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Dear parents,

Hello parents, I'm sorry for replying to your email late. Because I've been taking a lot of tests
lately, I haven't had time to reply to you yet. Have you been well recently? Before, I had
insomnia and was a bit tired, but I'm gradually getting better.
I just went through a very stressful and terrible exam. Most of my classmates were so
stressed that they lost sleep during the last exam, and everyone was exhausted. Our exam
results were quite high, we were very happy so last weekend we held a party to celebrate it.
Are your parents well? Have Dad's back pain and Mom's sinusitis decreased? It's been
raining a lot lately. Parents, please stay healthy and don't catch a cold.
One more month until summer vacation, I will return to my hometown to visit my parents.
Wishing my parents good work and quick recovery from illness.

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