Class 4 Práctica TV

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Completar las oraciones con Presente Simple.

1. You _____________(listen) to music every day.

2. I _____________(watch) TV at night.
3. He never _____________(use) the cellphone in class.
4. She sometimes _____________(play) football.
5. It usually _____________(rain) in summer.
6. We always _____________(get up) at 9 o’clock..
7. They _____________(read) a new book every week.
8. Monica always _____________(work) from 8 a. m. to 2 p. m.
9. Peter and Edward often _____________(have) lunch at their jobs.

Completar las oraciones con Presente Continuo.

1. You _________________(listen) to music now.
2. I _________________(watch) TV right now.
3. He _________________(use) the cellphone in class at this moment.
4. She _________________(play) football at the moment.
5. It _________________(rain) now.
6. We _________________(get up) right now.
7. They _________________(read) a new book at this moment.
8. Monica _________________(work) this week.
9. Peter and Edward _________________(have) lunch at their jobs now.

Elegir 5 oraciones para cada tiempo verbal y transformarlas en oraciones negativas.



Realizar 3 ejemplos personales utilizando Presente Simple y 3 ejemplos con Presente


Completar con FUTURO SIMPLE (WILL) y el verbo correspondiente.
1. We ________________(help) you tomorrow.
2. I’m sure they________________(understand) you.
3. I think I ________________(go) camping this summer.
4. Maybe I ________________(bake) a cake later.
5. They ________________(call) you.

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