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中二級 第二學期考試範圍
科目 考試範圍
中國語文 卷一:
單元二: 湖心亭看雪、荷塘月色、在風中
單元二、三 語文運用及曾學習的語文知識

English (G.E.) Usage

Language items taught:
1. All tenses: simple present, simple past, simple future, present continuous, past
continuous, present perfect
2. Type 0 conditional sentences LE2A p. 66, GB2 U12
3. Type 1 conditional sentences LE2B p. 40, GB2 U12
4. Defining and non-defining relative clauses LE2A pp. 67-68, GB2 U15
5. Gerunds, To-infinitives LE2B p.41, GB2 U11
6. Passive Voice LE2A p. 15 GB2 U10
7. Linking words and phrases LE2B pp. 42-43, GB2 U14
Vocabulary questions will be set on LE Unit 3 and 6

English (Writing) Students have to complete a full-length writing task of a given topic in about 220 words.
Text types include: Letter of Advice and Leaflet.

English (Listening) The exam will include tasks combining listening, reading, and writing on a unified theme,
requiring students to select and synthesize information from audio and textual sources for
practical work or study-related tasks. All necessary information will be provided.

English (Speaking) 3-4 students will be grouped together and will take part in a group discussion based on a
given short text. After the discussion, each student will respond individually to an examiner's
question(s), which will be based on the group discussion task.

English (Reading) Students have to complete questions, form-filling, multiple choices, matching, graphic
organizers, etc. after reading some articles or poems

Mathematics Ch4 Angles related to Rectilinear Figures

Ch5 Congruence
Ch6 More about Statistical Charts
Ch7 Rate, Ratio and Proportion
Ch8 Similarity (Section 8.1-2)

Science Unit 8.1 - 8.6 (p.90-170)

Unit 9.1- 9.2 (p.2-27)
WB 2A p.41-81
WB 2B p.1-7

中國歷史 單元一:元朝

地理 單元五 為什麼土地會劇烈震動?
單元六 為什麼有些地方的人較我們易受自然災害影響?
單元三 山泥傾瀉的成因是甚麼?對我們有甚麼影響?(書P.27-34;作業P.7, 9-13)
歷史 工業革命的發展 書P.37-48
工業革命的影響 書P.49-60
法國大革命爆發原因, 經過及影響 書P.61-88

生活與社會 香港經濟:香港的公共財政(書P.16-24)(作業P.6-8)

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