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Short Answer:
1.Refresh buffer/frame buffer.
2.Scan code?
3.Merits and demerits of Penetration techniques?
4.Raster scan and Random scan systems
5. Pixel and frame buffer.
6. aspect ratio.
7.Filled area primitive.
9. Composite transformation.
10.Define view port.
11.Projection and types of projection.
12. 3 Basic functions of segment.

Long Answer:

1.Line drawing DDA scan conversion algorithm?

2.Midpoint circle drawing algorithm. Assume 10 cm as the radius and co-ordinate as the centre of
the circle.
3.Basic two dimensional geometric transformations (i)Traslation (ii)Rotation
4. Sutherland-Hodgeman clipping algorithm with an example.
5.Cohen-Sutherland line clipping algorithm with an example.
6.Short notes on clipping operations.
7.3D transformations.
8.Differentiate parallel and perspective projections and derive their projection matrices.
9.Short notes on polygon surfaces and quadric surfaces.
10.Short notes on the following visible surface detection methods
11.Short notes on Polygons, curved Lines, Quadratic surfaces
12. Three dimensional display methods.
13.Breshenham’s line drawing algorithm.
14.Gravity-field and rubber band method.

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