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Lord I Pray that you would bring great Relationships into my

life. Help me to be the kind of teacher and Friends that you are
to me. Bring us divine connections people that will build Godly,
principles and healthy habits in our home. As we begin this Day
of learning and growth practice teaching, we ask for your
presence Guidance help us to focus on our studies and to use
our minds to the best of our abilities. we ask that you bless our
teacher with patience and wisdom give us the courage to ask
questions and seek knowledged. help us to be kind to one
another, and to be grateful for the opportunities we have to
learn and grow. We anknow that with your help, we can
achieve great things. Thank you for all the Blessings you give us,
and for the gift of education. We pray that we can use our
Knowledge to make a better place and to bring glory to your
name, in Jesus name Amen.

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