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Students and Teachers Preferences among Digital Whiteboard

Application for Collaborative Discussion

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in

Research 20 – Undergraduate Thesis

Bachelor of Technology and Livelihood Education

Major in Information Communication Technology

University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines

Submitted to:

Pelmar M. Acosta
Research Instructor

Submitted by:

Arias, Maria Niza L.

Caño, Cheryl O.

Clerigo, Maria Nicole M.

Miculob, Shella Mae T.

Tayone, DJ L.

Date: February 13, 2023

Table of Contents
ABSTRACT..……………………………………………………………………………… iii
CHAPTER 1...............................................................................................................4
THE PROBLEM.........................................................................................................4
Introduction to the Study Area..................................................................…. .. … 4
Background of the Study....................................................................................... 7
Statement of the Problem...................................................................................... 7
Research Objectives............................................................................................. 8
Research Questions.............................................................................................. 8
Definition of Terms................................................................................................ 9
Significance of the Study..................................................................................... 12
Scope and Limitation of the Study....................................................................... 13
Summary............................................................................................................. 14
CHAPTER II............................................................................................................ 15
REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURES.................................................................15
CONCEPTUAL/THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK................................................. 26
CHAPTER III............................................................................................................29
METHODOLOGY.................................................................................................... 29
Research Design..................................................................................................29
Research Location................................................................................................30
Sample, Sampling Procedure and Sample Size...................................................30
Research Instrument............................................................................................ 31
Data Collection Methods.......................................................................................31
Data Analysis Techniques....................................................................................32
Likert-Scale Interpretation.....................................................................................32
Statistical Treatment.............................................................................................33
Summary.............................................................................................................. 34
CHAPTER IV........................................................................................................... 35

Results and Discussions…………………………………………………..….............35

CHAPTER V……………………………………………………………..………………..50
Summary of Findings……………………………………………………..………….…50


As education nowadays is evolving, just as the world is continually

changing, we are now embodied with different technologies in which

education recommends using high-quality teaching tools to generate and

exhibit learning with new fundamentals in the execution of the activity.

Traditional teaching methods are being supplemented and sometimes

replaced by more technologically advanced tools. This shift has been

further accelerated by the global pandemic, which has necessitated

remote learning. In this context, digital whiteboard applications have

emerged as essential tools for effective learning.

According to the needs of the study, a correlative research design

was adopted. There are fifty (50) BTLED ICT students from the USTP-

Oroquieta who participated in the study, together with ten (10) BTLED

instructors. The highest weighted mean for both the students and

teachers responses on their preferences among Digital Whiteboard

Applications for Collaborative Discussions are 3.41 and 3.86. The result

shows that Miro Application is the most preferred Digital Whiteboard

Application for Collaborative discussion for both the teachers and

students. It is very advantageous for them to use Miro Application as a

teaching tool for collaborative discussion because it can develop and

enhance the teaching and learning strategies and promotes innovative


Keywords: Digital Whiteboard Application, teaching tool, and collaborative




Introduction to the Study Area

A good presentation reflects the effectivity of a presenter. Basically,

the more readable and understandable your presentation is the more your

audience to catch up and interact. Many college students as well as

teachers often encounter the problem of visibility and interaction in terms

of demonstrating their presentation in the projector, television and etc. in a

huge crowd. As a result, their lecture will not be productive. (Ling et al.,


Nowadays, students and teachers are surrounded and consumed

by the vast spread of technology and many high technology devices. To

make it simple, education goes hand in hand with technology. Students

and teachers use technology as a primary medium of learning in the field

of education. Also, technology is always upgrading giving them the more

choices and help in their studies and the learning process.

(Nikolopoulou,2020) There are cases wherein teachers and students use

their mobile phones to manipulate their laptop, projector and television to

deliver their slide presentation. This kind of method is very rampant in the

field of teaching in this modern world. But they have not discovered yet if

we do the vice versa of those things. Instead of manipulating your PC or

your projector from your phone, we will control all the audience phone

right from your computer. And also evaluate and introduce the use of the

three Digital Whiteboard Applications. Namely: Google Jamboard,

ApowerMirror Application, and the Miro Application.

In the rapidly evolving digital age, the education sector has been

undergoing significant transformations. Traditional teaching methods are

being supplemented and sometimes replaced by more technologically

advanced tools. This shift has been further accelerated by the global

pandemic, which has necessitated remote learning. In this context, digital

whiteboard applications like Google Jamboard, ApowerMirror, and Miro

have emerged as essential tools for effective learning.

Google Jamboard is a digital whiteboard app that promotes

interactive and collaborative learning. It allows users to sketch their ideas,

add notes, import images, and even pull in resources directly from the

web. This level of interactivity and collaboration makes it a popular choice

among many teachers and students. According to DeCamp (2022),

Google Jamboard is a digital whiteboard that enables online or in-person

collaboration on a common area. Students and coworkers can collaborate

and draw simultaneously while outlining concepts or solving problems.

Then users can save their work as a PDF to their computer, a collection of

separate photographs for particular frames, or to Google Drive.

Being able to provide an enjoying yet interacting discussion to the

students is in need in our generation today. Teachers always find a way

for the students not to get bored listening to every details and information


ApowerMirror is a screen mirroring application that is compatible with

both iOS and Android devices, as well as Windows and Mac. With

ApowerMirror, teachers can share their screen with students, making it

easier to explain concepts and conduct discussions. According to Softonic

(2023), ApowerMirror also offers a screen recording feature. This allows

users to record their screen activities, a function that can be incredibly

beneficial in an educational setting. For students, this means they can

record lessons or tutorials for later review, ensuring they don't miss any

important information. For teachers, this feature allows them to record

demonstrations or lectures, which can then be shared with students for

future reference.

Miro, on the other hand, is a collaborative online whiteboard

platform designed for remote and distributed teams. It's used by educators

for brainstorming sessions, creating mind maps, organizing tasks, and

conducting lessons in a highly visual and interactive way. Miro (2023)

stated that one of the key features of Miro is its infinite canvas. This allows

users to create, share, and collaborate on ideas without the constraints of

physical space. For teachers, this means they can present complex

concepts in a visually engaging manner, while students can use this

space for brainstorming, mind mapping, or working on group projects.

Miro also offers a range of pre-made templates, including

flowcharts, diagrams, and storyboards. These can be particularly useful

for teachers when explaining complex concepts or processes, and for

students when organizing their thoughts or presenting their work.

The preference for one application over the other can be influenced

by a variety of factors such as ease of use, accessibility, interactive

capabilities, and the specific needs and requirements of the teachers and


In this paper, the researchers are aiming to know the Students and

Teachers Preferences among Digital Whiteboard Applications for

Collaborative Discussions.

Background of the Study

Inattentiveness of the students is the major factor of the

presentation breakdown. This will result as a barrier in the whole learning

process. Students will find it hard to deliver their reports because of this.

Also teachers may encounter difficulty of getting students' attention unto

their presentation.

According to (Tryclarifi 2023), the different uses of technology such

as audio-visual presentations, virtual classrooms, wide-screen projectors,

and digital planners help teachers and students to improve their delivery

of instructions. This consequently enhanced the understanding and

comprehension level of the students. Nearly 90% of educators concurred

that technology enhanced their instruction and improved students'

performance. The majority of the instructors and students who embraced

technology and digital tools saw an improvement in their learning and

academic performance.

Statement of the Problem

One of the major problems in the teaching and learning process is

the inattentiveness and less interaction of the students during class

discussion. By this, researchers propose three (3) Digital Whiteboard

Applications namely: Google Jamboard, ApowerMirror Application, and

Miro Application to further investigate and give solution to the problem.

This study aims to know the Students and Teachers Preferences among

Digital Whiteboard Applications for Collaborative Discussions.

Research Objectives

Inattentiveness and less interaction are very rampant in the

teaching and learning process. This study seeks to determine the

Students and Teachers Preferences among Digital Whiteboard

Applications for Collaborative Discussions and meet these following


1. To know the perceptions of the students-respondent using the three

Whiteboard Applications for Collaborative Discussion.

2. To know the perception of the Teacher-respondent using the three

Whiteboard Applications for Collaborative Discussion.

3. To determine the significant relationship between student-respondents,

teacher-respondents on using Whiteboard Applications for Collaborative


4. To know the preference of Teachers and Students on using Whiteboard

Applications for Collaborative Discussion

Research Questions

Specifically, this research answers the following questions:

1. What are the perceptions of the students-respondent using the three

Whiteboard Applications for Collaborative Discussion?

2. What are the perceptions of the Teacher-respondent using the three

Whiteboard Applications for Collaborative Discussion?

3. Is there any significant relationship between students and teachers’

respondents on using the three Whiteboard Applications for Collaborative


4. What is the preferred Whiteboard Application for Collaborative


a. Students?

b. Teachers?

Null Hypothesis

H0: There is no significant relationship between the teachers and the

students’ responses in utilizing the three whiteboard applications for

collaborative discussion.

Definition of Terms

Alternative. Alternative signifies the views of the teachers and students to

use the Whiteboard Applications as an alternative medium of

instruction. An alternative is a choice which is offered for you

to decide for your convenience and usage and can be done or

used instead. Alternative also refers to a different digital

whiteboard application that students and teachers might

choose to use instead of another, based on their specific

needs, preferences, or circumstances. For example, if a

student or teacher finds Google Jamboard not suitable for their

needs, they might choose ApowerMirror or Miro as an

alternative. (Collins, 2023)

ApowerMirror. ApowerMirror is a powerful screen mirroring

application that offers a multitude of features, making it a

valuable tool for both students and teachers in the digital age.

According to Microsoft Applications (2023), one of the key

features of ApowerMirror is its ability to mirror the screen of a

phone or tablet onto a computer, or vice versa. This feature is

particularly useful for teachers who want to share content

from their mobile devices to the entire class. By projecting the

small screen onto a larger display, teachers can effectively

demonstrate applications, websites, or digital techniques in a

way that's easily visible to all students.

Collaborative Discussion. A collaborative discussion refers to a

dialogue that involves two or more people working together

towards a common goal. This could be solving a problem,

brainstorming ideas, making a decision, or learning about a

particular topic.In the context of education, collaborative

discussions often involve students and teachers engaging in

an interactive dialogue to enhance learning. These

discussions can foster critical thinking, improve

communication skills, and promote a deeper understanding of

the subject matter. In the case of digital whiteboard

applications like Google Jamboard, ApowerMirror, and Miro,

they provide platforms that facilitate these collaborative

discussions, allowing users to interact, share ideas, and work

together in real-time, regardless of their physical location.

(Interactivity Foundation, 2023)

Google Jamboard. Google Jamboard is a digital whiteboard that

enables online or in-person collaboration on a common area. It

offers a variety of markup features that collaborators can use

for a variety of classroom purposes. (DeCamp, 2022)

Inattention/Inattentiveness. Inattention refers to a situation of

reduced concentration span of mental powers upon an object

or activity. It also implies the absence of interaction of the

students during class discussions because students are doing

something not relating to the topic. (American Psychological

Association 2023)

Miro Application. Miro is a collaborative online whiteboard platform

designed for remote and distributed teams. It's used by

educators for brainstorming sessions, creating mind maps,

organizing tasks, and conducting lessons in a highly visual

and interactive way. According to PC Magazine (2023),

another notable feature of Miro is its real-time collaboration

capability. Multiple users can work on the same board

simultaneously, making it an ideal tool for group projects or

collaborative learning activities. This feature can also facilitate

interactive lessons, where students can contribute to the board

while the teacher guides the discussion.

Perception. Perception is the psychological processes through the

experience gain by the five senses, individuals can process

responses into positive or negative perceptions (Erin, and

Maharani, 2018). Perception also signifies the views of the

teachers and students to use the Whiteboard Applications as

an alternative medium of instruction.

Teachers and Students. Teachers and students imply all the teaching

force in USTP Oroquieta specifically, ICT instructors and all

ICT students

Utilization. According to the Cambridge Dictionary (2023), utilizing

implies to make efficient use of something. This entails using

the Whiteboard applications to efficiently interact with students

during the teaching and learning process. Utilization also refers

to how students and teachers are using digital whiteboard

applications like Google Jamboard, ApowerMirror, and Miro in

their teaching and learning processes. It could involve looking

at how frequently these tools are used, the purposes they are

used for, and how effectively they are being used to enhance

collaborative discussions and learning outcomes.

Significance of the Study

This study will focus on Students and Teachers Preferences among

Digital Whiteboard Applications for Collaborative Discussions. This

research benefits to the following:

ICT Students and Instructors. Understanding preferences among

digital whiteboard applications can help ICT students and

instructors optimize their learning and teaching processes. It

can guide them in choosing the most suitable tool that caters to

their specific needs and enhances their learning or teaching

experience. Moreover, it can also provide insights into how

these tools can be effectively used for collaborative discussions

and other educational activities.

University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines

(System). The findings of this study can assist the USTP

System in making informed decisions about the integration and

support of digital whiteboard applications in their curriculum. It

can help them understand which tools are preferred by their

students and teachers, and why, enabling them to provide the

necessary resources, training, and support.

USTP Oroquieta Administrators. This research can provide valuable

insights for school administrators in general. Understanding the

preferences and needs of students and teachers can guide

them in implementing effective digital learning strategies,

investing in the right educational technology, and providing

appropriate training for their staff. It can also help them

understand how these tools can enhance collaborative

discussions and learning outcomes, which can ultimately

contribute to improving the overall quality of education.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

This research study aims to determine and focus on Students and

Teachers Preferences among Digital Whiteboard Applications for

Collaborative Discussions. The study specifically focuses on the

perspectives of both teachers and students in the utilization of Whiteboard

Applications within the college setting. By exploring the benefits and

challenges associated with the applications’ usage, the study aims to shed

light on its potential impact on enhancing teaching and learning

experiences in the BTLED ICT.


The goal of this research study is to determine the Students and

Teachers Preferences among Digital Whiteboard Applications for

Collaborative Discussions in the classroom. The three applications enable

teachers to share content from their laptops directly to students'

smartphones, allowing for real-time information dissemination and

enhanced student engagement. The study explores the impact of

Whiteboard Application on classroom dynamics, student participation, and

knowledge retention. Additionally, it investigates the teachers' perspectives

on the applications’ usability, effectiveness, and overall impact on the

learning environment. The findings highlight the potential of Whiteboard

Applications as a valuable tool for fostering interactive discussions and

improving student-teacher communication in the modern educational




This chapter presents the review of related literature, related studies,

relevant theories, conceptual/ theoretical framework that are relevant to the


Inattentiveness of the Students

The inattentiveness of the students during class hours are very rampant in

any school institutions nowadays. There are many aspects that leads to this

kind of learning barrier. Inattentiveness can cause the downfall of the interactive

discussion. Many researchers studied on this field on how to limit and eradicate

this kind of problem.

As Ling et al (2022) stated, one of the key indicators used to gauge

learning outcomes is students' real learning engagement in class, or what we

call learning attentiveness. In offline classes, it is crucial to effectively measure

and assess students' attentiveness because this will help teachers' lesson

plans. This study suggests a strategy to divide a class into a series of time

periods that is classified into four states: lecture, interaction, practice, and

transcription in order to capture and measure students' attention in the

classroom. Not just the students, teacher also are affected in this kind of

problem. This dilemma will affect the effectivity of the teaching and learning


Student’s learning attention in an offline class is a quantitative index to

measure students’ learning engagement in class, which includes attention

depth and attention duration. The deeper and longer students’ attention is in the

class, the better the learning results will be. The attention of the students is the

key factor for them to capture the essence of learning. This will help them to

inculcate every information that the teacher will provide in the discussion.

Students' learning attention styles differ and are influenced by their individual

traits. A student can quickly reach a high level of learning attention, but they

cannot maintain it for very long. This is due to the many barriers and

disturbance in the classroom. If not conquered, this will lead to serious effects

like low and failing grade. Another student might struggle to reach a state of

intense focus, but once there, they can hold it for a considerable amount of

time. Some students find it difficult to maintain their focus on their academics

and are readily influenced by outside factors. We think that examining the

students' overall learning focus throughout class can quantify the impact of the

teacher's instruction and determine the effectiveness of in-class instruction.

Teachers can enhance their teaching strategies by taking advantage of

students' learning attention. (Ling et al, 2022)

The solution for this depends on how the teachers addresses and

prioritize the problem called "inattentiveness". Since the students can't hold

their attention in class for a long duration, the teaching and learning pace

should adjust to the student attention pace. But this is situational. Some of the

students also have the tenacity to learn and focus during class. Some of the

factors affecting inattentiveness are: individual family problems, distraction in

the environment, lack of social interactivity, and sometimes personal problems

like headache and flu.

It was noted that while the students associated this issue with themselves,

the teachers, other students, and teachers as well as the surroundings, the

teachers saw the attention issues the students had during the course mostly as

a problem emanating from the students themselves. Both teachers and

students were able to identify the psychological traits, the actions, and their

poor academic achievement, however teachers tend to view this situation more

as disciplinary issues. Passing tests should be harder, and discipline rules

should change to make punishment easier, suggested the teachers who kept

the students' attention issues out of their own sphere and their teaching

methods. (Fatma et al, 2019)

Incorporation of Technology in Teaching and Learning

Due to this spreading problem, researchers offer the incorporation and

use of technology in the teaching and learning process. Technology can elevate

the learning of the students. We all know that gadgets fall to the factors

distracting the students in listening to the teachers' instructions. But to address

this problem, we the researchers offer an application to limit the control of the

students in using gadgets during discussions.

New technology and creative space utilization are having an increasing

impact on how teaching and learning is done. Numerous schools have

developed flexible, technology-rich rooms in recognition of the necessity to stay

current. Studies to far have mainly focused on how students use these

resources, but their accessibility has a significant impact on teaching staff as

well, opening up new opportunities and problems. This is correlated to an

increase in number and variety of teaching and learning activities which, it is

suggested, enhances the student experience. (Foss et al, 2014)

The term technology-enhanced learning (TEL) is used to describe the

application of information and communication technologies to teaching and

learning. Explicit statements about what the term is understood to mean are

rare and it is not evident that a shared understanding has been developed in

higher education of what constitutes an enhancement of the student learning

experience. (Kirkwood and Price, 2014)

Considering that students can now access education from anywhere, at

any time, and at their own speed thanks to technology, it is currently thought

that technology plays a key role in improving teaching and learning in

universities. However, the general degree of technology integration into

teaching and learning is not very high, and the use of the following fundamental

technological tools is being made to support the integration: learning

management systems, projectors, computers, and online activities. Other

elements that contribute to the availability of technical support, a sufficient

supply of infrastructure, and chances for tailored staff development, as well as

ongoing professional development, are crucial for enabling successful

technology integration. This also showed that limited financial resources, limited

investment in new technology, lacks of systematic and sustainable approaches

for staff development to support effective technology integration were some of

the major challenges faced. (Turugare and Rudhumbu, 2020)

According to Judson (2018), teachers who easily incorporate technology

into their classes are more likely to have constructivist teaching philosophies.

The character of a teacher's technology-integrated lessons may be similar to

the teacher's student-centered attitudes about instruction, according to the

evidence. This association between constructivist pedagogy and technology

use means that constructivist-minded educators maintain engaging, student-

centered classrooms where technology serves as a potent instrument for

learning. Unfortunately, a large portion of the study conducted to date has relied

on teachers' self-reported data, and this type of data too frequently paints a

picture that is less than realistic. Direct observations that assess how teachers

integrate technology in a constructivist approach are a more accurate, albeit

time-consuming, measurement than self-reported practices.

In the last 20 years, the South African higher education has changed

significantly, influenced by global trends national development goals and

pressure from local educational imperatives, in the context of a digitally

networked world. Shifts in technology enhanced pedagogical practices and in

discourses around information and communication technologies (ICTs) have

had varying degrees of influence in higher education. Phase 1 (1996–2000),

Phase 2 (2001–05), Phase 3 (2006–10), and Phase 4 (2011–16) make up a

historical examination of the literature view. In phase 1, technology was

primarily employed for computer-assisted training, drill and practice, and

growing awareness of the digital divide. In phase 2, institutions concentrated

mostly on developing ICT infrastructure, democratizing information, developing

policies, and doing research to assess how well teaching with and without

technology performed. Institutions started incorporating ICTs into their strategic

plans during phase 3, digital divide discussions centered on epistemological

access, and research projects started having a pedagogical orientation. Social

media and mobile learning, which students already use to revolutionize

teaching and learning methods, came to the forefront in phase 4. (Brown, et al


According to Dunn et al (2011), the use of technology and teaching

methods developed from it are currently hot topics. The impact of these new

technologies on classroom activities and extracurricular activities is a concern

for teachers at all academic levels and in all kinds of institutions. Although many

instructors have already adopted some of these tools, they are still unsure of

how effective they will be in the classroom. Others have held off because they

are hesitant to adopt technologies or procedures that are still being researched,

or because, as is frequently the case, they lack institutional support. Best

Practices for Technology-Enhanced Teaching and Learning brings together

expert teacher-scholars who apply and assess technology's impact on

traditional, hybrid or blended, or completely on-line courses, relying on

technology as a teaching tool for classroom management and interaction (eg,

Blackboard, PowerPoint, student response or" clicker systems," multimedia

tools), as well as student-based uses of technology largely independent of

instructors (eg, social networking on popular sites including Facebook and


Google Jamboard

Utilization of Jamboard in Teaching and Learning The utilization of

Discovery is one more justification for using Jamboard. Learning the Discovery

Learning paradigm proposed by Bruner, a constructivist approach that

combines the learner's prior knowledge with newly learned material that they

independently uncovered leads to deeper learning because the learning

process is personalized. In Australia, a class of post-graduate international

students uses this methodology to compile a collection of case studies on their

favorite female leaders. The purpose of the subject's design was to incorporate

discovery learning into the weekly content in order to include foreign case

studies in the curriculum. Students learnt not just from their peers but also how

to conduct internet research, summarize it, and clearly express a point on a

Jamboard. (Stafford, 2022) Jamboard was used to help students write better

personal letters, which had a big influence on teaching and learning. Since

Jamboard offers a range of implementation material to relieve students'

boredom while learning to write, such as writing personal letters, narrative text,

essays, and so on, it could be a viable choice for English teachers. Additionally,

Jamboard usage could aid kids in developing their literacy abilities, particularly

in writing. Students' ability to think might be improved by using learning media,

particularly Jamboard, to create more inventive and distinctive personal letters.

Jamboard has a beneficial impact on learning outcomes and motivation.

Teachers can assist students develop their critical and creative thinking abilities

by using Jamboard. Furthermore, students can share the consequences of their

stories through personal letters and photographs, making classroom writing

more entertaining and meaningful. (Masruroh,2023) According to Luke,et al.

(2021) Jamboard is very useful during the pandemic. Jamboard gives teachers

the chance to experiment with collaborative virtual education without financial

and institutional barriers position geographically. This application provides a

flexible collaborative experience that may be packaged for use in higher

education. It also has extra promise in areas of interprofessional debate, such

as as research, workshops for professional growth, or other inventive

environments. Third-year medical students from the University of Derby

participated in an applied radiology and surface anatomy using Jamboard for a

workshop. These sessions frequently include body painting and clinical case

studies, which was The COVID-19 pandemic stopped it. It was intended to

better place their knowledge of anatomical using radiological and clinical

scenarios as examples, apply the concepts. In contrast to QUB, the students

have completed all official. Consequently, acquisition of integrated basic

science material session did not feature any fresh information. In order to apply

principles to surface anatomy and radiographic imaging, students were

expected to remember and locate pertinent material. There were 25 students in

these sessions. six groups were formed and given the job of using Jamboard

and Create a five-minute presentation on a specific idea using Blackboard


ApowerMirror Application

ApowerMirror is a powerful screen mirroring application that offers a

multitude of features, making it a valuable tool for both students and teachers in

the digital age. (GetApp, 2023) One of the key features of ApowerMirror is its

ability to mirror the screen of a phone or tablet onto a computer, or vice versa.

This feature is particularly useful for teachers who want to share content from

their mobile devices to the entire class. By projecting the small screen onto a

larger display, teachers can effectively demonstrate applications, websites, or

digital techniques in a way that's easily visible to all students. In addition to

screen mirroring, ApowerMirror also offers a screen recording feature. This

allows users to record their screen activities, a function that can be incredibly

beneficial in an educational setting. For students, this means they can record

lessons or tutorials for later review, ensuring they don't miss any important

information. For teachers, this feature allows them to record demonstrations or

lectures, which can then be shared with students for future reference. Another

notable feature of ApowerMirror is its whiteboard function. This allows users to

draw or make annotations directly on the screen during a presentation. For

teachers, this can enhance their ability to explain complex concepts, while

students can use this feature to collaborate on projects or brainstorm ideas.

(CNET,2020) Furthermore, ApowerMirror allows users to control their mobile

device from their computer. This feature can be particularly useful for teachers

who want to navigate an app or website while simultaneously presenting it to

the class. This application’s compatibility with both iOS and Android devices

ensures that it can be utilized by a wide range of users, regardless of their

device preference. ApowerMirror, with its diverse features, serves as a versatile

tool in the realm of education. By facilitating screen mirroring, recording,

annotation, and device control, it enhances the teaching and learning

experience, catering to the needs of both students and teachers in a digital

learning environment. (Softonic, 2023)

Miro Application

Miro is a collaborative online whiteboard platform designed to facilitate

teamwork and creative processes. With a host of features, it serves as a

valuable tool for both students and teachers in the modern educational

landscape. (PC Magazine, 2023) One of the key features of Miro is its infinite

canvas. This allows users to create, share, and collaborate on ideas without the

constraints of physical space. For teachers, this means they can present

complex concepts in a visually engaging manner, while students can use this

space for brainstorming, mind mapping, or working on group projects. Miro also

offers a range of pre-made templates, including flowcharts, diagrams, and

storyboards. These can be particularly useful for teachers when explaining

complex concepts or processes, and for students when organizing their

thoughts or presenting their work. (Miro, 2023) Another notable feature of Miro

is its real-time collaboration capability. Multiple users can work on the same

board simultaneously, making it an ideal tool for group projects or collaborative

learning activities. This feature can also facilitate interactive lessons, where

students can contribute to the board while the teacher guides the discussion.

Furthermore, Miro integrates with a variety of other tools, including Google

Suite, Slack, and Dropbox. This means users can easily import content from

these platforms, enhancing the versatility of the tool. (Microsoft Applications,

2023) Miro's comment and chat features allow for communication within the

platform. This can be particularly useful for remote learning, where face-to-face

communication may not be possible. Miro, with its extensive features, serves as

a powerful tool in the realm of education. By facilitating collaboration, visual

learning, and integration with other platforms, it enhances the teaching and

learning experience, catering to the needs of both students and teachers in a

digital learning environment. (Slack App Directory, 2023)

Usage of Mobile Phones in Teaching and Learning

The usage of mobile phones to incorporate in learning is still debatable in

the field of education. Some says that it is a distraction while other says that it

will help boost the learning inculcated of the students. But, we the researchers

believe that it is helpful as long as the frequency of the students using phones

are controllable. Although the use of mobile devices in secondary education

classrooms is a growing concern, there is currently little empirical data on how

secondary education teachers see mobile technology and mobile learning. The

main advantages that students perceived were connected to their engagement,

motivation, and active participation, the engaging, interactive class, the simple

access to information, and their comfort with technology. Teachers' perceptions

of obstacles were primarily based on a lack of resources and present laws

(concerning the use of mobile devices in educational settings). Key issues

included pupils' disruptive behavior in class, their inability to be controlled, and

their abusive behavior. (Nikolopoulou,2020)

Importance of Technology in Teaching

Since computers are widely used in many schools, the presence of

educational technology is growing inside the classroom. The new generation of

students came ready to work with these new technologies, which can play an

important role in the student’s learning and acquiring various cognitive

knowledges so that educational technology must be incorporated in the new


The application of educational technology enhances skills and cognitive

characteristics. With the help of new technologies comes an explosion of

learning and new information, especially in mobile devices. Teachers have

been using new technologies in the classroom. However, the development and

application of new technology grows as a measure. That is the question

whether the teachers are trained to keep up with them. (Lazar, 2015)

Students no longer experiences with new languages limited to their

textbooks or immediate environment. With the pervasiveness of the internet and

the increased awareness of the importance of having technology in a

classroom, both teachers and students all over the world are being provided

with technological tools that will further accelerate their ability to acquire or

teach a second or foreign language. Technology integration in the classroom

has become an important aspect of successful teaching. It has triggered many

researchers to investigate different aspects of such integration. In addition, it

could be an effective teaching tool when used to engage all students in the

learning process. The results of the study show that teachers have positive

attitudes toward the use of technology, particularly computer. (Mollaei and

Riasati, 2013)


Students and Teachers Preferences among Digital Whiteboard

Applications for Collaborative Discussions gives a holistic method for improving

learning and teaching. This approach recognizes the value of digital

technologies such as Google Jamboard, Miro Application and ApowerMirror

Application in boosting academic community involvement, cooperation, and

active participation. It is envisioned that by implementing the choosen

technology, USTP Oroquieta would be able to establish a setting in which

students and teachers can engage more effectively, resulting in enhanced

educational outcomes and a more dynamic educational environment. Students

and teachers can use Whiteboard Applications for educational purposes,

including collaboration, discussion and to obtain extra help. Students can

access and post their activities based on the instructions given by the teachers.

Also, teachers and students of BTLED ICT of USTP Oroquieta can actively

interact with this application and create a meaningful learning. Using

Whiteboard Applications have great potential for teaching and learning. The

teacher can post, comment and edit learning materials. Also it is very

manipulative and efficient. And it also assesses learning goals, and collects and

presents data for the learning process of the institution

However, successful adoption will need specialized training and

continuous assistance to ensure that the platform is used to its full potential. In

conclusion, this conceptual framework represents a potential step toward a

more participatory and interesting learning experience for BTLED ICT students

and BTLED instructors at USTP Oroquieta.


 Ethical
Input Consideration Output
Preference on  Preference on Interactive and
Digital Digital Whiteboard Collaborative
Whiteboard Applications Discussion among
Applications ( ApowerMirror App, students and
Google Jamboard, teachers
and Miro

 Data Collection

 Interpretation

Figure 1. The Research Paradigm

The input in this research would be the digital whiteboard applications -

Google Jamboard, ApowerMirror, and Miro. You would also consider the

specific characteristics of these applications, such as their features, ease of

use, accessibility, and interactive capabilities. The process would involve

gathering data on the preferences of students and teachers regarding these

digital whiteboard applications. This could be done through surveys, interviews,

or observations. You would also explore the factors influencing these

preferences, such as the specific needs and requirements of the students and

teachers, their level of comfort with technology, and their previous experiences

with these applications.

The output would be the findings of the research, which would provide

insights into the preferences of students and teachers among these digital

whiteboard applications and the reasons behind these preferences. The

outcome would be the implications of these findings for the teaching and

learning processes. This could include recommendations for students and

teachers on how to choose and effectively use these applications for

collaborative discussions, as well as suggestions for educational institutions

and software developers on how to better cater to the needs and preferences of

their users.



The researchers provide several questions on Students and Teachers

Preferences among Digital Whiteboard Applications for Collaborative

Discussions might serve as a new tool for teachers and students trying to

eradicate inattentiveness. The BTLED ICT students and BTLED instructors at

the University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines served as the

study's respondents. Teachers and students may be able to develop policies

that maximize learning engagement using the study's findings. They were given

a survey questionnaire. Researchers intended to distribute the questionnaire to

the chosen ICT students and BTLED instructors of the University of Science

and Technology of Southern Philippines, Oroquieta Campus.

Research Design

This study used the correlative research design to provide researchers

with relevant and accurate information, such as to allow researchers to gather,

summarize, present and interpret information and report what things are. The

general procedure of describing had the chief purpose description of Students

and Teachers Preferences among Digital Whiteboard Applications for

Collaborative Discussions. The researchers will formulate correlative questions

to know if there is a relationship between students and teachers’ response

relating to the utilization of Digital Whiteboard Applications for interactive

discussion using the tools presented. For data triangulation, the researchers will

interview 15 randomly chosen students’ respondents and 5 randomly chosen

BTLED instructors.

Correlational research is a type of non-experimental research method in

which a researcher measures two variables and un derstands and assesses

the statistical relationship between them with no influence from any extraneous

variable. In statistical analysis, distinguishing between categorical data and

numerical data is essential, as categorical data involves distinct categories or

labels, while numerical data consists of measurable quantities.

The Pearson-product moment correlation coefficient formula is:

[ n ∑ xy −∑ x ∑ y ]
√ ¿¿

The terms in that formula are: n= the number of data points, i.e.,( x,y)

pairs, in the data set.

Research Location

The study will take place in the University of Science and Technology of

Southern Philippines – Mobod, Oroquieta City which is compose of almost 1434

students based on 2023-2024 enrollment statistics by year level.


The study population consisted of all (BTLED ICT) Information and

Communication Technology and BTLED instructors of the University of Science

and Technology of Southern Philippines.

Sample, Sampling Procedure and Sample Size

The university students and professors in this research were enrolled

and currently working at the University of science and Technology of the

Southern Philippines a state university in Mobod, Oroquieta City along the

national highway. To create a sample population that best represent the whole

population under study, the researchers adopted a stratified sampling

procedure for the students and enumeration method for teachers. All

participants in this study is from BTLED ICT students which are chosen from

different year level. The intended count of students-respondents is 50. The

researchers chose 15 students for first year, 15 for second year, 11 for third

year and 9 for the fourth year which then assume as sub-groups and selected

BTLED instructors.

Research Instrument

In this study, the researchers will provide a survey questionnaire to the

participants. The questionnaire will be checked, validated and approved by the

adviser. The researchers use open-ended questions which do not present

participants with a predetermined set of answer options, instead allowing them

to respond in their own words, (Mike Allen., 2017). This allowed them to really

express their experiences.

Data Collection Methods

The researchers ask permission first to the school administrator through

a written letter of University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines,

(USTP) to conduct. After the approval, that is so true made and informed

consent for the participant. Then, the researchers explain the purpose of the

study and intend to give the questionnaires to the respondents during their

vacant time to avoid being disturbed in their respective class. The process in

giving the said questionnaires is being able to give and wait for them to

response. The method used is inductive reasoning where we based our

conclusion on their answer after evaluating it. This is the easy way in gathering

their thoughts and ideas.

Data Analysis Techniques

In this study, the researchers analyze the data that had been collected.

The researchers use descriptive statistics and the data is analyzed by keeping

the weighted mean of the respondent responses.

Likert Scale Interpretation

The descriptive statistics (frequency and percentage) of this study

includes the four-point Likert scale that offers agree and disagree as to the

polar points. In using this, it can assess opinions, attitudes, or behaviors for its

usefulness in survey research. Its advantage is that researchers do not expect

a simple yes/no answer from the respondent, but rather allow for degrees of

opinion, and even no opinion at all. The Four-Point Likert scale with the

weighted mean will be utilized by Pearson Product Measurement Correlation

and Coefficient (PPMCC) to analyze the significant relationship between

students and teachers preferences among digital whiteboard applications for

collaborative discussion (Ali Islam & Ayoub, 2019)

Therefore, qualitative data is acquired which means that the data can be

analyzed with relative ease and further thematic analysis.

Table 1. The Four-point Likert Scale
Likert-Scale Likert-Scale Likert- Scale Interval
Strongly Agree 4 3.25-4.00
Agree 3 2.50-3.24
Disagree 2 1.75-2.49
Strongly Disagree 1 1.00-1.74

Table 2. Verbal Interpretation

Scale Level of Personal Level of Personal Level of
Interest Competence Sufficiency of
School Resources
3.25 - 4.00 Highly Preferred Highly Competent Highly Sufficient
2.50 - 3.24 Moderately Moderately Moderately
Preferred Competent Sufficient
1.75 - 2.49 Partially Preferred Partially Competent Partially Sufficient
1.00 - 1.74 Not Preferred Not Competent Not Sufficient

Table 3. The Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient (r)

Size of Correlation Interpretation
0.90 to 1.00 (or-0.90 to -1.00) Very high positive (or negative)
0.70 to 0.90 (or -0.70 to -0.90) High positive (or negative) correlation
0.50 to 0.70 (or -0.50 to -0.70) Moderate positive (or negative)
0.30 to 0.50 (or -0.30 to -0.50) Low positive (Or negative) correlation
0.00 to 0.30 (or 0.00 to -0.30) Very low positive (Or negative)
correlation/Negligible correlation

Statistical Treatment

To analyze the data, the researchers use weighted mean. The weighted

mean involves multiplying each data point in a set by a value which is

determined by some characteristic of whatever contributed to the data point.

The larger the sample which was used in a study, the more accurate the effect

size found in that study will be as an estimate of the effect size in the

population. Presented with the set of effect sizes, the researcher could weight

each one by the sample size for that study. In this way, larger studies would be

making a greater contribution to the mean effect size. To do this, one could

multiply each effect size by the sample size for that study, sum each of these

results, and then divide the sum by the sum of all the sample sizes. Formally,

the weighted mean is found from the following equation:

Weighted Mean = (Σ (xi * wi)) / (Σwi)


 xi represents each data point

 wi represents the weight assigned to each data point

 Σ denotes the sum of the values

The researcher also use Microsoft excel for data tabulation and analysis.


The study was held at the University of Science and Technology of

Southern Philippines, with respondents from the BTLED ICT students and

BTLED instructors. The questionnaire will be distributed at their convenience

and collected when they have completed it. After collecting their responses, the

researchers will study and analyze the data acquired before drawing




This chapter shows the results and discussion on the Students and

Teachers Preferences among Digital Whiteboard Application for Collaborative


Table 4. Perception of Students in Using ApowerMirror Application which is a

Digital Whiteboard Application for Collaborative Discussion
Questions Weighte Qualitativ Verbal
d Mean e interpretati
Descripti on
1. I find digital whiteboard applications to
be more efficient than traditional
methods for group discussions. 2.82 Agree Moderately
2. Using digital whiteboard applications
makes me feel more connected with my
classmates. 2.9 Agree Moderately
3. I believe digital whiteboard applications
help in visualizing complex concepts
better. 2.98 Agree Moderately
4. I find the user interface of digital
whiteboard applications to be student-
friendly. 2.94 Agree Moderately
5. I feel that digital whiteboard applications
encourage more participation from all
students. 3.04 Agree Moderately
6. Digital whiteboard applications make it
easier for me to present my ideas during
discussions. 2.96 Agree Moderately
7. I think digital whiteboard applications
are a great tool for remote learning.
3.00 Agree Moderately
8. I find it easier to keep track of the
discussion points with digital whiteboard
applications. 2.94 Agree Moderately
9. I believe digital whiteboard applications
make learning more interactive and
enjoyable. 2.98 Agree Moderately
10. I feel that digital whiteboard applications
help in improving my problem-solving

skills. 3.04 Agree Moderately
11. I find the real-time collaboration feature
of digital whiteboard applications very
useful. 2.94 Agree Moderately
12. I believe digital whiteboard applications
help in enhancing my creativity.
3 Agree Moderately
13. I feel more confident in sharing my
thoughts when using digital whiteboard
applications. 2.94 Agree Moderately
14. I find the ability to save and revisit the
discussion on digital whiteboard
applications beneficial. 2.8 Agree Moderately
15. I believe digital whiteboard applications
are a great way to receive instant
feedback from teachers and peers. 2.82 Agree Moderately
16. I find the ability to use different colors
and shapes in digital whiteboard
applications helpful in understanding
2.82 Agree Moderately
17. I feel that digital whiteboard applications
make group projects more manageable.
2.78 Agree Moderately
18. I find the ability to access the digital
whiteboard application from any device
very convenient. 2.66 Agree Moderately
19. I believe digital whiteboard applications
help in keeping the class engaged and
focused. 2.9 Agree Moderately
20. I feel that digital whiteboard applications
are a modern and innovative approach
to learning. 2.7 Agree Moderately
2.89 Agree Moderately

Table 4 shows a mid-level of preference and positive attitudes of students

towards using a Whiteboard Application specifically, ApowerMirror Application

as a tool for collaborative learning, enhance their technological skills and much

more improved than traditional learning The overall weighted mean of 2.89 for

using ApowerMirror Application suggests slight interest of students in using the

application, as well as their willingness to learn during discussions. Overall, the

students’ respondents only moderately preferred for the continued use of

ApowerMirror Application in the future.

Table 5. Perception of Students in Using Google Jamboard Application which is

a Digital Whiteboard Application for Collaborative Discussion
Questions Weighte Qualitativ Verbal
d Mean e interpretati
Descripti on
1. I find digital whiteboard applications to
be more efficient than traditional
methods for group discussions. 2.98 Agree Moderately
2. Using digital whiteboard applications
makes me feel more connected with my
classmates. 2.96 Agree Moderately
3. I believe digital whiteboard applications
help in visualizing complex concepts
better. 2.88 Agree Moderately
4. I find the user interface of digital
whiteboard applications to be student-
friendly. 2.94 Agree Moderately
5. I feel that digital whiteboard applications
encourage more participation from all
students. 2.98 Agree Moderately
6. Digital whiteboard applications make it
easier for me to present my ideas during
discussions. 3.04 Agree Moderately
7. I think digital whiteboard applications
are a great tool for remote learning.
2.82 Agree Moderately

8. I find it easier to keep track of the
discussion points with digital whiteboard
applications. 2.94 Agree Moderately
9. I believe digital whiteboard applications
make learning more interactive and
enjoyable. 3.2 Agree Moderately
10. I feel that digital whiteboard applications
help in improving my problem-solving
skills. 3.00 Agree Moderately
11. I find the real-time collaboration feature
of digital whiteboard applications very
useful. 2.96 Agree Moderately
12. I believe digital whiteboard applications
help in enhancing my creativity.
3.00 Agree Moderately
13. I feel more confident in sharing my
thoughts when using digital whiteboard
applications. 3.14 Agree Moderately
14. I find the ability to save and revisit the
discussion on digital whiteboard
applications beneficial. 3.08 Agree Moderately
15. I believe digital whiteboard applications
are a great way to receive instant
feedback from teachers and peers. 3.04 Agree Moderately
16. I find the ability to use different colors
and shapes in digital whiteboard
applications helpful in understanding
3.08 Agree Moderately
17. I feel that digital whiteboard applications
make group projects more manageable.
3.16 Agree Moderately
18. I find the ability to access the digital
whiteboard application from any device
very convenient. 3.16 Agree Moderately
19. I believe digital whiteboard applications
help in keeping the class engaged and
focused. 3.04 Agree Moderately
20. I feel that digital whiteboard applications

are a modern and innovative approach
to learning. 3.02 Agree Moderately
3.03 Agree Moderately

It can be seen in the table 5 that students shows a mid-level of preference for

using Google Jamboard, but with a higher mean than the previous whiteboard

application as a tool for collaborative learning. In using Google Jamboard, the

studensts are able to communicate and connect to their classmates and

teachers, improved their creativity in terms of technological approach, and also

learn in an innovative way. Having an overall weighted mean of 3.03 for using

Google Jamboard emplies a sense of interest of the students in using the

application during their reports and even discussion.

Table 6. Perception of Students in Using Miro Application which is a Digital

Whiteboard Application for Collaborative Discussion
Questions Weighte Qualitativ Verbal
d Mean e interpretati
Descripti on
1. I find digital whiteboard applications to
be more efficient than traditional
methods for group discussions. 3.4 Strongly Highly
Agree Preferred
2. Using digital whiteboard applications
makes me feel more connected with my
classmates. 3.36 Strongly Highly
Agree Preferred
3. I believe digital whiteboard applications
help in visualizing complex concepts
better. 3.42 Strongly Highly
Agree Preferred
4. I find the user interface of digital
whiteboard applications to be student-
friendly. 3.44 Strongly Highly
Agree Preferred
5. I feel that digital whiteboard applications
encourage more participation from all
students. 2.98 Strongly Highly

Agree Preferred
6. Digital whiteboard applications make it
easier for me to present my ideas during
discussions. 3.34 Strongly Highly
Agree Preferred

7. I think digital whiteboard applications

are a great tool for remote learning.
3.38 Strongly Highly
Agree Preferred
8. I find it easier to keep track of the
discussion points with digital whiteboard
applications. 3.34 Strongly Highly
Agree Preferred
9. I believe digital whiteboard applications
make learning more interactive and
enjoyable. 3.48 Strongly Highly
Agree Preferred
10. I feel that digital whiteboard applications
help in improving my problem-solving
skills. 3.44 Strongly Highly
Agree Preferred
11. I find the real-time collaboration feature
of digital whiteboard applications very
useful. 3.38 Strongly Highly
Agree Preferred
12. I believe digital whiteboard applications
help in enhancing my creativity.
3.46 Strongly Highly
Agree Preferred
13. I feel more confident in sharing my
thoughts when using digital whiteboard
applications. 3.4 Strongly Highly
Agree Preferred
14. I find the ability to save and revisit the
discussion on digital whiteboard
applications beneficial. 3.4 Strongly Highly
Agree Preferred
15. I believe digital whiteboard applications
are a great way to receive instant
feedback from teachers and peers. 3.42 Strongly Highly
Agree Preferred
16. I find the ability to use different colors
and shapes in digital whiteboard
applications helpful in understanding
3.5 Strongly Highly
Agree Preferred
17. I feel that digital whiteboard applications
make group projects more manageable.
3.46 Strongly Highly

Agree Preferred
18. I find the ability to access the digital
whiteboard application from any device
very convenient. 3.34 Strongly Highly
Agree Preferred
19. I believe digital whiteboard applications
help in keeping the class engaged and
focused. 3.42 Strongly Highly
Agree Preferred
20. I feel that digital whiteboard applications
are a modern and innovative approach
to learning. 3.46 Strongly Highly
Agree Preferred
3.41 Strongly Highly
Agree Preferred

The table 6 above implies that the students are highly preferred to use

the whiteboard application Miro for interactive discussions. The table shows a

high level of interest and enthusiast of the students for they are able to broaden

and explore a medium of discussion in which they can benefit more. The

students are able to conveniently use the application since it is downloadable in

the Play Store and in the Apple Store for iphone users. An overall weighted

mean of 3.41 for using Miro Application reveals a high level of preference of the

students in using the application in interacting during discussions.

Table 7. Perception of Teachers in Using ApowerMirror Application which is a

Digital Whiteboard Application for Collaborative Discussion
Questions Weighte Qualitativ Verbal
d Mean e interpretati
Descripti on
1. I find digital whiteboard applications to
be more efficient than traditional
methods for group discussions. 3.3 Strongly Highly
Agree Preferred
2. Using digital whiteboard applications

makes me feel more connected with my
classmates. 3.2 Agree Moderately

3. I believe digital whiteboard applications

help in visualizing complex concepts
better. 2.9 Agree Moderately
4. I find the user interface of digital
whiteboard applications to be student-
friendly. 3.3 Strongly Highly
Agree Preferred
5. I feel that digital whiteboard applications
encourage more participation from all
students. 3.2 Agree Moderately
6. Digital whiteboard applications make it
easier for me to present my ideas during
discussions. 2.9 Agree Moderately
7. I think digital whiteboard applications
are a great tool for remote learning.
3.1 Agree Moderately
8. I find it easier to keep track of the
discussion points with digital whiteboard
applications. 3.2 Agree Moderately
9. I believe digital whiteboard applications
make learning more interactive and
enjoyable. 2.9 Agree Moderately
10. I feel that digital whiteboard applications
help in improving my problem-solving
skills. 3.2 Agree Moderately
11. I find the real-time collaboration feature
of digital whiteboard applications very
useful. 3.4 Strongly Highly
Agree Preferred
12. I believe digital whiteboard applications
help in enhancing my creativity.
3.4 Strongly Highly
Agree Preferred
13. I feel more confident in sharing my
thoughts when using digital whiteboard
applications. 3.4 Strongly Highly
Agree Preferred
14. I find the ability to save and revisit the

discussion on digital whiteboard 3.4 Strongly Highly
applications beneficial. Agree Preferred
15. I believe digital whiteboard applications
are a great way to receive instant
feedback from teachers and peers. 3.4 Strongly Highly
Agree Preferred
16. I find the ability to use different colors
and shapes in digital whiteboard
applications helpful in understanding
3.2 Agree Moderately
17. I feel that digital whiteboard applications
make group projects more manageable.
3 Agree Moderately
18. I find the ability to access the digital
whiteboard application from any device
very convenient. 2.9 Agree Moderately
19. I believe digital whiteboard applications
help in keeping the class engaged and
focused. 3.1 Agree Moderately
20. I feel that digital whiteboard applications
are a modern and innovative approach
to learning. 3.4 Strongly Highly
Agree Preferred
2.89 Agree Moderately

Table 6 reveals a moderate level of preference and attraction of teachers

towards using a Whiteboard Application specifically, ApoweMirror Application

as a tool for collaborative learning. The Whiteboard application moderately

enhance the engagement of their students during class discussions and also

slightly uplift the teachers’ idea in presenting their lessons. The overall weighted

mean of 2.89 for using ApowerMirror Application suggests that the teachers will

use the app only for one or one discussion due to the application’s accessibility

restriction. Overall, the teachers’ respondents are moderately preferred for the

continued use of ApowerMirror Application in the future.

Table 8. Perception of Teachers in Using Miro Application which is a Digital
Whiteboard Application for Collaborative Discussion
Questions Weighte Qualitativ Verbal
d Mean e interpretati
Descripti on
1. I find digital whiteboard applications to
be more efficient than traditional
methods for group discussions. 4 Strongly Highly
Agree Preferred
2. Using digital whiteboard applications
makes me feel more connected with my
classmates. 3.9 Strongly Highly
Agree Preferred
3. I believe digital whiteboard applications
help in visualizing complex concepts
better. 3.9 Strongly Highly
Agree Preferred
4. I find the user interface of digital
whiteboard applications to be student-
friendly. 3.9 Strongly Highly
Agree Preferred
5. I feel that digital whiteboard applications
encourage more participation from all
students. 3.8 Strongly Highly
Agree Preferred
6. Digital whiteboard applications make it
easier for me to present my ideas during
discussions. 4 Strongly Highly
Agree Preferred

7. I think digital whiteboard applications

are a great tool for remote learning.
3.9 Strongly Highly
Agree Preferred
8. I find it easier to keep track of the
discussion points with digital whiteboard
applications. 3.9 Strongly Highly
Agree Preferred
9. I believe digital whiteboard applications
make learning more interactive and
enjoyable. 3.5 Strongly Highly
Agree Preferred
10. I feel that digital whiteboard applications
help in improving my problem-solving
skills. 3.7 Strongly Highly
Agree Preferred
11. I find the real-time collaboration feature

of digital whiteboard applications very
useful. 3.6 Strongly Highly
Agree Preferred
12. I believe digital whiteboard applications
help in enhancing my creativity.
3.9 Strongly Highly
Agree Preferred
13. I feel more confident in sharing my
thoughts when using digital whiteboard
applications. 3.8 Strongly Highly
Agree Preferred
14. I find the ability to save and revisit the
discussion on digital whiteboard
applications beneficial. 3.9 Strongly Highly
Agree Preferred
15. I believe digital whiteboard applications
are a great way to receive instant
feedback from teachers and peers. 4 Strongly Highly
Agree Preferred
16. I find the ability to use different colors
and shapes in digital whiteboard
applications helpful in understanding
4 Strongly Highly
Agree Preferred
17. I feel that digital whiteboard applications
make group projects more manageable.
3.9 Strongly Highly
Agree Preferred
18. I find the ability to access the digital
whiteboard application from any device
very convenient. 3.9 Strongly Highly
Agree Preferred
19. I believe digital whiteboard applications
help in keeping the class engaged and
focused. 4 Strongly Highly
Agree Preferred
20. I feel that digital whiteboard applications
are a modern and innovative approach
to learning. 4 Strongly Highly
Agree Preferred
3.86 Strongly Highly
Agree Preferred

Table 8 implies a high level of interest of teachers in using the Miro Application

which is a Whiteboard Application for interactive discussion. Teachers find it

easy to upload and incorporate their lesson using the application. Also, the

overall weighted mean which is 3.86 reveals that Miro is helpful to reduce

inattentiveness in the classroom. Teachers can also easily monitor the

attendance of the students and make them answers questions in an enjoyable

manner using the application. Therefore, the teachers are highly preferred in

using Miro for collaborative discussion in the near future.

Table 9. Perception of Teachers in Using Google Jamboard Application which

is a Digital Whiteboard Application for Collaborative Discussion
Questions Weighte Qualitativ Verbal
d Mean e interpretati
Descripti on
1. I find digital whiteboard applications to
be more efficient than traditional
methods for group discussions. 2.88 Agree Moderately
2. Using digital whiteboard applications
makes me feel more connected with my
classmates. 2.96 Agree Moderately
3. I believe digital whiteboard applications
help in visualizing complex concepts
better. 2.98 Agree Moderately
4. I find the user interface of digital
whiteboard applications to be student-
friendly. 2.82 Agree Moderately
5. I feel that digital whiteboard applications
encourage more participation from all
students. 2.98 Agree Moderately
6. Digital whiteboard applications make it
easier for me to present my ideas during
discussions. 2.94 Agree Moderately
7. I think digital whiteboard applications
are a great tool for remote learning.
2.94 Agree Moderately
8. I find it easier to keep track of the
discussion points with digital whiteboard
applications. 3.04 Agree Moderately
9. I believe digital whiteboard applications
make learning more interactive and

enjoyable. 3.2 Agree Moderately
10. I feel that digital whiteboard applications
help in improving my problem-solving
skills. 3.00 Agree Moderately
11. I find the real-time collaboration feature
of digital whiteboard applications very
useful. 2.96 Agree Moderately
12. I believe digital whiteboard applications
help in enhancing my creativity.
3.08 Agree Moderately
13. I feel more confident in sharing my
thoughts when using digital whiteboard
applications. 3.00 Agree Moderately
14. I find the ability to save and revisit the
discussion on digital whiteboard
applications beneficial. 3.14 Agree Moderately
15. I believe digital whiteboard applications
are a great way to receive instant
feedback from teachers and peers. 3.04 Agree Moderately
16. I find the ability to use different colors
and shapes in digital whiteboard
applications helpful in understanding
3.08 Agree Moderately
17. I feel that digital whiteboard applications
make group projects more manageable.
3.16 Agree Moderately
18. I find the ability to access the digital
whiteboard application from any device
very convenient. 3.02 Agree Moderately
19. I believe digital whiteboard applications
help in keeping the class engaged and
focused. 3.04 Agree Moderately
20. I feel that digital whiteboard applications
are a modern and innovative approach
to learning. 3.16 Agree Moderately
3.03 Agree Moderately

Table 9 shows that the teachers are moderately preferred of using Google

Jamboard for Collaborative Discussion. Even though the application enhanced

their creativity and ideas to have a full engagement and participation of the

students, the teachers are not satisfied of using it. The overall weighted mean

of teachers using the Google Jamboard is 3.03 and a bit higher compared to

the ApowerMirrorr Application. Therefore, there is a chance for the teachers to

use the Google Jamboard for future discussions and collaborations of their


Table 10 Students and Teachers Preferences among Digital Whiteboard

Applications for Collaborative Discussions

Parameters Result
Pearson Coefficient, r 0.9961
N 8
Degree of Freedom 5
Mean 3.66

Table 10 shows that there is a strong positive correlation between the

students and teachers on using the three Whiteboard Application, which means

that if the number of responses of students increases, the number of responses

of teachers increases.



This chapter presents the summary of findings, conclusions, and

recommendations of the study.

Summary of Findings

The Students and Teachers Preferences among Digital Whiteboard

Applications for Collaborative Discussions were conducted through the efforts

and participation of researchers, students and instructors. It was organized

through the following process: First, the researchers ask permission first to the

school administrator through a written letter of University of Science and

Technology of Southern Philippines, (USTP) to conduct. Second, we obtained

informed consent from the BTLED instructors and ICT students to participate in

the study. Fourth, the researcher selected some ICT students and BTLED

teachers to be part of the research according to the confirmed consent. Fifth,

the researcher used the Likert scale upon making the survey questionnaire

through the given form of sheets and allowing the respondents to check their

desired answers on the survey; and lastly, the researcher finally had the total

gathered data results of the respondent’s answers, then analyzed the total

average results to find out the students and teachers preferences among digital

whiteboard applications for collaborative discussions.

Based on the results of the survey of the students and teachers’

preferences among digital whiteboard applications for collaborative discussions,

it was found that using digital whiteboard application was excellent and

applicable for students and teachers collaborative discussion. The results show

that the students are strongly preferred on using Miro Application with the

weighted mean of 3.41. Followed by Jamboard which gained a weighted mean

of 3.03 and lastly, the ApowerMirror Application with 2.89. This implies that the

students are mostly preferred and satisfied in using the Miro Application for

collaborative discussion because it enhance their learning and technological

skills and also are interested by the accessibility of the application.

The results also show that the teachers are strongly preferred on using

Miro Application for collaborative discussion with the weighted mean of 3.86.

Second is Jamboard which gained a weighted mean of 3.61. And lastly, the

ApowerMirror Application with 2.89 weighted mean. The result means that the

teachers are strongly preferred in using Miro Application for future collaborative

discussions among their respective students.

To conclude, Miro is the most preferred digital whiteboard application for

collaborative discussion for both students and teachers which gained 3. 66

weighted mean.


The results of the students and teachers’ preferences among digital

whiteboard applications for collaborative discussions can inspire the adaptation

of new learning tools in education to further improve the quality of teaching via


The survey results showed that the preferences of the students and

teachers among digital whiteboard applications had a significant impact on

collaborative discussions to acquire enhancement and innovation in teaching

and learning.


The implications to the school, teachers, and the administration

The students and teachers preferences among digital whiteboard

applications for collaborative discussions have found Miro as the most preferred

application for both instructors and students. It is recommended that the results

of the study will be implemented for both instructors and students for it can help

them optimize their learning and teaching processes. It is also recommended

for the administration of the University of Science and Technology of Southern

Philippines that the results of the survey can assist the university administration

in making informed decisions about the integration and support of digital

whiteboard applications in their curriculum.

Implications to research

The students and teachers’ preferences among digital whiteboard

applications for collaborative discussions has found that the result of the survey

can help students stay motivated and interested in the subject matter. It is

recommended that the survey may be used in other research to further widen

and innovate the delivery of teaching mode in order to help schools and

teachers to provide high-quality education that meets the needs of students.


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