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 History of Newspaper

The modern newspaper is a European Invention

The oldest direct handwritten news sheets
circulated widely in Venice as early as 1566.
These weekly news sheets were full of
information on wars and politics in Italy and Europe. The first printed
newspaper was published weekly in Germany from 1609.

 Founder Of Newspaper

In 1609, Johann Carolus published the first

regular newspaper in Strassburg, comprising brief news bulletins.

 Introduction Of Newspaper

Newspaper is a printed media and one

of the oldest forms of mass communication in the world.

Newspaper publications are frequency based like daily,

weekly, fortnightly. Also, there are many newspaper bulletins
which have monthly or quarterly publication. Sometimes there are
multiple editions in a day.

 Types Of Newspaper

In the world of print journalism, the two

main formats for newspaper are Broadsheet and tabloid, strictly
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speaking, these terms refer to the page sizes of such papers, but
the different formats have distinct histories and associations.

 Purpose Of Newspaper

In general, the purpose of a newspaper is to

Convey as efficiently as possible, current information or news, to a
particular audience. What constitutes News depends in part on the
intended audience.

 Source Of Newspaper

Newspaper maybe either primary or

secondary. Most articles in newspapers are secondary, but reporters
maybe considered as witnesses, to an event Any topic on the media
coverage of an event or phenomenon would treat newspaper as a
primary source.

 Role/ Function Of Newspaper

It aids in raising people’s awareness of

current events. Newspaper give readers all the information they need.
It is the best connection between the government and the populace that
you can discover.

Newspaper also public stories on a variety of topics, including

social concerns, cultures and the arts.

Composing, Printing, Animation, Diagram, Audio, Video visuals ,

Large data storage and centralized newspaper, magazines
publishing is only possible through this advance system. Online
newspaper editions are also possible through this rapid technology.

 Importance Of Newspaper In Education

Using the newspaper as an educational

resource helps students to: _ Develop a better understanding of their
community, State, Nation and World. Cultivate critical thinking,
reading and writing skills, Classify and develop decision_ making

 Benefits Of Newspaper :-

Newspaper articles can provide a useful

source of information, serving as a primary source of information
about historical and current events.

Because newspaper also contain commentaries or retrospective

articles about events, they can also serve as a secondary source.

 Value Of Newspaper

It conveys the public opinion to the

people on important issues.

This will in turn, help people review the government and ministers
well. Similarly, people get great employment opportunities from
newspapers. Those seeking jobs looks through newspapers to get
reliable job opportunities.
 Advantage Of Newspaper

Newspaper carry the news of the world. Newspapers provide

information and general knowledge.

Newspaper provides news about a countrys economic situation,

sports, games, entertainment, trade and commerce. Reading
newspaper makes a good habit and it is already part of the modern

 Disadvantage Of Newspaper

Paper Wastage:- A lot of paper is wasted in publishing news

articles. People believe that many things have shifted to online mode,
and digital format is easy, handy and accessible.

Advertisement:- Some newspapers only contains an advertisement,

and the news portion is very limited.

 Conclusion

Newspapers are essential to our daily lives because they

provide data and information from around the world. A
newspaper is a crucial tool for information on scandal and injustice.

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