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ASSIGNMENT: Answer the following items by group.

1. Cite the purposes of research.

 predicts other phenomenon

 validates cause and effect relations
 foresee potential results based on factual data
 helps increase public awareness
 process of providing solutions
 relate theories into an academic study
 bequeaths statistical and mathematical evidences
 examines the occurrence of behaviors in societies and communities
 develops knowledge in a field of study

2. Describe the methods of research – provide at least three descriptions.

1. Empirical Examination
 conclusions are derived from verifiable, concrete, factual
 informative examination of the participants’ behavior
 using of both qualitative and quantitative methods of observation
2. Scientific Method
 an observation
 references to hypotheses
 support theory
3. Measurement
 examine variations between groups
 assess the efficacy of valid data
 used to acquire better knowledge for the group/subjects
4. Hypotheses Testing
 used to assess the plausibility of the hypotheses
 formulate valid results from a theory
 inaugurate mathematical/statistical solutions
 reliably depends whether the independent variable and
dependent variable have a relationship
5. Randomization
 minimizes the differences among groups
 prevents the selection bias
 produces comparable group
6. Research Protocol
 guidebook for a research study
 detailed descriptive text of how the research will be conducted
 action plan that lays out the procedures of carrying out the trial
7. Questionnaires
 consists of a series of questions
 contains close-ended and/or open-ended questions
 extracts data from the respondents

3. If you were to conduct a research, which approach (QN or QL) will you use?
Why? Provide 5-7 sentences to justify your answer.

If we were to conduct a research investigation/study, the quantitative

research approach would be more reliable for us to follow because of certain
grounds. Perceptively, quantitative research highly recognizes scientific,
statistical, objective, and factual procedures which suppress more valid and
authentic results – inhabits a stress-free settlement for the researchers. Given
that this specific approach is deductive, it centers primarily on determining the
design of the study before it begins – fewer struggles against finding subjects,
making it flexible for the researchers to generate and test their theory - and
further evaluate the results. Moreover, as it usually involves collecting and
converting data into numerical form, the calculations for its statistical
information are easily performed - where accurate conclusions are also drawn
and erase biased analysis on the data. Quantitative research also allows the
researchers to control how their data is gathered or collected - more distant
from the experimental processes. Since it is objective, it deals with general
samples – extending consistent responses for the researchers. Lastly, our
strand deals with a lot of numerical and marketing finance; hence, quantitative
research is preferable since the data involved – such as market size,
demographics, and user preferences – is useful in providing credible
information for our future business decisions.


Guarino, Jireh

Ledesma, Venice Lheana

Lumintac, Frances Katrina

Madreña, Bea Jocelle

Masagnay, Irish Anne

Mayonila, Aimee Therese

Trocio, Genki

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