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Are you struggling to come up with water birth dissertation ideas?

Writing a dissertation can be an

incredibly challenging task, especially when you're trying to navigate through the vast sea of
information and find a unique angle to explore. For those researching water birth, the task can be
even more daunting as it requires a deep understanding of both medical and sociocultural aspects.

Water birth is a fascinating topic that encompasses various disciplines, including obstetrics,
midwifery, psychology, and sociology. Exploring the benefits, risks, and cultural perceptions
surrounding water birth can provide valuable insights into maternity care practices and women's
choices during childbirth.

Here are a few potential water birth dissertation ideas to consider:

1. The Impact of Water Birth on Maternal and Neonatal Outcomes: A Comparative Study
2. Cultural Perceptions and Practices of Water Birth: A Cross-Cultural Analysis
3. Psychological Experiences of Women Who Opt for Water Birth: A Qualitative Study
4. Healthcare Provider Perspectives on Water Birth: Challenges and Opportunities
5. Socioeconomic Factors Influencing Access to Water Birth: A Case Study

While these topics offer a starting point, the process of researching and writing a dissertation can still
be overwhelming. That's where ⇒ ⇔ comes in. Our team of experienced
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In conclusion the study observed that, the risks of losing the baby was far much higher in women
choosing VBAC with no use of prostaglandins, (1 baby out of every 3,500 labors) while for elective
repeat cesareans only 1 out of every 11,000 was lost. They also felt an instinctive connection with
water as soothing and pleasurable. Having the greatest amount of experience, the supervisor can
impart unto her staff what she has learned in using water immersion in both labour and birth. People
who have waterbirths are less likely to need pain medicine for pain relief compared with people who
give birth on land. This is another reason why providers skilled in waterbirth watch to make sure
there are no signs of complications before proceeding with a waterbirth (Nutter et al. 2014b).
Nursing Care of Patients with Life Threatening Conditions, High Acuity Situat. Once the baby’s face
is in the air, then their lower body and extremities should rest in the warm water to help keep their
body warm. The water completely supports the mother's body and it's a great position for a mom
that. According to an article written by the Royal College of Obstetricians and. Bradstreet repeatedly
mentions that without the world there would have been no nature, and without life there would have
been no The way this poem follows the traditional pattern of religious meditation is by the repetition
of the same words and phrases. If you are having a low-risk pregnancy and birth, have a desire for
an unmedicated, low-intervention birth, and there are experienced staff who are trained in attending
waterbirths, then evidence supports this birth method. For on, the potential increase in maternal and
neonatal infection has no basis for it has yet to be proven. A low-risk woman can plan a home birth
supported with all the medical care, can be transferred to hospital if needed rather, than planning
hospital birth initially. (Briefing the Journalists, March 2006) Women who desire to have home birth
will know their midwife well and if she is attended by community midwives then they team up eight.
Harper mentioned that the risk of infection for both the mother and the baby is wrongly assumed
(Harper, 2000). Women from across the world often opt for water birth as this eases the process of
labor. In this study, 60 people were randomly assigned to waterbirth and 60 people to land birth. The
pain associated with labour is reduced and the mother is bale to go about giving birth less
strenuously. The spontaneous rupture of membranes need to follow in Read. However, there is a
significant lack of evidence to support it. Often, simply getting into the tub will result in dramatic.
Brown (1999) also terms vaginal birth as quick and more comfortable compared to cesarean. Nursing
Care of Patients with Life Threatening Conditions, High Acuity Situat. Some of such studies have
indicated the potential advantages of giving birth in water while some have pointed out the need to
review the process due to the risk and safety issues associated with labouring and giving birth in
water. However, as indicated above, not all risks are supported by evidence. Cochrane reviewers
found evidence that laboring in water reduces the use of epidurals and. This case report was
published in 2000 and as a result, protocols were developed and implemented to 1) prevent cord
avulsion and 2) identify and clamp the cord quickly if it does happen. There has been an increasing
controversy regarding the potential benefits of Water birth as well as the new challenges it may pose.
Also, midwives should help develop protocols that hospitals may adapt with regards to using birth in
water as a common clinical practice. Research has established that labor induction whichever way is
done increases chances of uterine rupture (Nikodem, 2000). Only 14 of the case reports were
published in the previous ten years—and so most of the articles did not reflect current waterbirth
Furthermore, the supervisor must serve as the leader especially with regards to initiating researches
to push for the acceptance of water in births as a clinical practice. In fact, it has a lower risk factor
than conventional births which only attest to its advantageous use. They did not find any difference
in the amount of blood loss between groups. Vaginal birth. As noted by RCM, (1998), key
advantages of vaginal birth include: Faster recovery than in cesarean. Water labor helped relieve
pain, (leading to less use of pain medication), and led to lower anxiety, better fetal positioning in the
pelvis, less use of medications to speed up labor, and higher satisfaction with privacy and the ability
to move around. Midwives should conduct further research on the issue especially since there is a
lack of a substantial body of evidence regarding the said topic. In 2016, the AAP and ACOG
softened their stance on waterbirth and began to discuss the concept of informed consent. This paper
will explore the method of births in water, particularly in Scotland. There was less meconium (baby’s
first stool) in the. Introduction Birth in water has become a common method of child birth in today's
modern age. Participants were looking for a birth method that would increase relaxation, lower
anxiety, decrease pain, increase comfort and well-being, and give them a better chance at a natural
birth. Most case reports did not describe the pregnancies, labors, or protocols followed during the
water immersion. The main focus of the paper would be the role that midwives play in the issue.
They said that the water and tub created a natural barrier that allowed them more privacy and
security—nobody could touch them unless they consented to being touched. The group that fared the
worst were those who intended to have waterbirths but left the pool before giving birth. This would
be a rareoccurrencebecause babies do not normally inhale until. Some of such studies have indicated
the potential advantages of giving birth in water while some have pointed out the need to review the
process due to the risk and safety issues associated with labouring and giving birth in water. The
largest analysis on this subject (Bovbjerg et al. 2021) found a rate of 4.1 cord avulsions per 1,000
waterbirths vs. 1.3 cord avulsions per 1,000 land births. This is the reason why the College of
Midwives released a set of guidelines aimed at assisting midwives and women in deciding whether
to go about birth in water or not. Giving birth in water traces its roots to the commonly used clinical
practice of lying in warm water for relaxation and pain relief during early labour. Among the benefits
Harper named are the following: the increase in control that mothers have during labour and birth,
the calming effect of water immersion particularly during early labour, the reduction in pain
attributed to deep immersion, and zero episiotomy among mother who labour and give birth in water
(Harper, 2000). According to, Nikodem, (2000) reduced adrenaline production was found to increase
chances of lacerations and tears, therefore any factors which controled its productiuon were an aid
to safer and comfortable delivery. However, debate still rages on with regards to its acceptance as a
legitimate and safe method of child birth. Most of the studies included both water immersion during
labor and waterbirth, while some reported only waterbirth findings. In contrast, many women have
waterbirths and praise the experience they have, and as VBAC becomes more acceptable for
midwives to manage, with homebirth vbac becoming more acceptable. What training do they have in
managing complications during a waterbirth. Water causes the perineum to become more elastic and
relaxed, reducing the incidence and. One of the most common concerns expectant mothers have is
the possibility of the infant taking a breath before he is lifted out of the pool. The focus of the
kangaroo mother care initiative was to introduce KMC in all health care facilities in South Africa,
starting with hospitals that provide newborn care, followed by home-based KMC in the community.
Therefore, the moves to create more understanding and to widen the scope of evidence fall in the
hands of the midwives in Scotland.
Harper discussed the truth behind common misinterpretations regarding water birth. If the baby is
experiencing stress in the birth canal or if the umbilical cord. Some practitioner’s require the mother
to be removed from the pool quickly after delivery in order to accurately judge blood loss. In the
end, 83 people ended up staying in the waterbirth group and 88 people stayed in the land birth
group. On resultant deaths, it was observed that uterus rupture was responsible for the death of 1 in
every 18 babies who died, but only 1 out of every 23 cases of women experiencing uterine rupture
warranted hysterectomy. Of 150,000 water births worldwide between 1985 and 1989 there have
been no valid reports of infant deaths due to water aspiration or inhalation (Harper). If you plan to
give birth at a hospital, make sure their policies permit water birth. Increasing. The buoyancy of
water enables the mother to move more easily. The method of giving birth in water is widely popular
particularly in European countries. Estimated blood loss and incidence of perineal trauma were
reduced in pool births versus traditional births though the incidence of second degree perineal tear is
similar in both groups (Baxter). Operative births may be reduced (Royal College of Midwives,
2000). However, there is a significant lack of evidence to support it. A summary of this literature
searching strategy can be found in appendix 2. The researchers only included births that took place at
home or in freestanding birth centers, not hospitals. If your baby is breech: Although water birth has
been done with bottom or feet first. Although the decision to birth in water is should be the mother's
own, such decision must be based on sound advice and assessment of fetal well-being by the
midwife (Harper, 2000). This study also concluded that the first stage of labor was much shorter, and
analgesic needs were reduced in comparison with other birth methods. The spontaneous rupture of
membranes need to follow in Read. They also hoped that waterbirth would help them avoid perineal
tears. Since birth in water gives women more control over the birth of their babies. We use cookies to
create the best experience for you. As for laboring before finally settling for cesarean, Steer, and
Deans (1995) notes that high chances of infection as well as exhaustion make it riskier than the
above mentioned methods. In a study on the safety of waterbirths, Beech, (2000), concluded that,
waterbirths delivered by professionals were as safe as the normal vaginal deliveries and did not pose
any increased danger to the baby nor the mother. Chances of advanced complications during
pregnancy or such as uterine rupture, excessive bleeding, and caesarean section, are all possibilities in
VBAC. Researchers do not consider cord avulsion an emergency for a skilled provider, because as
long as the cord avulsion is recognized and the cord immediately clamped, then complications can be
avoided. We use cookies to create the best experience for you. On increased risks, abuse of oxytocin
portents a significant risk to mothers (Nikodem, 2000) although careful oxytocin administration
VBAC usually an option. Studies have focused on the benefits of such method for both the mother
and the baby. The water completely supports the mother's body and it's a great position for a mom
that. Most of the time, such assertions have been backed up by studies whose results support the use
of water births.
Although the decision to birth in water is should be the mother's own, such decision must be based
on sound advice and assessment of fetal well-being by the midwife (Harper, 2000). This decision
was made because it was unlikely that those transferring to the hospital would be good candidates
for waterbirth. These advantages are the most commonly named benefits of water immersion in
labour and birth. Introduction Birth in water has become a common method of child birth in today's
modern age. This essay gives detail information regarding statistical facts of teen pregnancy state
wise information along with the implication of nursing. Midwifes use a women-centered model of
care that has been proven to reduce birth injury, trauma and the need for caesarean section. This
study found that water births appear to be a safe alternative for both mother and infant. Caple, C.
(2012). Water Birth. CINAHL Nursing Guide. They did not find any difference in the amount of
blood loss between groups. According to Steer, and Deans, (1995) the concern although not really a
threat is in cases uterine rupture but Steer, and Deans, (1995) quickly add that this is a rare
occurrence, which cannot jeopardize the survival of mother or the baby. Brown (1999) also terms
vaginal birth as quick and more comfortable compared to cesarean. The other suggestion is that
women at an increased risk should insist on continuous fetal monitoring in the entire labor duration.
Estimated blood loss and incidence of perineal trauma were reduced in pool births versus traditional
births though the incidence of second degree perineal tear is similar in both groups (Baxter). Infants
born in water are slower to begin the complex chain of hormonal and environmental processes which
initiate the infant’s first breath. Their concern was that modern maternity care, with all of its
interventions, was making. The Portable solution with liner system means that this is often a simple,
quick and easy way to set up a waterbirth service. The expertise of the neonatal nurses is highly
needed in the NICU, neonatal transport and follow-up. In a study to determine the length of time
taken by waterbirth, Schorn, McAllister, Blanco (1993) found out that there was a significant time
reduction in labor, especially the first part, the report further added that episiotomies and perineum
lacerations were found to be significantly in waterbirths. Most case reports are not peer reviewed
(some are simply written as letters to the editor), and they often lack enough detail to get a clear
picture of what really happened. Three of the trials in the Cochrane review (mentioned above).
Moreover, conjunctivitis can be caused by bacteria, virus, allergy, chemical, or other irritants (San
Diego City Schools- nursing and Wellness Program, 2002). Most of the studies included both water
immersion during labor and waterbirth, while some reported only waterbirth findings. The need for
pharmacological pain relief may be reduced. Mobility or skeletal problems that may prevent leaving
the birthing pool when necessary. However the above model has been criticized for not clearly
depicting the state of a woman in different conditions and depicting some situations known to be
life threatening as being non-life threatening. Water birth is the process of giving birth in a tub of
warm water. This study was published in Persian, and we were able to get details thanks to volunteer
translators (Personal correspondence, Clausen and Basati, 2017). The only study we found on
waterbirth and the newborn microbiome did not show any difference in the newborn microbiome
between babies born via water vs. They also felt an instinctive connection with water as soothing
and pleasurable.
The group that fared the worst were those who intended to have waterbirths but left the pool before
giving birth. Harper discussed the truth behind common misinterpretations regarding water birth. It's
best to have an attendant waiting to catch the. The midwife will provide all medical care including
prenatal care, delivery, post-partum care, and newborn care. For many families, the only way they
can access waterbirth is through home birth or a freestanding birth center. Mobility or skeletal
problems that may prevent leaving the birthing pool when necessary. The Royal College of Midwives
noted the following potential disadvantages of water immersion. For example, it’s expected that
people with complications will be asked to “get out of the tub” by the provider, or they might not be
offered a water immersion in labor because of risk factors. There was no water labor—participants
assigned to waterbirth entered the pool at the start of the pushing phase. Instead, they make
recommendations to improve safety and informed consent. NOTICE All content, images, materials,
and works are the copyrighted or licensed works of EBB. In addition personal communication via
email to vbac support groups in both the UK and America, elicited a number of articles, which are
recommended to women who wish to consider VBAC.The pertinent themes, which recur in the
literature, will be critically analysed and explored. If such a practice is to be accepted on a larger
scale, midwives in Scotland must take the initiative to conduct researches and studies to help
establish births in water as an accepted clinical practice. Uterine rupture is one of the complications
that can occur during pregnancy. Doctors and midwives noted how calmbabies were after they had
been born in water. They. This condition occurs in 5.7 out of every 1,000 land births at term. The
American Academy of Pediatrics’ negative opinion statements on waterbirth have had a negative
influence on the availability of waterbirth in many hospitals. However, doctors and midwives, as
well as health care professionals from various countries, often disagree on whether waterbirth is safe.
They also found that laboring in water shortened the first stage of. This essay gives detail
information regarding statistical facts of teen pregnancy state wise information along with the
implication of nursing. Such a role is especially critical in the Scotland setting. This prolonged labor
and guidelines were then established to make sure that labor was in an active phase before entering
the pool and the majority who decided not to remain the pool left once labor reached the transitional
or second stage. They also hoped that waterbirth would help them avoid perineal tears. There is still a
lot of discussion and research being undertaken on the impact of water birth on the health of the
babies born by this method. They also felt an instinctive connection with water as soothing and
pleasurable. In a study to determine the length of time taken by waterbirth, Schorn, McAllister,
Blanco (1993) found out that there was a significant time reduction in labor, especially the first part,
the report further added that episiotomies and perineum lacerations were found to be significantly in
waterbirths. Chances of advanced complications during pregnancy or such as uterine rupture,
excessive bleeding, and caesarean section, are all possibilities in VBAC. Moreover, conjunctivitis can
be caused by bacteria, virus, allergy, chemical, or other irritants (San Diego City Schools- nursing
and Wellness Program, 2002). What Temperature Should The Water Be For a Water Birth. A doula
will assist the mother in developing a birthing plan and will help to facilitate communication between
the mother and others in the delivery team.
An Australian feasibility study.” Birth 49(4): 697-708. According to New England Journal of
Medicine (July 5, 2001) issue if labor is induced using prostaglandin medications after a prior
cesarean, the risk of uterine rupture is put at a very high chances. For this purpose, there have been
numerous studies and researches undertaken to find out the effects of water birth on the pregnant
women and also on the newborn infants. Such a role is especially critical in the Scotland setting.
Midwives tale up a new role and serve as facilitators or observers in the process (Harper, 2000).
Giving birth, in any form, is a very risky process, both to the baby and to the mother, but the greater
risk is borne by the mother. Infants born in water are slower to begin the complex chain of hormonal
and environmental processes which initiate the infant’s first breath. Nikodem, (2000), notes that in a
study on 235 women, 234 reported a feeling of easy and relaxation on being in water, this is
explained by a reduction of adrenaline excretion which is associated with fear and pain comon in
mothers during delivery. After about 4-6 pushes Baby C was born right into the arms of her daddy
being the first person she ever touched and laid eyes on. There were seven newborn deaths
reported—five due to infection, and two due to unknown causes. Therefore, her primary role would
be to serve as an educator and trainer in the whole process. Despite the numerous benefits of water
birth that have been cited by various practitioners, there are still probable disadvantages or risks that
are associated with water immersion during labour and birth. It was Bradstreet's analysis about the
relationship to nature and this poem was deeply considered by the critiques. In the end, 83 people
ended up staying in the waterbirth group and 88 people stayed in the land birth group. The main
focus of the paper would be the role that midwives play in the issue. In this study, there were 6,534
waterbirths, 10,290 land births, and 1,573 intended waterbirths that ended up as land births. Mobility
or skeletal problems that may prevent leaving the birthing pool when necessary. Gynecologists,
theremight be a theoretical risk of water embolism, which. In a study carried out by, on the
effectiveness of cesarean section, Brown, (1999), notes that, cesarean on the upper muscular portion
increased the risk of uterine rupture n mothers. Therefore, the moves to create more understanding
and to widen the scope of evidence fall in the hands of the midwives in Scotland. The American
Academy of Pediatrics’ negative opinion statements on waterbirth have had a negative influence on
the availability of waterbirth in many hospitals. If preterm labor is expected: If a baby is pre-term
(two weeks or more prior to due date). The safety of water immersion during labor is well accepted
(Cluett and Burns, 2018; Shaw- Battista, 2017). The baby doesn’t breathe until after its face leaves
the water. However the above model has been criticized for not clearly depicting the state of a
woman in different conditions and depicting some situations known to be life threatening as being
non-life threatening. Water minimises the pain so effectively for most women that it. Once the baby’s
face is in the air, then their lower body and extremities should rest in the warm water to help keep
their body warm. Sometimes the babies are so calmat birth it can appear that they aren’t breathing at
all but. Research has established that labor induction whichever way is done increases chances of
uterine rupture (Nikodem, 2000). Maternal and neonatal infection may be increased; not supported
by evidence.
For a printer-friendly PDF, become an EBB Pro Member to access our complete library. Buoyancy
promotes more efficient uterine contractions and improved blood circulation. Another way to look at
these research results that the U.S. midwives in this study showed good judgment by assessing risk
and getting people with complications out of the tub as needed. Once the baby’s face is in the air,
then their lower body and extremities should rest in the warm water to help keep their body warm.
Most case reports are not peer reviewed (some are simply written as letters to the editor), and they
often lack enough detail to get a clear picture of what really happened. So, with this in mind let us
now review what research has demonstrated about waterbirth outcomes. Studies have shown that
Water birth enhances maternal relaxation, decreases the analgesia requirements and encourages the
women to easily adopt a model of care for their newborns. Factors evaluated included parity,
deciding factors in laboring and delivery within the pool and the effectiveness of the warm water on
pain relief. Mobility or skeletal problems that may prevent leaving the birthing pool when necessary.
RCM (1999) calls for practitioners to get vigilant in order to offer case advice and guidance as
failure to do so may endanger the lives of the mother or the child after waterbirth. By far, the most
evidence-based book that I read was Dianne Garland’s “Revisiting Waterbirth: An Attitude to Care.”
It was originally written for midwives, but expecting parents may also find this book helpful.
Immersion in water often helps lower high blood pressure caused by anxiety. People who have
waterbirths are less likely to need pain medicine for pain relief compared with people who give birth
on land. For one, a study of water births in the United Kingdom revealed that water births have a
lower risk factor than conventional births (Alderdice et al, 1995). UKCC (1992), notes that uterine
rapture refers to any of the following, a weak spot in the uterus wall or the unfortunate of tearing the
uterus leading to tissue injury to the fetus. This decision was made because it was unlikely that those
transferring to the hospital would be good candidates for waterbirth. Selection bias did not occur in
this study, because midwives were not allowed to select clients with only good waterbirth outcomes.
Harper mentioned that the risk of infection for both the mother and the baby is wrongly assumed
(Harper, 2000). In the case of severe uterine rupture, the mother loses blood and may cause
permanent damage to the uterus leading to its removal also known as (hysterectomy). Soon after
immersing herself in the tub, her labour progressed, she started to push, and. What training do they
have in managing complications during a waterbirth. A low-risk woman can plan a home birth
supported with all the medical care, can be transferred to hospital if needed rather, than planning
hospital birth initially. (Briefing the Journalists, March 2006) Women who desire to have home birth
will know their midwife well and if she is attended by community midwives then they team up eight.
Nursing Care of Patients with Life Threatening Conditions, High Acuity Situat. Water minimises the
pain so effectively for most women that it. However, the benefits of the water birth process on
neonatal health have not yet been so emphatically established. With waterbirths, the baby might be
lifted out of the water too quickly, and this might cause the umbilical cord to snap, especially if there
is an abnormally short cord. Vaginal Birth after Cesarean (VBAC). (Burns, and Kitzinger, (2000)
reported that, mothers with a prior low transverse cesarean have only three options of birth modes.
Once the above-mentioned conditions are observed, preparations need to be done for an emergency,
as a delay could be fatal on the part o the child. The existing research work will be examined and
evaluated to find out whether there exist valid inferences which can help expecting women to make
a prudent decision regarding their own health and that of their newborn children. (Ros, 2009, p.36)
The. Therefore the research observed that women were in a better place to control their pushing
during waterbirth.

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