoise at a 30 Hz rate. When
the antenna nearer the receiver is being fed, the critical angle increases and the
reflection zone is on the ground. When the opposite antenna is fed, the angle is
decreases and the reflection zone is on the counterpoise. This will result in an in-
crease in the resultant sideband energy when the nearest antenna is fed, or a de-
crease in amplitude when the farthest antenna is fed as shown in Fig. 5.53. The
aircraft receiver is assumed to be at the same position (3.0°) for both conditions
shown in Figs 5.52 and 5.53.

Figure 5.53 Sideband field intensity variation within the critical angle area.

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It is noted that the primary cause of the change of field intensity is due to antenna
height and counterpoise size and not to differences between the coefficient of re-
flection of the counterpoise and ground. Both of the pattern i.e., Figs 5.52 and
5.53 are drawn with the assumption that the ground is a perfect reflector. If the
ground coefficient of reflection is less than one, the amplitude of the lower lobe
will be reduced. This will cause the amplitude of the signal received below the
critical angle to reduce. The signal received above the critical angle will not be af-
fected. This means that amplitude variations of the sideband signal due to coun-
terpoise effect will decrease. However, under this condition, the coverage of the
DVOR will be reduced at the lower angles. Course errors and course width changes

The 30 Hz amplitude variation of the sideband due to counterpoise effect will pro-
duce course errors and course width changes. The course error and course width
will vary with azimuth. The maximum course error will be at 0° and 180° of azi-
muth and minimum at 90° and 270°. The maximum course width change will be
at 90° and 270° of azimuth and minimum at 0° and 180°. Error cancellation for counterpoise effect

At some DVOR site where counterpoise effect is objectionable, the error cancella-
tion signal is fed to the carrier array. The error cancellation signal consists of
30Hz space modulation of the correct amplitude and phase to counteract duantal
errors produced by counterpoise effect.

To produce the error cancellation voltages, a small portion of the No. 2 go-
niometer output is fed to both carrier pairs by way of the antenna bridges as
shown in Fig. 5.54. If error cancellation is desired, the four-loop array is used. The
NW-SE and NE-SW antennas will radiate the error correction voltage as oppositely
phased antenna pairs. The resultant error correction horizontal radiation pattern
will appear as shown in Fig. 5.55. The error correction voltage is 90° out-of-
phases with the AM signal due to the 90° audio phase differences between the
Goniometer outputs. The transmission line feeding the correction voltage to the
antenna bridge is cut, so that the audio phase of the North lobe cancels the error
voltage North of the station. Since the RF phase of the South lobe is 180° out-of-
phase with the North lobe, the correction voltage will also cancel the error South
of the station.

Figure 5.54 Circuit diagram for use of error correction voltage to reduce
counterpoise effects. 53/88
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Figure 5.55 (a) Horizontal radiation pattern of system error voltage due to
counterpoise effect, and (b) Pattern of error correction voltage.

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Because of the radiation pattern of the carrier antenna system, no correction

voltage is radiated at 90° and 270° azimuth. Remember, the correction voltage is
fed to the sideband corners of the antenna bridges of a CVOR. The error correc-
tion voltages have the deviated phase and amplitude to correct for course shifts
caused at all azimuths in the critical angle area. Even though counterpoise effect
does not cause course error at 90° and 270° azimuths. Error voltage caused by
counterpoise effect is present. This voltage causes no course errors at these azi-
muths because of its phase related to the desired signals. The presence of the er-
ror voltage does, however, introduce another error, that of incorrect course width
which is most incorrect to 90° and 270°. The use of an error correction voltage
cannot be limited to just the critical angles of elevation but are present at all
useable elevation angles. Therefore correction of course error in the critical angle
elevation of the DVOR, by use of error correction voltage, actually introduces 54/88
1/9/2021 DOPPLER VOR (DVOR) | McGraw-Hill Education - Access Engineering
duantal error at all other elevation angles. The use of a DVOR as an approach fa-
cility with approach radials in the critical angles areas would be the main reason
for use of error correction voltage. Effect of elevation on the Doppler frequency shift

Although the vertical RF radiation patterns for the carrier and sideband are prac-
tically the same shape, the ratio of the two detected 30 Hz signals in the aircraft
receiver will vary with the angle of elevation. As the angle of elevation is in-
creased, the apparent velocity of the sideband radiation pattern source, with re-
spect to the receiver, decreases with a corresponding decrease in the frequency

If the receiver is directly above the DVOR, there is no change of distance as the
successive antennas are fed around the sideband array and hence no frequency
deviation. The frequency deviation varies as the cosine of the angle of the eleva-
tion. Figure 5.56 shows a rough sketch of the vertical modulation patterns of the
detected 30 Hz FM signal verses the detected 30 Hz AM signal. With a CVOR, the
amplitude of the 30 Hz AM signal also varies a function of the angle of the eleva-
tion. The end results are that the cone structure of the DVOR appears to be as
good as or better than VOR.

Figure 5.56 Vertical radiation patterns for the 30Hz AM and 30Hz FM signals.

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5.8.5. Horizontal Plane Radiation Pattern

The horizontal plane radiation pattern for the sideband array is dependent upon
whether one or two antennas are being fed. It must be realized that as the distrib-
utor turns, no less than one and no more than two sideband antenna are ener-
gized at any time. One antenna alone will produce a circular pattern. However
when two antennas are energized, they will act as a pair. Pair Effect

Pair effect is a change in the shape of the sideband radiation pattern as the cur-
rent moves from one sideband antenna to the next. Pair effect produces a spuri-
ous 1440 Hz modulation of the sideband signal. If only one antenna was ener-
gized at a time, the radiation pattern would remain circular. However, most of the
time current is being divided between two adjacent antennas.

As the distributor rotor moves from feeding one antenna to the next, the current
ratio will vary and cause the pattern to change shape. Figure 5.57 shows repres-
entative sketches of the resultant radiation patterns when the No. 25 and 26 an-
tennas are being fed. When only the No. 25 antenna is being fed (maximum posi-

tion of the rotor with respect to the No. 25 stator) the pattern level A would be ob- 55/88
1/9/2021 DOPPLER VOR (DVOR) | McGraw-Hill Education - Access Engineering
tained. When the rotor is in the midway position between stator No. 25 and No. 26
(feeding antenna No.25 and No 26), the pattern would be the resultant of the radi-
ation pattern from the No. 25 and No. 26 antenna (Pattern B). As the rotor moves
to the maximum position with respect to the stator No. 26 (No. 26 antenna only
fed antenna), the pattern leveled C would be obtained.

Figure 5.57 Sideband radiation pattern of the 25 and 26 sideband antennas.

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Thus, it may be seen that each time, distributor rotor moves from feeding one an-
tenna to the next, it will cause one bump of modulation. The change in the shape
of the radiation pattern versus change in the current ratios between two adjacent
antennas is non-linear, and will produce non-sinusoidal modulation. Figure 5.58
shows the sideband pattern directivity produced by pair effect. For the sideband
radiation patterns shown, an aircraft east of the DVOR facility will receive a differ-
ent relative intensity when both the No. 25 and No. 26 antenna is fed than when
both the No. 38 and No. 39 antenna are being fed.

Figure 5.58 Sideband radiation pattern directivity by pair effect. 56/88
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As current moves around the ring of the antenna, the angle between the fed pair
and the aircraft will change with a resultant change in the shape of the 1440 Hz
modulation. As per Fig. 5.57, it is observed that aircraft in the X direction will re-
ceive 1440 Hz upward modulation, those in the Y direction will receive negligible
1440 Hz modulation, and those in the Z-direction will receive downward 1440 Hz
modulation at the time the two antenna illustrated are being fed. The change in
shape of the 1440 Hz modulation with rotation of the sideband energy will pro-
duce a slight double amplitude variation or 60 Hz variation of the FM sideband
signal. Parasitic Radiation

Due to proximity of the various antennas of the DVOR, parasitic radiation is a
probability. The parasitic currents induced into DVOR antennas due to various
reasons are discussed below.

(i) Reduction of Sideband Parasitic in the Unfed Sideband Antennas

In the sideband antenna system, the physical spacing is quite small (about one-
third wavelength). With such close spacing, the fields, which tend to cause para-
sitic currents, are quite large and several precautions are taken to reduce these
parasitic current. These are

a. Feed-line cutting

b. Capacitive tuning of the sideband antennas

c. Orienting the crossover

(a) Feed-line cutting

To reduce the sideband parasitic current in the Doppler system, the sideband
feed-lines are cut to a length, which minimize the induction of parasitic currents
into the unfed antenna. The amount of the parasitic currents is related to the im-
pedance seen by the radiation RF signal looking into the unfed antennas and back
down their feed-lines to the impedance of the distributor output. 57/88
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The sideband lines that are connected to unfed distributor outputs observe high
impedance that contained some capacitive reactance at the distributor output
jacks. This capacitive reactance is cause by the stator plates of the unfed distrib-
utor outputs. It is necessary that the sideband lines be cut to lengths, which will
suitably transform from the high impedance at the distributor outputs to very high
impedances at the feed corners of the unfed sideband antennas. When the side-
band lines are cut to the correct length, the parasitic currents must be 5% or less.
During operating conditions, the parasitic can be as high as 7%.

(ii) Capacitive Tuning

The sideband antennas are modified by the addition of 3-inch diameters alu-
minum discs which serve as adjustment capacitors to the transmission line por-
tions of the loop. It was determined through experimental methods that these ad-
ded capacitors could be tuned so that high (near open circuit) impedance appears
at the corner of the antenna when antenna is not being fed. This high impedance
is placed at the corner of the antenna when the sideband line is cut to place a very
low impedance point at the antenna input. This is done when the antenna is not
being fed. It shows the effects of capacitor plate spacing on parasitic currents in
the loop antennas of the DVOR.

Orientating the Cross-overs

The reduction of parasitic currents could be obtained by orienting the loops so

that the transmission line portions of the loops were all in-line with the periphery
of the circle through the center of the loops and with alternate loops oriented so
that the transmission line cross-overs are altered on either side of the loop center.


If sidebands parasitic are radiated from the adjacent sideband antennas, the para-
sitic radiation will be modified by the Doppler effect just as the desired signal. The
parasitic radiation will contain incorrect course information. Therefore, if side-
band parasitic current have enough amplitude, they produce course errors. Also,
the extra sideband radiation produced by parasitic will have some effect on the
1440Hz amplitude modulation of the FM sideband signal. The three methods pre-
viously described for minimizing sideband parasitic also sufficiently reduce car-
rier parasitic since the two frequencies are so close.

5.9.1. Carrier Parasitic in the Fed Sideband

In the Fig. 5.59, when sideband antenna is not being fed by the distributor, the out-
put of the distributor presents high impedance with capacitive reactance to the
sideband line. The sideband lines are cut to a length such that the high imped-
ance at the distributor output reflects very low RF impedance at the unfed side-
band antenna transmission line cross-over. The low RF impedance at the cross-
overs and the tunable antenna plate's capacitors serves to reduce the parasitics
currents in all unfed sideband antenna.

Figure 5.59 Block diagram of sideband antenna fed.

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However, when a sideband antenna is being fed, there is no longer high imped-
ance at the distributor output and the output of the distributor has resistive and
capacitive components. This means that the very low impedance to the RF no
longer appears at the fed sideband antenna cross-overs. If a sideband antenna is
being fed and the very low impedance to RF no longer appears at it cross-over,
that antenna can act as a parasitic for the radiated carrier RF energy at the same
time it is radiating the normal sideband RF energy. Since sideband antennas have
parasitic currents resulting from the radiated carrier RF energy, a change in amp-
litude of the total carrier radiation pattern will be produced when the distributor
feeds each sideband antenna.

These amplitude changes will cause 1440 Hz amplitude modulation of the carrier
antenna radiation pattern. The results of 1440 Hz ripple on the DVOR 30 Hz AM
signal. Also, the radiation from the sideband antennas caused by carrier parasitic
currents will be changed in frequency by the Doppler effects. The carrier energy
radiated from the sideband antennas, along with the carrier energy radiated by the
carrier antenna, will be received by an aircraft. An excessive amount of the carrier
frequency radiation modified by the Doppler effect from the sideband antennas
may produce course errors in a VOR receiver. An excessive 1440 Hz tone may be
objectionable to a pilot listening to the DVOR.

To minimize the 1440 Hz ripple on the DVOR 30Hz AM signal due to carrier fre-
quency parasitic currents in the sideband antennas, advantage is taken of the av-
eraged matching of the sideband input line to the distributor. To effectively reduce
the amount of carrier frequency parasitic currents in a fed sideband antenna,
there must be high impedance to the RF carrier at the distributor output as seen
looking from the fed sideband antenna back down the sideband feed-line to the
distributor output. When a sideband antenna is being fed, the output impedance
of the distributor as it appears to the RF carrier is dependent upon the distributor
impedance and the impedance of the distributor input circuitry. As shown in Fig.
5.59, the distributor input circuitry includes L1, the sideband phaser, the sideband
power divider L2 and the sideband transmitter. Thus it can be seen that low im-
pedance to the RF carrier at the fed antenna crossovers depends upon the com-
plex load of the distributor and its input circuitry, and the sideband transmitter.
These components appear as the load to the carrier parasitic currents in the fed
sideband antenna, which represent an RF generator.

Since the input line to the distributor is not perfectly matched, and in fact has a
high VSWR, an RF phaser can be used. While maximum impedance is not high,
the sideband antenna is not being fed. It is transformed to cause very low imped-
ance to the RF carrier at the fed sideband antenna cross-overs. This low imped-
ance at the crossovers of the fed sideband antenna will then aid in reducing of
1440 Hz ripple on the DVOR 30 Hz AM signal and the amount of the carrier para-
sitic radiation from the sideband antenna. The sideband line phaser is adjusted to
produce minimum 1440 Hz ripple on the DVOR 30 Hz AM signal, since minimum
1440 Hz ripple and minimum carrier parasitic radiation from the sideband an-
tenna occurs at the same point. It is concluded from above discussion that the
sideband line phaser serves to make the sideband antenna appear the same (very
low carrier parasitic radiation) to the radiated carrier energy whether the antenna
are fed or unfed.

5.9.2. Amplitude Modulation on Subcarrier

In DVOR system the carrier is amplitude modulated with 30Hz signal speech and
identification code and radiated from an omni-directional antenna. This provides
the reference signal in the system. The direction dependent signal is generated in
the space by upper and lower sidebands of a carrier amplitude modulated by

9960 Hz (sub-carrier) between 48 antennas mounted in a circle at a rate of 30 Hz 59/88
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AM of subcarrier is for generation of the subcarrier power. The sub-carrier signal
is processed to detect the antenna faults in the DVOR system. The DVOR field
monitor receives the composite VOR signal and part of the signal is processed in
the Monitor Subcarrier (MSC) module. The module contains filter circuits for sep-
arating the sub-carrier from the composite VOR signal, the subcarrier from the 30
Hz FM and AM signals. The filtered sub-carrier is fed to a frequency discrimina-
tion, which recovers the 30 Hz FM signal. Monitoring facilities are included for
checking the levels of the various signals and for generating an alarm if any of
these levels move outside pre-set limits.

A notch alarm circuit examines the subcarrier level for the presence of notches
i.e., short duration gaps in the subcarrier waveform. An alarm is given, if any
notches are detected for failure of sideband, which is shown in Fig. 5.60.

Figure 5.60 Notch alarm circuit.

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5.9.3. Why Sub-carrier Frequency is 9960Hz?

Civil Aeronautics Administration (CAA) has emphasized that a common 30 Hz
tone is used to generate both their variable and reference phase signal. The 30 Hz
tone is applied to a motor to rotate an unmodulated RF field, which becomes the
source of variable phase signal as same tone is used to frequency modulate a
subcarrier of the carrier frequency to produce the reference phase signal. Thus,
the source of the signal for both the reference and variable phases are the same.
This is necessary, because if different source is employed, a very slight change
between frequencies would results in the equivalent of the phase change and
hence would cause the bearing error. Actually, a motor is driven from a 60 Hz
(mains) constant frequency source. The antenna is developed by CAA, this motor
used to rotate the Goniometer but with the federal antenna system motor is used
to rotate the antenna dipole. The shaft of each motor is affixed a gear-toothed
wheel teeth is made of magnetic material and the pole pieces is a permanents
magnet. The teeth of the wheel have variable spacing to generate a nominal fre-
quency of 9960 Hz modulated at a 30 Hz rate. This subcarrier already frequency
modulated is then applied to AM on carrier frequency. Since the 30Hz tone of the
frequency modulation is produced the variable phase signal, the variable and ref-
erence phase signals will be identical in frequency.

The output of the frequency modulator should be


If the coil wound with N turns, depends on the time rate of change of the mag-
netic flux and others factors that are considered to be substantially constant i.e.,

(5.27)  60/88
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The result will be as follows


Consider that while there is no change in flux during the time that a tooth passing
the pole, the flux will decrease thereafter to some low value and then rise again as
the next tooth moves to a position directly under the pole piece. It is evident that
the flux change must vary with time in a definite manner otherwise will not satisfy
the above equation. If the gear toothed generator is designed so that one revolu-
tion of the wheel produces one complete cycle at a frequency fs then the time for

one revolution will equal = t. So,


where, n0 is total number of teeth on the wheel, since ωr = 2πfr and ωs = 2πfs. The
Equation (5.9.4) can be simplified


In actual practices, the value employed for fr is 9960 Hz and fs is 30 Hz. Therefore,
the number gives the value of 332 teeth. γ is the angle between the teeth. The
spacing between the teeth expressed as the angle of a having its origin at the
center of the wheel is given by



where, n is the number of the teeth if it is considered that the number system be-
ing with one value of the frequency deviation of 16 is employed.


The DVOR system had 48 sidebands antenna, which is installed in circular an-
tenna base, and carrier antenna is installed in the center of the circular base. The
sideband power is fed to this antenna in sequential manner with proper blending
of the signals and switching the two antennas simultaneously 180° opposite to
each other. Without blending, when sideband energy fed to the antenna at the rate
30 Hz in sequential manner, the interruption of the signal will be felt into the
space users. To avoid this, blending of the DVOR signal is required to satisfy the
following conditions.

1. DVOR composite signal must be similar to the CVOR composite signal.

2. The space pattern, which contains the required information, must be


3. The user of the DVOR should not feel the interruption of the signal. 61/88
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Blending literally means smooth changeover i.e., switching the sideband power
from one antenna to adjacent antenna in smooth manner and user will not feel in-
terruption of the DVOR signal. Blending function is two types i.e., Sine or Cosine.
In DVOR, the time sequence generator module contains the master clock circuitry
from which all the timing signals are derived for synchronizing the switching and
timing function in the DVOR. The output from a crystal controlled oscillator is fre-
quency divided in the number of stages to produce the timing signals for generat-
ing the 30 Hz reference frequency, the 9960 Hz sideband modulation frequency,
the blending function waveform for the sideband modulator and the derive sig-
nals for sideband changeover switch and antenna commutation subsystem. The
720 Hz blending function waveforms are generated digitally from 'Sine' value
stored in ROM. These values are decoded to provide the blending function out-
puts to the upper and lower sideband modulators. The odd and even signal
change over system is driven by simple switching waveforms, whereas the an-
tenna commutation is generated by binary coded digital signals. The blending
function modulation waveforms are presented in Fig. 5.61.

Figure 5.61 Blending input and output.

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5.10.1. Blending Function Analysis

The term 'Blending Function' describes the transfer function which determines the
current verses time characteristics applicable during each connection of a load to
the source of energy. Similarly the term 'Blending Function Generator' describes
means of determining the blending function and means of producing trains of en-
ergy modulated by the function.

As DVOR variable phase is simulated by sequentially communicating R.F. side-

band energy around a ring of a finite number of antennas (e.g. 48 in the case of
Model VRB 50D equipment manufactured by AWA Australia) and true Doppler mo-
tion can be generated. However, a good FM signal can be approximated if the
blending function is correctly chosen. There are two main criteria for the choice of
a good blending function, namely:

Flatness of the band ± 480 Hz from the 10 kHz subcarrier,

Suppression of the switching sideband generated by the commutation

process. 62/88
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The first criterion aims at reducing the low frequency, namely 60 Hz and its har-
monics, amplitude modulating the 10 kHz subcarrier. The 60 Hz components can
intermodulate with the 30 Hz AM reference phase and it is azimuth dependant.
Hence, it is a possible source of quadrantal error. The second criterion aims at re-
ducing the switching sideband, which has two undesirable effects on the variable
phase 30 Hz:

It introduces additional amplitude modulation at switching sideband


It introduces extraneous frequency deviation.

The AWA VRB50D uses a simple Cos(X) blending function. However, two types of
blending functions are Cos(X) and Cos 0.83(X) and analyzing the effect of blending
functions Cos(X) versus Cos 0.83(X) in the following section. Results indicate that,
using Cos 0.83(X), the instantaneous frequency deviation does not exceed the spe-
cified value of the ± 480 Hz by any of significant amount. Instantaneous fre-
quency deviation (Δfi) is defined as the sum of the frequency deviation corres-
ponding to the 30 Hz signal and that corresponding to the extraneous switching
sidebands. Therefore, the former changes at a 30 Hz rate and the latter at the
switching frequency rate or higher.

The corresponding effect of Cos(X) blending function will have instantaneous fre-
quency deviation as high as ±625 Hz and the peak frequency deviation is in-
creased. The disadvantage of Cos 0.83(X) as blending function is a slight increase
of unwanted amplitude modulation in the fundamental sideband, i.e., 24% com-
pared with 21.7% of Cos (X).

A. Analysis-I

Consider two antennas 1 and 2, Fig. 5.64, radiating with Cos (X) blending function
as shown in Fig. 5.65.

Figure 5.62 Waveform of cos(X) blending function.

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Figure 5.63 Waveform of blending function Cos0.83(X). 63/88
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Figure 5.64 Two DVOR antennas signal received paralleling.

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Figure 5.65 Blending function Cosk(X).

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For 0 ≤ Ωt > π/2,

where, ; and , where 1440 is the switching frequency




where, E1 and E2 are the field radiation from antenna 1 and 2 respectively.

where fc is carrier frequency; c is the speed of light.

r1 and r2 are the distance of antennas 1 and 2 from the receiver respectively.

The received signal in space will be




The corresponding Δfi is


The behavior of with Cos(X) (i.e., k = 1) at various angles of θ. Note that at θ =

0°or 180° which corresponds to maximum frequency deviation points for 30 Hz
FM, the slope of φ is marked different from a straight line although its mean devi-
ation is about ± 480 Hz. At Ωt = 0°or 90° the slope corresponds to about 325 Hz
and at Ωt = 45° the slope corresponds to 625 Hz. The output voltage of an ideal
discriminator would be as shown in Fig. 5.66. When Cos(X) is used.

Figure 5.66 Ideal discriminator output. 65/88
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At θ = 0° or 180°, the slope of φ approaches a straight line, which indicates a reas-

onably constant Δf1 of ± 480 Hz. The maximum Δf1 occurs at θ = 45° and the
value of Δf1 at that point does not exceed ± 480 Hz. Figure 5.67 shows the output
voltage of an ideal discriminator when Cos 0.83(X) is used.

Figure 5.67 Ideal discriminator output.

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B. Analysis-II

This analysis follows the method used in 'Analysis of Precision Omni-range


Let the blending function be


The Fourier transform is

The normalized result of k = 1 and k = 0.83. It is clearly shown that the 60 Hz AM

increases in the case of Cos (X) with a corresponding balance of switching side-
band at 1440 ± 480 Hz.

Both analyses in fact indicate identical result. However, Analysis-I highlights the
effect of Δfi and gives the result for total amplitude modulation on the subcarrier

whereas Analysis-II is more useful in indicating the amount of undesirable AM at 66/88
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the frequency band of ± 480 Hz.

Nevertheless, it does not mean that Analysis-II does not give the information on
the extraneous f1. The mechanism of generating this extraneous f1 can be estim-
ated from Fig. 5.68. Observe the first switching sideband at its maximum fre-
quency deviation, for the upper switching sideband and 960 Hz for the lower
switching sideband with the higher order switching sideband neglected, the
Cos(X) blending function has a large difference in amplitude whereas the Cos(XC)
one is almost equal. This difference in amplitude in the case of Cos(X) is account
for the extraneous fi as shown in Fig. 5.68.

Figure 5.68 Phasor diagram for extraneous amplitude.

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Analysis-I can be used most effectively for obtaining a blending function that
gives the smallest peak frequency deviation. The effect of various values of k
when the tangential pair of antennas are energized, i.e., at maximum frequency
deviation occurs. It clearly indicates that with k = 0.83 the extraneous fi is kept at
a minimum as it has minimum deviation of slope and its mean value is 480 Hz. It
has carried out further work on blending function, e.g. [Cos(X) – m Cos(3X)]
where 'm' is 0.06, composite blending functions, etc. However, as outlined above,
the simplest of all, the Cosine blending function, offers the best compromise in
terms of equipment complexity, low frequency amplitude modulation and the
peak frequency deviation. Hence, these other blending functions are not dis-
cussed here any further.

5.10.2. Phase Lock

The USB and LSB signals are generated by two voltage controlled crystal oscillat-
ors, the frequencies are controlled by two phase control circuits, each compares
the phased of two 9960 Hz signals. The first of these is the 9960 Hz subcarrier
derived from the master clock oscillator, the second is derived by mixing samples
of the individual sideband signals with a sample of the carrier signal to produce a
beat frequency of 9960 Hz. This system phase locks the high-level sideband sig-
nal to the output of the carrier transmitter. To enable the sidebands to have cor-
rect phase relationship with respect to the carrier, phase delay circuitry has been
included to enable the phase of the reference 9960 Hz to one of the control cir-
cuits to be adjusted over a wide range. For the test purpose, the sidebands may
be locked to a signal from the carrier oscillator, to allow the sidebands to be gen-
erated when carrier transmitter is not operating.

1. When the loop is frequency and phase locked the sampling pulses will occur
at the zero crossing of the sine wave input to the sample and hold detector.
This will produce a DC output which is very close to zero as shown in Fig.

2. When the loop is in frequency locked but not in-phase lock then the sampling
pulse will not occur at zero crossing but at some other point on a sine wave.

This condition will produce a resultant DC voltage from the sample and hold 67/88
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detector which will cause the voltage controlled to change such that phase
lock takes place which is shown in Fig. 5.70.

Figure 5.69 Correct phase condition.

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The purpose of RF phasing in DVOR is to ensure that the carrier and two side-
bands add together in space to form a proper AM signal. The AM signal is 9960
Hz subcarrier. If the three signals are not correctly phased, then the resulting AM
signal will be badly distorted or low in amplitude. In the DVOR, an 'in-phase' condi-
tion of sidebands and carrier, at any point on the antenna ring, is defined as that
phasing which produces maximum subcarrier amplitude. This is represented in
the vector diagram in Fig. 5.71. In Fig. 5.71, the USB and LSB are equally dis-
placed about the carrier. The essential condition for an 'in-phase' signal is that at
any instant in time, the angle between each sideband and the carrier is equal but
opposite (or both zero). This angle is φ1, it does not matter, if both sidebands
move by equal amounts in opposite direction from the carrier an 'in-phase' condi-
tion still exists as long as the respective phase angles are equal. The effect of
shifting the phase in this manner is to cause a phase shift of the resultant AM on
the carrier. This can be expressed algebraically as follows

Figure 5.71 Sideband phase relationship.

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(5.38) 68/88
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KU and KL are amplitudes of the sideband.

ωc is carrier radian frequency

ωm is modulation radian frequency

φU is USB phase (reference carrier)

φL is LSB phase (reference carrier)

Figure 5.70 Misphased conditions.

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The resultant envelope of the sum of the three signals will be


Provided that

A mis-phased condition occurs when the sidebands are not equally displaced
about the carrier. This is shown in the vector diagram in Fig. 5.71 (b). Here USB is
leading by φ1 and the LSB is lagging by φ2. The resultant vector of the two side-
bands R is not in-phase with carrier. An 'in-phase' condition could be achieved by

1. Changing carrier phase to coincide with sideband resultant R or

2. Changing the phase of the one of the sideband so that the resultant R coin-
cides with carrier.

5.11.1. Basis of Phase Adjustment

The method used for adjusting the sideband phase in the DVOR is based on the
principle that a null should occur in the subcarrier when the carrier phase is
changed by 90°. Mathematical analysis of the combined signal shows that the
AM envelope does not contain any components at fundamental modulating fre-
quency when


This is shown in Fig. 5.71 (c). Adjusting for this null is much 'sharper' than trying

to adjust for maximum subcarrier amplitude. Changing the carrier phase by 90° is
equivalent to changing the phase of one sideband by 180°. In practice, a fixed 69/88
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phase shift is applied to the LSB (theoretically 180° but less) and then USB is ad-
justed to give a null. The fixed phase shift (or preset) is removed, leaving station
correctly phased. This phase preset is selected by the sideband test switch, which
applies a phase delay to the LSB. The value of the LSB preset is given by


where, offset is the amount that the carrier phase is offset from the 'in-line' phase
setting. For a typical offset of 8° the preset value would be 164°.


The ideal conditions only apply at one point on the antenna ring. As the sidebands
are switched around the ring variations in phase occurs. This leads to two source
of phase error i.e., antenna array effect and proximity effect.

5.12.1. Antenna Array Effect

The effect of the antenna array (i.e., antenna coupling) causes the signal radiated
from the 'tangential' antenna as to lag the signal radiated from the 'in-line' antenna
(with respect to the receiver). This means that if the carrier and sidebands are in-
phase when sidebands are radiated from the 'in-line' antenna then the carrier will
be leading the sidebands when radiation takes place from the 'tangential' an-
tenna. This error has been measured to be typically 16° for a normal DVOR sta-
tion. This effect is minimized by adjusting the phase to be in midway between
these points, so that the error is reduced to ± 8°. The degree offset (from the in-
line phasing point) is established by using a fixed phase shift of 82° instead of

5.12.2. Proximity Effect

The proximity effect occurs only when the receiver is in near-field. It is due to the
distance from the receiver to the carrier antenna being less than the distance
from the receiver to the tangential ring antenna. The tangential distance D is
shown in Fig. 5.72.

Figure 5.72 Proximity effects on DVOR antenna.

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In Fig. 5.72, S1 and S2 'in-line' Sideband antenna, S3 and S4 tangential sideband an-
tenna, C carrier antenna, M receiving antenna and D path difference is shown. For
the far-field receiver (greater than 1500 meters) this error is negligible. This effect

causes the sidebands to lag the carrier when radiated from the tangential anten- 70/88
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nas. It is about 40° for the monitor antenna 80 meters from the carrier antenna.
Ideally the sideband phase of the beacon should be adjusted using far-field re-
ceiver. However, since the proximity effect only misphases the 'tangentially' an-
tenna, satisfactory results can be obtained by using the normal monitoring an-
tenna and observing the signal from the 'in-line' antennas for the phasing

5.12.3. Effect of Near-Field Monitoring

The subcarrier signal received at the near-field monitor antenna has more 60 Hz
AM on it than the received in far-field. This is because of phase lag of the side-
bands when radiated from the tangential antennas due to the proximity effect.
This misphasing causes a decrease in subcarrier amplitude (at the tangential
points) and hence an increase in AM on the subcarrier. When the subcarrier AM is
less than 40% in the far-field (greater than 1500 meters) it will be less than 55%
when observed from the monitor antenna at 80 meters.


A simplified block diagram of the DVOR is shown in Fig. 5.73. Some of the more
important constituents of the DVOR system are given below.

1. 48 Alford loop antenna arranged in a circular manner

2. A distribution assembly

3. One transmitter to each equipment racks

4. A 30 Hz AM bridge

Figure 5.73 Basic block diagram of the DVOR system.

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In addition to these items, the DVOR uses an Automatic Frequency Control (AFC)
units and a frequency deviation monitor. Even though the signals from the two
systems are compatible, the detailed operation of the DVOR is quite different from
CVOR. 71/88
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5.13.1. AM Reference Channel

Starting at the input to carrier modulation device, the voice and identification sig-
nals are amplified and fed into the Carrier Modulator (CM). The CM furnished
sufficient audio power to amplitude-modulate the carrier transmitter 28% with the
voice information and approximately 8% with identification tone of the station in
Morse code. The modulated RF output from the carrier transmitter feeds through
the carrier relay in ACPU and into power divider of the modulation eliminator. Here
the carrier transmitter energy divides and takes two paths. The large amount of
energy is routed through the carrier phaser in the ACPU and out to the carrier
corner of the 30 Hz modulation bridge. The smaller amount of the RF carrier en-
ergy feeds through the modulation eliminator where the voice and identification
modulation is removed. The output of the modulation eliminator feeds the input
of the capacity Goniometer. The Goniometer is mounted on the distributor unit
and is identical to the capacity Goniometer part of the Goniometer assembly in
VOR. The Goniometer generates sideband frequencies 30 Hz above and below the
carrier transmitter frequency. The output of the sideband is fed to the sideband
corner of the 30 Hz modulation bridge. This bridge is cut to maintain impedance
match for the circuit supplying carrier energy to one corner of the bridge and 30
Hz sideband energy to the opposite corner. Some DVOR facilities use the Go-
niometer output as a source of error correction voltage.

The output of the modulation bridge feeds the carrier antenna with the following

1. Carrier transmitter frequency fc

2. Upper and lower sideband frequencies of the both voice and identification

3. Upper and lower side band frequencies of the 30 Hz reference signal.

These radio frequencies are radiated omni-directionally from the carrier antenna
system with the 30 Hz sidebands forming the AM reference signal for DVOR.
Some DVOR installations use the convention four-loop antenna system. This ar-
rangement makes it convenient to feed the antenna system with an error correc-
tion voltage from the Goniometer output. At other DVOR sites, a single carrier an-
tenna replaces the four-loop array. This will eliminate the two RF bridges required
for the four loop antenna arrangement. In either system the carrier radiation
source is at the centre of the circular counterpoise. The power divider setting in
the DVOR will determine the ratio of 30 Hz sideband power to carrier transmitter
power that feeds the 30 Hz modulation bridge. The power divider is adjusted to
give 30% amplitude modulation for the DVOR reference signal.

5.13.2. FM Variable Channel

The sideband transmitter is operated 9960 Hz higher in frequency than the carrier
transmitter. AFC unit maintains the carrier and sideband frequency difference.
The AFC unit compares the frequency and phase difference between the two
transmitters and corrects the sideband transmitter's frequency to hold the differ-
ence frequency within an operating tolerance 9960 ± 50 Hz. To perform this func-
tion, the AFC unit receives a sample output from the intermediate power amplifier
stage of each of the transmitters. This is used to develop a small ± DC correction
voltage, which is fed to a special control circuit in the crystal oscillator of the side-
band transmitter. Another unit that receives frequency samples from both the car-
rier and sideband transmitter is the frequency deviation monitor. This is the test
unit designed to give a visual indication of the frequency deviation between the
two transmitters after the AFC unit has locked the transmitters at a 9960 Hz dif-
ference. The frequency deviation monitor is a part of the DVOR monitoring, and
will cause an alarm if the frequency difference between the two transmitters is
not within tolerance. The output from the sideband transmitter is routed through

the sideband relay in the ACPU and into a fix power divider. Approximately 1/10 of
the power from the sideband transmitter is fed from the fixed power divider to the 72/88
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phaser with reminder dissipated in the 250W dummy load. The purpose of this ar-
rangement is to allow the sideband transmitter to generate sufficient output
power so it will operate within a stable range of its design characteristics. At the
same time, the small amount of power required for the FM Doppler signal is
achieved. This small power signal goes through the side band phaser and into the
distributor output.

The distributor is an electro-mechanical switch or electronic switch that capacit-

ively couples the input signal to each of its 48 output connections. The rotor as-
sembly in the distributor completes one revolution in 1/30 second. During this
period of time each of the 48 outputs receive RF energy in sequential order. The
same motor derives the distributor and the capacity Goniometer by a common
coupling shaft. This is done to lock the detected FM variable and AM reference
signals in a predetermine phase relationship. The phase relationship between
these navigational signals can be changed with the phaser adjuster, which allows
the capacity Goniometer unit to be physically rotated with respect to the distrib-
utor unit. The relationship between the Goniometer and the distributor is adjusted
to detect 30 Hz reference and variable signal are in-phase at the North azimuth.
This adjustment has the same effect on-course orientation as the tone wheel ad-
justment does in the VOR. The 48 outputs of the distributor are each connected
through a transmission line to 48 separate Alford loop antenna. These antennas
are located on the pedestal above a metal counterpoise and are arranged in a 5λ
or 13.5 meters of diameter in frequency 115 MHz.

The antennas are numbered in counter clockwise order starting at the North azi-
muth with antenna No. 1. This is also the sequence by the distributor feeds the
antenna. The distributor phase adjuster is set so that an aircraft receiver at point
'A' (North) will detect an FM variable 30 Hz signal that is in-phase with the AM ref-
erence 30 Hz signal. This means an aircraft receiver at point 'B'(East) will detect
an FM variable 30 Hz signal that leads the AM variable 30 Hz signal by 90°. In Fig.
5.74 aircraft 'A' and 'B' receive signals containing 30 Hz FM information by the
Doppler effect. The source of RF signal moves closer to and further away from
the two aircrafts as the sideband antennas are fed by the distributor. This motion
causes the received sideband transmitter energy to shift ± 480 Hz. The composite
signal from the carrier transmitter and the sideband transmitter is amplitude de-
tected. The result is a 9960 ± 480 Hz signal that changes in frequency 30 times
per second. This signal is frequency detected to produce the 30 Hz variable sig-
nal. The motion of the RF source from the sideband transmitter is not in phase to
the two aircraft. For example if the RF source approaches aircraft 'A' and moving
away from aircraft 'B' both the aircrafts detects different phase 30 Hz signals at
same instant of time. The 30 Hz FM signal at aircraft 'B' leads the 30 Hz FM signal
at aircraft 'A' by 90°. It is sufficient to realize at this time that different phase of 30
Hz Doppler produced signals are detected at different azimuths around the DVOR.

Figure 5.74 Arrangement of the 48 DVOR sideband antenna and one carrier
antenna. 73/88
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The DVOR is designed and manufactured to meet the specification of ICAO Annex
10 Vol-1 SARPs. It is completely solid state, and delivers both the reference phase
and variable phase signals to their respective antenna systems with high effi-
ciency and reliability. The DVOR has been designed using digital techniques in the
timing and waveform generation circuitry and analogue technique in the power
amplifiers circuits which ensure accurate clocking of all critical time dependent
pulse generation and measurement circuits. It is available with a transmitter
power output of 50 W, with an option of incorporating an additional 50 W power
amplifier module and combiner unit to provide a total power output of 100 W. It
can be configured for single or dual operation. A dual beacon consists of two
electronic equipment racks, operating into one antenna system via changeover

5.14.1. Principle of Operation

The DVOR system has been designed to provide a navigation signal which, as far
as the aircraft receiver is concerned, is compatible with a CVOR signal. From the
central DVOR antenna is radiated the carrier (fc) in the band 108 to 118 MHz, with
the 30 Hz AM reference signal. From two diametrically opposite antennas in the
ring there are radiated the upper and lower sideband to produce an amplitude
modulation of the carrier with a 9969 Hz subcarrier. This amplitude modulation is
resulting in space, the carrier signal and two sidebands each differing frequency
from the carrier by 9969 Hz. These two sidebands are switched around the an-
tenna ring at the rate of 30 revolutions per second, simulating the continuous ro-
tation of one pair of diametrically opposite antennas at a 30 Hz rate. No Doppler
shift occurs in the sideband signals when they are radiated from a pair of anten-
nas that lies on the line joining the central antenna to the aircraft antenna. Hence
at this instant, there is no frequency shift of the sideband and so there is no devi-
ation of the resulting subcarrier signal. When the sidebands are radiated from
other antennas in the ring, there will be some apparent relative motion causes a
Doppler frequency shift of the sidebands, with resulting deviation of the subcar-
rier signal. The DVOR sideband carrier frequencies are fc ± 9969 Hz and it is crys-
tal controlled, and crystals should match to the main carrier crystal. 74/88
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5.14.2. Antenna Switching and System Timing

The DVOR beacon uses 48 sideband antennas, numbered 1 to 48 in a counter
clock wise direction. The system is installed so that the carrier antenna and the
No. 1 sideband antenna are in-line with magnetic North. The antenna ring is elec-
trically divided into two sections, comprising antenna 1 to 24, and antennas 25 to
48. For one half of the 30 Hz switching cycle (i.e., 16.6 m sec) LSB energy is fed to
the antenna 1 to 24 and USB energy is fed to antenna 25 to 48. For the remaining
half-cycle the reverse situation applies. The timing sequence for antenna is
shown in the system timing diagram in Fig. 5.75. This shows the relationship
between antenna switching, the 30 Hz AM reference and other relevant signals in
the beacon zero degree (or time t = 0) refers to the positive zero crossing of the
30 Hz AM sine wave reference. At 0° peak LSB energy is radiated from antenna
No.1 and peak USB energy is radiated from antenna No. 25. One half cycles later
at 180° USB is radiated from antenna No.1 and LSB from antenna No. 25.

Figure 5.75 Antenna switching timing diagram.

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The timing diagram shown in Fig. 5.75 which also represent the antenna switch
drive signals and the sideband changeover switch signals in relation to the station
timing reference, 30 Hz (φ°). To allow the adjustment of station bearing, the 30 Hz
AM reference is varied with respect to the antenna switch signals. The 30 Hz sine
wave is locked to this square wave and so it varies by the same amount. Sideband
energy may be fed to the antenna by various paths shown in Fig. 5.76. For clarity
the antennas switching have been further divided into two groups of odd and even
antennas. The RF switches are shown diagrammatically as single pole, single
through switches. Sideband energy is fed from the sideband modulators to the
'Odd' and 'Even' sideband switches through the antenna distributor switches and
then to the antenna.

Figure 5.76 Sideband energy supply of antenna. 75/88
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Figure 5.77 Block diagram of DVOR signal generation.

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Figure 5.78 Block diagram of control module. 76/88
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Figure 5.79 Block diagram of monitor.

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In Fig. 5.76, the various RF switches are shown in the state that would apply at
zero degree (time t = 0); i.e., at the time corresponding to the positive zero-cross-
ing of the 30 Hz AM sine wave. This results in LSB being fed to antenna No.1 and
USB being fed to antenna No. 25. Considering the 'Odd' antenna only, at zero de-
gree, LSB from the LSB modulator 'Odd' output is fed via switch A of the 'Odd'
sideband switch, to the 1–23 group of the antenna. Switch No. 1 is also closed,
feeding this signal to antenna No. 1. Simultaneously, USB from the USB modulator
'Odd' output is fed via switch C of the 'Odd' sideband switch to the 25–47 antenna
groups and through the closed switch to antenna No. 25. One half cycle later (at
180°) the sideband switch will change state, so that D and B are closed and A and 77/88
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C are open. This allows USB to be fed to antenna No.1 and LSB to antenna No.15.
The switching sequence for the Even antennas is the same, except for a 0.7 m
sec time displacement.

5.14.3. Carrier Generation and Modulation

This sub-system is concerned for transmission of a reference signal from the car-
rier antenna. The 30 Hz reference phase signal, the voice and the beacon identity
code signals are summed, compared with an envelope feedback signal and the
error signal is used to amplitude modulate the carrier. This sub-system is consist
of Carrier Generation and Driver (CGD), Carrier Power Amplifier (CPA), low pass
filter, Carrier Directional Coupler (CDC) and Carrier Modulation and Protection
(CMP). The CGD module provides two outputs at the carrier frequency; one ex-
cites the carrier power amplifier and the other is used for test purpose as a phase
difference in the sideband generator. The carrier oscillator provides two outputs
at the carrier frequency i.e., one derives the driver amplifier and the other is used
for test purposes. The driver amplifier is a two stage RF power amplifier with the
second stage modulated at a low level with signals supplied from the CMP mod-
ule. The power amplifier is a single stage RF power amplifier with sufficient power
gain to provide a normal power output of 10 W from the CGD module. A feedback
loop limits the maximum power output that can be delivered to the CPA amplifiers
and operates under fault conditions.

In CPA module, the input signal is split two ways by a passive power splitter and
the signals are amplified by separate power amplifiers to a level of 50 W each.
The signals are then recombined in a passive combiner to give a nominal 100 W
output. The output signal from the CPA passes through a LPF and a directional
coupler. The coupler contains two coupling loops i.e., one to sense forward and
reverse power for transmitter control and the other to provide a reference signal
for sideband phase lock. The CMP module accepts input signals from the 30 Hz
reference phase, Ident, voice channels. These signals are summed and compared
with a sample of the carrier envelope in an error amplifier. The derived error signal
is used to modulate the second stage of the driver amplifier.

Protection circuits within the CMP module monitor the forward and reverse power
levels from the directional coupler and detector circuits. The levels obtained are
compared with preset level and if there is either an increase or a decrease in for-
ward power or an increase in reverse power which exceeds these levels, then an
alarm is initiated. An imbalance detector across the combiner senses the differ-
ence in power levels from the two amplifiers. This ensures that transmitter shut
down will occur. The CMP module contains the voice channel which accepts an
audio input from a remote line (high level) or a local microphone (low levels). The
voice channel may be level stabilized by a compression amplifier to give a con-
stant modulation depth of the carrier. The band width is limited to prevent interfer-
ence with the navigation signals. This module also contains the 1020 Hz tone
generator for the Ident channel and tone signal is gated by the Morse code gener-
ated in the keyer.

5.14.4. Sideband Generation (SGN)

This unit is for generation of the sideband frequencies using two phase locked
crystal oscillators. To establish the correct relationship between the sideband and
carrier frequencies a sample from the output of the carrier transmitter is mixed
with sideband frequencies in a balance mixer. The resultant signal is compared, in
a phase comparator with a 9969 Hz reference frequency derived from the master
clock frequency. A DC voltage generated by the phase comparator is used to con-
trol and maintain the sideband frequencies in a correct relationship with the car-
rier frequency. 78/88
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The SGN generates two phase locked sideband signals at fc ± 9969 Hz for feeding
the driver amplifiers and sideband modulators. In addition, a 9969 Hz reference
signal is derived using the master oscillator frequency of 3.1104 MHz from the
TSD. Two digital delay circuits in the 9969 Hz signal path allow a range of adjust-
ment of the phase of each sideband to permit correct RF phasing of the DVOR.
For test purposes 'Switch ON' the front panel provides a direct connection to the
carrier oscillator which allows the sidebands to be locked to the carrier frequency
when sidebands are required without the carrier transmitter operating.

The phase detector contains a signal dividing circuit and two balanced mixers. A
sample of the reference carrier output is used as an RF reference for each bal-
anced mixer. Samples of the sideband signals are taken from directional coupler
at the output of each of the sideband driver amplifiers and fed back to the bal-
anced mixers. The SGN function is a sample and hold phase detector for each
sideband which compares in phase and frequency, the beat frequency from the
mixer with a 9969 Hz frequency derived from the master clock frequency in the
TSD module. The upper and lower sideband signals are generated by two voltage-
controlled crystal oscillators. The frequency of each oscillator is controlled by two
varactor diodes in series with the crystal. The DC control voltage derived from the
phase controller is applied to the varactor diodes to correct the sideband fre-
quency, and phase lock the voltage controlled crystal oscillators. The phase shift
adjustment circuits in the 9969 Hz signal path to each phase detector circuit al-
low the sideband to be correctly phased with respect to the carrier.

5.14.5. Time Sequence Generation (TSD)

This unit generates timing signals for correct sequential control of antenna com-
mutation, sideband switching, blending function generation, subcarrier and 30 Hz
reference generation. It also provides facilities for static switching of antennas
and simulated rotation of the station for error curve measurement. TSD provides
the following output signals:

30 Hz for station reference phase generation.

12.96 kHz and 207.36 kHz for clocking the reference phase delay circuits in

720 Hz and 30 Hz for antenna commutation.

77.76 kHz for blending function generation.

The master clock crystal oscillator generates a frequency of 3.1104 MHz. The
time sequence dividers produce the timing signals necessary to synchronize all of
the switching functions in the DVOR. The blending function generator provides a
half sine shaped blending function which is used to amplitude-modulate the up-
per and lower sidebands. The generator consists of two circuits each containing a
counter and Read Only Memory (ROM) and a Digital to Analogue Converter (DAC).
A 77.76 kHz clock signal from the timing sequence circuit is applied to the
counter, causing it to count up from a preset starting value. The counter ad-
dresses the ROM causing it to give a digital value to the DAC for each location.
The digital values in the ROM correspond to sine values so that the output of the
DAC is a half sine wave. The amplitude of the blending function waveform is con-
trolled by a DC level supplied from the sideband level control section in the SGN
module. The change over switch timing provides two 30 Hz signals of the correct
phase relationship to operate the ODD and EVEN switch derives for the sideband
changeover switches. The antenna distribution counters provide binary signals
for activating the appropriate antenna distributor switch in the correct timing

5.14.6. Reference Phase Generation (RPG) 79/88
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This unit generates the 30 Hz reference signal used to modulate the reference
carrier signal. It also contains digital delay circuits which allow the 30 Hz refer-
ence phase information transmitted by the beacon to be adjusted to the correct
magnetic bearing. An Ident key provides the Morse code Ident signal for station
identification. The RPG contains the 30 Hz reference phase adjustments, the 30
Hz reference sine generator and the Ident Keyer. The 30 Hz reference phase ad-
justment is provided by two stages of variable digital delay each controlled by a
front panel rotary switch. One switch allows a 'fine' phase adjustment (approxim-
ately 0.05° per step) and the other for a 'course' adjustment (approximately 0.8°
per step). The total phase delay of 6.5° is provided in each direction by these ad-
justments. Two frequencies of 12.96 kHz and 207.36 kHz from the timing se-
quence dividers provide the necessary timing signals to generate the delays. The
30 Hz reference sine wave is synthesized by a digital waveform generator com-
prising a counter, a ROM and DAC. A 12.96 kHz clock signal from the timing se-
quence divider is applied to the counter, causing it to count up from a preset start-
ing value. The counter addresses the ROM, causing it to give a digital value to the
DAC for each location. The digital values in the ROM correspond to sine values so
that the output of the DAC is a 30 Hz sine wave. The Morse keyer is programmed
to generate dots, dashes and spaces to give a combination of Morse letters or
numbers. Preset located on the module board allow the code speed and repeti-
tion rate to be set independently. The DME interfacing provides the necessary
sharing of ident functions when the DVOR is collocated with the DME.

5.14.7. Sideband Modulator and Amplifier

This unit amplifies the sideband signals from each of the voltage controlled crys-
tal oscillators to a level of about 5 W. The amplified sideband signals are then
modulated with a sine shaped blending function. The modulated sidebands are
available at the output of this unit for driving the Odd and Even antenna RF
switches and also amplifies the sideband signal in a driver amplifier. It produces a
nominal output of 5 W. The output levels are controlled by a feedback circuit,
which varies the error voltage applied to the modulated stage. The output level is
sensed by a peak detector in the modulator.

The ferrite isolator provides a high degree of isolation and an impedance match,
preventing undesirable inter-modulation products from being generated in the
amplifier. A directional coupler supplies a RF sample to the phase detector circuit
for phase lock purposes. Modulations of the sideband signal by the 'Sine' shaped
blending function is performed by a PIN diode absorption modulator. This modu-
lator controls the levels of the sideband RF energy by varying the current through
two PIN power diodes. Modulation linearity is maintained by an envelope feed-
back loop which compares the detected envelope of the RF output with the de-
sired modulating signal. Two outputs are produced, one for the Odd antenna and
other for the Even antenna.

5.14.8. Sideband Antenna Commutating

The function of this unit is to blend the sideband signals from one sideband an-
tenna to the next in a manner approximating a smooth transition, thus simulating
a rotating RF source radiated by the sideband antenna system. Two sideband
changeover switches alternatively switch upper and lower sideband signals to the
antenna distribution switches which switch the signals to the each antenna in
turn. The module contains three sub-system are Antenna Switch Driver (ASD),
Sideband Change over Unit (SCU) and Antenna Distribution Switch (ADS). This
unit also accepts the blended upper and lower side-band signals from the side
band modulator and commutates them to the sideband antennas so that the two
signals radiated by opposite antennas simulate a smoothly rotating upper and
lower sideband RF source. 80/88
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The switch driver for the sideband changeover switches receive two oppositely-
phased 30 Hz logic signals from the changeover timing in the timing sequence di-
viders. The output levels are DC shifted, with the new DC levels having increased
current capacity for driving the switching diodes in the RF switches. The sideband
change over switches are operated by the DC switching signals available from the
switch driver outputs which switch the upper and lower sideband signals between
output terminals. The switched upper and lower sideband signals from the
changeover switches are fed to the antenna distribution switches where the sig-
nals are switched to the each antenna in turn. Two distribution are used, one for
the Odd and one for Even antennas.

5.14.9. Power Supply

This unit converts the nominal 24 V DC input into regulated various DC output
supplies. A DC-to-DC converter followed by series regulator provides multiple DC
supply voltages required to the rack circuits. The voltage limiter limits the voltage
supplied to the RF amplifier to 24 V in order to restrict the power dissipated in
these units. Protecting against high current overload is provided by circuit break-
ers in the 24 V line.

The module contains three sub-unit i.e., Contractor Assembly (CCB), DC to DC

converter (DCC) and Voltage Limiter. The CCB module contains a power con-
tractor switch, two circuit breakers, control and protection circuitry. The power
contractor switch is activated by logic control from the control module. Protection
against high current over load is provided by two circuit breakers in 24 V lines to
the transmitter and the controller, monitor and test units. Protection against re-
verse polarity connection of the battery supply is provided by power diode. The
DCC module operates from the nominal 24 V DC input and produces regulated
voltages of +5 V and ±15 V. It also provides regulated source of –40 V and –45 V
for the side band switching circuits.

The DCC contains two sub-units which are a pulse-width modulated converter, op-
erating a 50 kHz, and using a ferrite cored transformer. This unit provides outputs
of +8 V and ±18 V to the series regulator in the second sub-units, and –40 V and –
45 V to the sideband and switching circuits. Regulation of the –40 V and –45 V
sources takes place in the inverter itself, which uses pulse width control to pro-
duce an output which remains substantially constant despite load and input vari-
ation. Protection is included which will shutdown the converter if either an output
over voltage condition or an excessively high current condition sensed. The
second sub-unit in the DCC module provides further regulated outputs of +5 V
and ±15 V for use by various circuits in the rack. All the regulators are current lim-
ited for protection against short circuits. The voltage limiter limits the voltage
supplied to the RF power amplifier to 24 V in order to restrict the power dissipated
in these volts.

5.14.10. Monitor, Controller and Telemetry

This unit processes a sample of the radiated signal and measures some paramet-
ers of the DVOR signal. If one of the monitored parameters goes out of tolerance
the monitor provides a faulty signal to the control unit. It controls the overall oper-
ation of the system and determines which conditions cause a malfunction indica-
tion or a station shutdown according to the stored program. The monitor also
measures the phase difference between the 30 Hz amplitude modulated and fre-
quency modulated signals, converts this to a bearing in degrees and displays the
result on the front panel read out.

Facilities are also included for signaling to a remote location the status of seven
functions. The unit includes a facility which allows the beacon to be switched 'ON'
and 'OFF' from the remote location.This module contains five sub-units i.e., Mon-

itor RF unit (MRF), Monitor Subcarrier (MSC), Monitor Filter and Ident (MFI), Mon-
itor Bearing Counter (MBC) and Control and Tele-signal unit (CTL). 81/88
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This monitor processes a sample of the radiated signal to determine whether it is
within allowable tolerances. The monitored parameters are bearing, 9969 Hz sub-
carrier level, antenna fault (notch), 30 Hz AM level and Ident code. In addition, the
monitor incorporates a failsafe facility that indicates a fault if the bearing counter
circuits stop functioning. All of the faults signaled by the monitor are processed
by the control module, which determines if the beacon should be shut down.

The monitor can be considered as a number of circuit blocks; these are RF ampli-
fiers, 30 Hz AM channel, 30 Hz FM channel, sub-carrier channel, Antenna notch
alarm, Bearing measurement, Ident channel. The MRF module amplifies and de-
modulates the RF signal received from the monitor field antenna. The signal is
amplified in the two-stage RF band pass amplifier. An AGC amplifier ensures that
the output from the RF stages is kept constant over the specified operating range.
After demodulation the composite audio signal is amplified to give an output of
0.3 volts peak for each of the 30 Hz AM and 9969 Hz sub carrier signals. The MRF
main board contains a DC to DC converter which obtains it input DC voltage from
the AC power supply (mains power) via a separate contractor assembly. It
provides regulated voltages from ± 15 V to the monitor sub-system, thus making
it independent of rack power supplies. The MSC module performs the following

It separates the sub-carrier from the composite VOR signal.

It demodulates the 30 Hz FM on the sub-carrier.

It detects a change in the level of the sub-carrier.

It detects a change in the level of the 30 Hz AM.

It detects a change in the level of the 30 Hz FM (CVOR only), and

It detects an antenna 'notch ' alarm (DVOR only);

The sub-carrier is separated from the composite DVOR audio signal by a band-
pass filter. This signal is amplified, rectified and applied to a comparator, where a
fault is indicated if the detected level moves outside preset limits. The subcarrier
is fed to the frequency discriminator which recovers the 30 Hz FM signal. Other
circuitry examines the sub-carrier for the presence of the 'Notchs' (short duration
absences of 9960 Hz) caused by the failure of an antenna in the array. The pres-
ence of a notch causes a fault indication.

The 30 Hz AM and 30 Hz FM signals are each filtered in two identical LPF circuits
to suppress the third and higher order harmonics before being fed to the sine to
square converters in the MFI module .The MSC module also contains the levels
comparison circuits for generating a fault indication if there is a decrease or an
increase in the level of the 30 Hz AM or 30 Hz FM signals. Monitoring of the in-
crease in level is selectable inside the module.

The MFI module contains the sine-to-square converter circuits and the Ident de-
tectors. The 30 Hz AM and 30 Hz FM sine wave signals are each applied to con-
verter circuit which generates a square wave signal that is locked in-phase to the
sine wave input. The Ident detector consists of a band pass filter and amplifier cir-
cuit which recover the transmitted Morse code Ident. An Ident fault detector gives
a fault indication for conditions of no code or continuous tone.

The MBC module measure the phase difference between the 30 Hz AM and 30 Hz
FM signals and displays the results on a digital readout in degrees. This read out
can operates in either of two modes:

a. Relative mode: It displays the measured bearing error with respect to the
correct monitored radial.

b. Absolute mode: It displays the actual bearing with respect to magnetic

North. 82/88
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Alarm circuitry examines the contents of the counter at the end of each counting
cycle and a fault condition is indicated if the bearing error exceeds a preset limit.
In addition the monitor incorporates a failsafe facility that indicates the fault if the
bearings counter circuit stops functioning .The controller is a microprocessor
based system which is controlled by a program held in a ROM.

5.15. Summary
Doppler VOR (DVOR) is a variable beacon with modified and accurate version of
VOR equipment. It provides guidance on en-route as well as landing to the air-
craft. This chapter deals with complete theoretical as well as practical aspects of
the system and covers about the functionality of each modules used in the sys-
tem. It also further deals with special antenna combination used to generate com-
posite signal patterns, effect of the counterpoise function of antennas switching,
its error due to proximity effect of antennas and source of errors in the DVOR due
to various error source and closeness of sideband antenna etc.

5.16. Objective Questions

1. The superiority of DVOR over CVOR is due to the fact that

a. FM signal is received with minimum phase shift due to reflections be-

cause of capture effect.

b. Reference signal is amplitude modulated

c. Effective antenna aperture is more

d. There is no cone of confusion.

2. Number of peripheral antennae switched simultaneously in DVOR is

a. 1

b. 2

c. 3

d. 4

3. The switching of peripheral antennae in DVOR is

a. Clockwise sequential alternate

b. Clockwise alternate

c. Counter-clock-wise sequential

d. Counter-clockwise-alternate.

4. If an aircraft approaching DVOR station from due East observes maximum

frequency of sideband signal, the peripheral antenna switched at that instant

a. North, South

b. North-East, South-West

c. East, West

d. North-West, South-East

5. Increase in diameter of peripheral antennae in DVOR will cause:

a. Increase in frequency deviation

b. Decrease in frequency deviation

c. No affect on frequency deviation.  83/88
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6. The crossover strap connections are used in Alford loop antenna so that RF
in two adjacent parallel diagonal arms is:

a. In phase opposition

b. In phase quadrature

c. In phase

7. In DVOR the Sideband antenna rotation is simulated at the rate of

a. 30 r.p.s.

b. 60 r.p.s.

c. 480 r.p.s.

d. 16 r.p.s.

8. Doppler effect makes the sideband frequency to shift by

a. ± 16 Hz

b. ± 30 Hz

c. ± 480 Hz.

9. In DVOR the diameter of the ring of sideband aerials is what multiple of the

a. 3rd

b. 5th

c. 7th

d. 9th

10. In DVOR the blending of sideband power is employed to have

a. Better control over radiated power

b. Smooth transition of RF power

c. Increased radiation efficiency of the aerials.

11. The frequency of the Blending function is

a. 30 Hz

b. 60 Hz

c. 720 Hz

d. 1500 Hz.

12. In DVOR the phase of the variable 30 Hz signal is

a. Leads the phase of reference 30 Hz signal

b. Lags the phase of reference 30 Hz signal

c. Is phase locked to the reference signal?

13. An observer to the east of DVOR shall get

a. FM 30 Hz leading in-phase than AM 30 Hz.

b. FM 30 Hz lagging in-phase than AM 30 Hz.

c. Phase of FM and AM 30 Hz are the same.

d. AM 30 Hz leading in-phase than FM 30 Hz?

14. The DVOR frequency band is

a. 108 kHz – 118 kHz 84/88
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b. 108 kHz – 118 MHz

c. 108 MHz – 118 MHz

d. 108 MHz – 136 MHz

15. 'Phasing' in a DVOR installation means

a. Synchronizing the phases of reference and variable 30 Hz signals.

b. Equalizing the amplitudes of the reference at variable 30 Hz sizes.

c. Maximizing the space modulation

d. Maximizing the carrier power

16. In DVOR the diameter of the ring of sideband aerials is

a. 10m

b. 13.5m

c. 17m

d. 20m

17. In a DVOR the carrier is

a. Frequency modulator by the reference 30 Hz signal

b. Amplitude modulator by the reference 30 Hz signal and the identification


c. Amplitude modulator by the blending function frequency

d. None of the above.

18. If an aircraft approaching DVOR station from due North observes maximum
frequency of sideband signal, the peripheral antennae switched at that in-
stant are:

a. North, South

b. North-East, Southwest

c. East, West

d. North-West, Southeast.

19. Which statement is true regarding DVOR?

a. All aerial are omni-directional

b. Central antenna alone is omni-directional

c. Only peripheral antenna is omni-directional

d. None of the above

20. The frequency of the blending function in DVOR depends upon

a. Total number of antenna

b. Diameter of the sideband antenna

c. Total number of sideband antenna

d. None of the above

21. The phaser relationship of the two navigation signals is independent of the
heading and altitude of the aircraft. They are

a. Reference and Ident

b. Ident and voice

c. Reference and variable  85/88
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d. Variable and voice

22. The voice transmission feature in DVOR can be utilized for

a. Weather information broadcast

b. Ground to air communication

c. Miscellaneous information from ground location to the aircraft

d. All the above

23. In order to maintain goniometer output highly accurate stable in phase, fre-
quency and power levels. The feedback signal obtained from

a. RF power sample

b. DC proportional to RF level

c. 30 Hz reference level

d. All the above

24. Due to DVOR signal reflection from the near field and far field object, amp-
litude of signal will introduce the phase error by

a. 4°

b. 2°

c. 1°

d. Half degrees

25. Due to DVOR signal reflection from near field and far field object, the fre-
quency deviation introduce the flatter in the discriminator because

a. Change of sub carrier frequency

b. Change of amplitude of sub-carrier

c. Change in carrier frequency amplitude

d. All the above

26. The more common cause of quadrantal errors is

a. Incorrect antenna tuning

b. Defective antenna coaxial feed lines

c. Antenna sideband line

d. All the above

27. To overcome the siting effect over CVOR/DVOR performance, the Parameter
needs to be optimized for better results

a. Building height

b. Antenna size over the building

c. Counterpoise height

d. All the above

28. Blending function means

a. Smooth change over carrier to sideband

b. Smooth change over RF power of sideband

c. Smooth changeover of carrier power

d. All the above

29. What do you understand about the phase locking in DVOR?  86/88
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a. Carrier and sideband in phase

b. LSB and USB in phase

c. 30 Hz and sub carrier out of phase

d. None of the above

30. What do you understand by flag 'UP' in aircraft cockpits?

a. VOR signal is unreliable

b. VOR signal is reliable but % of modulation is low

c. VOR signal is reliable but % of modulation is normal

d. None of the above

31. Capture effect is utilized when

a. The amplitude of the two signals differs appreciably.

b. The Frequency of the two signals differs appreciably

c. Both Amplitude and the Frequency of the two signals differ appreciably.

d. None of the above.

32. In DVOR if both the sidebands are radiated from the same peripheral dipole, it
may results in

a. Maximum deviation will not be 480 Hz.

b. Carrier will be frequency modulated by the sub-carrier

c. Carrier will be frequency modulated by 30 Hz

d. Maximum deviation will be 9960 Hz.

33. If phase relationship between the sidebands and carrier is not maintained, it
may result in

a. Increase in space modulation percentage

b. Decrease in space modulation percentage

c. Increase in transmitter modulation percentage

d. Decrease in transmitter modulation percentage

5.17. Descriptive Questions

1. The same VOR airborne receiver is able to use signal transmitted by CVOR as
well as DVOR. Explain how? List parameters monitored in CVOR and DVOR,
failure of which may cause a changeover/ shutdown of the working

2. Draw a simple block diagram of a VOR airborne receiver and explain briefly as
to how course information is derived out.

3. The Power output of a VOR Tx Unit is 200 W. The cable attenuation is 2dB
and the antenna gain is 2dB. Express the ERP in dBW.

4. Draw the composite pattern that will be seen on the oscilloscope fed from
the VOR monitor output and explain its features

5. Calculate the percentage of modulation in each of the following case when

the carrier has an amplitude of 10 units and

i. Each side band amplitude 5 units, with phase lag of 90° w.r.t. carrier

ii. Each side band amplitude 5 units with phase lag of 45° w.r.t carrier

iii. Each side band amplitude 5 units phase opposite to carrier. 87/88
1/9/2021 DOPPLER VOR (DVOR) | McGraw-Hill Education - Access Engineering
6. Describe the meaning of the North alignment of the DVOR /CVOR. Why is it
so important? If yes explain or if no then why so?

7. How to reduce the error due to vertical field of the VOR signal? What is ICAO
recommendation? Explain the misphasing of the DVOR.

8. What is antenna array effect and how to minimize it? Why DVOR antennas in-
stalled on the ring with 180° out-of-phase? What is role of the DVOR

9. If the center antenna pattern is not circular, what will the composite pattern
and whether the system will meet the requisite criteria of DVOR application?
If not how to correct the overall pattern to make signal usable for navigation.

10. In DVOR, if four sidebands are switched together simultaneously (two to-
gether and two together but out of phase), what will be errors on the course
radial, whether system is usable or not?

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