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2ND SEMESTER, A.Y 2023-2024

Course & Year/Section:

l. Multiple choice
Encircle the best answer that is given in the below.

1. The science of correct.

a) Philosophy b) Logic c) Ontology d) Cosmology

2. It is known as “love of wisdom”.

a) Theodicy or theology b) Logic c) Philosophy d) Epistemology

3. He gave this etymological/historical meaning.

a) Pythagoras b) Zeno c) Plato d) Aristotle

4. Philosophy of nature, or non-living universe.

a) Philosophy b) Theodicy or theology c) Ontology d) Cosmology

5. Philosophy that deals with morality.

a) Philosophy b) Ontology c) Ethics d) Cosmology

6. Study of God, contigent and emergent reality.

a) Theodicy or Theology b) Ontology c) Philosophy d) Epistemology

7. The principles of life and nature and their classifications.

a) Philosophy b) Rational Psychology c) Ontology d) Cosmology

8. The reality of things.

a) Theodicy or theology b) Logic c) Rational Psychology d) Ontology

9. He introduced the actual name of logic.

a) Zeno b) Pythagoras c) Aristotle d) Plato

10. The validity of human knowledge.

a) Epistemology b) Ontology c) Cosmology d) Rational Psychology

ll. Identification
Part 1
(Identify if it is Idea or Phantasm. Write I if it is Idea and write P for Phantasm.)

1. Imagining two friends laughing together and helping each other through difficult times.
2. Love as an intense feeling of affection and care towards another person.
3. Honesty as a virtue of speaking truthfully and being sincere.

Part 2
(Identify which kind of Universal Categories it belongs.)

4. Kevin is now sitting in the stairway.

5. She was answered.
6. Andrea seems contented with herself.
Part 3: Terms and Definition
(Identify what is being asked)
7.The term is applied to unlike but related things so that it is used in a meaning partly the same and partly
8.Terms whose signification always remains the same.
9. Refers to the thing or word to be defined.
10. It is actually the defining expression.

lll. Identification
Read carefully each questions and state whether the following are A, or E, or I, or O, propositions.

1. All mammals are warm-blooded animals.

2. Some mammals do not lay eggs.
3. Some birds can fly.
4. No gases are liquids at room temperature.
5. No reptiles are mammals.
6. All triangles have three sides.
7. Some cars are not red.
8. Some students like english.
9. Some insects do not have wings.
10. Some fruits are sweet.
Part 2
Identify if it is Idea or Phantasm. Write I if it is Idea and write P for Phantasm.

1. Imagining two friends laughing together and helping each other through difficult times.
2. Honesty as a virtue of speaking truthfully and being sincere.
3. Dreaming of soaring through the sky without any barriers or limitations.
4. Friendship as bond based on mutual trust and support.
5. Love as an intense feeling of affection and care towards another person.

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