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‭ lass 1:‬

‭1.‬‭Carefully observe nature‬
‭2.‬‭Discovery the laws of creation‬
‭3‬‭.Using it for mankind's benefit‬
‭4.‬‭Using plants for medicine‬
‭5.‬‭Using electricity‬
‭Biology:‬‭The study of living things‬
‭Organisms:‬‭living things‬
‭Zoology:‬‭The study of animals and how they live‬
‭Botany:‬‭The study of plants‬
‭Microbiology:‬‭The study of organism that are too small‬‭to see without a microscope‬
‭Ecology:‬‭The study of organisms interacting with each‬‭others‬
‭Human anatomy:‬‭The fifth main branch of biology‬
‭Physiology:‬‭The Study how an organism structure functions‬
‭Anatomy :‬‭The study of an organism's shape and structure‬
‭Cell:‬‭Are the small units of living things can be alive‬
‭Unicellular:‬‭A single cell that performs all the organisms‬‭functions‬
‭Multicelular:‬‭Contains many different cell‬
‭Homeostasis:‬‭An organism or cell must maintain a stable‬‭internal condition‬
‭Reproductions:‬‭Is the process by which life continues‬‭through the generation of a new organism‬
‭Metabolism:‬‭The sum of chemical processes of life‬
‭Nutrients‬‭:Substances on food that provide organism‬‭with energy‬
‭ATP:‬‭Converting the energy with nutrients into a form‬‭the cells can use it‬
‭Cellular respiration:‬‭By combining nutrients with oxygen‬
‭The purpose of science is carefully observing nature,discovering the laws of creation , and using those‬
‭laws for mankind's benefit‬
‭you should keep a notebook of your observations about nature‬
‭Characteristics of living things:‬
‭1.Organized structure‬
‭3.Response to charges‬

‭ lass 2:‬
‭For wath is science:‬‭For study of mankind‬
‭Flora:‬‭Plant live‬
‭Fauna:‬‭Animal live‬
‭Symmetry:‬‭Is the ability of an object to be cut into‬‭equal halves that are mirror images of each other‬
‭Bilateral symmetry :Can be cut only one way to create similar right and left halves‬
‭Radial symmetry:can be cut multiple ways to create mirror halves‬
‭Asymmetrical:Organisms cannot be cut into equal halves‬
‭Environment‬‭Is everything surrounding the organism‬‭being studied‬
‭Terrestrial:‬‭Environments on land,like meadows‬
‭Habitat:‬‭The home of an organism‬
‭The ground beneath your backyard is teeming with life‬
‭Diurnal:‬‭Most familiar terrestrial organisms or active‬‭mainly during the day‬
‭Nocturnal:‬‭Active mainly at night , some of nocturnal‬‭animals are raccoons,garden toads,fireflies,and‬
‭Dormant:‬‭Inactive,This states to help them conserve‬‭stored energy‬
‭Soil is one of the habitats in your backyard‬
‭Other terrestrial environments include desert,mountains,savannas,and jungles‬
‭Animals like Deer,squirrels and certains birds active during the winter‬
‭ lass 3:‬
‭Arboreal:Animals that live in trees‬
‭You should never eat a wild mushmorrow‬
‭Trackers:‬‭Those who looks for and follow the tracks‬‭of animals‬
‭A few key features of tracks are size number of toes claw marks and movements‬
‭Meadow:‬‭A forest‬
‭Aquatic:‬‭Water environments‬
‭Freshwater:‬‭The water contains little if any, salt‬
‭Marine:‬‭Environments in the sea and oceans which contain‬‭salt water‬
‭Intertidal zone:‬‭the area between the highest and lowest‬‭points that the tide reaches‬
‭Tide pool:‬‭Collections of salt water and sea life that‬‭could not escape when the tide went out‬
‭Coral reefs:‬‭Shallow waters in warmer parts of the‬‭world sometimes have a large formations‬
‭Hydrothermal vents:‬‭environment found near hot springs‬‭in the ocean floor‬

‭ lass 4:‬
‭Taxonomy:‬‭The science of classification‬
‭John Ray:‬‭Pioneer of taxonomy,a Puritian clergyman‬‭who live in England,The wisdom of God‬
‭manifested in the works of the creation‬
‭Species:‬‭A distinct type of organism‬
‭Carolus Linnaeus:‬‭Swedish botanist,father of taxonomy‬
‭Body structure:‬‭The primary basis for classifying living‬‭things‬
‭Kingdoms:‬‭All living things into main categories‬
‭Kingdom Plantae:‬‭plants that make their own food through‬‭photosynthesis‬
‭Kingdom Animalia:‬‭multicellular animals that can move‬‭and collect food‬
‭Kingdom Fungi :‬‭plant-like organism that do not make‬‭their own food‬
‭Kingdom Bacteria:‬‭true bacteria,including ones that‬‭cause diseases‬
‭Kingdom Archaebacteria:‬‭bacteria that often live in‬‭extreme environments‬
‭Latin and Latinized greek use Carolus Linnaeus‬
‭Phyla‬‭:Kingdom is divide into a few large of groups‬
‭Classes:‬‭Used to divide phyla into subcategories‬
‭Orders:‬‭The classes divide‬
‭Families:‬‭The orders are divide‬
‭Genara:‬‭Families are divide‬
‭Scientific name always consist of its genus and species name‬
‭The latin species name pratense (of meadows) and repens(sudden) tell us specifically which clover is‬
‭benign studied‬
‭To a scientist,no matter where he lives ,one impatiens type is impatiens pallida and impatiens capensis‬
‭Every scientific name is either italicized or underlined and has the genus name capitalized‬
‭System and structure:‬‭The primary basis for classifying‬‭living things‬

‭ lass 5:‬
‭Sir Francis Bacon:‬‭The founders of modern science‬
‭Bacon introduced the scientific method to help himself and others scientist effectively study each part‬
‭of nature‬
‭Scientific method:‬‭Is a way for scientists to gather‬‭and purse scientific knowledge‬
‭The three parts of any scientific method are hypothesizing,observing ,and‬
‭Hypothesis:‬‭Hypothesizing involves thinking about the‬‭objects and events of nature and creating a‬
‭sensibility explanation‬
‭Observation:‬‭Is gathering data(facts) about nature‬‭in an organized way‬
‭Experimentation:‬‭the methodical testing of hypotheses‬
‭Empirical:‬‭data gained through observation and experimentation‬
‭From the three parts of the scientific method,scientist have created six basic steps to follow:‬
‭ .‬‭State the problem‬
‭2.‬‭Gather information about the problem‬
‭3.‬‭Formulate a hypothesis‬
‭4.‬‭Test the hypothesis by experimentation‬
‭5.‬‭Record and analyze the experiment‬
‭6.‬‭State the conclusion‬
‭Theory:‬‭After many experiments and observation on‬‭a topic have ben record,scientist may take their‬
‭Law:‬‭Is a theory has never been proven false,scientist‬

‭ lass 6:‬
‭Applying the six steps:‬
‭1.‬‭State the problem‬
‭2.‬‭Gather information‬
‭3.‬‭Formulate a hypothesis‬
‭4.‬‭Test hypothesis‬
‭5.‬‭Record and analyze‬
‭6.‬‭State the conclusion‬
‭Every experiment has many Variables‬
‭Dependent variable:‬‭a factor that is observe to determine‬‭the results of the experiment‬
‭Independent variable:‬‭the factor that you change to‬‭test your hypothesis‬
‭An experiment should have only one independent variable‬
‭Controlled variables:‬‭All variables other than depend‬‭variable and independent variable‬
‭Experimental groups:‬‭the groups on which a test is‬‭performed‬
‭Control groups:‬‭a group in which the independent variable‬‭is absent‬
‭By comparing the results of the differents groups,you gain empirical evidence as to whether you a‬
‭hypothesis is correct or not‬
‭Variables:‬‭factors that you as an experiment can control‬
‭Data variable :facts about nature‬
‭Scientific habits:‬
‭4.‬‭Intellectual honesty‬
‭5.‬‭Acceptable of uncertainty‬
‭7.‬‭Openness to new ideas‬

‭ lass 7:‬
‭Logic:‬‭the study of reasoning,is essential for any‬‭scientist‬
‭Evidence:‬‭in any subject reasoning involves taking‬‭facts‬
‭Inference‬‭:a conclusion based on reasoning from evidence‬
‭What distinguishes scientific reasoning is that it use empirical evidence form observations of nature‬
‭and that the inference as hypothesis about how nature works‬
‭Logicians:‬‭peoples who study logic‬
‭Deductive reasoning:‬‭reasoning from evidence to more‬‭specific conclusion‬
‭Inductive reasoning:‬‭reasoning from specific evidence‬‭to a more general conclusion‬

‭ lass 8:‬
‭Inductive reasoning may be used to develop a hypothesis;autumn. Since the only things that‬
‭changes are the season and those factors affected by it‬‭(such as shorter days and colder‬
‭temperatures)‬‭, it is reasonable to infer that the‬‭start of autumn somehow Inductive reasoning can‬
‭never prove a hypothesis beyond all doubt.‬
‭Model:i‬‭s anything that provides a partial representation of something else‬

‭ lass 10:‬
‭Do chapter 1‬

‭ P 2.2:‬
‭Monocots have starchy seeds and need about 30 percent moisture content to germinate.‬

‭ P 2.3:‬
‭coconuts cannot germinate in Alaska‬

‭ P 2.4:‬
‭Rose family, blossoms, 5 white, pink, or rose colored petals that form a cup-shaped blossom, petals/‬
‭flower parts, in multiplies of five, woody stems, and fleshy fruits / Buttercup family, blossoms, have 5‬
‭rounded petals that form cup-shaped blossoms, petals/flower parts, have numerous stamens and pistil‬
‭also has a "button" in the center of the flower, stems 1 to 4 feet tall, fruits are dry‬

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