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Limited Access to Technology

Effects of lack of technologies to student.
To better understand what is the effect of limited access of technology to
students in AMYA.
Research Outline
This research is all about Exploring the challenges and opportunities.
Understanding student's experiences with limited access to technology in education that
aims to find out how students handle their studies with limited access to technologies.

Research Questions

1. How do students without much technology manage their schoolwork?

2. What problems do students face when they can't use the internet or
computers for learning at AMYA?
3. How do students talk to teachers and friends when they don't have a lot
of technology at AMYA?
4. What tricks do students use to deal with not having much technology?
5. Do students think they can still learn and grow even if they don't have a
lot of technology?
Research Methodology

In conducting a survey, I use qualitative a Qualitative data is information that

cannot be counted, measured or easily expressed using numbers. It is collected from
text, audio and images and shared through data visualization tools, such as word
clouds, timelines, graph databases, concept maps and infographics.


I, [Participant's Name], agree to take part in the surveys and interviews for the
research study. I understand that my answers will be kept private by the researchers.

1. My identity will be kept secret.

2. The researchers are responsible if my identity gets out.
3. I'll answer all the questions, but I don't have to if I don't want to.

I agree to follow these rules.

Signature: ______________________

(Printed Name: _______________________)

Collected Data

QUESTION 1. How do you manage your study without much technology?

 rely on printed materials and handwritten notes to study. I also borrow textbooks
from the library and attend study groups with classmates to share resources.
 I use handwritten notes and books from the library. I also study with friends to
share resources.
 Difficulty accessing up-to-date information and online resources for
 I can still study pa naman through Literature like books something like that
 By asking friends and through books.
QUESTION 2. What problems do you face when you can't use the internet or computers
to learn?

 One major problem I face is the inability to access online resources for research
and assignments. I also struggle to keep up with online classes and submit
assignments electronically.
 It's hard to access online resources for assignments and lectures. Researching
without the internet takes a lot of time.
 Difficulty accessing up-to-date information and online resources for assignments
 Lack of knowledge about how to use computers/technologies
 Difficulties in finding a certain answer or a certain explanation.

QUESTION3. How do you talk to your teachers and friends when you don't have a

 When I don't have a phone, I communicate with my teachers and friends in

person or through email. I also make use of school notice boards and bulletin
boards to stay updated on important information.
 I talk to them in person at school or send emails. I also check notice boards for
 I communicate through face-to-face conversations and school email.
 Just directly tell the teacher that you don’t have a phone.
 Through face-to-face only.

QUESTION 4. What do you do to stay motivated and focused without much


 To stay motivated and focused, I create a study schedule and set specific goals
for each study session. I also use traditional study methods such as flashcards
and mnemonic devices to help retain information.
 I make a study plan and use flashcards to remember information. I also read
books for inspiration.
 I set study goals and create a distraction-free environment.
 I mean since I can’t online I'll just read books to amaze myself like dictionary or
 just work harder

QUESTION 5. What is your trick to deal with not having much technology?

 My trick is to make the most of the resources available to me, such as textbooks,
library resources, and school facilities. I also prioritize tasks and focus on
completing them efficiently, even without access to advanced technology.
 I use the library and ask for help from teachers and friends. I prioritize tasks and
work efficiently without advanced technology.
 I maximize library resources and seek support from peers and teachers.
 You can still grow and learn through numerous things like Books, Journals, Etc.
 I think I will but it'll hold me back.

Interpretation of Data

Based on the data collected through telephone interviews with the respondents,
it was observed that each of the five participants provided a very similar responses
to the questions posed. This variation in responses suggests that the individuals
interpreted and responded to the questions and they have similar answers, possibly
because they have experience it in same situation.


I recommend implementing various methods to gather information, like surveys

or group discussions, to involve more students and gather diverse opinions.
Additionally, consider studying students over time to see how their experiences change.
It's crucial to find solutions to help students with limited technology access, so focus on
that. Ensure that the research is conducted in a fair and respectful manner, and involve
teachers and others who can help improve the situation. Share the findings widely to
spread awareness and encourage positive change.

REFERENCE Contributor, T. (2023, April 26). qualitative data. CIO.

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