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(Drs. Muh Syafei, M.Pd)

Name: Ratih Kusumaningtyas NIM: 201632034 Class: EED 6C
01. The Journal: Name and Link 
02. The Title of Article 
03. The Author(s): Name(s), E-Mail, Affiliation 
04. The Background (Gap) 
05. The Research Questions/Problems/Objectives/Aims 
06. The Main Theory(/ies) 
07. Previous Studies (Emprical Evidence) 
08. The Methodology (Design, Subjects, data and data source, instrument) 
09. The Results 
10. The Abstract 
11. The Bibliography/The References 
12. Weaknesses/Strengths: -
Name: Ratih Kusumaningtyas NIM: 201632034 Class: EED 6C
01. The Journal: Name and Link 
02. The Title of Article 
03. The Author(s): Name(s), E-Mail, Affiliation 
04. The Background (Gap) 
05. The Research Questions/Problems/Objectives/Aims 
06. The Main Theory(/ies) 
07. Previous Studies (Emprical Evidence) 
08. The Methodology (Design, Subjects, data and data source, instrument) 
09. The Results 
10. The Abstract 
11. The Bibliography/The References 
12. Weaknesses/Strengths: -
Name: Ratih Kusumaningtyas NIM: 201632034 Class: EED 6C
01. The Journal: Name and Link 
02. The Title of Article 
03. The Author(s): Name(s), E-Mail, Affiliation 
04. The Background (Gap) 
05. The Research Questions/Problems/Objectives/Aims 
06. The Main Theory(/ies) 
07. Previous Studies (Emprical Evidence) 
08. The Methodology (Design, Subjects, data and data source, instrument) 
09. The Results 
10. The Abstract 
11. The Bibliography/The References 
12. Weaknesses/Strengths: -
Name: Ratih Kusumaningtyas NIM: 201632034 Class: EED 6C
01. The Journal: Name and Link 
02. The Title of Article 
03. The Author(s): Name(s), E-Mail, Affiliation 
04. The Background (Gap) 
05. The Research Questions/Problems/Objectives/Aims 
06. The Main Theory(/ies) 
07. Previous Studies (Emprical Evidence) 
08. The Methodology (Design, Subjects, data and data source, instrument) 
09. The Results 
10. The Abstract 
11. The Bibliography/The References 
12. Weaknesses/Strengths: -
Egan, Kieran. (1978). What is Curriculum?. Journal of the Canadian Association for Curriculum Study, vol.
1, no. 1. Simon Fraser University. In

ORIGINAL TEXT: Curriculum is the study of any and all educational phenomena. It may draw on any
external discipline for methodological help but does not allow the methodology to
determine inquiry. Of necessity, it will be methodologically looser and less secure
than disciplines with developed “paradigms,” but this is a condition of studying
education at this stage and producing knowledge that may have educational value.
(Egan, Kieran, 2003:16)
QUOTATION: Kieran Egan (1978;16), explained that:
Curriculum is the study of any and all educational phenomena. It may draw on
any external discipline for methodological help but does not allow the
methodology to determine inquiry. Of necessity, it will be methodologically
looser and less secure than disciplines with developed “paradigms,” but this is
a condition of studying education at this stage and producing knowledge that
may have educational value. (Egan, Kieran, 2003:16)
PARAPHRASE: Educational modules are the investigation of all instructive wonders. It might draw
on any outer control for methodological help yet does not enable the strategy to
decide the request. Of need, it will be methodologically looser and less secure than
controls with developed "ideal models," yet this is a state of considering training at
this stage and creating learning that may have instructive esteem. (Egan, Kieran,
SUMMARY: Educational modules are the investigation of all instructive wonders. Of need, it
will be methodologically looser and less secure than controls with developed
"ideal models," yet this is a state of considering training at this stage and creating
learning that may have instructive esteem. (Egan, Kieran, 2003:16)
Almond, R. , Deane, P. , Quinlan, T. , Wagner, M. and Sydorenko, T. (2012), A Preliminary Analysis of
Keystroke Log Data from a Timed Writing Task. ETS Research Report Series, 2012: i-61.

ORIGINAL TEXT: The CBAL™ writing assessment features a variety of writing a nd literacy tasks,
culminating in a short essay. The short essay is thought to be representative of
other more complex writing tasks that students will face later in academic or
professional life. However, a principle challenge with such constructed response
tasks is scoring the student’s performance. (Deane, 2011, 2012; Deane, Fowles,
Baldwin, & Persky, 2011; Deane, Quinlan, & Kostin, 2011)
QUOTATION: Deane, Quinlan, & Kostin (2011), said that:
The CBAL™ writing assessment features a variety of writing a nd literacy
tasks, culminating in a short essay. The short essay is thought to be
representative of other more complex writing tasks that students will face
later in academic or professional life. However, a principle challenge with
such constructed response tasks is scoring the student’s performance. (Deane,
2011, 2012; Deane, Fowles, Baldwin, & Persky, 2011; Deane, Quinlan, &
Kostin, 2011)
PARAPHRASE: The CBAL™ composing appraisal includes an assortment of composing and
proficiency undertakings, coming full circle in a short paper. The short exposition
is believed to be illustrative of other progressively complex composition errands
that understudies will confront later in scholastic or expert life. Be that as it may, a
standard test with such developed reaction undertakings is scoring the understudy's
execution. (Deane, 2011, 2012; Deane, Fowles, Baldwin, & Persky, 2011; Deane,
Quinlan, & Kostin, 2011)
SUMMARY: The CBAL™ composing appraisal includes an assortment of composing and
proficiency undertakings. The short exposition is believed to be illustrative of
other progressively complex composition errands. A standard test with such
developed reaction undertakings is scoring the understudy's execution. (Deane,
2011, 2012; Deane, Fowles, Baldwin, & Persky, 2011; Deane, Quinlan, &
Kostin, 2011)

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