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Ling Pei Chee 991226135646001



MATRICULATION NO : 991226135646001
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E-MAIL : galaxychee1226@gmail.com

Ling Pei Chee 991226135646001
Content Pages

Part 1: Question 1

1.1.1 Introduction ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2

1.1.2 Factors influencing children’s self-concept --------------------------------------------------- 3-4

1.1.3 A method that teachers apply to build a positive self-concept in children ---------------- 5-6

1.1.4 Conclusion ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6

Part 1: Question 2 (a)

1.2.1 Introduction ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7

1.2.2 Explain how play can promote social and emotional development in young children --- 8-9

1.2.3 Conclusion ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9

Part 1:

Question 2 (b) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10-11

Part 2: Online Class Participation ------------------------------------------------------------------- 12

Ling Pei Chee 991226135646001
Part 1: Question 1

1.1.1 Introduction

Self-concept involves what children think and feel about themselves. Children are not born with
the ability to identify their own feelings and thoughts; they rely on their early relationships and
experiences with caregivers to shape and influence the development of their self-concept.
Children gradually become aware of themselves as separate individuals with thoughts and
feelings, which is essential for developing positive relationships with others, as well as helping to
build confidence in their own abilities.

Self-concept is first marked by the physical realization that the child is separate from his or her
primary caregiver. In the first few months of life, children see themselves as part of their primary
caregiver, usually their mother. At about five months of age, children realize that they may be
separate individuals and develop self-awareness over the next few months. Older infants can
respond to their own names, and at about 18 months of age, children demonstrate self-
recognition as they are able to recognize themselves in mirrors and photographs.

The social development of children over the years also supports the idea that children are
developing a psychological self-concept. This is first seen in children's ability to recognize their
own body parts when asked and their ability to refer to themselves in the first person. Around the
same time that children demonstrate self-recognition, they begin to use words such as "I" and
"my". Children continue to develop self-concept as they demonstrate awareness of their own
identity and begin to identify their feelings and preferences in everyday interactions.

Ling Pei Chee 991226135646001
1.1.2 Factors influencing children’s self-concept

Factors that influence an individual's self-concept include education, media, appearance, culture,
abuse, relationships, gender and age.

Education can influence an individual's self-concept through supportive teaching children who
constantly encourage students to continue their efforts. Additionally, another factor that affects
an individual's self-concept is the lack of employment opportunities due to low education.
Education can affect an individual's self-esteem if an individual is unable to obtain employment
and that person will develop a negative self-image and low self-esteem.

The media can then influence an individual's self-concept by providing educational resources
such as promoting enrollment in academic programs and information about the current state of
our society. Another reason for influencing an individual's self-concept is by showing images of
models or celebrities who are underweight.

Moreover, appearance can have both constructive and detrimental effects on a child’s self-
concept. For example, a constructive effect of appearance would be pictures displayed through
sports that encourage one to maintain a healthy lifestyle. To take it a step further, advertising
pictures of underweight models may have a negative impact on a person's life, which may
influence young women to try to look thin.

Culture is a belief or self-worth that you possess. If we don't recognize other people's cultures,
this may affect our self-concept. This could be the way your parents or guardians raised you.
There are different types of abuse; they are physical, emotional, neglectful and sexual. These or
any type of abuse can be harmful to a person, however, abuse can affect a person if they are
neglected and they can develop low self-esteem. In addition, a neglected person may feel socially
ostracized and may suffer from mental health issues.

Relationships can affect a person's self-concept if you do not have the support of family and
peers. This can lead an individual to develop a negative self-concept about socialization. In
addition, excessive expectations can also cause a person to develop a negative self-concept, in
addition to if a person compares themselves to other peer groups or siblings, this can also have a
negative impact.

Ling Pei Chee 991226135646001
Gender is characterized as either male or female. This categorization affects a person's self-
concept of work roles for both genders. For example, men should play soccer and women should
stay home and cook and take care of the children. Lastly, I believe that these factors may affect
an individual's self-concept that everyone should be treated equally regardless of gender.

It can be argued that self-concept fluctuates at different life stages. Furthermore, age affects a
person's self-concept during childhood and adolescent development. By understanding his ideal
self-accepts peer pressure.

Finally, self-concept is the way an individual visualizes his or her self. For example, self-concept
has a great impact on the way we view ourselves; being subjected to critical comments from
peers or family members, which can lead to low self-esteem. Self-concept consists of factors
such as self-image, ideal self, and self-esteem.

Ling Pei Chee 991226135646001
1.1.3 A method that teachers apply to build a positive self-concept in children

In order to build a positive self-concept among children, teachers can promote a healthy self-
image. A healthy self-image is defined as having a positive, realistic perception of oneself,
including one's appearance, abilities, values, and overall identity. It includes embracing one's
uniqueness, recognizing strengths and weaknesses, and maintaining a balanced view of personal
qualities. As educators, we play a vital role in providing students with the basic skills to manage
their thoughts, actions, and feelings in order to develop a positive self-concept.

Teachers can also encourage children to praise themselves. It is important to encourage children
to use positive language to describe themselves and their accomplishments. If children use
negative language to describe themselves, it may hurt their sense of self-worth. Parents should
teach their children to accept themselves. You can help by encouraging your child to praise what
they do and say what they like about themselves. It's good for children to recognize their own
abilities and accomplishments - although you should help them understand the difference
between boasting and bragging. It's also a good idea to discourage your child from comparing
themselves to others. Instead, encourage them to do their best. Also, remember to set a good
example by doing this yourself.

In addition, teachers can help your child set realistic goals. It can be very difficult for your child
to fail, but you can help them succeed by encouraging them to set realistic goals. Children who
set goals and achieve them tend to have a positive self-image. Your child should choose their
own goals, although you can help younger children to do this. These should be measurable goals
with clear outcomes. This will allow your child to see the progress they are making towards their
goals. It is important for your child to track their progress on a daily basis. You may want to help
your child create a chart to help them visualize this, which is especially helpful for younger
children. You can also tell your child that as they progress, they can revise their goals if

As teachers, we should also listen to our children. Another way to help your child develop a
positive self-concept is to listen to them. Giving your child a chance to talk and paying attention
to what they say shows that you respect them, which can help your child respect themselves.

Ling Pei Chee 991226135646001
Last, teachers may teach the child to take responsibility for their actions. Children have a better
self-image when they feel responsible. It helps a child to feel they are making a contribution to
their family, school, or community. Teaching your child to be responsible for their actions can
help them to feel important and to become responsible citizens. Here are some steps you as a
parent can take to help your child learn to be responsible. Allow your child to make some of their
own decisions, and then hold them responsible for the outcomes. Make rules for your child to
follow, and have consequences for breaking them. Model responsible behavior for your child by
accepting responsibility for any mistakes you make. Compliment your child when they take
responsibility for their behavior. Teach your child that they can learn from their mistakes.

1.1.4 Conclusion

Helping your child develop a positive self-concept is not easy and takes time and effort. But
understanding how to improve your child's self-concept is a good first step. It's important to
remember that you can help your child develop a positive self-concept, even if it's currently
negative. It just takes time.

Ling Pei Chee 991226135646001
Part 1: Question 2 (a)

1.2.1 Introduction

In The Moral Judgement of the Child (1932/1965), Jean Piaget discussed children’s
understanding of the rules of the game and their judgement of bad behaviours. He proposed that
morality emerges as children develop relationship skills with peers. He thought that what is
important in moral development are relationships of cooperation among equals. These are best
suited for understanding others and working out a solution that is good for all. In contrast, within
relationships of constraint, children have difficulty understanding others’ perspectives, so these
relationships are not well suited for moral development.

Ling Pei Chee 991226135646001
1.2.2 Explain how play can promote social and emotional development in young children

Play improves the cognitive, physical, social and emotional health of children and adolescents.
Through play, children learn about the world and themselves. They also learn skills needed for
learning, work and relationships, such as self-confidence, self-esteem, resilience, interaction,
social skills, independence, curiosity and coping with challenging situations.

Understanding one's emotional state is essential for coping with life's challenges and reducing
stress and conflict. From an early age, children should learn about various emotions and how to
deal with them constructively. Play provides a safe environment where children can explore a
wide range of emotions through imaginative play and creative play. By creating different
scenarios, children can recognize their own emotional responses and learn how best to manage
each different response. One of the benefits of imaginative play is that children, no matter what
age, can learn the various tools that influence their understanding of emotions, such as
recognizing facial expressions, identifying social cues, and communicating their feelings.

Then, playing teaches children how to resolve conflicts. When children play together, they learn
how best to handle conflict. Teaching children how to handle conflict can be challenging when
an argument has already occurred. Therefore, assisting with structured role-playing games may
be a great way to teach them how to resolve conflict. If your child needs some new ideas, check
out our list of roles play ideas for kids. A good understanding of emotions and how they affect
children and their peers will enable them to turn potentially negative situations into positive
learning experiences for all involved and encourage progress in their emotional education.

Secondly, play can increase confidence and self-esteem. Achieving goals and accomplishing
tasks through play can greatly impact a child's self-esteem and confidence. As they gain
confidence, they will be able to attempt more complex activities, which will continue to have a
positive impact on their mental and emotional state. Free play, especially in play parks, can boost
their self-confidence as they learn to make friends and engage others in play.

In addition, the development of your child's social skills can be promoted through play. Children
develop social skills while playing with others, which directly affects their emotional
development. Making friends, playing with others, and dealing with conflict all help children
enhance their emotional skills. Through group play, children learn how to interact positively with

Ling Pei Chee 991226135646001
others and understand how certain emotional responses affect other children. This form of play is
a great way to encourage social and emotional development and will also have a positive impact
on their self-esteem.

1.2.3 Conclusion

Play enhances many aspects of children's social development. The process of children's social
development will be more effective if children's educational programs are based on fun learning
and play activities. Children will learn skills, concepts, gain knowledge and understand issues
around them in a fun and meaningful way. Many studies have shown that play does enhance
children's social skills. Social skills that can be developed include pride in success, skills in
fulfilling expectations, cooperative skills, friendships, and self-reliability.

Ling Pei Chee 991226135646001
Part 1: Question 2 (b)

1.2.4 ONE play activity for preschool children that can promote social and emotional

Understanding Feelings

Students will be able to:

Learning - recognize their emotions.
Outcomes: - understand that all people have emotions.
- manage their emotions.
40 minutes

Resources / none
Implementation of 1. Play Feeling Charades
activities: - With the students, take turns guessing the emotion the other person is
demonstrating or describing.
- Use the entire body and/or tone of voice to demonstrate the emotion or
describe the physical changes you experience when you have that
emotion. * This could be done like typical charades (acting it out),
Pictionary (drawing pictures) or a group game.

2. Talk and Listen

- Talk with the children about the different ways people react
emotionally to different situations.
For example, discuss how each of you (or other classmates) would feel
in different scenarios and why the feelings are the same or different.
Ask the students what emotion they may feel if in each situation.

3. Guided Stories and Videos

- When reading with the students or watching videos together, take the

Ling Pei Chee 991226135646001
opportunity, to identify any conflict or difference of opinion and guide
the students recognizing each depicted person’s perspective.

Ling Pei Chee 991226135646001
Part 2: Online Class Participation


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