Lo Research Project T1

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Activity 1

The influence of social media on the value of the

self in society
1.1 Self-esteem means how much do you like yourself and how confident are you
as a person.

1.2 One way the media can influence a young person’s self-awareness is by the
content they see. A young person could be viewing content that relates to the
persons beliefs, this could change a person’s perspective in that belief, negatively or
positively. Media can influence young people’s desires in such a way where they
could find more things they’re interested to do. And the media could those things
people are interested in, the media can state the requirements to do that particular
interest, and a person could think about their strengths and weaknesses, letting them
know if they can still get involved in that interest.

1.3 Self-knowledge is the knowledge of a person knowing and understanding their

mental state, personality traits, but most importantly, who they are. Self-
development is how can improve themselves, such as developing life skills etc. So
the difference between these two is that Self-knowledge, means to understand the
type of person you are, and self-development, is the process of how are you going to
improve yourself as a person.

1.4 Social media can lead to changes in the behavioural aspect of teenagers, and
trends could lead teenagers doing them because almost everyone on these social
media platforms are doing them, but teens might not acknowledge the harm it could
bring towards themselves. Social media has a role in the youth’s lives, which lead to
changes in their thoughts, motivations and feelings.

1.5 The media with all the celebrities and influencers out there, paint pictures in
teenagers heads on how their bodies should look like, this can make a person feel
insecure about how they look, and can bring down their confidence. Social media
influencers post about how they live their lives, could be in fashion and luxury, this
could lead teens not appreciating the lifestyle they living because they might not
have what other people in social media have.
(Continue to the next page)

1.6 Social media affects people’s lives and relationships, you find a lot of people
getting lost in what they’re seeing online, which is distorting people’s perception of
reality and how they approach being in a relationship. A way social media can affect
people’s relationships is by destroying your own relationship for infidelity. Another
way is that people laugh and take pride in cheating and people participating in
polyamory, you could give someone the world and they still want more attention
from others. Social media also makes people start believing that it’s normal to leave
someone who genuinely and truly loves them because there might be someone
“better”. This is bad because not only social media affects people’s relationships, but
also affects a person’s mental health. Another way social media affects people’s
relationships is by posting themselves. A lot of the time women or men would post
half naked pictures or videos to see, this affects a relationship in a way where they
are letting people see their bodies and making themselves assessable to every other
man or women to see. Content only your partner should view, but they are sharing
it with the public, and this could lead to one of the partners in the relationship to
cheat, without acknowledging how their partner would feel, or having to validate
their feelings.

1.7 Social media acknowledges and understands that people are coming from a
range of different contexts. Different cultures, different family dynamics, and
acknowledging that people have a range of different capabilities and capacities. So
social media cultivates an understanding of the different types of people the world
has and where they come from, and more important how the media can support
these people.

1.8 Nowhere days, people on the media are believed to be having children at
young ages, some people post about and support the person but don’t assimilate the
damage that this early pregnancy has done to that person’s life. The media try’s to
let young people know that they don’t have to become intimate to sexual behaviours
because there is no good outcome of it. But in the other hand, the media can also
contribute to teenage pregnancy, in a way where young people could be forced to
get pregnant to prove their fertility, this creates a thought in the youths mind that
interacting in sexual activities is normal, which leads to a teenage girl falling

1.9 A person with a lack of self-identity could feel as if they are something to
everyone but end up being noting to everyone, this could make that person feel
unworthy and not loved by the around them and feel like they are not needed.
People start to feel depressed, start having anxiety and isolate themselves from
others because they are struggling to find a sense of belonging or purpose of their
lives if they don’t understand who they are. (Questions 1.9 continues to page 3)

Research has proven that people with a self-identity crisis are likely to commit
suicide, based off the fact that they don’t feel as if they have a purpose of living.

1.10 Teenagers should not share their personal information on social media
platforms, or to anyone that’s on social media. By not sharing information such as
your address, your number, and details about your family and more, helps the fact
that you stay anonymous to strangers. Once people out there have a young childs
personal information, they are at risk of their identities being stolen, commit crimes
with your name, and more things that could harm a persons life, especially a

Activity 2
2.1 Human rights violation is the act of discriminating, harassing a person, based on
their identities.

2.2 Racial discrimination, treating an employee differently from others based off
their race is illegal. Another of discriminatory act is by discriminating a work
candidate of their beliefs and religion.

2.3 By disliking or having a fear of people you don’t know and foreigners,
xenophobia corrodes social cohesion by creating hatred and could generate conflict
in a community, and more things that can affect society negatively. By being
prejudice against persons, impacts society by undermining the equality of services,
and brings up resentment that could lead into violence, because of the act a person
having a preconceived opinion that is not based on true facts, which is known as
being prejudice.

2.4 One way to combat this issue is by revealing the scale of the problem, by doing
this you can let people know of what is actually going on to individuals, and the
institution can handle this matter. Gender-based violence is not often spoken about
because some people choose not to report incidents, so it is important that the scale
of the problem is made clear. Another way of preventing GBV in a tertiary
institution, students need to have some sort of community engagement. This creates
a safe and gender-sensitive environment, where people are made aware of gender
roles through treating others.

2.5 In many cases, discrimination often happens based off prejudice and the
stereotyping of people, whether you are conscious, or unconscious in that time, there
is always an expression of stereotyping in practice. It is the modern word now, and
in these times, people will always have an opinion about another person, whether it
is true or not true, people will believe what their mind and heart desires them to
believe. Even with all the implementation of the different sources to combat it, it will
never change, because, everyone is different, nobody is the same. Moreover, it is
difficult to help somebody that doesn’t want to be helped. So even though not
everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced,
so society should continue this run of stopping discrimination, one day somebody
will make a change.
2.6 People have the fear of not being believed or taken seriously is one of the
biggest reason of them keeping that information to themselves, this could be because
of the proof of discrimination and harassment because proof is not easy to identify,
and more. The fear of retaliation and repercussions because of the concern of
negative consequences that could happen, this fear often occurs to people known as
a snitch or troublemaker because you reported it, you being a victim of
discrimination or harassment, and other factors. Another reason is that others don’t
trust that anything will be done, or don’t trust the people they have to report to,
because of who the person was, or because of how the situation was handled. The
last is reason on why people seem unprepared to repost these cases, is because they
can’t remain anonymous. People often want to stay anonymous so they their name
won’t get mentioned onto who leaked that information, and so that nothing terrible
will happen to them.

2.7 Since a person already in an inclusive university environment which has all the
resources they need, can increase a university students academic performance and
make it more likely for that person to become what they are studying to become.
Another way it can positively influence a university student is that it can improve a
students physical wellbeing and can reduce violence.

2.8 Such acts imposed by an employee of a business can result in the person getting
a dismissal or actions short of dismissal such as a loss in pay or demotion. Such
sanctions differs a persons chances of promotion because that violation is recorded
and it makes that persons name to be ill-famed.

2.9 Trade unions are here to satisfy the interest of workers and protect their rights,
working conditions, wages and more. Unions fight for equal opportunities to
everyone, equal pay of work of equal value, paid holidays, the union fights back
against discriminations, and biased acts for the economy.

2.10 I would personally suggest to a manager that he/she should educate their
employees about discrimination. By doing this, it can encourage workers to respects
everyone’s differences, so that workers can work with each other, and not against
each other.

Activity 1...........................................................................................1-3
The influence of social media on the value of the self in society..........1
Activity 2...........................................................................................4-5
TERTIARY SECTOR AND THE WORKPLACE..................................4

(Date accessed: 10 February 2023)


(Date accessed: 10 February 2024)



(Date accessed: 11 February 2024)


(Date accessed: 12 February 2024)



(Date accessed: 12 February 2024)

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