PMK12 A2 Daoduyphuoc 31221025360

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Student name: Đào Duy Phước Student ID number: 31221025360


Unit name: Principles of Marketing Unit number: PMK-DH48ISB-1

Tutorial/Lecture: Lecture Class Class day and time: Thursday, 8am
Lecturer or Tutor name: Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Quynh Thu



Length: 1486 Due date: 12/11/2022 Date submitted: 12/11/2022


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Table of Contents

I. INTRODUCTION……………………………………………………………………………..……………………………………………….
II. BUSINESS ANALYSIS – DUREX INVISIBLE…………………………………….…………………………………………………
1. Microenvironment……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
1.1 Suppliers……………………………………………………….………………………………………………………
1.2 Marketing Intermediaries……………………………………………………………………………………..
1.3 Competitors………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
1.4 Publics………………………………………………………….……………………………………………………….
1.5 Customers………………………………………………….…………………………………………………………
2. Macroenvironment…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
2.1 Demographic Environment……………………………………………………………………………………
2.2 Economic Environment…………………………………………………………………………………………
2.3 Natural Environment…………………………………………………………………………………………….
2.4 Technology Environment………………………………………………………………………………………
2.5 Cultural Environment…………………………………………………………………………………………….
3. SWOT Analysis……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
III. CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTIONS………………………………………………………………………………………………..
IV. REFERENCE…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..





 Durex is a British original condom company owned by Reckitt Benckiser. It was established
and developed in London, England in 1915 by L.A Jackson with the initial name London
Rubber Company and, later, was changed to Durex (“Durability, Reliability and Excellent”) in
1929. (Durex, n.d)
 In the 1970s, the world observed Durex’s very first overseas expansion campaign of global-
launching advertisements. Then, in the 2000s, Durex expanded to approximately 50
different countries in the world, therefore, becoming one of the world’s top condom
producers, holding a market share of over thirty percent worldwide, since its foundation in
1915. (Durex, n.d). In the Vietnam market, Durex takes the leading role in condom sales,
followed closely by the OK brand.


1. Microenvironment:

1.1 Suppliers:

 Besides the manufacturing facilities located in the United Kingdom, Durex has also
extended its product operations to countries with a strong but low-cost labour force like
China, India, and Thailand while also maintaining supply orders from Karex which company
is well-known for being the world’s largest condom manufacturer.
 SSL Manufacturing Ltd., a Durex’s condom manufacturing company in Thailand, a part of
the Reckitt Benckiser business empire (SSL Manufacturing (THAILAND)), plays a vital role in
helping Durex’s goods be imported to Vietnam. Since Thailand is only a country away from
Vietnam, the goods transportation time is rather quick, approximately an hour. Therefore,
there is no doubt that the products’ quality would always be in excellent condition and
there is an unlikelihood that the price would be comprised when arrived in Vietnam.

1.2 Marketing Intermediaries:

 The fact that Durex's product is well-known and easily accessible at practically any store
helps the company become famous. Convenience stores (Family Mart, Ministop, Circle K,
etc.), retail establishments, and pharmacies make up their wholesale business in Vietnam;
Durex holds an 80–90% share of this industry. Even though only about 16 percent of the
population uses Durex products, the nation's retail and convenience stores stock Durex
items on their shelves (“Ông Lớn Nào Đang Chiếm Lĩnh Thị Trường Bao Cao Su Của Việt
Nam?”). Any Vietnamese would notice that every checkout counter in Vietnam has a
"condom" booth. Retailers in Vietnam sell Durex condoms to individual clients. Two of the
biggest food wholesalers in Vietnam, Big C, and Coop-mart, distribute a range of consumer
goods. Big C focuses on both wholesale and retail.
 Since online shopping is becoming more familiarised and trendier, Durex’s products have
also penetrated popular e-commerce markets in Vietnam like Shopee, Tiki, Lazada, etc. to
be more accessible to consumers.

1.3 Competitors:

 Durex has been dominant in the percentage of condom sales in Vietnam, stated at 16%.
However, international brands like Sagami and Okamoto from Japan or OK from America are
also competing for first place in Vietnam as well, whose sales percentage in Vietnam
accumulates 12.7% and 8%, respectively (“Ông Lớn Nào Đang Chiếm Lĩnh Thị Trường Bao
Cao Su Của Việt Nam?”). However, with its brilliant social media marketing and innovative
online posters, Durex remains the market leader in Vietnam.

1.4 Publics:

 Durex has achieved enormous success in the digital marketing area, especially in the social
media department. Numerous ingenious advertisements along with creative online posters
appear on famous social media platforms whereas Facebook. The content is well-designed
and carefully illustrated to fit the Vietnamese market’s sensitivity. Moreover, the marketing
products are always put under metaphor in a such brilliant way that helps the products
delivered to the customers smoothly and effectively. For instance:
(Facebook, n.d)

1.5 Customers:

 In the Vietnam market, Durex targets virgin customers or customers who have already had
sex but without condoms, aged between 18 and 24.
 However, the core customers are the most sex-active consumers under 45 years old.

2. Macroenvironment:

2.1 Demographic Environment:

 In 2019, Vietnam had a population of more than 90 million, placing thirteen globally and
accounting for 1.26% of the global population (Worldometer, n.d). Additionally, Vietnam is
one of the nations with a young generation, or "millennials," between the ages of 25 and 45
(generation Y), which makes up around 29%. Because young adults and married people tend
to use condoms more frequently, Durex has a chance to increase sales by taking advantage
of the young demographic structure.

Dan so Viet Nam 2019 – Tuan v. Nguyen. (n.d.)

2.2 Economic Environment:

 One of the economies in Asia with the quickest growth is Vietnam. Vietnam is a desirable
market for a long-term campaign due to its average annual GDP growth rate of 6.5%, stable
population growth, and rising income. In 2021, Vietnam’s GDP reached 362.2 billion USD
with a population of 98.17 million. In other words, on average, a Vietnamese earned about
3693.59 USD/year which would be willing to pay for the price that Durex Invisible offers if
the brand has sufficient customer engagement. The Vietnam economy is on a gradual rise,
so, the Vietnam market seems to be profitable for Durex’s approach.

2.3 Natural Environment:

 If Durex decides to establish a plant in Vietnam, they will be at an advantage because there
would be a lot of inexpensive rubber.
o Vietnam’s geography makes the country well-known for being hot and humid
throughout the year, with only 2 recognizable seasons: the dry and wet seasons.
Moreover, located in Indochina, Vietnam has a huge area of Bazan red soil
accumulating 10% of the total area. Altogether, these geographical conditions help
Vietnam develop the rubber industry with ease: ranked third in the rubber
manufacturing of the world and ranked first in Asia in the average yield of rubber
(1,682 kg/ha).
 However, condoms are made of rubber which is not biodegradable. A condom lasts for
about 3 to 20 years; therefore, the mass disposal of condoms would be harmful to the
global and local environment. Since consumers are more and more concerned about
environmental problems and, particularly in Vietnam, the consumption of condoms has
been increasing lately, Durex must act and show their care towards this world’s issue.

2.4 Technological Environment:

 Nowadays, people spend a lot of time on a mobile phone. In Vietnam, on average, people
spend one-fourth of their day on mobile phones, especially, for surfing social media and
social networking. Specifically, the percentage of mobile phone time used for surfing
Facebook is 25%, followed by YouTube which accounts for 12%. Zalo and Messenger’s
statistic takes third place, 7%, and 6%, respectively.

Average usage time of apps over total smartphone usage time

 This can be seen as an opportunity for Durex to launch a mass social media marketing
campaign about brand and products advertisement to increase sales and attract potential

2.5 Cultural Environment:

 Although Vietnamese, generation Z specifically, has become more open when it comes to
having sex, many people still feel uncomfortable and inappropriate to talk about it. Sex is a
very sensitive topic and even being considered taboo in conversations. Therefore, Durex
needs to create a safe place or a sex-friendly environment or even a sex education event in
Vietnam so that Vietnamese people would be less prone to sex.

3. SWOT Analysis:


 Strong brand name  High pricing

 Strong parent company  No headquarters in Vietnam
 Manufacturer and distributor located  Ethical issue (cannot do marketing on
near Vietnam TV)
 Social media marketing strategy  Competitors can also be benefitted
 90 years of working experience from Durex’s strong promotion of
 Strong finance sexual health


 Changing mindset in Vietnam  Cultural barriers, Vietnamese

perception of sex topics
 Vietnam’s increase in population  Competitors’ strategy, the two main
 Vietnamese time usage of the phone on ones are OK with lower pricing and
social media Okamoto with higher quality
 Vietnamese positive economic growth  Low brand loyalty
 Vietnam’s rubber source  The future customer’s buying behaviour
 Vietnam’s demographic structure would be affected because Durex has
 The popularity of social networks yet to introduce products, campaigns,
or marketing strategies that are related
to environmental protection


 Overall, Durex is an experienced company that has been doing business for over 90 years. It
has built its reputation and become one of the most famous brands in the condom business.
In Vietnam, Durex has succeeded in building its brand name through the social media
 However, Durex’s condom industry still observes a low market penetration level (about
19%) in this country, despite its considerable effort online, mainly due to the Vietnamese
culture of considering sex or sex-related topics as taboos. Therefore, Durex needs to seize
that opportunity and approach the generation Z, who are still in school or university, open-
minded and comfortably adaptable to changes, to conduct a sex educational program and
direct misleading conception about sex into the correct understanding of benefits that sex
offers, as a result, raising awareness or encouraging those potential buyers to buy their
products. Moreover, modification to Durex’s products needs to be made to become more
environmentally friendly, so, soothing the public concerns about the well-being of the

A brief overview of the Vietnam economy.

-, C. K. (2022, June 18). Xuất khẩu ngành CAO Su Len tới 9,5 Ty USD, nhưng đối mat nhiều Thach
thức. Nhịp sống kinh tế Việt Nam & Thế giới.

Dan so Viet Nam 2019 – Tuan v. Nguyen. (n.d.). Tuan V.


Dao, S. (2021, May 14). Vietnamese smartphone usage spent mostly on Facebook. Vietnam

(n.d.). Durex UK.

Durex Vietnam: "We are bold and saucy but never in bad taste regarding the Vietnamese culture".
(n.d.). Advertising Vietnam.

Facebook. (n.d.). Facebook.

SSL manufacturing (Thailand). (n.d.). Asian Manufacturers


VietNamNet News. (n.d.). Vietnamese spend hours a day on mobile apps, social

Ông Lon NAO đang Chiem lĩnh thị Truong Bao caosu CUA Viet Nam? (2018, November

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