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1. What are some of the ways that gender, income, education, age, and ethnicity impact online
purchasing behavior?
- First, women have more tendency to buy clothes, shoes and jewelry than men. Second,
income is a big factor when shopping online because you are dependent on the money that
you have for the things you purchase. Education is also a factor because when you have
sufficient knowledge then you will have restraint upon buying things that you don’t really
need. Age can also affect one’s shopping behavior because young people tend to buy more
stuff than old people in order to go on with the fashion trend. Ethnicity affects our online
purchasing because it influences us on how to dress and act.
2. What are the main reasons consumers choose the online channel?
- It is because shopping online is easier and requires less effort. You can shop at the comfort
of your own home without having to dress up and go to the mall yourself.
3. What is clickstream behavior and how is it used by marketers?
- Clickstream behavior is like a web which consists of a person’s past searches for products
and stuff. It is used for marketers to know which products people mostly search, then they
will find out the trending product and sell it to certain people that suits the taste.
4. What is native advertising, and why is it controversial?
- Native advertising usually uses famous artists or pages, sites etc to advertise their products.
This can be controversial because it can be misleading to people.
5. Why are CRM systems an important Internet marketing technology?
- CRM systems are like a link to the company and customers and potential customers. This is
used to maintain good relationships between customers and companies.
6. How do the MRC’s new standards address the issue of ad viewability?
- Video ads impressions are important for the users because this will determine if they will buy
a product or service. But it will only be counted if 50% of the pixels in the ad are visible for a
minimum of 2 seconds.
7. What are the five main elements of a comprehensive marketing plan? What are some different
platforms used for each?
- Website (Traditional Website), Traditional Online Marketing (Search engine marketing),
Social Marketing (Email, Affiliates), Mobile Marketing(Mobile Site), Offline Marketing
(Television, Magazines)
8. Why are marketers interested in big data?
- Big data gives valuable insights into customers that companies can use to refine their
marketing, advertising and promotions in order to increase customer engagement and
conversion rates.
9. What are three strategic questions that online marketing managers need to address?
- Why, how and what?
10. What are the primary marketing functions of a website?
- Providing general information
- Expressing the brand
- Demonstrating products, services and expertise
- Proof points
- Lead generation
- Communities and forums
- Publishing value-adding content
- Communication
- Shopping
- Recommendation
- Sales
- Capturing customer feedback
11. How does the IAB’s new guidelines for display ads differ from its old guidelines?
- they are based on aspect ratio as opposed to the previously followed norm of fixed pixel
12. What are some issues associated with the use of search engine advertising?
- One of the issues is that when you search something, it remains there and doesn’t
disappear. The site that you used can also use your web search in order to know what
products you are most likely to buy.
13. Why is email marketing still useful?
- Email marketing is a formal way of advertising a product or service. This makes it look neat,
organized and clean
14. How are blogs being used for advertising and marketing?
- There are many blogs wherein they get people to write their inspirational stories that started
when they bought the product that is being advertised.
15. What are some reasons why online advertising now constitutes about 60% of the total
advertising market?
- Because it is simply easier to shop online. Almost everyone now owns a mobile phone and
wants to lessen the hassle of shopping, thus they turn to mobile shopping. There are also
many vouchers, freebies and benefits available in online shopping.
16. What are some of the advantages of direct email marketing?
- Direct email advertising is much more effective publicly advertising your product because this
can persuade a customer to buy because messaging them directly makes them feel special
in a way.
17. Why is offline advertising still important?
- It is important especially for those who don't always have internet access, because this way
they can still view the products conveniently without the need of internet access.
18. What is the difference between hits and page views? Why are these not the best measurements
of web traffic? Which is the preferred metric for traffic counts?
- Hits measure activity from the website server's perspective. Page Views are a much better
measurement of a website's activity. These are not the best measurements of Web traffic
because a hit does not equal a page. A single page may account for several hits if the page
contains multiple images or graphics. A single Web site visitor can generate hundreds of
19. Define CTR, CPM, CPC, CPA, and VTR.
- CPM (Cost Per Mille) – it measures the daily cost for each thousand ad impressions that
have been made.
- CPC (Cost Per Acquisition) – is the price you pay each time a conversion is made.
- CTR (Click-Through Rate) – measures the effectiveness of the clicks on the ad.
- CPA (Cost Per Acquisition) - is also a payment scheme like CPM and CPC but differs in that
the advertiser only pays when the user completes the desired action, such as a purchase, a
download or signing up for free trials
- VTR (View Through Rate) - is a way of measuring the actual number of post-impression
views or responses or ‘view-throughs’ from and sort of display media impressions viewed
during and following an online advertising campaign.
20. What are marketing analytics and how are they used?
- This is basically a study of past data in order to know the performance of the marketing
activities. This can be used to gain knowledge to improve future performances.

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