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For the first reported failure case:


After comparing with recent success case in EWP where shipment is posted:


It is observed that after inbound delivery creation through RFC_CIG, shipment is posted through
Inbound IDOC.
The inbound IDOC was received from B2B Hub system.

For Reported failure case:

The reported inbound delivery was created manually. I tried to find why was it not created through
IDOC in similar way as success case but couldn’t find any idoc ,that means B2B didn’t seem to have
sent any data for this.

PO: 3563318618
As there was no data from B2B received into SAP, so shipment was not automatically posted.
This needs to be checked in the B2B Hub system.

Also, as this delivery was created manually the rest of the shipment process will have to be done

For second reported failure case:

PO: 3563211402

There was Inbound IDOC error status during USBATCH processing of the inbound delivery, which did
not allow the shipment to be posted. After which the IDOC was sent into status 68 by user
XFQ1674( to stop further processing the error.

Due to the error: No Vendor with SCAC code USSS the Shipment Document was not posted

Similar success case in system for this type: PO 3563311529

Shipment is being posted by USBATCH through Inbound IDOC which when processed without errors,
shipment is posted.

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