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What is pressure?

Pressure is defined as the force acting normally per unit surface area (in
a perpendicular direction). i.e. it depends on the force applied and the
direction to which the force is applied.



Units: Pa (Pascals) or N/m²

Example Question

1. Calculate the pressure under a gir1’s foot in pascals if her mass is 33.6N and the area
under her shoe is 16.5 m².

Atmospheric/Air Pressure

This is the weight of the atmosphere pressing down on the earth. It is measured by a
barometer in units called millibars. Most barometers use mercury in a glass column,
like a thermometer, to measure the change in air pressure.

1 bar = 1000 millibars

1 bar = 100 000 Pa

The atmospheric pressure at sea level 1,013.25 millibars, one standard atmosphere,
or 101.325 kilopascals, 760.00 mmHg (mm or mercury). As you go higher the air
pressure reduces the opposite as you go lower.

Pressure in Fluids
Pressure in liquids

Pressure in liquids increases with depth, this is caused by the weight of the liquid above
(i.e. the weight of the liquid is proportional to the depth of the liquid).

Experiments have Shown that:

i. The pressure in a liquid is proportional to the depth of the liquid (pressure

increases with depth) and the density of the liquid

ii. The pressure is the same at all points at the same depth in the same liquid.

iii. The pressure acts equally in all directions in a


iv. The pressure of a liquid only depends on the


v. The pressure does not depend of the shape of

the container

vi. The pressure in a liquid is independent of the


We can calculate the pressure in a liquid by


Pressure in liquids = h p g

Where: h = height (m)

p = density (kg/m³)
g = gravity (N/kg)

Is there a difference between pressure in a solid than in a fluid?

Pressure inside liquids are due to the random movement of the liquid
molecules and the weight of the liquid. The pressure inside solids occurs
only due to the weight of the solid. The liquid pressure acts on the sides
of the liquid as well as the bottom. Pressure exerted by liquid varies
according to depth.

Pressure in Gases U-tube Manometer

press crtl and click on the link for an example

This instrument is used to measure pressure. Since the air pressure acts down on the
liquid surfaces on both sides, then the liquid levels are equal. However when the pressure
is greater on one side, the liquid level changes until the pressure of the extra liquid
balances the pressure difference.

Pressure at A = Pressure at B

Pressure at B = PA (atmospheric pressure) + Liquid/excess pressure

Mercury Barometer

We can use the mercury barometer to measure atmospheric pressure. It uses the same
principle as the U-tube manometer. There is a vacuum above C and the atmospheric
pressure is equal to the pressure formula:

PA =hpg

The atmospheric pressure is so large that if we use water in the tube instead of mercury
we would need a tube that is 10m high. Using mercury which is 14 times denser than
water allows us to measure atmospheric pressure for height 14 times shorter. (PA =
100 000 Pa)

Archimede’s Principle

Archimedes' principle is the law of buoyancy. It states that "any body

partially or completely submerged in a fluid is PUSHED up by a force equal
to the weight of the fluid displaced by the body, this force is called
upthrust." The weight of an object acts downward, and the buoyant force
provided by the displaced fluid acts upward. If these two forces are equal,
the object floats. Density is defined as weight per volume. If the density of
an object exceeds the density of water, the object will sink.

* Upthrust (upward force) = weight of fluid displaced

U = W of fluid
= density x volume x gravity

Since : density = mass/volume

For a fully immersed : the volume of the object = volume of the

fluid displaced.

This occurs when the weight of the object is equal to the
upthrust (weight of fluid) .

W (object) = U = W (fluid displaced)


Sinking / Diving
This occurs when the weight of the object is greater than the
upthrust provided by the fluid .

W > U >

Surfacing / Rising
This occurs when the weight of the object is less than the upthrust
of the fluid .

W< U <

Everyday Applications
Submarine : the ballast tanks take in water so it can dive. When under
the water , under high pressure the water is ejected slowly from the
tanks so it can rise. The empty tanks allow the sub. to float on the

Hot Air Balloon : The heated air inside expands the balloon , more of
the cooler air outside is displaced . The balloon rises. As the air
inside cools, the weight of the balloon and air , equals the weight of
the displaced air on the outside. As the air on the inside further cools,
the weight of the displaced air outside, is less and the balloon descends.

Archimedes Principle and Upthrust

Heavy steel ships float even though steel is denser than water, and heavy objects appear
lighter and easier to lift than when they are out of water because of an upward force
which comes from the water itself. This upward force is called upthrust. Therefore the
resultant force is the weight of the object minus the upthrust.

Resultant force = weight of object - upthrust


We can use Archimedes principle to describe this effect. This principle states that

when a body is wholly or partially submerged in a fluid it experiences an upward force

which is equal but opposite to the weight of the fluid displaced by the object.

Floating and Sinking

The law of floatation states that a floating object displaces its own weight of the
fluid in which it floats.

Weight of object = Upward forces (upthrust)



Case 1; Case 2: Case 3:

Floating Boat A Sinking Rock A Rising Submarine

Weight = Upthrust Weight > Upthrust Upthrust > Weight
W=U W> U U > W

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