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Geography notes

Islamic world:

Muslims invite people to dinner immediately

Islam originated in Mecca
Islamic culture spread across the middle east and northern africa through military
campaigns. It even spread to countries like spain and portugal
The five pillars of the Islam are:

Being able to sincerely recite a basic statement of faith

Praying five times per day, facing towards the city of Mecca
Giving alms or charitable donations
Ramadan: fasting from sunrise until sunset during the holy month
Making at least one pilgrimage to Mecca, which is considered a sacred place

The word islam means Submission. This is to show your submission to the will of
Allah, the god of the Muslims.
The two major groups of the islam are the Sunnis and the Shi'as. Sunnis make up the
majority (85%) but countries like iran and iraq have a shi'a majority.
A practical exampple of a difference between the two is that Shi'as condensed their
five prayers into three sessions per day. Shi'as are allowed to pray at gravesites,
while Sunnies see this as a sin.

The islamic countries that are richer are more focused on themselves than the
community but the poorer countries are more focused on community not just

Cities like Dubai and Abu Dhabi have become multicultural cities. Which means that
there are many different cultures in an area or society. The cultural diffusion has
mostly come from Immigrants all over the world, mostly for work.

Arabic is the most important language in the islamic world (also known as the
lingua franca)
Arabic is written from right to left and doesnt use capital letters.

The islamic world is often linked with terrorist attacks. However it needs to be
said that the vast majority of Muslims reject these terrorist attacks. The groups
behind these terrorist attacks have an extreme and violent interpretation of the
Qur'an. These extremists make up a very small part of the islamic world.

Sub Saharan Africa:

The sub saharan africa is a part of africa below the Saharan desert.
The sub sahran africa have a history of many different traditonal religions. Most
of these traditional religions were based upon the belief of a sppreme being and
the spirits of ancestors. The belief is often that when someone dies on earth, he
or she will live on as an ancestral spirit. They request the kindness of gods and
spirits through rituals, these includes but is not limited to dancing, wearing
masks, singing and the use of body art.

There are also especially important rituals called Rites of passage. These rituals
mark important changes in life, like the birth of a chilld, becoming an adult,
marriage and death.

A living community is a social group consisting of numerous families with a common

culture. They are also reffered to as "tribes" but it can be found offensive.
The rapid colonisation of africa between 1880 anad 1914 is also reffered to as the
Scramble for Africa. European nations, especially the UK and France controlled
large parts of Africa. Even to this day there are African countries that still
speak english or french.

Most sub saharan african countries are Christian.

Also alot of the African borders are artificial (Straight lines drawn by

African culture can also be found outside of Africa, This is done by something
called a Diaspora which is a group of people who are scattered away from their

Asian Culture:

Three different cultural Regions (there are five but the book decided to only
include 3):
East Asia
Southeast Asia
South asia

East asia includes: China, North and South Korea, Japan and Taiwan. The three
notable religions that have diffused are Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism. These
countries share many of the same values and standards, like the importance of
disclipline and politeness. They also use chinese style characters for language.

The Southeast Asian countries have been influenced by former colonisers. In

singapore they drive on the left side of the road because theyre a former british
colony, in the philippines most of the people are christian because they were a
former spanish and american colony.

South asia consists of India and its surrounding countries (yes thats what is says
in the book). In india hinduism is pre-dominant but in neighnouring countries like
pakistan and bangladesh islam is the most common religion. Almost all of south asia
used to be a british colony. They also have a social class (Caste) system where you
marry and work with people from the same class and its important to show respect to
the higher classes

Asian cultures have a concept called Face. The concept refers to your dignity and
how people think of you. When you save face it raises your self worth. Saving Face
is for example about being humble and not wanting the spotlight on you.
Losing Face can happen by being out of control. Therefore asians may seem calm and
relaxed rather than excited and energetic. It is very important to not bring shame
to the family.

The two most important religions in Asia are Hinduism and Buddhism. Both buddhists
and hindus believe in Reincarnation. How well you have lived your life will lead to
how well your circumstances will be in your next life. This is called Karma, karma
means that all actions have consequences, when you do good, good things will
happen. But when you do bad, bad things will happen to you.

Learning Questions:

1. What is Culture?
Culture is a collective of Values, Standards, Foods, Traditions, Religion that a
group of people or communities stand by.

2. What cultural elements can you identify?

Foods, Values, Standards, Laws, Customs, Traditions, Religion, Language.

3. What does it mean when two countries are part of the same cultural region?
It means that the two countries have overlapping cultural elements.


1. What were the main reasons for cultural diffusion in the past?
Colonisation and Trade relations (including slave trades)

2. What are the main reasons for cultural diffusion in the present?
By media, immigration, tourism and trade relations.

3. What is cultural homogenisation and why does this take place?

When cultures adopt elements from eachother they become more similar. It takes
place because of trading relationships, immigrants, tourits and the amount of media
we use. We see other cultures and we adapt to them.

4. What is cultural heterogenisation and why does this take place?

When cultures are faced with globalisation it may cause a revaluation of a culture.
Outside influences can make people more aware of what their culture really is. And
people may become more appreciative of their culture.


1. How has Islam diffused across the Middle east and northern africa?
By the use of Trading relationships are military campaigns during the 7th and 8th

2. What are the most important cultural elements of the Islamic world?
The Qur'an which is the holy book of the Muslims, the Five pillars of the muslims
which are To be able to recite a basic statement of Faith, Praying 5 times per day,
facing Mecca, Giving alms or charitable donations, Ramadan which means you cannot
eat from Sunrise to Sunset during the Holy month and to make one pilgrimage to
Mecca, the holy city of the Muslims.

3. What muslim groups can you identify?

The Sunnis and the Shi'as

4. What does the word "Multicultural" mean?

It means that a place or a city has multiple cultures which are located there.


1. What are the most important cultural elements of Sub-saharan-africa?

Traditional religions and rituals.

2. How have Sub-sahran african cultures been influenced by colonial history?

The French, British, German, Belgium and Dutch have colonised parts of Africa with
The French and the British having colonised the most. They have been influenced
with Language for example they still speak English or French in some african

3. How did african culture diffuse outside of Africa?

By groups of people called "Dispora" which left their motherland to spread their
culture to other countries.


1. What are the most important cultural elements of Asian cultures?

Relgion, Customs and Face.

2. What is meant by 'saving face' and 'losing face' in Asia?

It is meant that you save face by not shining the spotlight on yourself and being
more humble and respectful to others. You lose face by making the situation more
about yourself and being rude. It is important to keep face to not show bad in your

3. How can you characterise the most important religions in Asia?

They show the importance of discipline, patience and respect. They also use the
same chinese-style language characters.


1. Why do conflicts often occur at cultural borders?

Because cultures are close together and people dont agree with other cultures and
conflicts arise.

2. What was the cause of the cultural conflict in Southern Tailand?

Religion, language, ethnicity and economic positions lead to many violent incidents
and conflicts.

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