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1. Destiny is the word that means a predetermined course

of events of the story, because the things that happened in the story
were destined and we can never stop it from happening.

2. The main character in the story is King Arthur, his four knight
(Sir Modred, Sir Gawain, Sir Lancelot and Sir Bedivere), and also his butler
Sir Lucan.

3.King Arthur is a great and brave king that govern his kingdom in England for many
years. He is doing what is right but sometimes he become selfish and self-directed, because he
order things to his knights without even thinking about their welfare and whether other people
will be harmed. He always put himself first before others.

4. The four knights who carried King Arthur to the chapel had four great qualities like being
brave, gallant, loyal and affectionate to the King.

5. Sir Lucan sacrificed his life just to help King Arthur without complaining. He die for the sake
of the King, in the Lifting he fell in the swoon that the part of his guts fell out of his body.

6. Excalibur is a magical sword with a precious stone and supreme power that only its true
master is capable of using it. The sword could bring power to its owner but it can also bring
danger to other.

7.Sir Bedivere was hesitate to do what the King commanded, because he was stunned that the
sword has a precious stones. And he thought that if he threw the sword into the water it could
only bring disaster and loss. In his second attempt he thought sin and shame to throw away the
noble sword in the water. And so again he hid the sword.

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