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FBO (GK) — Part-I /® Boake Serat no, 3007909 nana [TT DLL] Bowe e¥yeo : 50 Beds M4 Hoje HO Soeayeo + 100 (For the instructions in English, refer the next page) wegow Srisseo 1 88 Gr SS SWS. 25 OMR mare byshn Dr andqudsa. 2 BS mein aways Sows Loe beso Dob Go a0 Lorin Seon: (i) HB bel dd as SES VS SE (ABCD), (ii) Wee (So og (1-50), (i) Sebo omg HOdto (iv) UBS me. Dw Stow ays adyeTOH Lodd wd WISE te AOS ry bisa BO AHed. 3. GB WHY Dod respon Emcor, SAAS erez.eo TH. 4 SF Ry.S Gory HSiDE'S Grim Sr aorindsa, 5. WHB2 8S BE BBE Fo. Gor) Osind' BH LOA, Yue Ered Dok, 6 & omy Kim wHES SOcd OMR ere Ysined D yriins Roberts Sor Bt Sabores, 7. OMR waren YeinSre Kory Hsin LOY Sheds adyedoows okgsems, BS ry SoS" 50 Leo Soa 12 Helen Ke. CINE Total No. of Questions : 50 Duration : 1% Hours ‘Maximum Marks : 100 INSTRUCTIONS TO THE CANDIDATE Itis only a question paper. A separate OMA answer sheet has been provided toyou. Immediately after issuing the question paper, open the paper seal and verify the following : (i) Booklet code on every page (A/B/C/D), (ll) Serial number of questions (1-80), (ii) Number of pages and (iv) Correct printing. If any defect is found, show it to the invigilator and get another question paper with same code, Each question carries two marks. Ther no negative marking. The space is allocated for the rough work in the question paper. ‘The candidate should fil his/her hall-ticket number only at the space provided on top of first page. No part of the question paper should be tom or separated. After the examination, handover the OMR answer sheet along with question paper booklet to the invigilator. ‘There are 50 questions and 12 pages in the Question paper. 5 A FBO (GK) GENERAL KNOWLEDGE ‘The speed of light is less in which of the following ? (@) Vacuum >) Air (©) Water © Glass (B00 orDU* SOE" sr08 Silt Skye 0t0d ? (a) go ) rd © %% mee ‘The Permanent Secretariat to implement SAARC (South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation) programs in located in (@) SriLanka (b) India Nepal @_ Bangladesh 3B, (SAARC) Se gisiines WesrowsHw wigs WLBOCHE 24,6 G0? @ eos (&) a0aae @© se @ vopdt ‘The fastest planet in our Solar system is (a) Pluto (b) Venus (©, Jupiter @® ‘Mercury BS Kemoaiind® wd SALOSBS [Hirka D8 7 @ get ) ee © ayotys @ xe The life span of red blood cell is (@) 130days (b) 80 days (©) 1210 13 days @ 15 days OE O$ Scskin Gey, EDS wreiw Dos 7 (@) 130 ere ) 80 Sere. (©) 12%808 13 bferes @ 15 eee The colour of blood in Cockroach is (a) Red White © Blue (@) Green SQO¥ ED S¥o Sot NO? (@) wx @ az © deo @ who hich one ofthe folowing irre blood soup type ? $1 (God dE webiorr eagindhs Seo (rky O87 @ o ©) Bt © ABt @ x» 3 PTO. A FBO (GK) 7. The Indian state with largest area under forest is (@)_ Odisha () Maharashtra (c), Andhra Pradesh (@) Madhya Pradesh PEED SD D oydwe! wdghs wdye Dygho Sec? (@ 2am © soy © eogeds @ saudi 8 National Science Day is celebrated every year to commemorate Dr. C.V. Raman on (a) 28, Janui 28,February (c) 20,March_ (a) _28, April we eres aitea OSS S tog, abad BS asimo Se Ses etixybooert. (@ 280,28) Heh, 28 (©) SO), 20 @ dwose, 28 9. In which year, “Forest Rights Act” to protect the rights of tribals was passed by Parliament ? D Lod; Sind® Adaive inkye Lovin yin “HOH imkye Sgho” gow" weEdosNSsO 7 (@ 1996 @) 2006 (©) 2008 @ 1998 10. The “Flamingo” festival is celebrated in which State ? Andhra Pradesh (b) Karnataka ) Jammu & Kashmir (d) Kerala D orpod* “BmDoh ” doubts aeripsroerdd ? @ voeedt () Sones ©) ehny SOab shyt @ 358 11. The first Railway system in the world to be recognized for its energy efficiency is (a) Kolkata Metro (b) Bangalore Metro Delhi Metro: (@) Bangla Metro Boor? aot da~rgd8 roQoviads Bade BEs BgsH 06? @ Ses ae (©) Botieres HS © eae @ sop ae 12. The new major port that has been decided by Government of India to setup at ‘Dugaraja Patnam is located in which of the following districts ? (a) East Godavari Prakasam_ (©) Krishna ‘Nellore, PES GabJgow CS ciiore: Ldgo SY Trryen dabested Uy 4d By D arc* ame? (@) Sry Bose &) eerie © oF @ xe A FBO (GK) 13. The largest Open University in the world is (a) Ambedkar Open University Indira Gandhi National Open University (©) ICFAI University (d) Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi Ghood! VBIG d°dg/BS (LBS) Degdargeaiw (@) eodhtigts Sy Bs Digdarge cts @ 2080 moh SHS ABS O4gdergectiin (©) aBdrof D¥gdergectiso @) BrSrdT a grr Digharguaii, 9h 14. Who composed the famous song ‘Sare Jahan Se Achha’ ? ‘Mohammad Iqbal (b) Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay ©) Rabindranath Tagore (@)_Jaidev S5g0S Svhtghn Pods ‘BO aiKd ony’ vi herd Srvy (Sods) AS wos? © soaS asye (b) w8osoes Setngrgas ©) SdogSer§ ovtirS @ sais 15. Whois the present Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh ? (a) Mulayam Singh Yadav @ Akhilesh Yadav (©) Mayavathi (@_ None of the above CDS ASI ETH dow gtno)B 2c? (a) Serco DoF arsS @® cdi ass © sores @ Bert Shee ses 16, Who is the present Prime Minister of Pakistan ? (a) Pervez Musharraf (©) Benajir Bhutto Nawaz Sharif (@ None of the above SDS SETS adh, GeorSioo\B Its? ©) LbeF imesh &) Bed5'asg* © srewes @) part doer sto 17, For how many times, Atal Bihari Vajpayee was Swom in as Prime Minister of India? (@) Onetime ___(b)_Twotimes @ ‘Three times (d)_ Four times SOE DEO rEdan Ady Seth dS irs BoB dire hysrto sr? @) 2820 b) Toba © woes @ Tubas 5 P.O. 18. 19. 21. A FBO (GK) ‘The only State and first State in the country that achieved 100% sanitation index in ‘Schools, Households and Aanganwadi Centres is (@) Goa (b) Mizoram (©) Kerala @ Sikkim ores, oget Load wottS wh oered® tts wBo (100%) HS EOS & H GODS DBS HOab BE or{po Thos" D0? @ Ke ) déoS ©) Soe @ wwe Who is the 12" Assembly Speaker (2004-2009) of Andhra Pradesh ? (@)_K. Pratibha Bharathi (b) Yanamala Rama Krishna (©) Nadella Manohar @_ KR Suresh Reddy BOG{SST 12 & wok (2004-2009 S54) HySE de ? (a) 3. der ree ©) didioe ors yee © TBs BSE @ 3.06. 28503 In India, how many States are there in coastal side? PUSDHOE* BUSH He OrgRNe0 DD)? @ 9 ® 4 © 0 @ u ‘Vikram Sarabhai Space Cente is located in which place (@) Mumbai (b), Sriharikota (©) Pune @ Tiivendrum 280 orgran wosOs So\So 287,04 400? (@) Ssoery}) OD) Be @ Bose ‘Which of the following states is having highest population ? @ Uttar Pradesh (b) Kerala (©). Andhra Pradesh (4) Gujarat (G08 SS wS:OS aamrer He ory D6 7 @ 48seaF (b) toe ©) soGesi @) hard Which of the following Indian states has the longest border with China ? @ Jammu & Kashmir Cees ee (© _Uttar Pradesh (@) Nepal Bars! w&g0d DIDS LOIS es endsebiin 1D OrYRO BH PEE DB? @ want |b) virsegst ageeds @ soe ‘The present symbol of Indian Rupee/Currency ‘%” has been designed by ‘D. Udai Kumar (bo) RBL (©) K. Ashok Kumar (@)_S. Annapurna 8S er Bch trdman/Wibgo tith ‘&.D Idth SmdroBoartd ? @ 4. adc8 sa05 ) v5.2.0. ©) 3. 65 SiS @ 35. wayyy 26. A FBO (GK) ‘The largest Birla planetarium is located in (@) Hyderabad ® Kolkata (© _ New Delhi (@ Mumbai BBS Dg Boss FopSo atyé aod @ Pers @ sess © gah @ S0era9 ‘Which country dropped two atom bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki ? (@) Germany ©) United States of America (©, France (@ | Japan SPORE Oak aron8 bs Doth woo swowes 2 40.90? @ ayo @ was voaby ogres © eH @ ers ‘Who started Dandi March from Sabarmati Ashram to Dandi place against British Government ? @ Karamehand Gandhi (b) Nehru (©) _ Subhash Chandra Bose (@)_ Indira Gandhi (OSE Lebeigindss HB8¥orr, HeyW wLhGo Lod Sod Kditim LK, Sod ahr Sis IS Sets 7 @ 860x505 moh 0) aor (©) er SoS @ acd moh Partition of India into India and Pakistan by Mountbatten plan was implemented with effect from (a) 15 August, 1945 @® 15 August, 1947 (© 14 August, 1946 (@ 30 January, 1947 STOSIraS Ler OS losrdin aodiair, aodicin Goals SHS rr Defers wioene's SAYS Oe @ 15 erg, 1945, ® 15 wii, 1947 ©) 14 wrigs, 1946 @ 30 wsso, 1947 Which one of the following is the India’s first National Park ? (@) Bandipur Periyar (©) _Keoladeo Corbett (800 DDE D8 erSSSitty Saas nba dre, ? (@) . wobane b) DOarS © sarcdar @ vse 7 PLO. 31. 32. 33. A FBO (GK) ‘Which one of the following is not a thermal power station ? (a) Simhadri (b) Raichur Yalahanka Ounenel @ _Machkund 1 (80d DE DO HUT Deogitys Soyo sre? @ domo (b) rain cbuivos © @ SSv05 In Asian continent, Gobi desert spread across which countries ? @ Mangotia, Chis (b) India, Pakistan (©)_Mangolia, (@) South Africa only Ch GTN caro Deh dereet sjo00 20d? @ sofour, a> (b) erdatio, HEHE (© SoffBatr, aodar @ PS eye eHs ‘The only state in India that produces Saffron is (a) Kerala @) Jammu & Kashmir (© _ Gujarat (@)_ Himachal Pradesh aoddrd! How Hogs adyg To IBS oO @ se @ 2my doab whys © tars @ Sersegst ‘The National Highway No. 5 connects the following cities : (@) Agra & Mumbai (b) New Delhi & Kolkata (©) Delhi & Mumbai @_ Bhubaneswar & Chennai S dbo arbab Sircrd 6 800 Lyeres Seiysod. (@) wun Bodh Soe an (0) dg 8B Boch SEES © 98 &0ab torre @ PSAs wooed 33, India is known for world’ 40 gst serves of whch ase? (@)_ Iron © _c © Gold @ Crude oil aborts oS wentto eOay SS ete De ges rds E09? @) sep © = © vomits — @) sie Which one is the natural satelite of Earth ? (@)_ Comet Moon © Venus (@ Aryabhatta Gird> Gash Lives AYES ayers DB? (@) 8m Bouse © So @ eds 38. 39. 41. A FBO (GK) The hill station Mount Abu is located in which state ? (@) Jammu & Kashmir ® Rajasthan (c) Himachal Pradesh (@) Meghalaya aoeee 9S LUgw DIAS Yet O oryyiwe! aod ? ) adag & SE © caps a ride gt (@) Siread The facility to perform banking transaction over the Internet is called (a) ATM Banking (b) Phone Banking (©) Credit Card Banking Net Banking wodpuind’ ango8oh cmardben Diginods £3 peepee Davoebe ? @ ATMergo80% (b) BS ergosoh (©) GAS sx exgo8oh @ sSergo8ok How many Loksabha seats and Rajyasabha seats are there for Andhra Pradesh ? (@) 17 and7 @ 42and 18 (©) 25and 11 @ = 42and 16 SOB EIST & He SE Gel Soda Oras Ley Qraren AHN Sek? @) 17 %8ab7 @ 42280018 (©) 25 0am 11 (@) 42 20a 16 Who among the following is the first elected Chief Minister of Hyderabad State ? (a) MLV. Vellodi (b) Rangareddy Burgula Ramakrishna Rao (qd) Suravaram Pratap Reddy OE Dbl SSE DeySwas Preioerd orfy Sow soo/8 ? a MV. ag’ --(b) Sorr3g, © oye cHeyow @) 20880 Hewsog ‘Who was the first Chairman of the Planning Commission ? Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru (b) Babu Rajendra Prasad (©) Vallabhbhai Patel (d)_ Lal Bahadur Shastri Ger Os Hokniwit ARS BIS Od ? @ 0035 asinbr Taine (b) eran roles Ee ©) Sydieroo dts @ ce virs5 ry ‘The animals present on the insignia of Reserve Bank of India is (@) Panther (b) Elephant © Lion @ Tiger grbbab Onthe angot Gok, Dinjo 69 eos @) 2688 — ) daz © doi gd 9 P10. A FBO (GK) ‘What is the minimum age required to become President of India (in years) ? POS OYPLD TEADS Godse SW datiLny Jos Gods yVined) ? @ 2 © 35 © 30 ¢ @ 8 ‘Who was the speaker in Lok Sabha during 2004-2009 years ? (a) Manohar Joshi (b) Shivraj Patil (©) P.A. Sangma @® Somnath Chatterjee 2004-2009 sreod* &*8 Les S86 D567 @ seeb eu ) RorSLBE © d2.%ory © rows seg |. What is the other name for Upper House in the Parliament ? (@) Lok Sabha (©) House of people (©) President's House @ Rajya Sabha SrGmotwd WHS HAD D&D votre? @ o8ee &) Geode (©) ofyH8 deat @ cegis ‘What is the value of the number in °?' place ? G1 (B08 abgnds TALE! teh ad Poe" solders Hows dod ? 7 Ne vi ‘ ¥ Ne 3 7 196 ©» @ 7B © 35 @ 4 In English alphabet, the 10 alphabet to the right of the alphabet, which is 14" alphabet from the end is, aohin efSiaed* D0 wxcn tod 14 e¥dwds HIS 109 esa 957 Ww () D © Cc @ ¥ 47. 49. A FBO (GK) A standard die has six sides for six numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. The sum of ‘numbers on any two opposite sides of the same die is equal to 28 GErds Z CD wth dowdoes |, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 wh Dongen ely. DBS Toto OE O48" the Spine x5 he Lomge Sado @ 0 ©7 © 9 @ 2 How many of rectangles (excluding squares) are there in the following figure ? 1 (800 TAS? I) SY dren (SeU|erew Bitar) yaryov ? @ u @) 12 © % @ 2 Find out the odd man out : June, April, September, February, December (@) April @) September (©) February @ December 61 (800 aD HBSS DO? 25, Dabs, Wyo, ye50, Gwoaed @ dae © ryows © yes0 @) axon Jn a code language if MOTHER is written as OQVIGT, then PEACE can be written as 48 86 grat MOTHER & OQVIGT rm [artsogand, PEACE & 2 dxorr ergre ? @ racec (&) RGCDG (© RGCEF i (@ RGBEG uw

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