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OneWorld Vigilant Online Surveillance System

Software Requirement Specification

Team Members Sagar Kalra Rahul Gaur Rohit Sabharwal Roshan Lal 2K8-MRCE-CS-115 2K8-MRCE-CS-115 2K8-MRCE-CS-115 2K8-MRCE-CS-115

Table of Contents
1. Introduction 1.1 Objectives of the Proposed View 1.2 Present System Description 1.3 Problem definition of the Proposed System 1.4 Hardware and Software Requirements 2. Requirement Elicitation and Analysis Software Requirement Specification(SRS) 2.1 Introduction 2.1.1 Purpose 2.1.2 Scope 2.1.3 Definition, Acronym and Abbreviation 2.1.4 References 2.1.5 Technologies to be used 2.1.6 Overview 2.2 Overall Description 2.2.1 Product Perspective 2.2.2 Software Interface 2.2.3 Hardware Interface 2.2.4 Product Function 2.2.5 User Characteristics 2.2.6 Constraints 2.2.7 Architecture Design 2.2.8 Use Case Model Description 2.2.9 Class Diagram Sequence Diagram 2.2.10 Database Design ER Diagram Schema 2.2.11 Assumptions and Dependencies

1. Introduction
Surveillance is the monitoring of the behaviour, activities, or other changing information, usually of people. It is sometimes done in a surreptitious manner. It most usually refers to observation of individuals or groups by government organizations.

1.1 Objectives of the Proposed System

To allow a client to completely secure a place via live streaming over the internet through spy-cams or robot-cams that can be accessed from anywhere in the world and also raise an alarm and alert the police or local security agency by dialing a SOS number by a simple click on the website.

1.2 Present System Description

In the present scenario, an area secured by a camera is viewed by the desired person from a particular system in a particular room where its feed is given. The video thus seen is then responded accordingly.

1.3 Problem definition of the Proposed System

Considering the traditional surveillance system, the security feed is transmitted to a particular location. This is the feature we generalise by providing the ease of live video streaming of the secured area over the internet. The user can view the feed from anywhere with the help of a username and a password.

1.4 Hardware and Software Requirements

a) HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS A Robot (Camera) A computer system with-: Intel Pentium 4(2.4 GHZ) or higher 128 MB RAM or higher Linux/Windows XP or higher A high-speed Internet connection b) SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS Eclipse(I.D.E. for java language), favourable software for website to be developed, DB2 Database.

2. Requirements Elicitation and Analysis - Software Requirements Specification (SRS)

2.1 Introduction 2.1.1 Purpose
To allow a client to completely secure a place via live streaming over the internet through spy-cams or robot-cams that can be accessed from anywhere in the world and also raise an alarm and alert the police or local security agency by dialing a SOS number by a simple click on the website.

2.1.2 Scope
The surveillance system is mainly built for personal use by a single individual or a small group. It could be used at all levels as in homes, small shops/showrooms, personal safes and warehouses and by secret agencies.

2.1.3 Definition, Acronym and Abbreviation

Admin Administrator. He has the authority to add/delete users, grant permission to user. WASCE WebSphere Application Server Community Edition - It is an application server that runs and supports J2EE and web service applications. DB2 Database_2 - A database management system that provides a flexible and efficient database platform to maintain records of students, teachers, admin and others. JSP Java Server Pages - It is used to create dynamic web content. J2EE

Java 2 Enterprise Edition - A programming platform which is a part of java platform for developing and running distributed java. UML Unified Modeling Language is a standard language for writing software blueprints. The UML may be used to visualize, specify, construct and document. XML Extensible Markup Language is a text based format that let developers describe, deliver and exchange structured data between a range of applications to client for display and manipulation. HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol - Its a service protocol. RAD Rational Application Developer is a development tool that helps to design web-pages and also helps to design the diagrams like ER, Database schema diagrams and to generate DDL.

2.1.4 References 2.1.5 Technologies to be used

UML It is a standard general purpose modelling language in the field of objectoriented software engineering. J2EE It is a platform for server programming in java programming language. AJAX It is a group of interrelated web-development methods used on client side to create interactive web applications. WEB 2.0 It is associated with web applications that facilitate participatory information sharing, interoperability, user-centered design and collaboration on the world wide web. WEB SERVICES It is a method of communication between two electronic devices over a network. RAD Rational Application Developer is a development tool that helps to design web pages and also helps to design the diagrams like ER, Database schema diagrams and to generate DDL. Database platform DB2 5

DB2 Database is the database management system that delivers a flexible and cost effective database platform to build robust on demand business applications and supports the J2EE and web services standards. Web server WASCE WebSphere Application Server Community Edition (from now on WASCE) is a free, certified Java EE 5 server for building and managing Java applications. It is IBM's supported distribution of Apache Geronimo that uses Tomcat for servlet container and Axis 2 for web services. Over 15 WASCE developers are committers in the Apache Geronimo project.

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