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Articles (a/an/the)

Name: Result: __/21 Date: __/__/20__

1. He had ______ idea that she was watching.

2. That's ______ way he looks at you.

3. I waited for ______ moment or two.

4. It was ______ best thing she could do.

5. I will come for you in ______ quarter of ______ hour.

6. He didn't say nothing for ______ long time.

7. In ______ instant he had recognized him.

8. And that's ______ way it goes.

9. It was ______ first time he had used it.

10. In ______ few minutes she was herself.

11. We'll be back in quarter of ______ hour.

12. In ______ few minutes she returned to him.

13. That is ______ worst part of it.

14. All my cares were at ______ end.

15. ______ men were not even in line.

16. I was ______ greatest man in London.

17. I had not seen him for ______ long time.

18. They walked in silence for ______ few minutes.

19. He turned to ______ men around him.

20. I have ______ greatest respect for you.

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