History of Antecedent in Sts

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The historical antecedents of science and technology span millennia and encompass

diverse civilizations and cultures. Here's a broad outline of some key developments:

1. Ancient Mesopotamia (3500 BCE - 500 BCE):

 In Mesopotamia, the Sumerians developed writing (cuneiform script)
around 3500 BCE, enabling record-keeping and the transmission of
 They also made advancements in mathematics, particularly in the
development of the sexagesimal system and early forms of algebra.
 Development of early civilization
2. Ancient Sumerian (4100-1750 BCE)
 Explored the scientific practice of hypothesis
 Math, astronomy and astrology
 Concept of time
 Important inventions: wheel-pottery, sail, and writing-cuneiform:
irrigations and dikes: plow farming implements
3. Ancient Babylon (2300 BCE)
 Astronomy and astrology, math, cartography, jewel making and calendar
 Used for practical application
 Zodiac
 World first map: trade routes: time: lunisolar calendar
4. Ancient Egypt (3000 BCE - 500 BCE):
 Ancient Egyptians made significant contributions to architecture,
engineering, and medicine.
 They developed techniques in construction, such as the building of the
pyramids, which required sophisticated knowledge of mathematics and
 Paper(papyrus plant durable sheets); hand held mirror; toothbrush and
tooth paste; star clock; merchet- astronomical alignment; shadoof-
hand operated device for lifting water, counter weights in irrigated
 Hieroglyphics writing
5. Ancient Greece (600 BCE - 400 CE):
 Greek philosophers like Thales, hipprocrates-medicine, plato-elements,
universe and light, Pythagoras-numerical system, Pythagorean
theorm, spheriticity of earth, morning and evening , and Aristotle-
study of nature- laid the foundations of Western science and philosophy.
 Euclid's "Elements" laid down the principles of geometry.
 Archimedes made significant contributions to mathematics, physics,
engineering, and astronomy.
 Hippocrates is considered the father of Western medicine.
 Deduction process to obtain the highest knowledge
1. Knowledge are pure thought and the powerful approach in
2. Only acceptable way of obtaining knowledge is through deduction
and observation are undervalued
 Antikythera mechanism-oldest mechanical computer, use to predict
astronomical position and eclipses
 Aeolipile- heron’s engine; world first steam engine
 Old crane and water mill
6. Roman
 Cato the elder- agriculture in wine and oil
 Lucretius- nature of things (lit philo and science)
 Aqueduct, basilica, potable sundial and coin bearing augustus (capricon)
wheel plough
7. China (2000 BCE - 500 CE): middle age
 Chinese civilization made advancements in various fields including
astronomy, mathematics, medicine, and technology.
 Inventions such as papermaking, printing, gunpowder(850ad), and the
compass emerged during this period.
 Paper money 17 century
8. Islamic Golden Age (8th - 14th century):
 Scholars in the Islamic world made significant contributions to
mathematics, astronomy, medicine, optics, and philosophy.
 Figures like Al-Kindi, Al-Khwarizmi, Ibn al-Haytham, and Ibn Sina
(Avicenna) made groundbreaking advancements.

9. Medieval Europe (5th - 15th century):
 The Middle Ages saw the preservation and transmission of knowledge
from ancient civilizations, particularly through the works of scholars in
monasteries and universities.
 The Renaissance (14th - 17th century) witnessed a revival of interest in
science, art, and learning, leading to significant advancements in various
 Heavy plough ( northen Europe)
10. Mechanical clock,
11.Inidians 6th and 11th century
 spinning wheel-cloth,
12. Scientific Revolution (16th - 18th century):
 The Scientific Revolution marked a period of significant scientific
discoveries and advancements in Europe.
 Figures like Copernicus, Galileo-telescope, Kepler, zacharias jansen-first
compound microscope, and Newton revolutionized our understanding of
the natural world.
13. Industrial Revolution (18th - 19th century):
 The Industrial Revolution saw the mechanization of production processes,
leading to significant technological advancements in manufacturing,
transportation, and communication.
 Engine powered airplane- orville and Wilbur wright
 Carl benz-first automobile powered gasoline
 Television- john logie baird
14. Modern Era (20th century - present):
 The 20th century witnessed rapid advancements in science and
technology, including the development of computers,
telecommunications, space exploration, genetics, and biotechnology.
Ancient start to think
Middle-start of advancement
Modern- efficiency
1. Pre-Colonial Period: Before the arrival of Spanish colonizers in the 16th
century, indigenous peoples in the Philippines had developed
sophisticated knowledge and technologies adapted to their
environments. They practiced agriculture, fishing, weaving,
metallurgy, medicine, and shipbuilding, demonstrating expertise in
navigation and maritime trade.
 alphabet number system, a weighing and
 measuring system and a
 calendar
2. Colonial Era (16th - 19th centuries):
 Spanish colonization introduced Western science and technology
to the Philippines. Spanish friars established schools and
universities to educate the local population, teaching subjects
such as astronomy, mathematics, and medicine.
 Spanish colonial authorities also constructed forts, churches,
bridges, and roads using European architectural and engineering
3. American Period (1898 - 1946):
 American colonization brought modernization and
industrialization to the Philippines. American educators and
administrators established schools, colleges, and technical
institutes to promote scientific and technical education.
 The American colonial government invested in infrastructure
projects, including transportation networks, irrigation systems, and
public utilities, which contributed to economic development and
4. Japanese Occupation (1942 - 1945):
 During World War II, the Philippines came under Japanese
occupation. Japanese forces utilized Filipino labor and resources
for military purposes, including the construction of airfields,
fortifications, and defense installations.
 Japanese occupation also spurred underground resistance
movements and guerrilla activities, which involved the
development of improvised weapons, communication systems,
and medical treatments.
5. Post-Independence Era (1946 - present):
 Since gaining independence from colonial rule in 1946, the
Philippines has made strides in scientific research, education, and
technological innovation.
 The government has established research institutions, universities,
and science parks to support scientific research and development
(R&D) in areas such as agriculture, health, energy, and information
 Filipino scientists and engineers have contributed to
advancements in various fields, including agriculture (e.g., rice
breeding, aquaculture), medicine (e.g., medical research,
healthcare delivery), engineering (e.g., construction, infrastructure
development), and information technology (e.g., software
development, telecommunications).
6. Challenges and Opportunities:
 Despite progress, the Philippines faces challenges in promoting
scientific literacy, improving research infrastructure, and fostering
innovation and entrepreneurship. Limited funding, brain drain,
bureaucratic barriers, and inadequate science education remain
obstacles to scientific and technological development.
 However, the Philippines also has untapped potential in areas
such as renewable energy, biotechnology, disaster risk reduction,
and environmental conservation, where science and technology
can contribute to sustainable development and social progress.

In summary, the history of science and technology in the Philippines reflects a

complex interplay of indigenous knowledge, colonial influences, wartime
experiences, and post-independence aspirations. As the Philippines strives to
harness the benefits of science and technology for national development,
investments in education, research, and innovation will be crucial for
addressing contemporary challenges and building a brighter future for all

These historical antecedents laid the groundwork for the modern scientific and
technological landscape, shaping our understanding of the world and driving innovation
and progress.
introduction to sts
STS stands for Science, Technology, and Society, an interdisciplinary field that explores the
relationships between science, technology, and society. It examines how these three elements
interact, influence each other, and shape the world we live in. Here's an introduction to the field of

1. Interdisciplinary Nature: STS is an interdisciplinary field that draws from disciplines such as
sociology, history, philosophy, anthropology, political science, and communication studies. It
integrates insights from these disciplines to understand the complex interplay between
science, technology, and society.
2. Focus Areas: STS examines various aspects of the relationship between science, technology,
and society, including:
 The social and cultural contexts in which scientific and technological knowledge is
produced and used.
 The influence of values, ideologies, and power dynamics on scientific research and
technological development.
 The impacts of science and technology on society, including issues related to ethics,
equity, and sustainability.
 The role of expertise and public understanding of science and technology.
 The ways in which scientific and technological innovations shape social norms,
behaviors, and institutions.
3. Historical Perspectives: STS scholars often adopt historical perspectives to trace the
development of scientific knowledge and technological innovations, as well as their societal
impacts over time. Understanding the historical contexts in which scientific and technological
advancements occur helps illuminate the cultural, political, and economic forces shaping
scientific and technological change.
4. Ethical and Policy Considerations: STS also addresses ethical and policy implications of
scientific and technological developments. It raises questions about who benefits from
technological innovations, who bears the risks, and how decisions about science and
technology are made. STS scholarship informs debates about regulation, governance, and
public policy related to science and technology.
5. Case Studies and Empirical Research: STS researchers often employ case studies and
empirical research methods to investigate specific instances of scientific and technological
practice and their societal implications. This may involve ethnographic studies, interviews,
archival research, and analysis of scientific and technological controversies.
6. Public Engagement and Science Communication: STS emphasizes the importance of
public engagement and science communication. It examines how scientific knowledge is
communicated, interpreted, and contested in public discourse, and explores strategies for
fostering meaningful dialogue between scientists, policymakers, and the broader public.

Overall, STS offers a critical and reflective approach to understanding the complex interactions
between science, technology, and society. By shedding light on the social, cultural, and political
dimensions of scientific and technological endeavors, STS contributes to informed decision-making
and responsible innovation in an increasingly technologically mediated world.

how science used in technology

Science is the foundation upon which technology is built and refined. Technology encompasses the
practical application of scientific knowledge to solve problems, improve processes, and create new
products or services. Here's how science is used in technology:

1. Understanding Natural Phenomena: Science helps us understand the fundamental

principles governing the natural world, such as the laws of physics, chemistry, biology, and
mathematics. This understanding provides the basis for developing technological solutions to
various problems.
2. Research and Development: Scientific research drives technological innovation by exploring
new concepts, theories, and discoveries. Scientists conduct experiments, gather data, and
analyze results to uncover new insights and potential applications. This research forms the
basis for developing new technologies and improving existing ones.
3. Engineering and Design: Engineering applies scientific principles to design, develop, and
build technological systems, devices, and infrastructure. Engineers use scientific knowledge
to create practical solutions that meet specific requirements, such as efficiency, reliability, and
safety. They apply principles of physics, mathematics, and materials science to design
everything from bridges and buildings to computers and spacecraft.
4. Technological Applications: Science informs the development of a wide range of
technologies across various industries and sectors. For example:
 In medicine, scientific research contributes to the development of new treatments,
diagnostic tools, and medical devices to improve healthcare outcomes.
 In agriculture, scientific knowledge informs the development of crop varieties, pest
control methods, and agricultural practices to enhance food production and
 In information technology, scientific principles underpin the design of computer
hardware, software algorithms, and communication networks that power digital
technologies and the internet.
5. Innovation and Invention: Scientific discoveries often inspire new inventions and
technological innovations. For example, the discovery of electricity led to the development of
electric power generation, lighting, and electrical appliances. Advances in materials science
have resulted in the creation of new materials with unique properties, enabling innovations in
industries such as aerospace, automotive, and electronics.
6. Problem-solving and Optimization: Science provides analytical tools and methods for
solving complex problems and optimizing technological systems. Scientists and engineers
use mathematical models, simulation techniques, and data analysis methods to understand
system behavior, identify bottlenecks, and improve efficiency.
7. Continuous Improvement and Adaptation: Technology evolves through a process of
continuous improvement and adaptation, informed by scientific research and feedback from
real-world applications. Engineers and innovators refine existing technologies and develop
new solutions to address emerging challenges and opportunities.

In summary, science and technology are deeply interconnected, with science providing the
theoretical foundation and knowledge base for technological innovation and advancement. By
leveraging scientific principles and methodologies, technology transforms abstract ideas into
practical solutions that improve our lives and shape the world around us.
role of science and technology
The role of science and technology in society is multifaceted and pervasive, influencing nearly every
aspect of human life. Here are some key roles of science and technology:

1. Advancing Knowledge: Science and technology play a crucial role in expanding our
understanding of the natural world, human behavior, and the universe. Through scientific
inquiry and technological innovation, we uncover new phenomena, theories, and principles
that contribute to the collective body of knowledge.
2. Driving Innovation and Progress: Science and technology drive innovation by enabling the
development of new products, processes, and services. From medical breakthroughs and
technological gadgets to sustainable energy solutions and communication systems,
innovation driven by science and technology has the potential to improve quality of life,
foster economic growth, and address societal challenges.
3. Improving Healthcare: Science and technology have revolutionized healthcare by enabling
the development of new treatments, diagnostic tools, medical devices, and pharmaceuticals.
From vaccines and antibiotics to medical imaging and robotic surgery, advances in medical
science and technology have extended life expectancy, reduced mortality rates, and
improved overall health outcomes.
4. Enhancing Communication and Connectivity: Technology has transformed communication
by enabling instant global connectivity through the internet, mobile devices, social media
platforms, and digital communication tools. Science and technology have also facilitated the
development of information technologies, such as artificial intelligence, big data analytics,
and cloud computing, which enable rapid data processing, storage, and retrieval.
5. Promoting Economic Development: Science and technology drive economic growth by
fostering innovation, productivity, and competitiveness. Investments in research and
development (R&D), technology infrastructure, and education contribute to the creation of
high-skilled jobs, the growth of industries, and the emergence of new markets and industries.
6. Addressing Societal Challenges: Science and technology play a critical role in addressing
global challenges such as climate change, environmental degradation, poverty, hunger,
disease, and social inequality. Through interdisciplinary approaches and collaboration,
scientists, engineers, policymakers, and stakeholders work together to develop sustainable
solutions and promote social and environmental justice.
7. Empowering Individuals and Communities: Science and technology empower individuals
and communities by providing access to information, education, resources, and
opportunities. From online learning platforms and open-access journals to renewable energy
technologies and microfinance initiatives, science and technology democratize knowledge
and empower people to participate in economic, social, and political processes.
8. Ethical and Social Implications: Science and technology raise important ethical, legal, and
social implications that require careful consideration and deliberation. Issues such as privacy,
data security, genetic engineering, artificial intelligence, and the digital divide underscore the
need for ethical frameworks, regulatory oversight, and public dialogue to ensure that
technological advancements benefit society as a whole.

In summary, the roles of science and technology are diverse and dynamic, shaping the way we live,
work, communicate, and interact with the world around us. As we navigate the opportunities and
challenges of the 21st century, science and technology will continue to play a central role in driving
progress, promoting sustainability, and advancing human well-being.
what does science technology and society means
"Science, Technology, and Society" (STS) is an interdisciplinary field of study that examines the
complex relationships between science, technology, and society. It investigates how scientific
knowledge, technological innovations, and social dynamics intersect and influence each other. Here's
what each component of STS means:

1. Science: Science refers to the systematic study of the natural world through observation,
experimentation, and analysis. It encompasses various disciplines such as physics, chemistry,
biology, astronomy, and earth sciences. Science aims to understand the underlying principles,
laws, and phenomena governing the universe and to generate knowledge that is empirical,
testable, and replicable.
2. Technology: Technology refers to the practical application of scientific knowledge to create
tools, techniques, systems, and artifacts that serve human needs and purposes. Technology
encompasses a wide range of innovations, from simple tools and machines to complex
digital technologies and industrial processes. Technology shapes the way we live, work,
communicate, travel, and interact with the world around us.
3. Society: Society refers to the collective organization, culture, norms, values, institutions, and
relationships that characterize human communities and interactions. Society encompasses
various social structures, including families, communities, organizations, governments, and
global networks. It influences the development, adoption, and use of science and technology
and is in turn shaped by scientific and technological advancements.

In the context of STS, the field explores the dynamic interactions and mutual influences among
science, technology, and society. It examines how scientific knowledge is produced, validated,
disseminated, and applied; how technological innovations emerge, evolve, and impact individuals
and communities; and how social factors such as culture, politics, economics, ethics, and ideology
shape scientific and technological developments.

STS scholars investigate a wide range of topics and issues, including the role of expertise and public
understanding of science, the social and cultural dimensions of technology adoption, the ethical and
policy implications of scientific and technological advancements, the distribution of benefits and risks
associated with new technologies, and the ways in which science and technology contribute to social
change and sustainability.

Overall, STS provides a critical and reflective lens for understanding the complex interconnections
between science, technology, and society, and for exploring the broader implications of scientific and
technological endeavors for human well-being, justice, and environmental stewardship.
how science and technology affect society

Science and technology have profound effects on society, influencing nearly every aspect of human
life. Here are some ways in which science and technology impact society:

1. Advancing Knowledge and Understanding: Science expands our knowledge of the natural
world, human behavior, and the universe. Technological innovations enable us to apply
scientific knowledge to solve practical problems, improve processes, and create new
products and services.
2. Improving Quality of Life: Science and technology have led to improvements in healthcare,
sanitation, nutrition, and living standards, contributing to longer life expectancy and better
overall health outcomes. Medical advancements such as vaccines, antibiotics, medical
imaging, and surgical techniques have saved countless lives and alleviated suffering.
3. Enhancing Communication and Connectivity: Technology facilitates instant global
communication and connectivity through the internet, mobile devices, social media, and
digital platforms. This interconnectedness enables the exchange of ideas, information, and
experiences across geographic and cultural boundaries, fostering collaboration, dialogue,
and understanding.
4. Transforming Work and Industry: Technology has revolutionized the way we work,
produce goods, and deliver services. Automation, robotics, artificial intelligence, and digital
technologies have transformed industries, increased productivity, and created new job
opportunities while also raising concerns about job displacement and economic inequality.
5. Enabling Education and Lifelong Learning: Technology has democratized access to
education and lifelong learning opportunities through online courses, digital libraries,
educational apps, and distance learning platforms. These tools empower individuals to
acquire new skills, pursue higher education, and participate in intellectual and cultural
enrichment regardless of geographic location or socioeconomic status.
6. Driving Economic Growth and Innovation: Science and technology are drivers of economic
growth and innovation, fueling entrepreneurship, investment, and technological
development. Research and development (R&D) investments, technology infrastructure, and
intellectual property protections create incentives for innovation and stimulate economic
activity, leading to job creation, wealth generation, and increased standards of living.
7. Addressing Global Challenges: Science and technology play a critical role in addressing
global challenges such as climate change, environmental degradation, poverty, hunger,
disease, and social inequality. Innovative solutions and sustainable technologies can help
mitigate the adverse impacts of human activities on the environment and promote social and
economic justice.
8. Raising Ethical and Social Issues: Science and technology raise important ethical, legal, and
social issues that require careful consideration and deliberation. Concerns about privacy, data
security, surveillance, genetic engineering, artificial intelligence, inequality, and digital divides
underscore the need for ethical frameworks, regulatory oversight, and public dialogue to
ensure that technological advancements benefit society as a whole.

In summary, science and technology have transformative effects on society, shaping the way we live,
work, communicate, learn, and interact with the world around us. As we navigate the opportunities
and challenges of the digital age, it is essential to harness the power of science and technology
responsibly, ethically, and inclusively to promote human well-being, social justice, and environmental
how science can have an effect on society
Science can have a profound effect on society in various ways, influencing nearly every aspect of
human life. Here are some of the key ways in which science impacts society:

1. Advancements in Healthcare: Scientific research leads to medical breakthroughs, new

treatments, diagnostic tools, and preventive measures that improve public health and save
lives. Vaccines, antibiotics, medical imaging, organ transplants, and gene therapies are
examples of scientific advancements that have revolutionized healthcare and extended life
2. Technological Innovation: Scientific discoveries drive technological innovation by providing
the knowledge and understanding needed to develop new products, processes, and services.
From smartphones and computers to renewable energy technologies and space exploration,
technology transforms industries, creates jobs, and enhances productivity and efficiency.
3. Improvements in Agriculture and Food Production: Scientific research contributes to
improvements in agricultural practices, crop varieties, pest management techniques, and
food processing methods. These advancements increase agricultural productivity, enhance
food security, and mitigate the environmental impact of agriculture while ensuring the
availability of nutritious and safe food for the growing global population.
4. Environmental Protection and Sustainability: Science informs efforts to understand and
address environmental challenges such as climate change, pollution, deforestation, and
biodiversity loss. Scientific research provides the evidence base for developing sustainable
solutions, implementing environmental policies, and promoting conservation efforts to
protect ecosystems, wildlife habitats, and natural resources for future generations.
5. Economic Development and Innovation: Scientific research and technological innovation
drive economic growth, competitiveness, and entrepreneurship by fostering innovation,
creating new industries, and generating high-skilled jobs. Investments in research and
development (R&D), technology infrastructure, and education contribute to economic
prosperity, innovation ecosystems, and global competitiveness.
6. Education and Lifelong Learning: Science education promotes critical thinking, problem-
solving skills, scientific literacy, and lifelong learning. It empowers individuals to understand
the natural world, make informed decisions, evaluate scientific claims, and participate in
scientific inquiry and discovery. Science education also prepares students for careers in STEM
(science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) fields and contributes to a scientifically
literate society.
7. Cultural and Societal Impact: Science influences culture, values, beliefs, and societal norms
by shaping public attitudes, perceptions, and behaviors toward science, technology, and
innovation. Scientific discoveries and technological advancements inspire creativity,
imagination, and cultural expressions in art, literature, music, and popular culture. Science
communication and engagement initiatives foster public awareness, dialogue, and
appreciation of science as a fundamental aspect of human knowledge and civilization.

In summary, science has a transformative impact on society, shaping the way we live, work,
communicate, learn, and interact with the world around us. By advancing knowledge, driving
innovation, promoting sustainability, and addressing societal challenges, science contributes to
human well-being, social progress, and environmental stewardship in the modern world.
what is the relationship between science and society
The relationship between science and society is intricate and dynamic, characterized by mutual
influences and interdependencies. Here are several key aspects of this relationship:

1. Science Shapes Society: Scientific discoveries and technological innovations shape various
aspects of society, including culture, economy, politics, and everyday life. Advances in science
and technology introduce new ways of thinking, living, and interacting, influencing social
norms, values, behaviors, and institutions.
2. Society Shapes Science: Societal needs, values, priorities, and funding sources influence the
direction, focus, and outcomes of scientific research. Scientific inquiry often responds to
societal challenges, demands, and aspirations, addressing issues such as healthcare, energy,
environment, security, and social justice. Societal support and public engagement are
essential for the advancement of science and technology.
3. Applications of Science: Science provides the knowledge and tools for solving practical
problems, improving processes, and creating new products and services that benefit society.
Technologies derived from scientific research, such as medical treatments, communication
devices, transportation systems, and environmental solutions, contribute to human well-
being, economic prosperity, and quality of life.
4. Ethical and Social Implications: Science raises important ethical, legal, and social questions
that require thoughtful consideration and dialogue. Issues such as privacy, data security,
genetic engineering, artificial intelligence, environmental sustainability, and equitable access
to scientific knowledge and technologies have profound implications for individuals,
communities, and society as a whole.
5. Science Communication and Public Engagement: Effective communication and public
engagement are essential for fostering trust, understanding, and support for science and
technology. Scientists, educators, policymakers, journalists, and communicators play critical
roles in translating scientific findings, explaining complex concepts, addressing
misconceptions, and engaging the public in meaningful dialogue about the relevance,
benefits, and limitations of science in society.
6. Science Policy and Governance: Science policy and governance frameworks shape the
interaction between science and society by establishing funding priorities, regulatory
standards, ethical guidelines, and public accountability mechanisms. Government agencies,
international organizations, research institutions, and civil society organizations collaborate
to develop evidence-based policies, promote scientific integrity, and ensure responsible use
of scientific knowledge and technologies.
7. Cultural and Historical Context: The relationship between science and society is influenced
by cultural beliefs, historical contexts, and social dynamics. Different cultures and societies
have unique perspectives, values, and approaches to science, influencing scientific practices,
education systems, and public attitudes toward science and technology.

In summary, the relationship between science and society is multifaceted and evolving, reflecting the
complex interplay of scientific inquiry, technological innovation, social dynamics, and cultural values.
By fostering collaboration, dialogue, and ethical reflection, we can harness the transformative power
of science and technology to address global challenges, promote social progress, and enhance
human well-being in the 21st century.

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