Pressurization Fans Calculation

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Staircase Pressurization Fan Calculation:


ASHRAE 1999 (HVAC Applications)
Chapter 51 (Smoke Management)
Clauses of (Pressurized Stairwell, Stairwell Compartmentation, Stairwell Analysis)
Design Parameter:
Reference Staircase-01
Summer outside temperature 46.1 C
Stairwell temperature 35 C
Building Stories 15 Stories
Average Story height 4.3 m
Stairwell area per story 14.5 m2
Building tightness type average
Building height 59.5 m
Area gap for stairwell door according to ASHRAE 0.033 m2

From table (1) , chapter 51

Leakage ratio for exterior building walls 0.00021
Leakage ratio for stairwell 0.00011
Leakage ratio for Elevator shaft walls 0.00084
Leakage ratio for floor 0.000052

Area of exterior building walls 33 m2

Area of stairwell wall 105.6 m2
Area of stairwell lobby 25.5 m2
Area of Elevator shaft walls 168 m2
Area of floor 14.5 m2
Leakage Area of exterior building walls 0.007 m2
Leakage Area of stairwell wall 0.012 m2
eakage Area of stairwell lobby 0.021 m2
Leakage Area of Elevator shaft walls 0.141 m2
Leakage Area of floor 0.001 m2
Total 0.215 m2

A) In case of all doors are closed :

For the stairwell with no leakage directly to the outside, the flow rate of pressurization is :

Q1= 0.827 x AE x P1/n

Where :

Q = Volume of Air Required (m3)

AE = Leakage Area from the space (m2)

P = Pressure Differential = 35 Pa n = Leakage Factor = 2

Q1 = 0.827 x 0.21 x P

Q1 = 1.0511 m3 / sec

Q1 = 1051 L/s
B) In case of 2 doors are opened :

Number of doors in all building 15 Doors

Number of open doors 3 Doors
Door size 2.2 m X 1.1 m
Door Area 2.42 m2
Effective Area 2.42 m2

Q0 = A X V X N
Where :
Qo = Air flow rate ( m /sec)
A = Door Area ( m ).
N=Number of open doors
V = air velocity ( m/sec ). The velocity recommended will be ( 0.75 - 2 ) m/s .

Assumed air velocity to be 1.5 m/s

Q = 3 X 2.42 X 1.5 = 10.89 m3/S
10890 L/s

C) Total air flow required for pressurization:-

Qt = Qo + Qc
= 1051 + 10890 11941 L/s

D- Door opening force calculations

The force required to open the door = The force to over come the door closer + the forces to
overcome the pressure difference across the door

F = Fdc + W x A x ΔP / 2 x ( W - d )

F = total door -opening force , N

Fdc = force to overcome door closer 63 N
W = door width , m W 1.1 m
A = door area, m2 A=WXL 2.42 m2
ΔP = pressure difference across door, Pa . ΔP= 50 pa 50 pa
d = distance form doorknob to edge of knob sie closer, m d= 75 mm 0.075
d= 75 mm according to ASHRAE

Based on above data the force required to open the door is

F = 63 + [ ( 1.1 X 2.42 X 50 ) ( 2 X ( 1.1 - 0.075 ) ] = 128 N

Based on maximum allowable pressure deferential across the doors which is around = 50 Pa
E- The pressure operated relief vent size calculations

Air flow to stair case at P= 50 Pa door closed Q1 =

P = Pressure Differential = 50 Pa n = Leakage Factor = 2

Q1 = 0.827 x 0.21 x P

Q1 = 1.2563 m3 / sec

Q1 = 1.26 m3 / s

Air flow to stair case at P= 50 Pa door closed Q1 = 1.26 m3/s

Air flow shall be supplied to the staircase @ 2 doors open Q2 = 12.15 m3/s

Using the equation Q= 0.83 x ALE (P)0.5

Pressure relief damper area Relief= (Q2-Q1)/0.83*(P)

There for the required pressure relief vent area = 1.86 m2

F- Result Conclusion

Stair well pressurization fan required 11941 L/s

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