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Rauu latho Asnanwwt

Presau dohe 1 2o denned as thL_amyprtttu
iuy which muy veyreo A
arta suuthema dup eecched ulre axporingq
h undeulying bon

i take plate moctly at iHel

elbor 1) Rauc haadA tulhna
CathD-phyndlogy ped&UR -8oret
many achorr ntnbuh h tu derelopmtnk
riur ulcu ut rertun_leading
ischuma omdnLeDEO i2 henal ommon
pRue ulret Cut_from Hufhcewt t
impa cca Klcad ftou to toff httue
an extndad peuiod
Ptermal pretaure must be qeaeu aaa.
th outeuia) caplauy prtaue h impau
fnHwta m entndecl h
4rtate Hhem the+enoLA Capillauy cledng
priue b_tmprde th httum o ww ov
Y eMendid him
tirue oe Capabl4 withattnding nanmoue

preakLLe hn'ef pekods

-Bu pn empd eup0ztue prtau
just ty aoore capillauy kiluing pruR.
ihihlatu_ a dournwand &piral focoard r
necrot md culcenaim
.Ry thu im ul(exaton
th ttin fevel, iqnihcom damage
undelyiny mus cl mauy alrtady haveO cu-
ed mauling as overalu
&hape t w
ineuted bans
nthm CCLua-td b in ubing againa
Stpacea uk thiai n o bidding oun also
Cila cieHinq b bedding lead
tu cevelap-
ment tulteus by nbmbuhing t brealcr în Hu

rades Rore
prt UH$OK A qreded da 4_leelr

Crrade-Tttn _diu olourahn, uaualuy red

Ku pirpk er 6latk

Crado- ¢ame tin lots or damag invel-

ving the tnp- most tin layur

rrade- T -_ htnopi e damage o th

Pin patth limuled n the ftein

qradi]I necOsio o damage
Rtin pALcH_Chmd undeulying
Jtructur fuuh ttndonjent


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