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– 3 ( For / While loops )

Name:-Vaibhav University Enrollment No:-08223802723

S.No. Program Description Date of Date of Teacher’s Remarks

Performing checking

1 WAP to print all the

numbers which are
divisible by 5 from 1 to 50.
2 WAP to print odd numbers
from 1 to20 in descending
3 WAP to print even
numbers from 1 to20 in
ascending order.
4 WAP to print the sum of
first ten natural numbers.
5 WAP to print the factors of
a given number.
6 WAP to print the table of
any number entered by the
7 WAP to find the largest
among any 10 numbers
entered by the user.
8 WAP to find the factorial
of any given number
entered by the user.
9 WAP to find the total
number of digits in a
number entered by user.
10 WAP to find the sum of all
digits of a number entered
by the user.
11 WAP to find the reverse of
a number.
12 WAP to check whether the
number entered is
palindrome or not
13 WAP to check whether a
number is prime or not.
14 WAP to check whether a
number is Armstrong
number or not
15 WAP to check a number is
perfect number or not.
ASSIGNMENT NO. – 3 ( For / While loops )
Name:-Vaibhav University Enrollment No:-08223802723

16 WAP to find the GCD of

two numbers.
17 WAP to find the LCM of
two numbers.
18 WAP to print a series
19 WAP to print the Fibonacci
series 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,--------

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