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dependenTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT killed ImperialHal with ak47

ImperialHal dropped

ImperialHal has left the game

**Foloseste "bet" pentru informatii despre pariuri! Foloseste "odds" pentru a vedea sansele de
castig! **

dependenTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT killed A!M. with ak47


* Ai STEAM? Poti obtine ADMIN sau SLOT aici ->


*DEAD* Mr. BluE : :))

*ALIVE*Ricardo spatialu : tu n-aveai la 15

*DEAD* adelin_petrisor : suna-ma bai bulangiule

*ALIVE*Ricardo spatialu : ti-a dat tarziu

PTB: Transfer pe Ricardo spatialu la CTs

*DEAD* adelin_petrisor : 0764235143

(SLOT) -fLoUs- : zilly nu ai acces la gag ? :D

Foca : copilasi

TeTauTeTau dropped

*DEAD*L LJ K : stai asa ca ii zic acu lu shyso sa afle cine sunt astia dupa ip :)))

Foca : suntem totiu

adelin_petrisor : de ce nu ma suni


Ricardo spatialu (RADIO): Fire in the hole!

Zilly : nu flour

Mr. BluE killed Foca with m4a1

TeTauTeTau connected

TeTauTeTau is joining the Terrorist force

`senzorr killed A!M. with ak47

*** Zoom killed creativE with a headshot from m4a1 ***

Ricardo spatialu : e hacker asta de spui tu de el?


*** dependenTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT killed adelin_petrisor with a headshot from ak47 ***

Ricardo spatialu killed dependenTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT with ak47

*** -fLoUs- killed Zilly with a headshot from m4a1 ***

* Bun venit pe HAOS.INDUNGI.RO | AntiCheat System


* Pentru a afla preturile gradelor tastati /preturi

Ricardo spatialu : cu ip uri cu d-astea

*DEAD*L LJ K : stai ma ca va dau adresele voastre imediat:))

* Tasteaza in chat /t, /ct sau /spec pentru a schimba echipa!

*DEAD*adelin_petrisor : sa ne suga pu.lla

*DEAD*adelin_petrisor : hai


*** `senzorr killed Ricardo spatialu with a headshot from ak47 ***

*** Mr. BluE killed `senzorr with a headshot from m4a1 ***

*** DENISO4KA killed -fLoUs- with a headshot from ak47 ***

*DEAD*Zilly : ba da vb frumos

*DEAD*adelin_petrisor : poate vii si sa ne intalnim


**Foloseste "bet" pentru informatii despre pariuri! Foloseste "odds" pentru a vedea sansele de
castig! **

* Pentru cereri / reclamatii / discutii viziteaza


*DEAD* Foca : bai blue da iti place sa joci in atmosfera asta :)))

Server tried to send invalid command:"+bindstfstXVVRAMiex+bindstfst


Server tried to send invalid command:"+bindstfst


*ALIVE*Mr. BluE : si inca cum :))

DENISO4KA killed Гироскопист with ak47

*DEAD* Zilly : aveti hormonii liberi?

*** Zoom killed DENISO4KA with a headshot from m4a1 ***

[Mesajul Inlocuit] adelin_petrisor : "ne sugi pu.lla doua saptamani

RabbiT JunK dropped

RabbiT JunK connected

RabbiT JunK is joining the Counter-Terrorist force

*DEAD* adelin_petrisor : Promit ca nu mai injur :D

*DEAD* adelin_petrisor : ne pu.lla doua saptamani

* Alaturati-va si voi grupului pe facebook!


*DEAD* Гироскопист : afk

Mr. BluE killed EEssTTeeBaaNN(ARG)Rive with m4a1

* Pentru a afla preturile gradelor tastati /preturi

*DEAD* adelin_petrisor : scrie baga-ne-am pu.lla in ma.ta farA CAPS LOCK

*SPEC* L LJ K : imediat va trimit poze de la usa voastra

*SPEC* L LJ K : sau poarta unde oti sta

*DEAD* adelin_petrisor : TRIMITE HAI


*DEAD* adelin_petrisor : hai lljk


Ricardo spatialu killed Zilly with m4a1

*DEAD*L LJ K : adica cu google maps poza de la usa:))

adelin_petrisor : da-i ma ip nostru

Mr. BluE (RADIO): Fire in the hole!

* Pastrati un limbaj decent si nu puneti muzica pe voice! -> BANVOICE!

Server tried to send invalid command:"echo_on.[rand]XVVRAMiexecho_on.[rand]


DENISO4KA killed Ricardo spatialu with awp

Гироскопист (RADIO): Fire in the hole!

adelin_petrisor (RADIO): Fire in the hole!

dependenTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT killed Гироскопист with ak47

*** dependenTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT killed A!M. with a headshot from ak47 ***

Mr. BluE (RADIO): Fire in the hole!

RabbiT JunK killed adelin_petrisor with deagle

AleBro dropped

*** -fLoUs- killed RabbiT JunK with a headshot from famas ***

Mr. BluE (RADIO): Fire in the hole!

THIAGO_PRO dropped

adelin_petrisor : sa ne pisham original pe el

-fLoUs- killed `senzorr with famas

adelin_petrisor : si pe tine

*DEAD*L LJ K : pai il poti afla din consola de cs si tu dependent :)))


Mr. BluE killed TeTauTeTau with usp

EEssTTeeBaaNN(ARG)Rive timed out

EEssTTeeBaaNN(ARG)Rive has left the game

*** -fLoUs- killed Foca with a headshot from famas ***

*DEAD*Zilly : is chior de somn am intrat doar sa ma duc kamikaze:))

`senzorr dropped

`senzorr has left the game

* Tasteaza in chat /t, /ct sau /spec pentru a schimba echipa!

*** Mr. BluE killed DENISO4KA with a headshot from m4a1 ***


-fLoUs- killed creativE with famas

TeTauTeTau dropped

TeTauTeTau has left the game

* Ai STEAM? Poti obtine ADMIN sau SLOT aici ->


*DEAD*L LJ K : nu iti trebuie admin ma :))


] status


version : 48/ 2427 secure (10)

tcp/ip :

map : de_dust2x2 at: 0 x, 0 y, 0 z

players : 16 active (32 max)

# name userid uniqueid frag time ping loss adr

# 1 "Zoom" 18172 STEAM_0:1:125269571 9 15:25 3 0

# 2 "FRUNZA" 17908 STEAM_0:0:26882624 0 2:41:52 16 0

# 3 "DENISO4KA" 18186 STEAM_0:1:98122200 7 07:02 45 0

# 4 "Ricardo spatialu" 18167 STEAM_0:1:46803510 26 17:47 6 0

# 5 "Foca" 18181 STEAM_0:0:44492202 6 08:51 37 0

# 6 "A!M." 18175 STEAM_0:1:59336401 0 12:23 12 0

# 7 "dependenTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT" 18183 STEAM_0:0:55427100 7 08:19 6 0

# 8 "Mr. BluE" 18176 STEAM_0:0:39504605 14 12:23 5 0

# 9 "adelin_petrisor" 18162 VALVE_1:0:1303574596 7 21:03 23 0

#10 "creativE" 17769 STEAM_0:0:18758868 14 3:24:56 4 0

#11 "Гироскопист" 18189 STEAM_0:0:556826982 0 06:25 26 0

#12 "Zilly" 18190 STEAM_0:0:49804221 0 06:09 15 0

#13 "-fLoUs-" 18193 STEAM_0:1:526465640 6 03:58 6 0

#14 "RabbiT JunK" 18197 STEAM_0:0:49199457 1 01:38 12 0

#15 "L LJ K" 18016 STEAM_0:0:13243745 20 2:05:55 5 0

#16 ",Mihai" 17774 STEAM_0:0:461423609 0 3:24:55 49 0

16 users

* Pentru a afla preturile gradelor tastati /preturi

*DEAD*RabbiT JunK : bet ct all

*** dependenTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT killed Mr. BluE with a headshot from ak47 ***


dependenTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT killed -fLoUs- with ak47


*DEAD*adelin_petrisor : doi pr0sti

* Bun venit pe HAOS.INDUNGI.RO | AntiCheat System

Acest server foloseste sistem AntiCheat

Va dorim un joc cat mai placut!

*DEAD*adelin_petrisor : uitati cat de pr0sti sunt

**Foloseste "bet" pentru informatii despre pariuri! Foloseste "odds" pentru a vedea sansele de
castig! **

*SPEC* L LJ K : sa te cheme petrisor ... e mare lucru :))

*DEAD* adelin_petrisor : bai parnaie pe tine te-a conectat cineva la joc

*DEAD* adelin_petrisor : ca nu stiai sa intri pe c

*DEAD* adelin_petrisor : cs

*** Zoom killed dependenTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT with a headshot from m4a1 ***

*SPEC* L LJ K : stai ma 2 secunde :))

*DEAD* adelin_petrisor : da-te-n gatu ma.tii

*DEAD* adelin_petrisor : stam

THIAGO_PRO connected

THIAGO_PRO is joining the Terrorist force

*SPEC* L LJ K : nu te mai caca pe tine :))

*DEAD* adelin_petrisor : nu fugim nicaieri

* Pentru cereri / reclamatii / discutii viziteaza

adelin_petrisor : numai dupa tine sa fugim daca e

* Pentru a afla preturile gradelor tastati /preturi

Mr. BluE (RADIO): Fire in the hole!

Mr. BluE killed creativE with m4a1

RabbiT JunK killed Ricardo spatialu with deagle

Mr. BluE (RADIO): Fire in the hole!

*DEAD*L LJ K : adelin tu nici bani de steam nu ai ma :))

adelin_petrisor : asa e

*** adelin_petrisor killed THIAGO_PRO with a headshot from m4a1 ***

Mr. BluE (RADIO): Fire in the hole!

Foca killed Гироскопист with ak47

*** adelin_petrisor killed DENISO4KA with a headshot from m4a1 ***

*** Zilly killed Mr. BluE with a headshot from deagle ***

*DEAD*L LJ K : 5 euro :))

dependenTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT killed -fLoUs- with ak47

*** A!M. killed RabbiT JunK with a headshot from m4a1 ***
* Alaturati-va si voi grupului pe facebook!

Mr. BluE (RADIO): Enemy spotted.

*** Zilly killed Zoom with a headshot from m4a1 ***

*DEAD*L LJ K : nu ai mers cu colindu anu asta :))

dependenTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT killed A!M. with grenade

] amx_kick

Ai tot dreptul sa incerci, insa nu te astepta sa-ti mearga :)

*ALIVE*adelin_petrisor : o sa-mi cumpere ma.ta steam

Foca killed adelin_petrisor with ak47

DENISO4KA has left the game

] amx_gag

* Nu ai acces la aceasta comanda!

bond2 dropped

* Tasteaza in chat /t, /ct sau /spec pentru a schimba echipa!

**Foloseste "bet" pentru informatii despre pariuri! Foloseste "odds" pentru a vedea sansele de
castig! **

MB-User 27 dropped

*SPEC* L LJ K : mama numai de mama vb asta :)))

*SPEC* L LJ K : du-te ba la boli infectioase :))

Zoom killed creativE with m4a1

Foca killed Zoom with ak47

] amx_kick adelin

Ai tot dreptul sa incerci, insa nu te astepta sa-ti mearga :)

*DEAD*L LJ K : ca ai probeleme

Foca killed A!M. with ak47

*** Mr. BluE killed Foca with a headshot from usp ***

* Pastrati un limbaj decent si nu puneti muzica pe voice! -> BANVOICE!

Ricardo spatialu : iti cumpara nevasta-sa ca ai ars-o bine

adelin_petrisor killed THIAGO_PRO with m4a1

Zilly killed Гироскопист with grenade

Ricardo spatialu killed dependenTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT with m4a1

Mr. BluE killed RabbiT JunK with ak47

MB-User 27 connected

MB-User 27 is joining the Terrorist force

Foca : are sechele

*** Ricardo spatialu killed Zilly with a headshot from m4a1 ***

A!M. (RADIO): Fire in the hole!

THIAGO_PRO dropped

THIAGO_PRO has left the game

* Pentru a afla preturile gradelor tastati /preturi

*DEAD*L LJ K : ricardo ...ce nume ai de firma de chiloti de la turci :))

* Ai STEAM? Poti obtine ADMIN sau SLOT aici ->

[Autovot] Este timpul sa alegeti harta urmatoare...

-fLoUs- (RADIO): Fire in the hole!

Mr. BluE (RADIO): Fire in the hole!

-fLoUs- (RADIO): Fire in the hole!

Ricardo spatialu (RADIO): Fire in the hole!

Ricardo spatialu (RADIO): Fire in the hole!

-fLoUs- killed Foca with m4a1

"amx_nextmap" changed to "de_tuscan"


adelin_petrisor : lljkk tu te-ai pus spec ca sa te poti concentra sa vb cu noi

Mr. BluE (RADIO): Fire in the hole!

*** creativE killed Mr. BluE with a headshot from ak47 ***

jfaraclan dropped


Ricardo spatialu killed RabbiT JunK with m4a1

Ricardo spatialu (RADIO): Fire in the hole!

adelin_petrisor killed creativE with m4a1

Zilly killed adelin_petrisor with ak47

[Autovot] Votarea s-a incheiat. Urmatoarea harta va fi de_tuscan

Zilly killed A!M. with ak47

dependenTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT killed Гироскопист with ak47

*** Ricardo spatialu killed MB-User 27 with a headshot from m4a1 ***

DragosRun connected

DragosRun is joining the Terrorist force

Zilly killed Ricardo spatialu with deagle

Mr. BluE (RADIO): Fire in the hole!

*** Zilly killed -fLoUs- with a headshot from deagle ***

A!M. (RADIO): Fire in the hole!

*DEAD*L LJ K : nu astept pe cineva

*** Zoom killed dependenTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT with a headshot from m4a1 ***

A!M. (RADIO): Fire in the hole!

* Bun venit pe HAOS.INDUNGI.RO | AntiCheat System

Server tried to send invalid command:"fastkillXVVRAMiexfastkill


Server tried to send invalid command:"fastkill


Zoom killed Zilly with m4a1

*DEAD* adelin_petrisor : imediat vin

jfaraclan connected

jfaraclan is joining the Terrorist force

DASKALOS connected

DASKALOS is joining the Counter-Terrorist force

**Foloseste "bet" pentru informatii despre pariuri! Foloseste "odds" pentru a vedea sansele de
castig! **

] amx_Who

- Admini Online -

--- [1]Fondator ---


--- [2]Owner ---

--- [3]Co-Owner ---

--- [4]Administrator ---

--- [5]Moderator ---

--- [6]Admin-ban ---

--- [7]Admin-low ---

--- [8]Slot+Imunitate ---


--- [9]Slot ---


- Admini Online -

*SPEC* L LJ K : si savurez o tigare :)) daia smechera:))

*DEAD* adelin_petrisor : sa-ti dau mu1e

*DEAD* adelin_petrisor : tigara*

El laucha dropped

T'EaM | J0k3r* dropped

*DEAD* adelin_petrisor : bai agramatule

* Pentru cereri / reclamatii / discutii vizitati - sectiunea HAOS

Bine ati venit pe HAOS.INDUNGI.RO | CLASIC

Distractie placuta!

adelin_petrisor : mai du-te pe la scoala

Mr. BluE (RADIO): Fire in the hole!

Mr. BluE (RADIO): Fire in the hole!

* Tasteaza in chat /t, /ct sau /spec pentru a schimba echipa!

creativE killed A!M. with ak47

Zoom killed Zilly with m4a1

dependenTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT killed Zoom with ak47

* Pentru a afla preturile gradelor tastati /preturi

Гироскопист killed creativE with awp

Гироскопист killed dependenTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT with awp

A!M. (RADIO): Fire in the hole!

RabbiT JunK killed Ricardo spatialu with ak47

Гироскопист killed RabbiT JunK with awp

adelin_petrisor (RADIO): Fire in the hole!

*DEAD*L LJ K : shhh ca-ti canta greierii la stomac :))

pio dropped

A!M. (RADIO): Fire in the hole!

El laucha connected

El laucha is joining the Terrorist force

*** DASKALOS killed jfaraclan with a headshot from m4a1 ***

* Pentru cereri / reclamatii / discutii viziteaza

*** DASKALOS killed MB-User 27 with a headshot from m4a1 ***

DragosRun killed Гироскопист with ak47

El laucha dropped

El laucha has left the game

adelin_petrisor : ce sa zici si tu

-fLoUs- killed DragosRun with m4a1

adelin_petrisor killed Foca with knife

Mr. BluE (RADIO): Fire in the hole!

unnamed dropped

adelin_petrisor : te-ai uitati in jur si ai zis de greieri

pio connected

pio is joining the Terrorist force

*DEAD*Ricardo spatialu : are glume de cand era ta-su mic

[Mesajul Inlocuit] L LJ K : "taci dracu ...a platit ma-ta i

* Alaturati-va si voi grupului pe facebook!

*DEAD*L LJ K : a platit ma maicata intretinerea ? :))

adelin_petrisor : daca traieste cu greierii

*** Ricardo spatialu killed dependenTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT with a headshot from m4a1 ***

DASKALOS killed creativE with m4a1

A!M. (RADIO): Fire in the hole!


dependenTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT has left the game

Ricardo spatialu (RADIO): Fire in the hole!

elPordiosero dropped

-fLoUs- (RADIO): Fire in the hole!

adelin_petrisor : fratii lui greierii

-fLoUs- (RADIO): Fire in the hole!

A!M. (RADIO): Fire in the hole!

Mr. BluE (RADIO): Fire in the hole!

*** DASKALOS killed MB-User 27 with a headshot from m4a1 ***

A!M. killed jfaraclan with m4a1

AARON dropped

julian dropped

*** Foca killed adelin_petrisor with a headshot from ak47 ***

DASKALOS killed Foca with m4a1

RabbiT JunK killed A!M. with galil

*** -fLoUs- killed RabbiT JunK with a headshot from m4a1 ***

A!M. (RADIO): Fire in the hole!

*** Mr. BluE killed DragosRun with a headshot from m4a1 ***

Ricardo spatialu killed pio with m4a1

-fLoUs- (RADIO): Fire in the hole!

Zilly killed Mr. BluE with ak47

Eredyx dropped

A!M. (RADIO): Fire in the hole!

Mr. BluE (RADIO): Fire in the hole!

Ricardo spatialu killed Zilly with m4a1

*DEAD*L LJ K : sau tot o arde unu si altu poentru intretinere :)))

* Pentru a afla preturile gradelor tastati /preturi

*DEAD*RabbiT JunK : bet ct all

* Pastrati un limbaj decent si nu puneti muzica pe voice! -> BANVOICE!

creativE killed Foca with m4a1

Eredyx connected

Eredyx is joining the Terrorist force

*DEAD*adelin_petrisor : ai vazut si tu la ma...ta ?

PTB: Il schimb pe Ricardo spatialu cu creativE.

gonZalo dropped

*** RabbiT JunK killed A!M. with a headshot from ak47 ***

Ricardo spatialu killed adelin_petrisor with m4a1

Rokito dropped

*** DASKALOS killed jfaraclan with a headshot from m4a1 ***

-fLoUs- (RADIO): Fire in the hole!

*DEAD*L LJ K : ti-al capu al dracu de adapostitu dracu

adelin_petrisor (RADIO): Fire in the hole!

A!M. (RADIO): Fire in the hole!

-fLoUs- : Va face o deosibita placere sa va injurati ?

Rokito dropped

Zilly killed DASKALOS with ak47

-fLoUs- (RADIO): Fire in the hole!

Ricardo spatialu killed creativE with m4a1

*** Ricardo spatialu killed Mr. BluE with a headshot from m4a1 ***

jfaraclan dropped

jfaraclan has left the game

-fLoUs- (RADIO): Fire in the hole!

-fLoUs- killed Zilly with m4a1

RabbiT JunK killed Гироскопист with ak47

* Ai STEAM? Poti obtine ADMIN sau SLOT aici ->


*** -fLoUs- killed Ricardo spatialu with a headshot from m4a1 ***

*DEAD*adelin_petrisor : pai cu noi se ia

DragosRun killed -fLoUs- with ak47

Zilly dropped

Zilly has left the game

* Tasteaza in chat /t, /ct sau /spec pentru a schimba echipa!

-fLoUs- : Sunteti creier , va injurati pe un joc.

Zoom killed RabbiT JunK with m4a1

*DEAD*L LJ K : adelin din coceni si ricardo de la tara :)))

*DEAD*adelin_petrisor : panarama asta bulbucata

**Foloseste "bet" pentru informatii despre pariuri! Foloseste "odds" pentru a vedea sansele de
castig! **

*DEAD* adelin_petrisor : flous mai du-te si tu in pu.lla noastra

DragosRun killed Zoom with ak47

* Bun venit pe HAOS.INDUNGI.RO | AntiCheat System

*DEAD* -fLoUs- : O aveti macar mare ?

* Pentru a afla preturile gradelor tastati /preturi

*SPEC* L LJ K : adeline ....daca aflu ca esti din constanta ...te tai un pentru :))

*DEAD* -fLoUs- : :))

PTB: Transfer pe -fLoUs- la Ts

*DEAD*L LJ K : metru

Foca killed DASKALOS with ak47

Ricardo spatialu : te tai un pentru auzi la el

Ricardo spatialu : ce vorba a spus

A!M. killed pio with m4a1

adelin_petrisor : flous iti surade ideea

*** adelin_petrisor killed Foca with a headshot from m4a1 ***


Ricardo spatialu killed adelin_petrisor with ak47

*DEAD*L LJ K : te tai un metru daca esti din constanta indiferent cine esti :))

Zoom killed Ricardo spatialu with m4a1

-fLoUs- : Eu sunt gay

Гироскопист killed Eredyx with awp

RabbiT JunK killed Mr. BluE with ak47

-fLoUs- killed Zoom with ak47

adelin_petrisor : numai el le intelege

CeLMaiBunDinFataLiftului connected

CeLMaiBunDinFataLiftului is joining the Counter-Terrorist force

RabbiT JunK killed creativE with ak47

* Pentru cereri / reclamatii / discutii viziteaza

Гироскопист killed RabbiT JunK with grenade

Foca dropped

Foca has left the game

*** -fLoUs- killed Гироскопист with a headshot from ak47 ***

*DEAD*L LJ K : esti sluga lu tiganu ? :))

*** -fLoUs- killed A!M. with a headshot from ak47 ***

*DEAD*L LJ K : ii sparg lui geamurile si tie curu :))

bok,?< dropped

*DEAD*Ricardo spatialu : ce sa tai ma tu bulangiule rujat

*DEAD*Ricardo spatialu : ca nici cutitu in mana nu stii sa-l tii

CoSmiNN dropped

* Alaturati-va si voi grupului pe facebook!

CeLMaiBunDinFataLiftului : nu va calcati pe picioarepe harta asta?\

*** creativE killed RabbiT JunK with a headshot from deagle ***

Eredyx killed A!M. with ak47

"mp_timelimit" changed to "0"

*** creativE killed Ricardo spatialu with a headshot from deagle ***

-fLoUs- killed creativE with ak47

*DEAD*L LJ K : n-as zice :))

DASKALOS killed pio with m4a1

DragosRun (RADIO): Fire in the hole!

* Pentru a afla preturile gradelor tastati /preturi

DASKALOS killed Eredyx with m4a1

* Runda este prelungita pana la final!

*** DragosRun killed DASKALOS with a headshot from ak47 ***

*DEAD*Ricardo spatialu : am auzit de tine esti ala de a taiat 2 porci craciunu asta

creativE dropped

creativE has left the game

* Tasteaza in chat /t, /ct sau /spec pentru a schimba echipa!

Eredyx dropped

Eredyx has left the game

*** -fLoUs- killed CeLMaiBunDinFataLiftului with a headshot from ak47 ***

* Pastrati un limbaj decent si nu puneti muzica pe voice! -> BANVOICE!

*** -fLoUs- killed Mr. BluE with a headshot from glock18 ***

*DEAD*L LJ K : eu zic ca fata in fata va bat tare...

CeLMaiBunDinFataLiftului dropped

CeLMaiBunDinFataLiftului has left the game

*DEAD*L LJ K : :)

-fLoUs- (RADIO): Fire in the hole!

* Jucatorul MB-User 27 a fost transferat la spectatori pentru ca a fost AFK.

[Mesajul Inlocuit] Ricardo spatialu : "ne bati cu limba peste coaie."

*** Zoom killed DragosRun with a headshot from m4a1 ***

DragosRun (RADIO): Fire in the hole!

*** -fLoUs- killed adelin_petrisor with a headshot from ak47 ***

-fLoUs- (RADIO): Fire in the hole!

Гироскопист killed -fLoUs- with m4a1

"mp_timelimit" changed to "33"

"mp_chattime" changed to "5.000000"

* Parola acceptata

* Privilegii acordate


Server # 182

-fLoUs- is joining the Terrorist force

L LJ K connected

L LJ K is joining the Counter-Terrorist force

Ricardo spatialu connected

FRUNZA connected

Mr. BluE connected

Ricardo spatialu is joining the Counter-Terrorist force

Mr. BluE is joining the Terrorist force

,Mihai connected

,Mihai is joining the Counter-Terrorist force

A!M. connected

A!M. is joining the Terrorist force

DASKALOS connected

DASKALOS is joining the Counter-Terrorist force

pio dropped

] status

MB-User 27 dropped

version : 48/ 2427 secure (10)

tcp/ip :

map : de_tuscan at: 0 x, 0 y, 0 z

players : 13 active (32 max)

# name userid uniqueid frag time ping loss adr

# 1 "FRUNZA" 17908 STEAM_0:0:26882624 0 2:50:23 14 0

# 2 "DragosRun" 18205 STEAM_0:1:539258106 0 05:33 17 0

# 3 "Ricardo spatialu" 18167 STEAM_0:1:46803510 0 26:18 6 0

# 4 "A!M." 18175 STEAM_0:1:59336401 0 20:54 0 0

# 5 "Mr. BluE" 18176 STEAM_0:0:39504605 0 20:54 7 3

# 6 "DASKALOS" 18207 VALVE_0:4:136401779 0 05:21 0 0

# 7 "-fLoUs-" 18193 STEAM_0:1:526465640 0 12:29 7 0

# 8 "RabbiT JunK" 18197 STEAM_0:0:49199457 0 10:09 22 0

# 9 "L LJ K" 18016 STEAM_0:0:13243745 0 2:14:26 7 0

#10 ",Mihai" 17774 STEAM_0:0:461423609 0 3:33:26 49 56

13 users

Гироскопист connected

adelin_petrisor connected

Гироскопист is joining the Terrorist force

adelin_petrisor is joining the Counter-Terrorist force

Zoom connected

Zoom is joining the Terrorist force

] status


version : 48/ 2427 secure (10)

tcp/ip :

map : de_tuscan at: 0 x, 0 y, 0 z

players : 14 active (32 max)

# name userid uniqueid frag time ping loss adr

# 1 "Zoom" 18227 STEAM_0:1:125269571 0 00:04 12 0

# 2 "FRUNZA" 17908 STEAM_0:0:26882624 0 2:50:26 14 0

# 3 "DragosRun" 18205 STEAM_0:1:539258106 0 05:36 24 0

# 4 "Ricardo spatialu" 18167 STEAM_0:1:46803510 0 26:21 7 0

# 5 "A!M." 18175 STEAM_0:1:59336401 0 20:57 11 20

# 6 "Mr. BluE" 18176 STEAM_0:0:39504605 0 20:57 14 0

# 7 "adelin_petrisor" 18225 VALVE_1:0:1303574596 0 00:06 13 0

# 8 "DASKALOS" 18207 VALVE_0:4:136401779 0 05:24 75 0

# 9 "Гироскопист" 18226 STEAM_0:0:556826982 0 00:04 33 1

#10 "-fLoUs-" 18193 STEAM_0:1:526465640 0 12:32 7 0

#11 "RabbiT JunK" 18197 STEAM_0:0:49199457 0 10:12 13 1

#12 "L LJ K" 18016 STEAM_0:0:13243745 0 2:14:29 7 0

#13 ",Mihai" 17774 STEAM_0:0:461423609 0 3:33:29 50 0

14 users

wastednights connected

wastednights is joining the Terrorist force

L LJ K : eu zic 100% ca va bat tare

*** RabbiT JunK killed DragosRun with a headshot from glock18 ***

Scrie: 'amx_help' sau 'amx_searchcmd' in consola pentru afisare lista comenzi

DragosRun dropped

DragosRun has left the game

Server tried to send invalid command:"+skillEMCNBThxh+skill


Server tried to send invalid command:"+skill

*** Ricardo spatialu killed RabbiT JunK with a headshot from usp ***

*** Ricardo spatialu killed A!M. with a headshot from usp ***

*** Mr. BluE killed adelin_petrisor with a headshot from usp ***

*** Гироскопист killed Ricardo spatialu with a headshot from glock18 ***

] status


version : 48/ 2427 secure (10)

tcp/ip :

map : de_tuscan at: 0 x, 0 y, 0 z

players : 13 active (32 max)

# name userid uniqueid frag time ping loss adr

# 1 "Zoom" 18227 STEAM_0:1:125269571 0 00:24 7 0

# 2 "wastednights" 18228 STEAM_0:0:51103053 0 00:22 13 0

# 3 "FRUNZA" 17908 STEAM_0:0:26882624 0 2:50:46 16 0

# 4 "Ricardo spatialu" 18167 STEAM_0:1:46803510 2 26:41 8 0

# 5 "A!M." 18175 STEAM_0:1:59336401 0 21:18 6 0

# 6 "Mr. BluE" 18176 STEAM_0:0:39504605 1 21:17 5 0

# 7 "adelin_petrisor" 18225 VALVE_1:0:1303574596 0 00:27 22 0

# 8 "DASKALOS" 18207 VALVE_0:4:136401779 0 05:44 89 0

# 9 "Гироскопист" 18226 STEAM_0:0:556826982 1 00:25 24 0

#10 "-fLoUs-" 18193 STEAM_0:1:526465640 0 12:52 8 0

#11 "RabbiT JunK" 18197 STEAM_0:0:49199457 1 10:32 12 0

#12 "L LJ K" 18016 STEAM_0:0:13243745 0 2:14:49 6 0

#13 ",Mihai" 17774 STEAM_0:0:461423609 0 3:33:49 51 0

13 users

Timp Ramas: 32:49 min. Urmatoarea Harta: [Nu s-a votat]

Ricardo spatialu : ai dat cu procente

Mr. BluE killed L LJ K with usp

*** Mr. BluE killed ,Mihai with a headshot from usp ***

L LJ K : da-ti-va identitatea :)

Server tried to send invalid command:"+antirclbindEMCNBThxh+antirclbind


Server tried to send invalid command:"+antirclbind


L LJ K : si hai sa vedem :)

*DEAD*Ricardo spatialu : vrei sa ne bati cu limba peste coa1e?

* Bun venit pe HAOS.INDUNGI.RO | AntiCheat System

pio connected

pio is joining the Counter-Terrorist force

DASKALOS killed Zoom with deagle

wastednights dropped

wastednights has left the game

*DEAD*L LJ K : pe net toti tari ...

-fLoUs- killed DASKALOS with deagle

"sv_restart" changed to "1"

The game will restart in 1 SECOND

"sv_restart" changed to "0"

*DEAD*adelin_petrisor : pai suna-ma bai bulangiuel

Eredyx dropped

^_- shark -_^ dropped

*DEAD*L LJ K : hai da-mi cumva sa-ti vad fatzuca :)

^_- shark -_^ connected

^_- shark -_^ is joining the Counter-Terrorist force

* Pentru a afla preturile gradelor tastati /preturi

adelin_petrisor : ti-am dat nr

Mr. BluE killed pio with usp

A!M. killed ,Mihai with deagle

*** ^_- shark -_^ killed A!M. with a headshot from usp ***

*** -fLoUs- killed L LJ K with a headshot from glock18 ***

* Pentru cereri / reclamatii / discutii viziteaza

*** Гироскопист killed DASKALOS with a headshot from glock18 ***

DASKALOS dropped

DASKALOS has left the game

*** Ricardo spatialu killed -fLoUs- with a headshot from usp ***

adelin_petrisor : 0764235143

RabbiT JunK killed Ricardo spatialu with glock18

L LJ K : 076 ..esti de la tara...

*** Zoom killed adelin_petrisor with a headshot from glock18 ***

**Foloseste "bet" pentru informatii despre pariuri! Foloseste "odds" pentru a vedea sansele de
castig! **

*DEAD* L LJ K : daca erai de la oras aveai vodafone ...

Acum ai devenit un spectator invizibil

Ai tot dreptul sa incerci, insa nu te astepta sa-ti mearga :)

Mr. BluE killed dependenTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT with usp

[AutoSpectate] Ai devenit Spectator ascuns deoarece ai fost AFK!

* ^_- shark -_^ changed name to dependenTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT

Server tried to send invalid command:"+bindstfstEMCNBThxh+bindstfst


Server tried to send invalid command:"+bindstfst


Mr. BluE (RADIO): Go go go!

* Alaturati-va si voi grupului pe facebook!

* Te-ai mutat ca Spectator ascuns!

*** Mr. BluE killed Ricardo spatialu with a headshot from galil ***

*** L LJ K killed RabbiT JunK with a headshot from usp ***

*** Mr. BluE killed dependenTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT with a headshot from galil ***

*** L LJ K killed A!M. with a headshot from usp ***

*** Mr. BluE killed pio with a headshot from galil ***

*** L LJ K killed Zoom with a headshot from usp ***

* Tasteaza in chat /t, /ct sau /spec pentru a schimba echipa!

*** L LJ K killed Mr. BluE with a headshot from usp ***

Гироскопист killed L LJ K with ak47

MB-User 27 timed out

Acest server foloseste sistem AntiCheat

Va dorim un joc cat mai placut!

*DEAD* L LJ K : eu v-am zis ...sunt din constanta

*ALIVE*L LJ K : daca aveti ...sange in oute...

* Pentru a afla preturile gradelor tastati /preturi

* Pastrati un limbaj decent si nu puneti muzica pe voice! -> BANVOICE!

*DEAD* Ricardo spatialu : avem, vezi cand ne dai cu limba peste ele


*DEAD* Mr. BluE : afk x2


*DEAD* L LJ K : sunt din constanta ...:)

] snapshot

*DEAD* Ricardo spatialu : lasa-i*

*DEAD* dependenTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT : de sobolani virtuali

*DEAD* RabbiT JunK : afk

* Ai STEAM? Poti obtine ADMIN sau SLOT aici ->


*DEAD* L LJ K : 0731 am nr de telefon asa imi incepe :)

*DEAD* Ricardo spatialu : nici tu n-ai fost la scola

*DEAD* Ricardo spatialu : scoala

*DEAD* dependenTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT : am bagat 6 ani parnaie man


*DEAD* L LJ K : voi 076 ...cosmote de la tara :)

*DEAD* Ricardo spatialu : pai daca esti pr0st

* Bun venit pe HAOS.INDUNGI.RO | AntiCheat System

* Pentru a afla preturile gradelor tastati /preturi

*DEAD* dependenTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT : aveai maninile cat lopata

*** Mr. BluE killed L LJ K with a headshot from ak47 ***

MB-User 26 dropped


RabbiT JunK killed Ricardo spatialu with ak47

*ALIVE*dependenTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT : daca erai cu mine

Гироскопист killed pio with ak47

*** dependenTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT killed Zoom with a headshot from m4a1 ***

Mr. BluE killed ,Mihai with ak47

*ALIVE*L LJ K : sunteti de la tara ma nu aveti asfalt pe strada hai gata...

*** Mr. BluE killed adelin_petrisor with a headshot from ak47 ***

adelin_petrisor timed out

adelin_petrisor has left the game


dependenTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT killed Гироскопист with m4a1

Гироскопист dropped

Гироскопист has left the game

* Tasteaza in chat /t, /ct sau /spec pentru a schimba echipa!

*ALIVE*Ricardo spatialu : am fost cu ma/ta pe camera

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