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-Performance Task 2-

Writing a personal narrative.

As long as I can remember, I have always wanted a pet to take care of for my
own, mostly a cat. Felines were beautiful creatures that were based of their
majestic ancestors, like the great tiger. I would almost always envy those with
pets, whether dog or cat, rabbit or fish. Whenever we went to somewhere
with a pet store, me and my sister usually ask our parents for a pet. My parents
always refused since having a pet was like having another child, plus we
weren’t really responsible yet. Then one day, my parents finally fulfilled that
wish. They gave us two rabbits for Christmas, named Inerous and Fluffy. But
then a few months later both died for unknown reasons.
It was a dreadful moment to endure for they were our very first pets gifted to
us. After about one year with no pets, our parents gave us a hamster named
Piki. Then for my birthday they gave me another rabbit, Goldie. We had Piki for
about a year, but then he sadly passed on my birthday. My parents put both of
them outside the balcony since visitors were coming. Little did we know, there
was a strong sandstorm raging outside. When we went to check our pets, we
found Piki’s lifeless body in his cage. Goldie however was still breathing, but
just slightly shaken from the storm. She lasted about two years with my family,
then sadly passed away too.
I remember crying hard and tightly squeezing a rabbit plush I had. About three
years passed without an animal to care for, but that changed at a very special
night. It was me and my bedtime, and when we were about to sleep, we heard
sudden meows coming from the kitchen. My sister went out to check and
came back with a huge smile across her face. “Come!” she called and then
disappeared back into the kitchen. When I came out, a jolt of absolute
happiness washed through me. Our parents gone us a cat! And the best thing
is, we didn’t even pay for him! (Our cat’s a boy) Sure we’ve have our ups and
downs with him, we love him with all our heart.

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