Quiz 7 Risk Assessment - Homework Questions

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Quiz-7 _Risk Assessment and Management Homework


-What are the five main steps of risk assessment?

1- Identify the hazard
2- Decide who might be harmed and how.
3- Evaluate the risk and decide who the existing control are
enough or need more than persecution and controls
4- Record the finding
5- Review your assessment and revise it if necessary

1. Mention and arrange in descending order the

hierarchy of control measures:
PPE/ Administrative control /engineering control
/substitution/ elimination

3. When should a risk assessment be done?

-Before a new process or activity are introduce

-Before change are introduced to the existing process or activity
including when products, material, equipment, tools change
- New information concerning harm become a valuable

. When hazard are identified

. 4 when you required to review the risk assessment?

Annually / changes in legislation /significant change

in the task or process / new people
5. Mention at least three reasons for carrying risk
.moral reason/ legal reason/ financial reason /
administrative reason /evident

6. State the different between accident and near miss

Accident: is unplanned event that result in kind of loss,
injuries to people or damage to equipment
Incident: unplanned event but it doesn’t result of any kind
of loss

7. What are the main causes of accidents?

Unsafe acts / unsafe condition

8. In relation to your work subject please state activities
and task, which require risk assessment
Working at heights / manual handling /excavation
activities / confined space activates/ dealing with
chemical / electrical activity /crane activity / forklift
activity /
9. State different sources you might refer to in relation
to hazard identification
- Worker & worksite observation and inspection
- Accident, incident ,unsafe acts and unsafe conditions
- Information from all experiences employee’s
-local low and legislation
-company policy and procedures
10. State different methods you might used in hazard
HAZOP/ Fault tree analysis / safety audits / failure mood
and effects/ task analysis

11-please type your name here

Ahmed Osama Hassan Ahmed

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