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‭ lass 1:‬

‭i before e‬
‭except after c‬
‭or when sounded like a‬
‭as in neighbor and weigh‬
‭Common exceptions:‬
‭Realize that when two words are compounded ( put together as one), the spelling of the two parts does‬
‭not change.‬
‭Realize that when a prefix is added to a word, the spelling of the word itself does not change.‬
‭Spell by the syllables and say the word aloud or in your mind as the word will be written,not as it may‬
‭be pronounced‬
‭Learn to distinguish between homophones.‬

‭ rammar and Composition:‬

‭Manuscript form:‬
‭1.The following social titles are always abbreviations when they appear before a name‬
‭2.Use abbreviations for scholastic degrees after a name. Notice that a comma precedes the‬
‭abbreviation.In the middle of a sentence , place a comma before and after the abbreviation.‬
‭3.Use the abbreviations Jr.,Sr.,(Junior,Senior) after a full name (first and last name)‬
‭4.The titles Reverend and Honorable may be abbreviate if used with the full name‬
‭5.Use the abbreviation a.m. (before noon) and p.m. (after noon) for time designation.(to be exact,12 m.‬
‭refers to noon, and 12pm. to midnight, but to avoid confusion , do not use m. or p.m. for noon or‬
‭midnight:use the words noon or midnight instead‬
‭6.Use the abbreviation A.D. (in the year of the LORD) and B.C (before christ) for date designations A.D‬
‭should precede the year number, and B.C should follow it‬
‭7.Do not use & or + for and‬
‭8.In non scientific writing, spell out all numbers of one or two words‬
‭9.If your are writing several numbers, some of them only one or two words and some more that two,‬
‭use figures for all that pertain to the same category‬
‭10.Do not begin a sentence with figures‬
‭11.Write out numbers like first,sixth,forty,third,and so on‬
‭12.Names of numbered streets under one hundred are preferably written out‬

‭ lass 2:‬
‭Grammar and composition:‬
‭1.Using Capitalization:‬
‭1.Capitalize names of particular persons‬
‭2.Capitalize names of particular places(Do not capitalize the words when they refer only to a‬
‭direction:wets of town driving east)‬
‭ .Capitalize names of particular things(Do not capitalize the seasons)(Do not capitalize the‬
‭common noun after the brand name)‬
‭4.Capitalize words formed from proper nouns‬
‭5.capitalize words referring to the Holy scripture‬
‭6.Capitalize a common noun or adjective only when it is part of a proper name‬

‭ lass 3:‬
‭The writing process:‬
‭1.a Choose a topic‬
‭1.bMake a list of ideas‬
‭ .cWrite your thesisning‬
‭1.d'Make an outline‬
‭1.ether sources‬

‭ .Write‬
‭2.aUse double-space (or every other line)‬
‭2.bFollow your outline or organized list of ideas as your write‬
‭2.cInclude both an introduction and conclusion paragraph‬
‭2.dDo not stop to correct,spelling,punctuation ,or wording‬


‭4. Edit‬

‭ lass 5:‬
‭Capitalize titles of persons:‬

‭1.Capitalize titles when they are use before a person's name‬

‭ .Titles following a name or used alone in place of a name are not usually capitalized unless used in‬
‭direct address‬

‭ .Capitalize family-relationship words when they are used before a person's name or used alone in‬
‭place of the name‬

‭Class 6:‬

‭ .Capitalize the first and last words and añll important words in the titles of books,magazines ,‬
‭newspaper,poems,stories,plays ,and works‬

‭5.Capitalize the first word of every sentence (including quoted sentence)‬

‭6.Capitalize the pronoun I and the interjection O‬

‭7.Capitalize first word in every line of poetry,whether or not the word begins a sentence‬

‭Class 7:‬

‭Class 9:‬

‭ merica's ambition for greatness has led to the creation of remarkable structures. The Gateway Arch in‬
‭St. Louis, Missouri, stands at 630 feet, made of stainless steel and boasts an elevator for breathtaking‬
‭views. Chicago's Willis Tower, reaching 1,454 feet, offers a unique perspective of the city and is a‬
‭prominent feature of its skyline. The Verrazano-Narrows Bridge in New York, spanning 4,260 feet,‬
‭showcases engineering marvel with its suspension design connecting Staten Island to Brooklyn. These‬
‭achievements highlight human capabilities and reflect the spirit of innovation in the United States‬

‭[Your Name]‬

‭[Your Position]‬
‭[Your Company Name]‬

‭[Company Address]‬

‭[City, State, Zip Code]‬

‭[Email Address]‬

‭[Phone Number]‬


‭[Recipient's Name]‬

‭[Recipient's Position]‬

‭[Recipient's Company Name]‬

‭[Company Address]‬

‭[City, State, Zip Code]‬

‭Dear [Recipient's Name],‬

I‭ hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to discuss a potential business opportunity that I believe‬
‭would be mutually beneficial for our companies.‬

[‭ State the purpose of the letter and provide relevant details about the opportunity, such as a‬
‭partnership proposal, collaboration idea, or a product/service introduction.]‬

‭[Include any relevant background information, statistics, or data to support your proposal.]‬

I‭ am confident that this partnership will yield positive results for both parties and contribute to our‬
‭mutual success. Please let me know a convenient time for us to further discuss this opportunity in‬

‭Thank you for considering this proposal. I look forward to hearing from you soon.‬

‭Best regards,‬

‭[Your Name]‬

‭[Your Position]‬

‭[Your Company Name]‬

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