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A Research Paper Presented to

the Faculty of Junior High School Department
RC Al-Khwarizmi International College Foundation Inc.
National Highway, Marawi City, Philippines

In partial fulfilment of the requirement for the Subject

Research III (Quantitative Research)

Daniyah Binaloy
Mohammad Yushrein Bacaraman
Norhayna Balt
Abdul Wali Mangata
Chapter 1



These days, teenage girls mainly depend the attractiveness of boys according to boys’ athletic

skills and achievements. Teenage girls tend to revert their attention to athletic guys rather than

the average boys in class. This has given the spotlight to the athletic guys, leaving the average

ones behind and not giving the average ones as much as appreciation.

Boys who are athletic usually gave the idea to teenage girls that boys who are athletic are

gifted in physical qualities such as speed, strength, and agility. With these qualities, teenage girls

have a certain liking to athletic boys; not even looking at their background. Some of teenage girls

would even go as far as to going to extents just so these athletes get to notice the said teenage

girls in any possible way. For instance, girls use their free time to walking around the campus to

be noticed by these athletes and

Gossiping about athletes and fangirling over them is a daily issue with these girls online and

around their friends. Every teenage girl would want to date the male MVP player and being there

for the male MVP player when he achieves something in his sport. They tend to become

obsessed with them because of how good the athletes look while playing.

Most teen dramas, not all, show that the female protagonist is always paired with the athletic

guy in the class or campus, usually a basketball player. This is often the plot with the romance

teen dramas because the protagonist’s life gets more “thrilling” when dating famous guys;

getting hate from the fans of the guys and forcing them to break up.

Dramas like this shows that athletic guys get more fans and positive treatment because of

their attractiveness even though most of them have bad personalities but good looks.
According to Dr. Postma, females frequently prefer to mate with high-quality males, and

physical performance is one indicator of quality. The relationship between attractiveness and

performance has rarely been quantified, despite the fact it is anticipated that women will prefer

men who are more physically fit.

Guys get more appreciation and privilege from people when they are more athletic even if

behind all those accomplishments, they have bad personalities. As long as the guys are attractive

and athletic, most teenage girls do not even bother looking at their bad qualities. The qualities

that make up a “perfect man” for women is to be at least physically fit and have masculine


Finding the science behind the nature of women to be more inclined to athletic men is the

main purpose of this study. It is rather interesting to see that most women in the world find men

who have athletic performance more attractive according to Meghan Dillion.

The researchers of this study determined on how they are going to find the link between the

masculinity and attractiveness. For the reason of knowing how athletic guys get more attention

and admiration compared to non-athletic, average male.

This study interrogated whether there is an impact of physical attractiveness on athletic guys

and how teenage girls think of “attractive” and “athletic.” This study also determined to know if

there is a relation between the two characteristics; if an athletic guy is attractive or if the guy is

attractive then he is athletic. The main purpose of this study is to know if being athletic impacts

the attractiveness of a man.

The fact that women prefer to admire and give attention to athletic male rather than showing

adoration to non-athletes is the mere reason why the researchers had made this study.
Theoretical Framework

Attractiveness Consensus

The guys that are athletic and attractive hypothetically get more benefit and have a better

performance in their sport and environment. This theory supports this study’s purpose of seeing

the relation between being physically skilled and physically attractive.

Pygmalion Effect

The Pygmalion Effect shows how one’s actions towards others impact their beliefs about

this person and then affects how they treat them. The treatment of others towards a person then

reinforces the beliefs of this person about themselves.

This theory mainly focuses on the athletic guys’ side. The more positive treatment they

get, the more positive they play. Therefore, in this study, the positive treatment is given to them

by teenage girls thus helping them to have a more positive outcome in their games.

The study uses this theory to support the fact that having more positive treatment in the

society impacts how these athletes think about themselves and how they perform in their sports.

The Pygmalion effect also shows in the classroom where the teacher who gives positive

treatments get more positive results and vice versa.

Halo Effect

Once a teenage girl spots or gets to know an attractive man that play their favorite sport,

they get to the idea that they are the one for them and they have all the qualities they want in a

partner even if they only knew one thing about them; being athletic.

Knowing just one quality about a person and then having an overall judgement about

them is called the Halo Effect. This theory was invented by Edward Thorndike. A cognitive bias
known as the “halo effect” can prevent people from accepting a person, a product, or a brand

because they have unfounded belief in what is good or bad.

This theory will be used in the research to support the idea that teenage girls usually have

a crush on athletic guys that are successful just because of knowing one trait about them rather

than the average guys in their class that have not yet achieved something, whether they have met

them in real life or, mostly, just seen them in pictures.

Conceptual Framework

2.) What is the Most

Attractive Sport That A
1.) What is the Demographic Guy Plays?
4.) Implication That Can
Profile of The Be Made from the
Respondents of the
Respondents, in terms of: Survey/Questionnaire
Answered by the Female
a.) Age
JHS Students That Are
3.) What is the Perception of Female JHS
b.) Grade Level and Section Students on the Effect of Athleticism on the Studying at RC-AKIC SLS
Attraction of Teenage Girls at RC-AKIC
SLS, in terms of:

a.) Physical Appearance

b.) Popularity

c.) Attitude

Figure 1.1 Schematic Disposure of The Study

This figure above shows the relation of athleticism to attractiveness in men. The theories

Pygmalion Effect and Halo Effect support the relationship of these two elements in the study. To

begin with, the Pygmalion effect supports this study because of how being attractive and getting

positive treatment results to a better athletic performance.

In addition, the Halo Effect supports the main topic of this study which is the relation of

being attractive and being athletic. This theory shows that some teen girls judge guys based on

their physical appearance and get an overall judgement about them just because of what their

eyes can see.

Statement of the Problem

The universal purpose of this study is to determine the relation of Athleticism on Male

Attractiveness to RC-AKIC-SLS Female High School Students.

1.) What is the Demographic Profile of the Respondents, in terms of:

a.) Age

b.) Grade Level and Section

2.) What is the Most Attractive Sport That A Guy Plays?

3.) What is the Perception of Female JHS Students on the Effect of Athleticism on the

Attraction of Teenage Girls at RC-AKIC SLS, in terms of:

a.) Physical Appearance

b.) Popularity

c.) Attitude

4.) Implication That Had Been Derived from the Respondents of the Survey/Questionnaire

Answered by the Female JHS Students that are at RC-AKIC SLS

Significance of the Study

The beneficiaries of the findings of the study will hopefully be the following:

Teenage Girls. This research will help teenage girls in the junior high school department

in RC-AKIC SLS to know the reason behind why majority of their gender find athletic guys

more attractive and what is the science behind it.

Teenage Boys. This will help the boys in RC-AKIC SLS to find ways on how to get

more attractive, that is if they want to. This study also shows to them that being more athletic

gives them more advantages and privileges in their society.

Teachers. With this research, educators in RC-AKIC SLS gets more open minded about

the perspectives of their students and what they find interesting. This also helps them to know

how to treat their students and to know the science of attraction to athletic guys.

Future researchers. The findings in this study can serve as their guide to make another

study pertaining on the male’s perspective.

Scope and Delimitation

This study focused on the teenage girls who are in the Junior High School Department

that have an interest with athletic guys. With these participants, the gathering of information

would be easier as the participants have a similarity. The researchers studied about the impact of

athleticism on attractiveness of a guy in the views of teenage girls in RC-AKIC SLS.

This study would not cover the opinions of teenage girls that are not attracted to athletic

guys because this will slow down the findings of this research. This study also not cover the

teenage girls outside the school premises on RC-AKIC SLS.

Definition of Terms
The terms that are used in this research that are hard to understand are defined below for better

understanding of this research:

Athleticism is the combination of qualities (such as speed, strength and agility) that are

characteristic of an athlete (Merriam Webster Dictionary, 2023)

Attractiveness is the quality of being pleasing or appealing to the senses (Oxford

Languages, 2019)

Quality means a distinctive attribute possessed by someone or something (Oxford

Languages, 2001)

Characteristic means the feature or quality belonging typically to a person, place, or

thing and serving to identify it (Oxford Languages, 2023)

Chapter 2

This chapter presents the related literature and related studies after the thorough and in-

depth search done by the researchers of this study. This chapter only focuses on the related

literature and related studies found by the researchers through the internet and recommendations

given by the teachers of this subject.

Related Literature

According to the closing thoughts of Meghan Dillion’s (2021) article, teenage girls and

women’s attraction to athletic men has a scientific explanation. Because women in ancestral

times relied on strong men to protect them from predators, women want to have a romantic

relationship with a man who is physically strong and is capable of protect them. The women in

this generation owe it to their prehistoric ancestors that women adore men with attractive faces

and fit bodies. Think about it, women in prehistoric times relied on men to hunt for food and

provide for them. Because they knew an athletic man would be able to safeguard her and their

children from predators, and this explains why more athletic men drew more women.

In the conclusion of the article made by Antonio Centeno (2022), he stated that it is true

that being an athlete improves people’s perceptions of a man’s attractive qualities. Sports

between individuals and teams actually didn’t seem to matter very much. This is an example of

“halo effect”. However, having the same strength of a boost to positive traits as being attractive

made you an athlete. To put it in another way, if you’re less appealing man, get involved in

sports. Similar to how physical attractiveness can boost positive perception in a way. This means

that the most appealing thing of all is to be liked and respected by your peers.
In the article published in the network by the website (2010), it would

appear that younger women find men with greater muscle mass to be more attractive. However,

women appear to gradually become more attracted to men who are considered lean but not

skinny as the age range increases. One would think that the younger adolescent and young adult

demographic would have preferred the thin physique more than the muscular build. However,

the article’s chart made it simple for us to see why the outcome was the way it was.

According to the article of PrincessWitHapen (2022) she said that women do indeed

prefer muscular men. In any case, the media and mainstream society has helpfully concluded that

young ladies only like muscular men while skinny or chubby guys are a finished no. The key for

muscular men to make their physique look hot and appealing is to maintain great proportions. It

is when men’s bodies begin to bulge in extreme ways when they take their work out to a whole

new level. Men who are muscular with egos as high as the Empire State Building frequently

appear to be impolite and terse. Girls prefer muscular men who can be a dominant man with the

world while being warm and gentle to them. Young ladies do like muscular men, but will a

skinny guy beat a muscular man if the latter has a bad personality? Absolutely. A fun-loving

personality is unmatched by muscularity or a hot, lean body. There are so much more than

brawns that the 21st Century woman and girl looks for in guys. A strong body is perfect to have.

On the beach, girls will undoubtedly swoon over a fit body, but there is a line between being

overly muscular and having a big body. When we say big, we are talking about the massively

pumped-up bodies that men carry around as if they were pumped in with the air. Professional

wrestlers and bodybuilders are allowed to carry enormous body frames. They must perform it for

a living. However, it does occasionally, raise a few eyebrows when a typical person comes in

with a body the size of a gorilla, not always in a good way.

Related Studies

In a study, the lead researcher, evolutionary biologist Dr. Erid Postma, wrote “High

endurance performance is thought to have been the target of selection in early hominids, as being

able to efficiently cover large distances allowed for more efficient hunting, gathering, and

scavenging, resulting in a number of uniquely human adaptions,”. In the early hominid era, the

goal of selection was endurance performance. Additionally, Postma wrote, “What does a woman

gain by selecting a man with high endurance? Postma stated, “He would bring home the most

food in the evening.” Postma continues, “In a lot of animal species, they prefer the males with

the longest tails and the brightest plumage.” This behavior can be observed in other animals.

In the published study, “The Impact of Attractiveness on Athletic Performance of Tennis

Players” (2017) by Linn-Brit Bakkenb ull, the influence of the Attractiveness Stereotype and the

Pygmalion Effect can provide an explanation for the lack of correlation between athletic

performance and physical attractiveness. Because of these two effects, people perform better

when they are expected to, which results in increased competition, better coaching, and more

sponsorship support. Because coaches or sponsors may be optimistic about their ability, this

causes selection bias in favor of more attractive individuals. As a result, both genders are

affected by the Pygmalion Effect and family or coach support. Thus, there are no gender-specific

differences in early childhood support levels.

In the study published by the authors: Albert-Schulte-Hostedde, Michael Hemond and

Mark Eys 2012; they concluded that male athletes were perceived more promiscuous than non-

athletes, according to the current study. Male athletes tend to have athletic physiques that are

considered attractive by females (Dixon et al. 2003; Jonason, 2007; Li and Kendrick, 2006).

However, this alone may not explain as to why athletes are so appealing to women because it is
not clear whether people who participate in fitness-related activities (like working out in a gym)

but do not compete in sports are as attractive to women as athletes. Athletes, particularly team

sport athletes, may be more desirable either alternatively or concurrently (Schulte-Hostedde et

al., 2008) and saw as more indiscriminate than non-competitors as a result of their improved

status. Particularly, athletes may be attractive due to their social status. Young men who

participate in sports have higher social status (Miller, Sabo, Farrell, Barnes, and Melnick, 1998).

Female partners prefer high-status partners for both long-term and short-term relationships

(Hopcroft 2006; Li and Kendrick 2006). The physiological fact that androgens like testosterone

influence the development of athletes’ attractive physiques supports the notion that athletes are

more promiscuous than non-athletes (Bhasin et al. 1996), as well as dominant behavior

(Davidson et al. 1982, Mazur and Booth 1998). The initial objective of the study was to test the

hypothesis that potential partners who are identified as team sports athletes will receive higher

ratings of positive characteristics than individual sport athletes or people who do not participate

in sports. The discussion of the study’s findings (Schulte-Hostedde et al., 2008) led to the

development of this prediction, in which they proposed that team athletes might be thought to be

better mates because they are thought to be more cooperative, reliable, and (to a lesser extent)

financially secure.
Chapter 3


Research Design

This study was structured by the research mode best to conclude the results which is the

quantitative research method. In finding the potential relationship between athleticism and

attractiveness, the researchers are using the quantitative research method. With this method, the

researchers had found the nature of women’s attraction to masculine attractiveness and

athleticism. The researchers of this study used surveys/questionnaire to discover the view of the


Research Locale

This study was conducted in the campus of RC Al-Khwarizmi International College

Foundation, Inc. Science Laboratory School. This school is located in National Highway,

Marawi City, Philippines. The school is composed of four departments which are the Junior High

School Department, the Elementary Department, the Kindergarten Department, and the Nursery
Department. This study mainly focused on the teenage girls in RC Al-Khwarizmi International

College Foundation Inc. SLS on the High School Department.

Figure 2.1 Map of the Locale of the Study

Research Respondents

The researchers of this study gathered students in RC-AKIC SLS in the Junior High

School Department to fulfill the findings of this research. There will be a total of sixty (60)

respondents in this study composing of fifteen (15) teenage girls in each grade of Junior High.

The respondents were chosen according to their gender, age, availability, and willingness to

answer the surveys made by the researchers of this study.

Research Instruments

To make observations in this study, the researchers have conducted a

survey/questionnaire pertaining to the teenage girls’ preferences in a guy. The researchers had

come up with questions in the survey/questionnaire made by the researchers of this study mainly

from the researchers’ advisor and from multiple websites through the network.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers had used the method of giving out surveys printed on paper for the

participants to write down their answers. The participants had been given a survey containing of

questions relevant to finding answers in this research. The researchers then gathered the surveys

after the participants have answered them with their own views and opinions. After gathering the

finished surveys, the researchers had analyzed the participants’ answers and then concluded

findings for this research.

Data Analysis
The researchers used the distribution of frequency and percentage of the respondents’

answers as the statistical tool for this study. The researchers had conducted the data analysis by

simply tallying the respondents’ preferences or answers per question made by the researchers’


Chapter 4


This chapter presents the data analysis and interpretation of findings collected by the

researchers of this descriptive study which investigated the perception of the attraction by female

JHS students on athleticism of men and to analyze the data collected.

It is composed of four (4) grade levels which are the Grade 7, Grade 8, Grade 9 and

Grade 10 female students with a total of sixty (60) respondents from RC-AKIC-SLS.

I. Demographic Profile of The Respondents

Table 4.1 Frequency & Percentage Distribution of The Age of The Respondents


13 – 14 40 40.00%

15 – 16 47 46.67%

17 and above 13 13.33%

TOTAL: 100 100%

Table 4.1 presents the frequency and percentage distribution of the respondents age

ranges where out of the total number of the respondents which is out of sixty (60) [we will make
the total to 100] female JHS students, there are forty (40) or forty percent (40%) that belongs to

the age of 13 – 14, forty-seven (47) or forty-six-point sixty-seven percent (46.67%) that belongs

to the age of 15 – 16, and thirteen (13) or thirteen-point thirty-three percent (13.33%) that

belongs to the age of 17 and above.

The tabulated variable denotes that the 15 – 16 age group made up the majority of

respondents. This result exclaims that majority of the total respondents are teenage girls. Thus, it

is the right stage for them to understand and know the concept of attraction to athleticism of men

and answer the questions decisively.

According to the article by the website (2010), age factor has a

significant difference since in their study it is proven that women in the younger age ranges find

men more in the muscular categories to be more attractive. While the age range increases,

women gradually seem to be more attracted to men who are considered lean, but not skinny.

II. The Most Attractive Sport That A Guy Plays

Table 4.2 Frequency & Percentage Distribution of The Most Attractive Sport That A Guy




Badminton 65 65.00%

Basketball 18 18.33%

Volleyball 17 16.67%

TOTAL: 100 100%

Table 4.2 presents the frequency and percentage distribution of the most attractive sport

that a guy plays. It shows that sixty-five (65) or sixty-five percent (65%) of the respondents that

are more into Badminton, there are eighteen (18) or eighteen-point thirty-three percent (18.33%)

of the respondents who are more into Basketball and seventeen (17) or sixteen-point sixty-seven

percent (16.67%) of the respondents who are more into Volleyball.

It is supported by the statement that the statistics show that majority of the respondents

prefer guys who plays badminton. Corresponding to this, the table shows that the female teenage

students that prefer Badminton as their preference outnumbers the other female teenage students

who chose Basketball and Volleyball.

This part of the study was not conducted by any other study, thus not having any related

study other than the study published by Linn-Britt Bakkenb ull (2017) concluding that Tennis

(which is similar to Badminton in some ways) players holds a significantly positive effect of

physical attractiveness on athletic performance. More attractive and therefore more successful

tennis players may earn higher prize money and generate greater contracts, for example, in terms

of sponsoring. This also creates greater revenues for managers or coaches. This holds true for

both male and female tennis players.

Since Badminton, Basketball, and Volleyball are the mainly played sports in RC-AKIC-SLS,

the researchers have conducted a few questions pertaining to those sports.

1. Preferred Position of Players in Basketball

4.3 Frequency & Percentage Distribution of The Most Preferred Position of a

Basketball Player That Is Attractive to The Respondents



Center 29 28.33%

Point guard 15 15.01%

Shooting guard 40 40.00%

Power forward 13 13.33%

Small forward 3 3.33%

TOTAL: 100 100%

Table 4.3 presents the frequency and percentage distribution of the most preferred

position of a basketball player guy that is attractive for the respondents. It shows that twenty-nine

(29) or twenty-eight-point thirty-three percent (28.33%) of the respondents are more into guys

that are the center, there are fifteen (15) or fifteen-point zero one percent (15.01%) of the

respondents that are more into guys that the point guard, there are forty (40) or forty percent (40
%) of the respondents who prefer guys who are the shooting guard, there are thirteen (13) or

thirteen-point thirty-three percent (13.33%) of the respondents who are more attracted to guys

who are the power forward, and there are three (3) or three-point thirty-three percent (3.33%) of

the respondents who are more attracted to guys who are the small forward.

In conclusion the respondents who prefer guys who are the shooting guard really

outnumbers the other respondents who chose guys who are the center, point guard, power

forward and small forward.

There are no current related literature or study pertaining to the topic of females finding

the position of basketball player that is “shooting guard” to be the preference of women

2. Preferred Skills in Basketball

Table 4.4 Frequency & Percentage Distribution of The Most Preferred Skills of a

Basketball Player That Is Attractive to The Respondents


Dunking 23 23.33%

Passing 5 5.00%

Shooting from a close 7 6.67%


Shooting from a far 57 56.67%


Blocking or distracting

the opponent from

8 8.33%

TOTAL: 100 100%

Table 4.4 presents the frequency and percentage distribution of the most preferred skills

of a basketball player that is attractive for the respondents. It shows that twenty-three (23) or

twenty-three-point thirty-three percent (23.33%) of the respondents are more into guys whose

more skilled at dunking, there are five (5) or five percent (5 %) of the respondents that are more

into guys whose more skilled at passing, there are seven (7) or six-point sixty-seven percent

(6.67%) of the respondents who prefer guys whose more skilled at shooting from a close place,

there are fifty-seven (57) or fifty-six-point sixty-seven percent (56.67%) of the respondents who

are more attracted to guys whose more skilled at shooting from a far place, and there are eight

(8) or eight-point thirty-three percent (8.33%) of the respondents who are more attracted to guys

whose more skilled at blocking or distracting the opposing team from scoring.

This implies that, the respondents who prefer guys whose skills is shooting from a far

place outnumbers the other respondents who chose the other options. Since fifty-six-point sixty-

seven percent (56.67%) is obviously the highest value out of the other options.

There are no current related literature or study pertaining to the topic of females finding

the “shooting in a far place” skill as their most preferred skill in a basketball player.

3. Preferred Position of Players in Volleyball

Table 4.5 Frequency & Percentage Distribution of The Most Preferred Position of a

Volleyball Player that Is Attractive to The Respondents



Libero 32 31.67%

Setter 10 10.00%

Back setter 8 8.33%

Opposite spiker 15 15.00%

Wing spiker (Ace) 35 35.00%

TOTAL: 100 100%

Table 4.5 presents the frequency and percentage distribution of the most preferred

position of a volleyball player guy that is attractive for the respondents. It shows that thirty-two

(32) or thirty-one-point sixty-seven percent (31.67%) of the respondents are more into guys that

are the libero, there are ten (10) or ten percent (10%) of the respondents that are more into guys

that the setter, there are eight (8) or eight-point thirty-three percent (8.33%) of the respondents

who prefer guys who are the back setter, there are fifteen (15) or fifteen percent (15%) of the

respondents who are more attracted to guys who are the opposite spiker, and there are thirty-five

(35) or thirty-five percent (35%) of the respondents who are more attracted to guys who are the

wing spiker, in other words the ace.

This implies that the respondents who prefer guys who are the wing spiker or ace really

outnumbers the other respondents who chose guys who are the libero, setter, back setter and

opposite spiker. Since thirty-five (35) or thirty-five percent (35%) respondents who chose wing

spiker (ace) as their answer.

There are no current related literature or study pertaining to the topic of females finding

the position of a volleyball player that is “wing spiker (ace)” to be the preference of women.
4. Preferred Skills in Volleyball

Table 4.6 Frequency & Percentage Distribution of The Most Preferred Skills of a

Volleyball Player That Is Attractive to The Respondents



Blocking/defending 15 15.00%

Diving 7 6.67%

Receiving 7 6.67%

Serving 20 20.00%

Setting 3 3.33%

Spiking 48 48.33%

TOTAL: 100 100%

Table 4.6 presents the frequency and percentage distribution of the most preferred skills

of a volleyball player that is attractive for the respondents. It shows that fifteen (15) or fifteen

percent (15%) of the respondents are more into guys whose more skilled at blocking or

defending, there are seven (7) or six-point sixty-seven percent (6.67%) of the respondents that

are more into guys more skilled at diving, there are seven (7) or six-point sixty-seven percent

(6.67%) of the respondents who prefer guys whose more skilled at receiving, there are twenty

(20) or twenty percent (20%) of the respondents who are more attracted to guys whose more

skilled at serving, there are three (3) or three-point thirty-three percent (3.33%) of the
respondents who are more attracted to guys whose more skilled at setting, and there are forty-

eight (48) or forty-eight-point thirty-three percent (48.33%) of the respondents who are more

attracted to guys whose more skilled at spiking.

This implies, the respondents who prefer guys whose skills is in the category of spiking

outnumbers the other respondents who chose the other options. Since forty-eight-point thirty-

three (48.33%) of the respondents has chosen spiking, it clearly has the highest value.

There are no current related literature or study pertaining to the topic of females finding

the skill of a volleyball player that is “spiking” to be the preference of women.

5. Preferred Skills in Badminton

Table 4.7 Frequency & Percentage Distribution of The Most Preferred Skills of a
Badminton Player That Is Attractive to The Respondents


Serving 33 33.33%

Spiking 20 20.00%

Receiving 47 46.67%

TOTAL: 100 100%

Table 4.7 presents the frequency and percentage distribution of the most preferred skills

of a badminton player that is attractive for the respondents. It shows that thirty-three (33) or

thirty-three-point thirty-three percent (33.33%) of the respondents are more into guys whose

more skilled at serving, there are twenty (20) or twenty percent (20%) of the respondents that are

more into guys whose more skilled at spiking, and there are forty-seven (47) or forty-six-point

sixty-seven percent (46.67%) of the respondents who prefer guys whose more skilled at

In conclusion, the respondents who prefer guys whose skills is in the category of

receiving outnumbers the other respondents who chose the other options. Since forty-seven (47)

or forty-six-point sixty-seven percent (46.67%) respondents have chosen spiking, it clearly has

the highest value.

There are no current related literature or study pertaining to the topic of females finding

the skill of a badminton player that is “receiving” to be the preference of women

III. The Perception of Female JHS Students on the Effect Of, In Terms Of:

a. Physical Appearance

1. Preferred Body Frame

Table 4.8 Frequency & Percentage Distribution of The Most Preferred Body Frame

on A Guy That Is Attractive to The Respondents


Skinny 13 13.33%

Lean 15 15.01%

Athletic 69 68.33%

Built/Brawny 3 3.33%

TOTAL: 100 100%

Table 4.8 presents the frequency and percentage distribution of the most preferred body

frame on a guy that is attractive for the respondents. It shows that thirteen (13) or thirteen-point

thirty-three (13.33%) of the respondents are more into the skinny body frame, there are fifteen

(15) or fifteen-point zero one percent (15.01%) of the respondents that are more into the lean
body frame, there are sixty-nine (69) or sixty-eight-point thirty-three percent (68.33%) of the

respondents who are into the athletic body frame and there are three (3) or three-point thirty-

three percent (3.33%) of the respondents that are more into the built/brawny body frame.

It is supported by the statement that the statistics show that the majority of the

respondents are more into the Athletic body frame. Corresponding to this, the table shows that

the female junior high school students who prefer the athletic body frame outnumbers the other

female JHS students who prefer the skinny body frame, lean body frame, built/brawny body


According to the same website published by (2010), most women really

do prefer the athletic body frame, especially the ones in the younger age ranges. Therefore, the

researchers who conducted their survey questionnaire had been proved right to this statement.

Most of the respondents who answered athletic are on the younger age ranges, a. k. a 13 - 16.

And most of the ones who chose lean, close to being skinny but nonetheless is still kind of

muscular, are more on the older age ranges, a. k. a 17 and above. The same thing happened in the

survey questionnaire made by (2010).

2. Preferred Height

Table 4.9 Frequency & Percentage Distribution of The Most Preferred Height in A Guy
That Is Attractive to The Respondents


Tall (6’ ft and above) 40 40.00%

Slightly tall (5’6 ft – 5’11 ft) 38 38.33%

Average (5’3 ft – 5’5 ft) 20 20.00%

Short (5’2 ft and below) 2 1.67%

TOTAL: 100 100%

Table 4.9 presents the frequency and percentage distribution of the most preferred height

of the respondents. It shows that forty (40) or forty percent (40%) of the respondents prefer guys

who are tall, there are thirty-eight (38) or thirty-eight-point thirty-three percent (38.33%) of the

respondents who prefer the slightly tall type of guy, there are twenty (20) or twenty percent

(20%) of the respondents who prefer the average height in a guy, and only two (2) or one-point

sixty-seven percent (1.67%) of the respondents who prefer the short height type of guy.

It is supported by the statement that the statistics show that the number of respondents

who are more into the tall height in a guy is close to the amount of female JHS students who

prefer the slightly tall height, meanwhile the students who prefer the average and short height are

relatively low compared to the two (2) tall categories.

According to Tracy Tegan (2022) that evolutionary psychologists believe that women

prefer dating taller men for protection against predators and a better chance at survival. Women’s

most primitive instinct is to desire the strongest, tallest, and most dominating man with the best

genes but to also breed strong offspring. In her survey, 76% agreed that they felt most

comfortable in a relationship when the man is taller.

3. Preferred Skin Color

Table 4.10 Frequency & Percentage Distribution of The Most Preferred Skin Color
in A Guy That Is Attractive to The Respondents

Dark skinned 8 8.33%

Tanned 18 18.33%

Slightly tanned 32 31.67%

Fair 42 41.67%
TOTAL: 100 100%

Table 4.10 presents the frequency and percentage distribution of the most preferred skin

color of the respondents. It shows that eight (8) or eight-point thirty-three percent (8.33%) of the

respondents who prefer dark skinned guys, there are eighteen (18) or eighteen-point thirty-three

percent (18.33%) of the respondents who are more into tanned guys, there are thirty-two (32) or

thirty-one-point sixty-seven percent (31.67%) of the respondents who prefer slightly tanned

guys, whereas there are forty-two (42) or forty-one-point sixty-seven percent (41.67%) of the

respondents who prefer fair skinned guys.

It is supported by the statement that the statistics show that the number of respondents

who are more into fair skinned guys outnumbers the other female JHS respondents who prefer

dark skinned, tanned, and slightly tanned guys.

There are no related literature or studies about women preferring men who are fair

skinned. But there is one related question posted in (2018) asking “Why do girls like

fair skin guys?”. A lot of people answered and agreed to responses that says “No way most girls

especially fair skinned girls prefer guys who are slightly darker than them. Only dark skin girls

like fair skin guys, opposite attract in opposite sex”.

4. Preferred Hair Type

Table 4.11 Frequency & Percentage Distribution of The Most Preferred Hair Type in A

Guy That Is Attractive the Respondents


Afro hair 2 1.67%

Bald head 2 1.67%

Curly hair 8 8.33%

Dreads 2 1.67%

Fluffy hair 52 51.67%

Long hair 0 0.00%

Straight hair 17 16.66%

Wavy hair 18 18.33%

TOTAL: 100 100%

Table 4.11 presents the frequency and percentage distribution of the most preferred hair

type of the respondents. It shows that two (2) or one-point sixty-seven percent (1.67%) of the

respondents has chosen afro hair to be more attractive for them, there is another two (2) or one-

point sixty-seven percent (1.67%) that have each chosen bald head and dreads to be more

attractive for them. There are eight (8) or eight-point thirty-three percent (8.33%) of the

respondents that prefers curly hair on guys, there is fifty-two (52) or fifty-one-point sixty-seven
percent (51.67%) of the respondents prefer fluffy hair, seventeen (17) or sixteen-point sixty-six

percent (16.66%) of the respondents that prefer straight hair, and eighteen (18) or eighteen-point

thirty-three percent (18.33%) of the respondents that prefer wavy hair.

It is supported by the statement that the statistics show that the number of respondents

who are more into fluffy hair outnumbers all of the other female JHS students who chose afro

hair, bald head, curly hair, dreads, straight hair and wavy hair to be more attractive for them.

There are no current related literature or study pertaining to the topic of females

preferring the fluffy hair type in a guy.

5. Preferred Accessories

Table 4.12 Frequency & Percentage Distribution of The Most Preferred Accessories on A

Guy That Is Attractive to The Respondents


Rings and bracelets 35 35.00%

Necklaces 15 15.01%

Ear piercings 7 6.67%

All of the above 7 6.67%

None of the above 36 36.65%

TOTAL: 100 100%

Table 4.12 presents the frequency and percentage distribution of the most preferred

accessories of the respondents. It shows that thirty-five (35) or thirty-five percent (35%) of the

respondents are more into guys who wear rings and bracelets, there are fifteen (15) or fifteen-

point zero one percent (15.01%) of the respondents who are more into guys who wear necklaces,

there are seven (7) or six-point sixty-seven percent (6.67%) of the respondents who chose ear
piercings to be more attractive to them, there is another seven (7) or six-point sixty-seven percent

(6.67%) of the respondents who prefer guys who wear rings, bracelets, necklaces, and has ear

piercings. And there are also thirty-six (36) or thirty-six-point sixty-five percent (36.65%) of the

respondents who prefer guys who does not wear any accessories at all.

In conclusion, most of the respondents who chose “none of the above” as their answer

show that the number of respondents who are more into guys who wear no type of accessories

outnumbers the other female JHS respondents who prefer men who wear some type of


According to the article posted by (2014) men often stick to the basics

when it comes to getting dressed. But there’s a whole world beyond button-down shirts and

pressed trousers. Women love to see a well-chosen accessory on a man, (e. g watch or tie). Little

details like those elevate menswear from dull to exciting. Other accessories like cufflinks are a

another very nice choice on adding some personality into your formal suit and tie.
b. Popularity

6. Popularity Level

Table 4.13 Frequency & Percentage Distribution of The Most Preferred Popularity

Level of a Guy That Is Attractive to The Respondents



Well-known around

the city and within 20 20.00%

in the campus

Well-known around 15 15.01%

the whole campus

Is well-known only 20 20.00%

around the higher levels

Is well-known only 2 1.67%

around the lower levels

Is well-known only 22 21.66%

around their level

Not known at all 22 21.66%

TOTAL: 100 100%

Table 4.13 presents the frequency and percentage distribution of the most preferred

popularity level of a guy that is attractive for the respondents. It shows that twenty (20) or twenty
percent (20%) of the respondents prefer a man who is well-known around the city and within the

campus, there are fifteen (15) or fifteen-point zero one percent (15.01%) of the respondents who

prefer guys who are only well-known around the whole campus, there are twenty (20) or twenty

percent (20%) of the respondents who prefer guys who are only well-known around the higher

levels, whereas there are only two (2) or one-point sixty-seven percent (1.67%) who prefer guys

who are only well-known around the lower levels. There are twenty-two (22) or twenty-one-

point sixty-six percent (21.66%) of the respondents who prefer guys who are well-known only

around in their level and there are twenty-two (22) or twenty-one-point sixty-six percent

(21.66%) who prefer guys who are not known at all.

Therefore, this table shows that it really depends on a woman’s (as a person) perspective

on what is more attractive to them.

According to Samantha Prestia, Jason Silverston, Katie Wood, and Lisa Zigarmi’s (2002)

article’s discussion, college-aged women with a high attractiveness score are more popular than

women with a low attractiveness score. Women of high attractiveness are not only being

involved in more approaches, but are approaching significantly more men and women, indicating

greater popularity. According to the number of approaches, higher rates of socializing behavior

indicate that attractive women may actually be more socially adept, able to initiate more

interactions, and more popular. Greater social behaviors indicate skill, for the reason of it reflects

a level of comfort within the environment and with others, which would affirm Goldman &

Lewis’s (1997), as well as Berry and Miller’s (2001) discoveries.

According to another study that “physical attractiveness and popularity are significantly

related” was the conclusion that reached (Vaughn & Langlois, 565). It is evident that popularity

and facial attractiveness are linked. One of the most thoroughly documented findings in social
psychology is the “attractiveness halo effect” (Berry, 2001) which predicts that alluring

individuals get additional positive reactions from others than do unattractive people.

c. Attitude

1. Preferred personality

Table 4.14 Frequency & Percentage Distribution of The Most Preferred Personality in
A Guy That’s Attractive to The Respondents


Aloof 5 5.00%

Cheerful 21 21.67%

Mean 2 1.67%

Playful 20 20.00%

Polite 42 41.67%

Rude 0 0.00%

Sassy 10 10.00%

TOTAL: 100 100%

Table 4.14 presents the frequency and percentage distribution of the most preferred

personality of the respondents. It shows that five (5) or five percent (5%) of the respondents has

chosen aloof type of persona to be more attractive for them, there is twenty-one (21) or twenty-

one-point sixty-seven percent (21.67%) that has chosen cheerful type of person to be more

attractive to the respondent. There are two (2) or one-point sixty-seven percent (1.67%) of the

respondents that prefers mean type of guy, there is twenty (20) or twenty percent (20%) of the

respondents prefer playful type of person, forty-two (42) or forty-one-point sixty-seven percent
(41.67%) of the respondents that prefer polite type of guy, and ten (10) or ten percent (10%) of

the respondents that prefer sassy type of persona.

It is supported by the statement that the statistics show that the number of respondents

who are more into guys who are polite outnumbers all of the other female JHS students who

chose aloof, cheerful, mean, playful and sassy to be more attractive for them.

According to Michael Stahl’s (2022) literature, 85% of single women surveyed by reported that they are looking for a steady partner post-pandemic. Before the

pandemic, sixty percent or (60%) of single women on the platform were “open to short-term

flings” but thirty percent or (30%) of’s single ladies have since “changed their

relationship goals because of last year’s dating experiences”. The company stated in a statement,

“single women shared that they are now more attracted to dates who are consistent and

dependable.” During Covid and ongoing uncertainty, women stated that stability in a relationship

is essential. According to, women “never feel confused about whether their prospect

is interested, the status of the relationship, and where it’s headed – whether or not labels have

been specifically discussed,” which is why “nice guys” are currently in high demand nowadays.

While a particular someone from Michael’s study notes that nice guys will also earn points for

being more mindful of the dangers associated with seeing someone new and in certain settings,

such as enclosed bars and restaurants, the effort they bring to pursuing relationships becomes a

more valuable quality.

2. Preferred Traits

Table 4.15 Frequency & Percentage Distribution of The Most Preferred Trait That’s

Attractive to The Respondents


Confidence 5 5.00%

Faithfulness 20 20.00%

Independence 3 3.33%

Intelligence 10 10.00%

Kindness 22 21.67%

Passion 3 3.33%

Sense of humor 37 36.67%

TOTAL: 100 100%

Table 4.15 presents the frequency and percentage distribution of the most preferred trait

in a guy that’s attractive for the respondents. It shows that five (5) or five percent (5%) of the

respondents has chosen confidence trait to be more attractive for them, there is a twenty (20) or

twenty percent (20%) that has chosen the faithfulness trait to be more attractive for the

respondent. There’s three (3) or three-point thirty-three percent (3.33%) of the respondents that

prefers the independence trait in a guy, there are ten (10) or ten percent (10%) of the respondents

that prefer the intelligence trait in a guy, twenty-two (22) or twenty-one-point sixty-seven
percent (21.67%) of the respondents that prefer the kindness trait in a guy, three (3) or three-

point thirty-three percent (3.33%) of the respondents prefer the passion trait in a guy, and thirty-

seven (37) or thirty-six-point sixty-seven percent (36.67%) of the respondents prefer the sense of

humor trait in a guy.

This result suggests that biggest majority of the total respondents are more into the sense

of humor trait in a guy, thus making them more attractive for them. The second majority are

more into the kindness trait in a guy to be more attractive.

According to Deblina Chatterjee’s (2020)’s literature, women are more drawn to

humorous guys and desire for a partner with a sense of humor. Furthermore, research also

supports this fact. While dating, if the man tries to make her chuckle, then it results in both of

them enjoying their time with one another.

According to another researcher, Jeffrey Hall (2016) from the University of Kansas, if

you are in a relationship with a man who has a great sense of humor, then at that point, it will be

a thrilling excursion over the long haul, you two will be content with each other. Recent data has

been published on Evolutionary Psychology which says that more jokes from the men and more

laughter from the women have been observed. This marked those women as interested in those

men. However, Hall found no correlation between intelligence and a sense of humor. But the

funny side showed their extrovert nature. Hall asserts that a person’s personality is reflected in

their sense of humor. As a result, it is now recognized as a stage of courtship that has potential to

deepen a relationship. In conclusion, Hall said that for having a successful date, people should

now think about cracking jokes because having a great sense of humor is powerful and enduring.
3. Preferred Personality Traits

Table 4.16 Frequency & Percentage Distribution of The Most Preferred Personality

Trait in A Guy That’s Attractive to The Respondents


Honesty 5 5.00%

Loyalty 28 28.33%

Respectfulness 2 1.67%

Trustworthiness 65 65.00%

TOTAL: 100 100%

Table 4.16 presents the frequency and percentage distribution of the most preferred

personality trait of the respondents. It shows that five (5) or five percent (5%) of the respondents

has chosen honesty type of personality trait to be more attractive for them, there is a twenty-eight

(28) or twenty-eight-point thirty-three percent (28.33%) that has chosen the loyalty type of

personality trait to be more attractive to the respondent, there’s a two (2) or one-point sixty-seven

percent (1.67%) of the respondents who chose respectfulness to be more attractive, and sixty-five

(65) or sixty-five percent (65%) who chose trustworthiness personality trait to be more attractive

for them.
This result suggests that biggest majority of the total respondents are more into the

trustworthy type of personality trait, thus making them more attractive for them. The second

majority are more into the loyal type of guys.

According to Stacey Laura Lloyd’s (2022) literature, a woman instantly finds a

man, more attractive and desirable when he is trustworthy and honest. He’s a guy worth pursuing

if he is trustworthy, honest, sincere and speaks from the heart, as people can take him at his

word. “Trust and trustworthiness allow relationships to deepen,” says Degges-White. After all, if

a relationship is going to last for a long time, a woman needs to know that she can rely on her

man just as much as he should rely on her.

4. Preferred Ideal Type of Guy

Table 4.17 Frequency & Percentage Distribution of The Most Preferred Ideal Type of Guy

to The Respondents



Artistic 13 13.33%

Bad boy 2 1.67%

Confident 13 13.33%

Considerate 10 10.00%

Eternal Romantic 8 8.33%

Intelligent 54 53.33%

TOTAL: 100 100%

Table 4.17 presents the frequency and percentage distribution of the most preferred ideal

type of the respondents. It shows that thirteen (13) or thirteen-point thirty-three percent (13.33%)
of the respondents has chosen artistic type of persona to be more attractive for them, there is a

two (2) or one-point sixty-seven percent (1.67%) that has chosen bad boy type of guy to be more

attractive for the respondent. There are thirteen (13) or thirteen-point thirty-three percent

(13.33%) of the respondents that prefers the confident type of guy, there are ten (10) or ten

percent (10%) of the respondents prefer considerate type of person, eight (8) or eight-point

thirty-three percent (8.33%) of the respondents that prefer eternal romantic type of guy, and fifty-

four (54) or fifty-three-point thirty-three percent (53.33%) of the respondents that prefer

intelligent type of guy.

It is supported by the statement that the statistics show that the number of respondents

who are more into guys who are intellectual or intelligent really does outnumber all of the other

female JHS students who chose artistic, bad, confident, considerate and eternal romantic to be

more attractive for them.

According to Dunkel (2018), his study’s findings suggest that intelligence may be

slightly more important to women when choosing a long-term mate. “More specifically, a

woman may look for a man who is slightly more intelligent than she is and she uses her physical

attractiveness to secure a more intelligent husband.” Modern day ladies have inherited the

evolutionary trait to desire mates who possess resources, have qualities linked with acquiring

resources (e.g., aspiration, abundance and enterprising nature) and are willing to share those

resources with them. On the other hand, men more strongly desire youth and health in women, as

both are cues to fertility. Additionally, according to Stulp, Buunk, & Pollet’s (2013) related

study, hierarchical regression analysis revealed a significant interaction in which physical

attractiveness was more strongly associated with a husband’s intelligence in more intelligent

women. This result was not unexpected, and therefore, requires additional interpretation. The
motivation for of a mate of higher intelligence would be similar to a woman’s preference for a

mate who is taller or relative to her height.

5. Preferred Qualities

Table 4.18 Frequency & Percentage Distribution of The Most Preferred Quality That’s
Attractive to The Respondents


Charismatic 5 5.00%

Confident 7 6.67%

Funny 33 33.33%

Mysterious 8 8.33%

Organized 7 6.67%

Romantic 15 15.00%

Smart 25 25.00%

TOTAL: 100 100%

Table 4.18 presents the frequency and percentage distribution of the most preferred

quality in a guy that’s attractive for the respondents. It shows that five (5) or five percent (5%) of

the respondents has chosen charismatic type of persona to be more attractive for them, there is a

seven (7) or six-point sixty-seven percent (6.67%) that has chosen confident type of guy to be

more attractive for the respondent. There are thirty-three (33) or thirty-three-point thirty-three
percent (33.33%) of the respondents that prefers the funny type of guy, there are eight (8) or

eight-point thirty-three percent (8.33%) of the respondents that prefer mysterious type of person,

seven (7) or six-point sixty-seven percent (6.67%) of the respondents that prefer organized type

of guy, fifteen (15) or fifteen percent (15%) of the respondents prefer romantic type of guy and

twenty-five (25) or twenty-five percent (25%) of the respondents prefer smart type of quality in a


This result suggests that biggest majority of the total respondents are more into the funny

type of guy, thus making them more attractive for them. The second majority are more into the

smart type of guy to be more attractive.

According to the Jeffrey Hall’s (2016) previous study aforementioned, could it be that the

physical reaction of laughing makes people want to be around people who can make them laugh?

Even though this is not Hall’s specialty, he thinks that the physical reaction is a sign of the

underlying reason the laughter is happening. “The positive benefits of laughter and what comes

along with it are our body’s response to what it’s doing for us either personally or socially. If

stress-releasing hormones are present when I express affection is still very important. It’s just

that the biological process is our body’s way of telling us to keep doing that,” Hall stated. “I

don’t know what we consciously seek out of the physical reaction. It is a pleasant aftereffect of

something we would do anyway.” Hall also mentioned what was most indicative of how much

pairs liked each other was that they laughed together. “When you’re getting to know someone’s

laughter is co-constructed. It’s not as if people are giving canned jokes and the other person is an

audience member. This is a word play, going back and forth, teasing and having fun with

somebody,” Hall stated. “When people are laughing together, they are doing very much what
humor is about, which is co-constructing something that is amusing and light hearted with each


Chapter 5


This chapter summarizes the summary findings, present the conclusions and

recommendations based on the analysis and interpretation of the data gathered.

Summary of Findings

This study is entitled “The Perception of Athleticism of Men on The Attraction of High

School Teenage Girls” which was conducted at RC – Al Khwarizmi International College

Foundation Inc., National Highway, Marawi City. This study was involved in four (4) year

levels, starting from Grade 7 to Grade 10, from the Junior High Department with a total of sixty


The descriptive design of research was utilized in this survey/questionnaire was used for

gathering data. The survey/questionnaire that was used to conduct this study served as the

instrument for gathering data. The researchers found out that majority of the respondents are

indeed attracted to athletic men, especially the ones in the younger age ranges. The data obtained

were analyzed, interpreted and tabulated with the use of frequency distribution, and percentage
to be determined by the researchers of this study using a survey/questionnaire to examine the

perception of athleticism on men that is attractive for female teenage students

After the following data analysis, these are the following findings:

1. It shows that forty-seven (47) or forty-six-point sixty-seven percent (46.67%) of the

selected respondents are under the age range of 15-16 making up majority out of the total
of sixty (60) respondents.

2. Majority (65%) of the respondents chose badminton as the most attractive sport that a

guy plays.

3. Majority (40%) of the female JHS students that we have selected as our respondents
chose guys whose position in basketball is shooting guard as the most attractive to them.

4. Majority (56.67%) of the respondents chose guys whose skills in basketball is shooting
in a far place as their preference.

5. Majority (35%) of the selected respondents who are female JHS students chose guys
whose position in volleyball is wing spiker or in another term, ace to be the most
attractive for them.

6. Majority (48.33%) of the female high school students who acted out as our respondents
chose guys whose skills in volleyball is spiking as their preference.
7. Majority (46.67%) of the female JHS students that we have selected as our respondents
chose guys whose skills in badminton is receiving as the most attractive to them.

8. Majority (68.33%) of the female JHS students who acted out as our respondents chose
the athletic body frame in a guy to be more attractive for them.

9. Majority (40%) of the respondents chose guys who are tall (6 ft and above) as their

10. Majority (41.67%) of the respondents selected the fair skin shade choice as their answer
to be their preference amongst the other choices.

11. Majority (51.67%) of the female teenage students chose the fluffy hair type in a guy as
their answer to be the most attractive to them.

12. Majority (36.65%) of the selected respondents who are female teenage students in RC –
AKIC – SLS chose guys who wears no accessory at all to be more attractive.

13. The researchers have found out that it really depends on a person on what is more
attractive when it comes to popularity level since the answers have been tied.

14. Majority (41.67%) of the selected respondents chose guys whose personality is polite to
be more attractive for them.

15. Majority (36.67%) of the female JHS students that we have selected as our respondents
chose guys who has the sense of humor trait as the most attractive to them.

16. Majority (65%) of the respondents chose guys who has the trustworthiness personality
trait as their preference.
17. Majority (53.33%) of the selected respondents who are female JHS students chose guys
who are intelligent as their ideal type.

18. Majority (33.33%) of the female high school students who acted out as our respondents
chose guys who have the funny quality.


This study provided useful information about the preferences of female teenage high

school students on the effect of athleticism on men. Corresponding with the foregoing findings,

the following conclusions have been reached. Fifteen (15) students from each year level of the

Junior High Department with a total of sixty (60) selected respondents who willingly complied to

participate in conducting this study.

Based on the findings, the researchers have reached the conclusion that the chosen

teenage female respondents are mainly attracted to tall (6 ft and above), athletic body frame, fair

skinned, fluffy haired guys who wears no accessories. In terms of popularity, majority of the

respondents are attracted to guys whose position of player in basketball is the shooting guard, the

skills of players in basketball are shooting in a far place, position of player in volleyball is wing

spiker or ace, the skills of players in volleyball are on the category of spiking and the skills of

players in badminton is receiving. In terms of attitude, the female JHS students acting as our

respondents are mainly attracted to guys whose personality is polite, while the trait that attracts

the respondents the most is the sense of humor, whereas the personality trait that attracts the

female JHS students the most is guys whose personality trait is trustworthiness. The ideal type of

guy that most of the respondents are attracted to is the intelligent type of guy, and the quality
being attractive the most is being funny. It can be concluded that the respondents have different

preferences between each category for its qualitative description.


Based on the findings and conclusions of the study, the following recommendations were

formulated by the researchers.

1. The Teenage Girls may. read and understand this conducted study for the reason of

knowing the science behind the attraction of athleticism on men that women love so


2. The Teenage Boys may. read and understand the ways on how to be more attractive or

to seem more appealing to the eye for the opposite gender. This study shows that being

more athletic gives them more advantage and privileges in not only high school but also

after high school. (e. g college for scholarship, or becoming a professional athlete which

gives athletes promotions and sponsorships that are very hard to attain if not a

professional athlete)

3. The Teachers may. be more open-minded about the perspective of their students and

what they find interesting. This also would help them to know how to treat their students

and to know the science of attraction to athletic guys.

4. The Future Researchers may. conduct a similar study on the attraction of athleticism on

men of female teenage students for an improvement. They may serve this conduct as their

reference on their own study. This may also serve as a guide on how future researchers

could conduct their study that is related to this study the researchers have worked hard



Online Sources:

Athletes and Attractiveness (2016). SiOWfa16: Science in Our World: Certainty and
Controversy |
Why Women Are More Attracted To Athletic Men, According To Science (2021). |
Sports and Attractiveness | Are Women Attracted to Athletes? (2022). |
Do Women Actually Prefer Muscular Men? We Asked 1000 Women to Find Out (2010). |
Do Girls Like Muscular Guys? 5 Points for Guys to Remember (2022). |
Science of Laughter: Why Women Love Funny Guys (2016). |
8 reasons why girls prefer funny guys (2016). |
10 Reasons Why Girls Prefer Intelligent Guys Rather Than Hot Guys (2016). |
Study: More physically attractive women tend to have more intelligent husbands (2018). |
Why women are more attracted to men with a great sense of HUMOUR? (2020). |
Here’s What Women Want in a Man, According to Experts | As it turns out, humor is
key. (2022). |
Why Women Want Nice Guys Now (2022). |
Why Women Choose Nice Guys or Bad Boys (2022). |
Women prefer men who are polite, respectful, hygienic (2014). |
Women Prefer Men Over 6 Feet Tall According to New Research (2022). |

One Author:
Bakkkenb-ull, L., 2017. The Impact of Attractiveness on Athletic Performance of Tennis
Three to Six Authors:
Schulte-Hostedde, A., Eys, M., Emond, M., Buzdon, M., 2010. Sport Participation
Influences Perceptions of Mate Characteristics
Fawcett, T., Ewans, J., Lawrence, A., Radford, A., 2019. Attractiveness is positively
related to World Cup performance in male, but not female, biathletes.
Dunkel, C., Shackelford, T., Nedelec, J., van der Linden, D., 2018. Cross-Trait
Assortment for Intelligence and Physical Attractiveness in a Long-Term Mating Context
Prestia, S., Silverston, J., Wood, K., Zigarmi, L., 2002. The Effects of Attractiveness on
Popularity; an Observational Study of Social Interaction Among College Students


Please put a cross or check on the box provided.

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents, in terms of:

a. Age

13- 14 17 – above
15 – 16

b. Grade and section: ________________

2. The Most Attractive Sport That A Guy Plays:

Badminton Volleyball


Since basketball, volleyball, and badminton are the mainly played games in RC-AKIC-SLS, we have conducted some questions pertaining to
those sports.

In terms of positions of players in basketball, would you prefer a guy who is:

Point guard Power forward Small forward

Shooting guard Center

In terms of skills in basketball, would you prefer a guy who is more skilled on:

Shooting from a close place Dunking

Shooting from a far place Passing
✘ Blocking or distracting the opponent from scoring

In terms of positions of players in volleyball, would you prefer a guy who is:

Libero Setter
Back setter Opposite spiker
Wing spiker (Ace)

In terms of skills in volleyball, would you prefer a guy who is more skilled on:

Blocking/defending Serving
Diving Setting
Receiving Spiking

In terms of skills in badminton, would you prefer a guy who is more skilled on:
Serving Spiking

3. What is the perception of female JHS students on the effect of, in terms of:

a. Physical appearance
In terms of body frame would you prefer a guy who is:

Skinny Athletic
Lean Built/Brawny

In terms of height would you prefer a guy who is:

Tall (6’ ft tall and above) Average (5’3 ft – 5’5 ft)

Slightly tall (5’6 ft – 5’11 ft) Short (5’2 ft and below)

In terms of skin color would you prefer a guy who is:

Dark skinned Slightly tanned

Tanned Fair

In terms of hair type would you prefer a guy with or has:

Bald head Fluffy hair

Dreads Long hair
Curly hair Afro hair
Wavy hair Straight hair

In terms of accessories would you prefer a guy who wears or has:

Rings and bracelets All of the above

Necklaces None of the above
Ear piercings

b. Popularity
Well-known around the city and within the campus

Well-known around the whole campus Not known at all

Is well-known only around the higher levels

Is well-known only around the lower levels

Is well-known only around their level

c. Attitude
Would you prefer a guy who is:

Mean Sassy
☐Aloof ☐Cheerful
Rude Playful

Below are six of the “ideal type” of a guy that you may be more attracted with:

Intelligent Considerate
Confident Eternal romantic
Artistic Bad boy
Qualities that you would prefer in a guy:

Mysterious Romantic
Funny Organized
Confident Charismatic

Traits that you would look for in a man:

Sense of humor Independence

Faithfulness Kindness
Confidence Passion

Personality traits that you are more attracted to:

Respectfulness Trustworthiness
Honesty Loyalty

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