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= ABO (GM) Part J De seine, 1296125 Han ticketNo.[ | | || Badin S¥yo0 : 50 wese 1% Sojes SOS Srcozex : 100 (For the instructions in English, refer the next page) Seighooks Kristen a8 ory HS EWS. 8 OMR aaren {Sis DOr anbgendsa. 2 Bb ryt wdyd Soud td Les Dob (God HOD Loud Sevan () 2 bE De os BES RISE (ABICD), Gi) he ED Wows (1-50), (il) Be Wows Oak (iv) 2B ten, QBawr Ch aed adgeBOtss vrd0d od WEEE fe BEE ory Len BOTEew, 3. GRE Sows 1-10, 11-40, 41-50 ok Sever 1 mvp, 2 Seeger, 3 Stig eo Ber cnosnds0. 4 SH RAgH ory Hine d fet Eermrodnasn. 5. 089 BE BE SBS Ro. (ory Hind BE LOA YomE Sys DohiSES, 6. & or) YS wEES Soab OMR ear Ysimed D erin Roberts Bor Bt Baber, 7. OMR eae UEEDD Sir] HSS LEY Stirs agate ondgSe6. 8. Se Gor) YSSwS* 50 Whew Soa 12 hebeo Key. Total No. of Questions : 50 Duration : 1% Hours Maximum Marks : 100 INSTRUCTIONS TO THE CANDIDATE 1. Its only a question paper. A separate OMR answer sheet has been provided to you. 2. Immediately after issuing the question paper, open the paper seal and verify the following : {() Booklet code on every page (A/BIC/D), (i) Serial number of questions (1-50), (il) Number of pages and (iv) Correct printing. If any detect Is found, show it to the invigilator and get another question paper with same code. 3. 1 mark, 2 marks and 3 marks are allocated for the questions with serial numbers 1-10, 11-40 and 41-50 respectively. There is no negative marking. ‘4, The space is allocated for the rough work in the question paper. 5. The candidate should fill his/her hallticket number only at the space provided on top of first page. 6. _Nopart of the question paper should be torn or separated. 7. After the examination, handover the OMR answer sheet along with question paper booklet to the invigilator. 8. There are 50 questions and 12 pages in the Question paper. A ABO(G™) GENERAL MATHEMATICS Note: Questions with Serial No. 1 to 10 carry one mark each. MERE 1 Bibs Hops 11908 1088S He hes GO WHS ak ort, 1. The additive inverse ofthe rational number 3 is w88de6 omg 3 ant Lobes Det @ o + ©? @0 2. Ifa number is divisible by 8, then it is also divisible by @ 2ands ©) 2and 6 © 2and3 @ 4and6 28 bong 8 & erfobeds, v Lows (80d aDS' Kem erNoLarbibod ? @ 204 —) 2wOdw6 (©) 2wodw3 @) 4 BOaw6 3. Find the common factor of the numbers 80 and 105. 80 Sx 105 wi Lomge Todos He Sterotin @ 4 ®s oO7 @ 2 4. If the cost of 10 mtr of a cloth is € 1,500, then what will be the cost of 15 mtr of the same cloth ? . 10 ag ng wOub &. 1,500, ward 15 BOY wd wy WBE 208 7 (@ 2,000 ©) 220 = © F250 @ 3,000 Solve the equation for x. BS HG0D x Kn ? Sx + 2) = 6(x-2) @) 20 ®) -20 © 2 @ -2 3 Pro. 10. A Ano «GM Ada the following terms and simplify : (808 bored SOD ir H Soyo. | 8x¥y, dry", -Te°y, -3, Say? @ sey +7xy?-3 (b) 86°y +3y7)-3 (©) 8&ry?-3 @ vy+7xy7-3 ‘How many circles can pass through all three non-collinear points ? ‘ibairen sD Sande Dotkiye thoar Ady yer habiieso ? @ 0 ®1 © 2 (@ infinity / @2o%ssw Longest of all chords in a circle is (@) Perimeter ® Are (©) Radius © Diameter a byehhiw SD ergeTpowe's BEBO @ Spees Oa © agro @ ax sin?90° + cos*90° = @ 0 © 4 © : @1 When no unit of measurement is specified for an angle, then the unit associated with the angle is (@) degrees © radians © oms (@ geometric measure DBe Ser 8 D fire Og; Lorr LHS w Sle Giarardy HOI endow? (@) aifeo @ tact (©) Rodo.eo @) Shob Sesrsin A ABO (GM) Note: Questions with Serial No. 11 to 40 carry two marks each. MEDS 1 BH Hong 11 0d 40 SSH he Whew HB WHS Vow Srey eo 11. Which of the following numbers is divisible by 4? OMS Gowgec? 4 0 Dear gr Rood omy O87 (a) 87882 (b) 41446 © 991352 @) 400441 12. 75Z leaves remainder 2 when divided by 3 or 5, then the value of Z is 1SZ wh Doug 5 & Scr 3 B erNods 2 xo Sy. wood Z wv vod Des @ 0 1 ©2 @ 5 13. One of the factors of x* — y3 is By! ahh 08 Scr oso @ @+y) ® «-y © @-y) @ x 14. Factorize the following expression (800 Shrd-Dy srSerostnearr Deseorsoa . 2+ 10x +24 @ &+4h +6) ©) G4) @-6 © &+5)@+5) @ @-5)@-5) 15, Express as ratio, 4 hours to 45 min. 4 Robes 45 Didreks Mp Ar wrbosin. (@ 1:11.25 () 1125:1 © 16:3 @ 8:1 16. 40% of the population of the town are men, 35% are women and remaining are children. If the number of children is 30,000, what is the total population of the town ? 28 Ogee earard! 40% Sod Yehiines, 35% Lod Lye, DAOS ar Beeo. bye ‘omg 30,000 wasist ages saree Dod ? (@ 48,000 (&) 42,000 © 1,00,.000 == @ 1,20,000 17. A Shopkeeper purchased a T:V. for € 14,000. He spent € 700 on transportation and then sold it for & 16,800. Find his profit percentage. a8 anger a8 G.D. & tr, 14,000 SR. Save Byes Mm Ur. 700 S2arNoD DO Er, 16,800 & wag. 6D oS rEDS? @ 125 ® 1428 (© 1515 @) 180 a PTO. 18. 19. 21. A ABO. ‘The population of a village is increased from 20,000 to 20,500. Find the percentage increase. 128 [r& waver 20,000 08 20,500 & BOND. Worbde PSB ? @ 2 © ™ ©...2at @ 3 A cycle’s marked price is % 3,600 and sold for 3,024. What is the discount percentage ? 28 PSE LOSES Se Ur. 3,600 SaDaln whysiy Be Uo. 3,024. Sot wishin Dov ? @ 8% &) 10% © 6% @ 20% Ravi gives a quarter of his sweets to Devi and then gives 6 sweets to Priya. He has 6 sweets left. How many did he has to start with ? 8D BALE Gay oraoed® Sy erifi> BOs, DADS dS" 6 Doraneo abs many. aor 86 Sy 6 Dhoranes BAO Hy, SD SY Bees Shy Dorareo I)? @ 6 & 48 © % @ % Ration is available for 90 students in a hostel for 40 days. How many days will it last ifthe number of students are 120 ? 28 areot SOB Myirind 90 0d Dorgibew 40 Strat LOL Dabgin deg Se, 12000 Dengibew MY Sees #DLOderon ? @ 9 &) 45 © 48 @ 48% By selling a saree for € 957, a shopkeeper gains 10%. Find the cost price of the saree (in rupees). a8 Gre tits af Dito tr, 957 ob wiyb ded ws 10% card Potherts, wi OY ahs, Shy Sv (Grd ave ) (@) 857.00 (b) 861.30 © 870.00 @ 900.00 In four years time, Roja will be two times old as she was three years ago. How ‘many years old is she now ? sreath BobSyore wOSUEn, Ofer DaSLay kereh Losyore (Swo eiknn Doth Bop SoMdet UB Keps Batieay OY LobAyores? @ 0 © 12 © 14 @ 16 @ 2p ® ra © 2p"q5 @ pq A Ano (6™) 25. Two congruent figures have (a) cal eeas and uocogal pointes (B) equal ares and equal perimacrs © equal areas and equal perimeters (@)_unequal areas and unequal perimeters Both Legian Leven ad SOA aoeron, @) Crd Dregine, 0 Fess 0) SY Bregines tard wEsSedseo © Bod Brregines, ted wpfese @ dg Sregine, dy proses 26. Find the area of shaded region (in square metres) in the following figure : (G08 ays eine! OE chs ep iiin Gey Sresin (S. b. od?) : ism 1 + 28m ——_4 @ 700 © % © 32 @ 154 27. Find the measure of ZA in the following triangle : (800 Bebemwe* ZA Desh 208 7 ® a Na (a) 20° © 0 © 80° @ 30° 28. How many cubes of side 2 ems can be cut from a wooden block whose length is 10 cms, breadth is 7 cms and height is S ems ? 10 © ORY, 7 Wo.dd. wv Biber BOald 5 Lob. e ds KONS HE doors 2 wo.tb.e ghestirr He tio Smear BBO IO) Lo {aisinen S3p-an ? (@ 43.75 (b) 43 © 3» (@) 240 7 Pro. 29. 3. 32. 35. A a2 Find the volume of a block of wood (in eubic cm) whose length is 20 em, breadth is 10 cm and height is 5 cm. 2 20 wots. sy, 10 VoL. Ries) WOab 5 wd. dh Sede sOMd Oy RoP8)B BS hod Gs, WwsbOSraw (GY V0.2. oS") @ 350 (b) 700 © 1000 (@ 2000 Find the volume of a cuboid whose breadth is half of its Jength and height is double the length. 8G iiktin Gh, Stieny, DUYE Ln, O,99 DIYS Woy ead w Oy Win Ga, Sa Loves 208 ? @* ) = © 4° @ a Ifthe surface area of a sphere is 154 cm: find its radius (in em). Heo abode Sregin 154 4.20. D. eaxd rd angdsin (Bo. bb. ue") @7 ® 35 © 28 @ 4 ‘The area of a rectangular field is the same as the area of a 18 m long square. Ifthe Tength of the field is 27 m, its perimeter (in metres) is ashy Savory dei Gey, hye, 18D. ges he Soop Bey Dyiade Like, Pein Bhs, NSH 27 b, word od sed beget (@ 324 @® B ©» @ 2 ‘A ladder 4 mts long is placed against a vertical wall, so that it makes a 60° with the ground. At how many metres height above the ground, does the ladder touch the wall ? 4 Deby OrSy He DAYS, aS Dérdorr a Maw ero Dorur elo. Daye Be LhrosdEnst 60° Salm Fabs, ged Hod I, hos det Days Met bass ? @ 2 ® A © WS @ wz Ifsin@=%, cos 0=*, then the value of tan @ = ? ,cos0= wast tn 0 deah Z =the x WTR eg. ha FES. 5D. g Which of the following is not a fundamental trigonometric identity ? (G08 SDE" DO (Srsidsy (BS ab] VI gabseesi sre. (a) sin*® + cos’@ = 1 (b) sec@ ~ tan”e (©) cosec*® ~ cot @ cosec*®— cos? A An0 Gm) 36. Ifx=asin®, y=2.cos , then x? + y xzasin@,y =a cos 0, waxbet 2 +y? @ asine Or (© tan@ (@) acos® 37. The rainfall of a place in a week is 4 cm, 9 cm, 12 cm, 3 em,, 8 cm, 1.5 em. Find the average rainfall (in em) per day. a8 dint! a8 Lymiy Sgaem 4 Dob, 9 vod, 12 Rode, 3 Bob, 6 wos, 8 hotd, 15 wod. 9D Ory FaboBss. was BALE Loto BYarSdo (Ho... oS") 205? @ 621 () 6.05 © 5.64 @ 479 38, Empirical relationship between Mean, Median and Mode i (a) Median = 3 Mode ~ 2 Mean ‘Median ~ 2 Mean (©) Mean = 3 Median - 2 Mode Mean =3 Mode 2 Median ries, SINS, vtrreine Higiie wis gOS Lovossin (@) BighSim =3 artrcetsin — 2 aren @ vivre =3 Wags - Ure (©) Sito =3 Hagin — 2 wzroesin @ Step =3 advo in - 2 Bo gresso Find the mode of the following data set B18 Serod OMe wires dod? 6, 7, 6,8, 8, 11, 11, 11, 13 @ 6 ) 8 Ou @ 13 40. When the number of observations ‘n’ is even, the median is 3 @ §) ” observation Nome Ob Iie augers Correct 2) 0) PH)" obseration it (©) Average of (8) "and (®$+) " observations (@. Difference of first and last observations Serovn oD oes ows ‘a L8hong Sons, cD Sighs (a) (9) o-@ Dec ©) PP )sonoes © Bs CEE sore aan sites dea (€), Be, 080 Of Desde Sgergitio 9 Pro. A He Note : Questions with Serial No. 41 to 50 carry three marks each, S508 1 BEN Lows 41 0d 500K He WHEE KB WHS dnd reyes, 41. The total wages of 20 workers were % 2,500 per day. What will be the total wages {in rupees) if 12 more workers were added to the team ? 20 S00 Erbe Sodin Ser rb S80 tr. 2,500. 12 Bod Erber & eins Jos ise Bafta Ser orb Shoko (Hrdcied') dod wits? (@) 1,500 (b) 2,500 (©) 3,500 @ 4,000 42, A owner increases the rent of his house by 5% at the end of each year. If currently its rent is € 4,000 per month, how much will be the rent after two years ? 28 Byer chard 8 god eB GO Loss So 5% TU p> Wok. EKpsi w 208 &8 &. 4,000 wasis Both LoS Wine Sars w God oF Dos ? (@ %4,200 b) 24.400 (©) 4401 @ e410 43. The difference of two numbers is 4. If7 is added to the bigger number, the result will be two times the smaller number, Find the big number among two. Bot wopge Heike 4. ts Lonsgh 7 SOL GOS Oh omg dom Ber wiyshod. w Toth Lomsed® BY Long SAMoke. @ () 12 ©) 13 @ 15 44. Ina triangle two sides are of equal length. The third side is 5 metres less than one of these two equal sides. If the perimeter of the triangle is 34 metres, the length of the side which is different from other two sides is named) a 28 Beberine® Sra ghaskn PSY Lvs Soden fle Toth shane $0 wart Doh Sed. Bebedw aby wp SoS M hos. Toe tind gate 405 Bayo he shew Say (age) (@ 15 () 12 om @s 48, There are 100 multiple choice questions in a test. Two marks are awarded for ‘every correct answer and one mark is deducted for every wrong answer. If Raghu ‘got 140 marks in the test while answering all questions, then how many questions did he answer correctly ?” 28 GOKET 100 wLBOS Gijeo Se. (OB ABA tines cow drtyeo segudio. WB Soy rows 28 Snty SNodaii. dim wd EHLw Sirgrbines (oh 140 drtyeo BTN wSS A Whos ops Lrg Qn? (@) 20 &) 70 Quid (@) 100 46. A horse is placed for grazing inside a rectangular field 80 m x 62 m and is {ethered to one comer by a rope of 28 m long. How much area can it graze in the field (in sq. mt) ? 80 &. x 62. Sedeor He 2S AY SbY oo Pets a ted! 28 d. Pay SOS US Ore Hyd SYD BHD. w drei! Hk Ke HOA Sod Brosh (3.5. 06) @ 616 tb) 4344. (©) 1880 @ 1232 10 A Mo 47. The curved surface area of the cylinder is 440 sq. cm. and its volume is 1540. cm. Find its height in cm. ab ESS SPY GY, KHyse Srogio 40 o. vob, Boab od sm Bedresio 1540 fay bo bb. ord os wo ba.oct ? @ 2 ) 5 (©) 7 @ 0 48. In the figure below A, B, C and D are centres of equal circles which touch extemally and ABCD forms a square of side 14 cm. Find the area of shaded region (in square cms). Ai Lwbee seis Oger A, B, C GOab D gopsineorr Ne sims syigiow SONS TeV Ugo winger Yyiow Four 14 pod. Seikorr SONS a8 S&UGorr ABCD Dhyébibod. LS Gao erik ads, Brregbod (5. vo.b. oc")? @ 196 (b) 154 @ 36 49, Find the cost (in rupees) of painting of the outer surface of a closed box whit '50 cm long, 30 cm broad and 20 cm high at the rate of 5 paise per em 50 Bots, drs, 30 V0.0. Sdexy Sak 20 V0.0. ds SON Om Soars UB Go, eninge Fold dao ws 6 wdky prey 5 Wee eons Rogan pty (Uraved") (a) 3100 ® 310 (©) 155 qd) 270 50, Iftan 30° =F and tan 45° =I then tan 15° = tan 30° =f Stato tan 45°= 1 wos tan 15° = 1 1 1+ 3, @ 1 ® A) © @ ae 14% 1-5 u

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