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Sofia Adelaide Elmido

9 Kapnayan


Let’s Try This:

Processing Questions:

1. How did you identify your important experiences?

I easily identified the important experiences by remembering the most memorable and special
experiences that happened to myself like my happy memories.

2. What changes did these experiences create in you?

By experiencing these brought me different emotions that can help me experience new things
and make me a better person.

3. In what ways can the ranking/ordering experiences be helpful to you?

This kind of ranking/ordering experiences helped me to identify which is the most memorable
experience in my life.
Let’s Explore This

Experiences in school and Community Lessons Learned

Ranked/Ordered Based on Importance

I shared/donated my other things to Learned how to be helpful and generous

donate for other people in our to other people who are in need.
community that needed help.

Due to Pandemic I was isolated and I Learned to discipline and follow the
also can’t meet my friends, and relatives health protocols for the sake of other

I only ranked 2nd in SciTech journalism Learned how to accept losses and

I didn’t pass my AP exam this quarter I I will learn and study more harder for me
only manage to get 22/50 to pass the exams.

Processing Questions:

1. As a learner and a young member of your community how did you use this lessons to become
As a learner, I’ve used it to share my experiences to other people no matter what kind of
experiences they are negative or positive, because it is important and vital role for me because
maturity is one of the effects of experiencing bad or good things in life.

2. How will you use these lessons to help other learners like you?
I will use these lessons to become an example for my co-learners to accept and learn the things
that happen in their life. Because if you still hold onto your , you can’t move forward to your
present life.

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