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RA 9299 Republic of the Philippines May 14,



NOHS (1907) NOTS (1927) EVSAT (1956) CPVC (1983)

Kawasan Ave., Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental, Philippines 6200

College of Education, Bais Campus 2, Bais City


At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to:

a. Define Noun

b. Identify the names of people, places, things, and animals

c. Give examples of the names of people, places, things, and animals.


A. Topic: The Noun
B. References:
c. Materials: Pictures , Cartolina, Marker, Tape, Colored papers
C. Additional Learning Resources: Internet (paste the link)


Terms Teacher's Activity Grade 2

Establishing Alright! before we start review, let us recall our classroom rules:
Classroom Rules
1. Listen to the Teacher

2. Listen to others

3. Be respectful to your classmates and teachers

4. Raise your hand if you want to answer

Yesterday, we discussed verbs.

B. Reviews of Previous Do you still remember, what is verbs?

So, what are verbs? Raise your hand if you want to answer.

Okay (name of the pupil) what are verbs?

Very Good! Let’s give him/her a round of applause!

A word or phrase that describes an action, condition, or experience: "Run,"

"keep," and "feel" are all verbs.

At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to define nouns, identify
the names of people, places, things, and animals, and give examples of the
D. Presenting Examples / names of people, places, things, and animals.
Instances of the New Lesson
Okay, class, I have here a picture all you have to do is to identify what it is?

Alright, did you understand class?


What do you call this class?


How about this picture, what do you call this?


What do you call this class?

How about this last picture but not the least, what do you call it?

Very good! All your answers are correct.

All these names (person, animals, places, and things) are called naming
words. The naming words are called nouns.

E. Discussing New Alright! Our lesson for today it's about nouns.
Concepts and
Practicing New Skills So, I have a here pictures, all you have to do is, select and check inside the
#1 box on the correct picture for the given nouns.





Very good children! the man is in the first box, the cow is in second box, the
doctor is in the third box, the church is in the first box and the last one is the
nurse is in second box.
F. Discussing New Okay, class nouns are words that represent people, places, or things
Concepts and (including objects, animals, and ideas) including these pictures below.
Practicing and
Concern to New
Skills #2

1. Boy

2. School

3. Chair

4. Rabbit

Alright! class you really identify he person, places and things.

A boy is a person, the school is a places, the chair is a things, and the rabbit
is a animal.

Some nouns are concrete and others are abstract. Nouns that name people,
places or things are referred to as concrete nouns. The term concrete is used
because you can actually experience concrete nouns directly via one or
more of your five senses.

people - A person’s name is a noun, as are other words that can be used to
name a person, such as mother, father, sister, brother, student, or teacher.
places - Words used to name places are nouns, such as names of countries,
states, cities, or streets, and locations like home, school, building or office.

things - Words that name things are nouns, including terms for pets (dog or
cat), items you play with (game or ball), and objects in your house (stove or

G.Developing So I have here a example class of a nouns.

mastery leads to
Those are the examples of a nouns.

Alright class! did you know what is noun class? And what is person, places,
things and idea?

Very good! Okay let's proceed to our

activity .

Are you ready?

H.Finding practical In one whole sheet of paper please answer the activity and read the
application of instructions carefully.
concepts and skills
Instructions: A noun is the name of person's, place, things or idea. Can you
in daily living tell if the underlined noun in each sentence is a person, a place, a things or
an idea? Write your answers in the space provided.

1. Japan is an island ______

2. Mariam loves tea _______
3. Dad's car is broken _____
4. Ken has a thought ______
5. Please talk to mom _____
6. Tim is in the bathroom _______

Okay class you may now start the activity.

( After 10 minutes)

Okay, class are you done? If you are done please passed you're paper on my

I.Making Okay class what is our lesson for today?

generalization and
Yes, very good it's noun.
abstraction about The words that can be used to name a person, such as mother, father, sister,
the lesson brother, student, or teacher what noun it is class?

Yes ! absolutely it's a person

The words used to name places are nouns, such as names of countries,
states, cities, or streets, and locations like home, school, building or office,
what noun it is class?

Excellent! It's a place .

The words that name things are nouns, including terms for pets (dog or cat),
items you play with (game or ball), and objects in your house (stove or bed)
what noun it is class?

Very well said, it's a things.

Since you really listen to my discussion about nouns let's have another
activity. Are you ready class?

Okay, let's start!

D. Evaluating Learning Okay class get another one whole sheet of paper and please answer the

Instructions: Look at the picture and choose the correct answer.

Okay class you may know start to

answer I will give you 15 minutes
to answer.

Everything's clear class?

Okay very good!

(After 15 minutes)

Time it's up class. Are you done?

Please pass it forward.
I. Additional Alright class the activity is done so, for your assignment.
activities for
Instructions: Give 10 examples of noun, write it in your notebook.
application in

PREPARED BY: Jenny K. Lanaja


SUBMITTED TO: Emiry P. Depalubos, pH .D


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