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The Law on Sales (1) Consensual, because it is perfected

by mere consent with-

out any further act;
(2) Bilateral, because both the
Contract of Sale- The contract of sale contracting parties are bound
to fulfill correlative obligations towards
is an agreement whereby one of the
each other — the seller,
parties (called the seller or vendor) to deliver and transfer ownership of the
obligates himself to deliver thing sold and the buyer,
something to the other (called the to pay the price;
buyer or purchaser or vendee) who, (3) Onerous, because the thing sold is
on his part, binds himself to pay conveyed in consideration of the price
therefor a sum of money or its and vice versa (see Gaite vs. Fonacier,
equivalent (known as the price). 2 SCRA 820
Under the Spanish Civil Code, the [1961].);
contract was referred to as (4) Commutative, because the thing
a contract of “purchase and sale.” As sold is considered the
every “sale” necessarily equivalent of the price paid and vice
presupposes a “purchase,” this name versa. (see Ibid.) However,
was regarded as redundant. 2
Hence, the name of Title VI has been the contract may be aleatory as in the
simplified by calling it “sales” case of the sale of a hope
and the name of the contract has been (e.g., sweepstakes ticket);
changed for the same rea- (5) Nominate, because it is given a
son to “contract of sale.” (Report of the special name or designation in the Civil
Code Commission, p. 141.) Code, namely, “sale”; and
“It is required in the proposed Code (6) Principal, because it does not
that the seller transfers the ownership depend for its existence and
of the thing sold. (Arts. 1458, 1459, validity upon another contract.
1547.) In the present Code (Art. 1445.), Essential requisites of Contract of
his obligation is merely Sale
to deliver the thing, so that even if the The rules of law governing contracts in
seller is not the owner, general are applicable to sales. Like
he may validly sell, subject to the every contract, “sale” has the following
warranty (Art. 1474.) to requisites or elements:
maintain the buyer in the legal and (1) Consent or meeting of the minds. —
peaceful possession of the thing sold. This refers to the con-
The Commission considers the theory of sent on the part of the seller to transfer
the present law unsatisfactory from the and deliver and on the
moral point of view.” part of the buyer to pay. (see Art.
(Ibid.) 1475.) The parties must have
legal capacity to give consent and to
Characteristics of a Contract of Sale obligate themselves. (Arts.
The contract of sale is: 1489, 1490, 1491.) The essence of
consent is the conformity of the
parties on the terms of the contract, the seller and the buyer differ in regard to
acceptance by one of the the thing sold, there
offer made by the other. The contract to is no meeting of the minds; therefore,
sell is a bilateral contract. there is no sale. The subject
Where there is merely an offer by one matter may be personal or real property.
party without the acceptance of the The terms used in the
other, there is no consent. (Salonga vs. law are “thing” (e.g., Art. 1458), “article”
Farrales, 105 SCRA 359 [1981].) The (Art. 1467), “goods” (e.g.,
acceptance of payment by a party is an Art. 1462), “personal property” (e.g.,
indication of his consent to a contract of Art. 1484), “property” (e.g.,
sale, thereby precluding Art. 1490), “movable property” (e.g., Art.
him from rejecting its binding effect. 1498), “real estate” (e.g.,
(Clarin vs. Rulova, 127 SCRA Art. 1539), “immovable” (e.g., Ibid.),
512 [1984].) “immovable property” (e.g.,
There may, however, be a sale against Art. 1544), and “real property.” (Art.
the will of the owner in 1607.)
case of expropriation (see Art. 1488.) A buyer can only claim right of
and the three different kinds ownership over the object of
of sale under the law, namely: an the deed of sale and nothing else.
ordinary execution sale (see Where the parcel of land de-
Rules of Court, Rule 39, Sec. 15.), scribed in the transfer certificate of title
judicial foreclosure sale (Ibid., is not in its entirety the
Rule 68.), and extra-judicial parcel sold, the court may decree that
foreclosure sale. (Act No. 3135, as the certificate of title be
amended.) A different set of law cancelled and a correct one be issued in
applies to each class of sale favor of the buyer, with-
mentioned. (see Fiestan vs. Court of out having to require the seller to
Appeals, 185 SCRA 751[1990].) execute in favor of the buyer an
instrument to effect the sale and transfer
The sale of conjugal property
of the property to the
requires the consent of both the true owner. (Veterans Federation of the
husband and the wife. The absence Philippines vs. Court of
of the consent of one renders Appeals, 138 SCAD 50, 345 SCRA 348
the sale null and void (see Art. 124, [2000].)
Family Code.) while the vitiation The sale of credits and other
thereof (see Art. 1390.) makes it incorporeal rights is covered by
merely voidable. (Guiang vs. Articles 1624 to 1635; and
Court of Appeals, 95 SCAD 264, 290 (3) Cause or consideration. — This
SCRA 372 [1998].) refers to the “price certain
(2) Object or subject matter. — This in money or its equivalent” (Art. 1458.)
refers to the determinate thing such as a check or a promissory note,
which is the consideration for the thing
which is the object of the contract.
sold. It does
(Art. 1460.) The thing must be not include goods or merchandise
determinate or at least capable of although they have their own
being made determinate because if the
value in money. (see Arts. 1468, 1638.) (2) Accidental elements or those
However, the words “its which may be present or ab-
equivalent” have been interpreted to sent depending on the stipulations of the
mean that payment need not parties, like conditions,
be in money, so that there can be a sale interest, penalty, time or place of
where the thing given as payment, etc.
token of payment has “been assessed
and evaluated and [its] price Kinds of Contract of Sale
equivalent in terms of money [has] been (1) As to presence or absence of
determined.” (see Re- conditions. — A sale may be
public vs. Phil. Resources Dev. Corp., either:
102 Phil. 968 [1958].) (a) Absolute. — where the sale is
The price must be real, not fictitious; not subject to any condition whatsoever
otherwise, the sale is void and where title passes to the buyer upon
although the transaction may be shown delivery of the thing sold. Thus, it has
to have been in reality a been held that a deed
donation or some other contract. (Art. of sale is absolute in nature although
1471.) A seller cannot render denominated as a “Deed
invalid a perfected contract of sale by of Conditional Sale” in the absence of
merely contradicting the any stipulation that the
buyer’s allegation regarding the price title to the property sold is reserved in
and subsequently raising the vendor until full
the lack of agreement as to the price. payment of the purchase price nor a
(David vs. Tiongson, 111 stipulation giving the
SCAD 242, 313 SCRA 63 [1999].) vendor the right to unilaterally rescind
The absence of any of the above the contract the moment the vendee
essential elements negates fails to pay within a fixed period. (Dignos
the existence of a perfected contract of vs.
sale.3 Sale, being a consensual contract Court of Appeals, 158 SCRA 375 [1988];
(see Art. 1475.), he who alleges it must Pingol vs. Court of
show its existence by competent proof. Appeals, 44 SCAD 498, 226 SCRA 118
(Dizon vs. Court of Appeals, 302 [1995]; People’s Indus-
SCRA 288 [1999].) trial and Commercial Corporation vs.
Court of Appeals, 88
Natural and Accidental Elements SCAD 559, 281 SCRA 206 [1997].) In
The above are the essential such case, ownership of
elements of a contract of sale or the property sold passes to the vendee
those without which no sale can validly upon the actual or constructive delivery
exist. They are to be distinguished from: thereof. (see Art. 1497.)
(1) Natural elements or those which Payment of the purchase price is
are deemed to exist in certain contracts, not essential to the transfer of ownership
in the absence of any contrary as long as the property sold has been
stipulations, like delivered. Such delivery (see Art. 1497.)
warranty against eviction (Art. 1548.) or operates to divest the vendor of title to
hidden defects (Art. the property which may not be regained
1561.); and or re-
covered until and unless the contract is The delivery of the thing sold does not
resolved or rescinded transfer title until
in accordance with law (Philippine the condition is fulfilled. Where the
National Bank vs. Court condition is imposed, in-
of Appeals, 82 SCAD 472, 272 SCRA stead, upon the perfection of the
291 [1997].); or contract the failure of such
(b) Conditional. — where the sale condition would prevent such perfection
contemplates a contingency (Arts. 1461, (Galang vs. Court of
1462, par. 2; Art. 1465.), and in general, Appeals, 43 SCAD 737, 225 SCRA 37
where the contract is subject to certain [1993]; Roque vs. Lapuz,
conditions (see Art. 96 SCRA 741 [1980]; Babasa vs. Court
1503, par. 1.), usually, in the case of the of Appeals, 94 SCAD 679,
vendee, the full payment of the agreed 290 SCRA 532 [1998].) or the juridical
purchase price (Art. 1478; see People’s relation itself from com-
Homesite & Housing Corp. vs. Court of ing into existence.
Appeals, 133 SCRA If the condition is imposed on an
777 [1984].) and in the case of the obligation of a party (e.g.,
vendor, the fulfillment of ejection by the vendor of squatters
certain warranties, e.g., the timely within a certain period
eviction of squatters on the before delivery of property) not upon the
property sold. (Romero vs. Court of perfection of the
Appeals, 65 SCAD 621, contract itself, which is not complied
250 SCRA 223 [1995].) with, the other party may
In sales with assumption of either refuse to proceed or waive said
mortgage, the assumption of condition. (see Art. 1545;
mortgage is a condition to the seller- Romero vs. Court of Appeals, 65 SCAD
mortgagor’s consent to 621, 250 SCRA 223
the sale so that without approval by the [1995].) The stipulation that the
mortgagee no sale is “payment of the full consideration [of a
perfected and the seller remains the parcel of land] shall be due and payable
owner and mortgagor of in five
the subject property with the right to (5) years from the execution of a formal
redeem in the case of deed of sale’’ is not a
foreclosure. (Ramos vs. Court of condition which affects the efficacy of
Appeals, 87 SCAD 24, 279 the contract of sale. It
SCRA 118 [1997].) merely provides the manner by which
However, a sale denominated as the full consideration
a “Deed of Conditional is to be computed and the time within
Sale’’ is still absolute where the contract which the same is to be
is devoid of any proviso that title is paid. (Heirs of Juan San Andres vs.
reserved or the right to unilaterally Rodriguez, supra.) Similarly, the mere
rescind is fact that the obligation of the buyer to
stipulated, e.g., until or unless the price pay
is paid. (Heirs of Juan the balance of the purchase price was
San Andres vs. Rodriguez, 332 SCRA made subject to the
769 [2000].)
condition that the seller first deliver the both parties being in pari delicto, they
reconstituted title of shall have no
the house and lot sold does not make action against each other, and both shall
the contract a contract be prosecuted. Moreover, the provisions
to sell for such condition is not of the Penal Code relative to the
inconsistent with a contract of disposal of
sale. (Laforteza vs. Machuca, 127 effects or instruments of a crime shall be
SCAD 798, 333 SCRA 643 applicable to the things
[2000].) or the price of contract.
(2) Other kinds. — There are, This rule shall be applicable when
of course, other kinds of sale only one of the parties is guilty; but the
depending on one’s point of view, e.g., innocent one may claim what he has
as to the nature of the subject matter given, and
(real or personal, tangible or intangible), shall not be bound to comply with his
as to manner promise.”
of payment of the price (cash or “Art. 1412. If the act in which the
installment), as to its validity unlawful or forbidden
(valid, rescissible, unenforceable, void), cause consists does not constitute a
etc. criminal offense, the following rules shall
be observed:
Requisites concerning the object of (1) When the fault is on the part of
Sales both contracting par-
(1) Things. — Aside from being ties, neither may recover what he has
(a) determinate (Arts. 1458, given by virtue of the
1460.), the law requires that the subject contract, or demand the performance of
matter must be (b) licit or the other’s undertaking;
lawful, that is, it should not be contrary (2) When only one of the
to law, morals, good cus- contracting parties is at fault, he
toms, public order, or public policy (Arts. cannot recover what he has given by
1347, 1409[1, 4].), and reason of the contract, or
should (c) not be impossible. (Art. 1348.) ask for the fulfillment of what has been
In other words, like any promised him. The
other object of a contract, the thing must other, who is not at fault, may demand
be within the commerce of the return of what he
men. has given without any obligation to
If the subject matter of the sale is comply with his promise.”
illicit, the contract is void (2) Rights. — All rights which are not
and cannot, therefore, be ratified. (Art. intransmissible or personal may also be
1409.) In such a case, the the object of sale (Art. 1347.), like the
rights and obligations of the parties are right of
determined by applying usufruct (Art. 572.), the right of
the following articles of the Civil Code: conventional redemption (Art.
“Art. 1411. When the nullity proceeds 1601.), credit (Art. 1624.), etc.
from the illegality of Examples of intransmissible
the cause or object of the contract, and rights are the right to vote, right
the act constitutes a criminal offense,
to public office, marital and parental thing sold. This rule is in accord with a
rights, etc. well-known principle of
No contract may be entered upon future law that one can not transmit or dispose
inheritance except of that which he does
in cases expressly authorized by law. not have — nemo dat quod non-habet.
(Art. 1347, par. 2.) While Accordingly, one can sell only
services may be the object of a contract what one owns or is authorized to sell,
(Art. 1347, par. 3.), they and the buyer can acquire
cannot be the object of a contract of no more than what the seller can
sale. (Art. 1458; see Art. 1467.) transfer legally. (Azcona vs. Reyes &
Larracas, 59 Phil. 446 [1934]; Manalo
Types of illicit things vs. Court of Appeals, 366 SCRA 752
The thing may be illicit per se (of [2001]; Tangalin vs. Court of Appeals,
its nature) or per accidens (be- 159 SCAD 343, 371 SCRA 49 [2001];
cause of some provisions of law for exceptions, see Art. 1505.)
declaring it illegal). Thus, a sale of paraphernal
Article 1459 refers to both. Decayed (separate) property of the deceased
food unfit for consumption is illicit per wife by the husband who was neither an
se, while lottery tickets (Art. 195, owner nor administrator of the property
Revised Penal at the time of sale is void ab initio. Such
Code.) are illicit per accidens. Land sold being
to an alien is also per accidens because the case, the sale cannot be the subject
the sale is prohibited by the of ratification by the administrator or the
Constitution.7 The rule is well-settled probate court. (Manotok Realty, Inc. vs.
that the mortgagor (or pledgor) Court
continues to be the of Appeals, 149 SCRA 372 [1987].) Only
owner of the property mortgaged, and, so much of the share of
therefore, has the power the vendor-co-owner can be validly
to alienate the same; however, he is acquired by the vendee even
obliged, under pain of penal if he acted in good faith in buying the
liability, to secure the consent of the shares of the other co-own-
mortgagee. (Service Special- ers. (Segura vs. Segura, 165 SCRA 368
ist, Inc. vs. Intermediate Appellate Court, [1988].) Where the sale from
174 SCRA 80 [1989].) one person to another was fictitious as
there was no consideration, and,
Rights of vendors to transfer therefore, void and inexistent, the latter
ownership has no title to
(1) Seller must be owner or convey to third persons. (Traders Royal
authorized by owner of thing sold. — Bank vs. Court of Appeals,
It is essential in order for a sale to be 80 SCAD 12, 269 SCRA 15 [1997].)
valid that the vendor must (2) Right must exist at time of
be able to transfer ownership (Art. delivery. — Article 1459, however,
1458.) and, therefore, he must does not require that the vendor must
be the owner or at least must be have the right to transfer
authorized by the owner of the ownership of the property sold at the
time of the perfection of the
contract. (Martin vs. Reyes, 91 Phil. 666 from the name of the true owner to the
[1952].) Perfection per se forger, and while it remained that way,
does not transfer ownership which the land was subsequently sold to an
occurs upon the actual or constructive innocent
delivery of the thing sold. Sale, being a purchaser for value. Where there is
consensual con SALES nothing in the certificate to
tract, it is perfected by mere consent indicate any cloud or vice in the
(see Art. 1475.), and owner- ownership of the property, or any
ship by the seller of the thing sold is not encumbrance thereon, or in the absence
an element for its perfection. It is of any fact or circumstance
sufficient if the seller has the “right to to excite suspicion, the purchaser is not
transfer the ownership thereof at the required to explore further than what the
time it is delivered.” Thus, the seller is Torrens title upon its face indicates in
deemed only to impliedly warrant that quest for any hidden defect or inchoate
“he has a right to sell the thing at the right that may subsequently
time when the ownership is to pass.” defeat his right thereto.
(Art. 1547[1].) If the rule were otherwise, the
The reason for the rule is efficacy and conclusiveness of
obvious. Since future goods (Arts. the certificate of title which the Torrens
1461, par. 1; 1462 par. 1.) or goods System seeks to insure
whose acquisition by the seller would entirely be futile and nugatory.
depends upon a contingency (Art. 1462, The established rule is that
par. 2.) may be the subject matter of the rights of an innocent purchaser for
sale, it would be inconsistent for the value must be respected
article to re- and protected, notwithstanding the fraud
quire that the thing sold must be owned employed by the seller
by the seller at the time in securing his title. The proper recourse
of the sale inasmuch as it is not of the true owner of the
possible for a person to own a property who was prejudiced and
thing or right not in existence. An fraudulently dispossessed of
agreement providing for the the same is to bring an action for
sale of property yet to be adjudicated by damages against those who caused or
a court is thus valid and employed the fraud, and if the latter are
binding. (Republic vs. Lichauco, 46 insolvent, an action against the
SCRA 305 [1972].) Treasurer of the Philippines may be filed
(3) Where property sold for recovery of damages against the
registered in name of seller who Assurance Fund. (Fule vs. Legare, 7
employed fraud in securing his title. — SCRA 351 [1951]; Pino vs. Court of
Although generally a forged or Appeals, 198 SCRA 434 [1991]; Phil.
fraudulent deed is a nullity and conveys National Bank vs. Court of Appeals, 187
no title, there are instances when SCRA 735 [1990]; Eduarte vs. Court of
such a document may become the root Appeals, 68 SCAD 179, 256 SCRA 391
of a valid title. One such [1996].)
instance is where the certificate of title (4) Where properly sold in violation
was already transferred of a right of first refusal of
another person. — The prevailing unregistered right. The unrecorded sale
doctrine is that a contract of sale between the buyer and he seller is
entered into in violation of a right of first preferred for the reason that if the seller
refusal of another per- the original owner, had parted with his
son, while valid is rescissible. (Guzman, ownership of the thing sold then, he no
Bocaling and Co. vs. longer had ownership and free disposal
Bonnevie, 206 SCRA 668 [1992]; of that thing so as to be able to
Conculada vs. Court of Appeals, mortgage it again. Registration of the
156 SCAD 624, 367 SCRA 164 [2001].) mortgage is of no moment since it is
A right of first refusal is understood to be without prejudice to
neither “amorphous nor merely the better right of third parties. (State
preparatory’’ and can be executed Investment House, Inc. vs. Court of
according to its terms. In contracts of Appeals, 69 SCAD 135, 254 SCRA 368
sale, the basis of the right of [1996]; Dela Merced vs. GSIS, 154
first refusal must be the current offer of SCAD 816, 365 SCRA 1 [2001].)
the seller to sell or the
offer to purchase of the prospective
buyer. Only after the grantee
fails to exercise his right under the same
terms and within the period
contemplated can the owner validly offer
to sell the property to a third person,
again, under the same terms as offered
to the grantee (Polytechnic University of
the Philippines vs. Court of Appeals, 368
SCRA 691 [2001]; Equatorial Realty
Development, Inc. vs. Mayfair, Inc., 76
SCAD 407, 264 SCRA 483 [1996];
Parañaque King’s Enterprises, Inc. vs.
Court of Appeals, 79 SCAD 936, 268
SCRA 727 [1997].) Where, however,
there is no showing of bad faith on the
part of the vendee, the contract of sale
may not be rescinded (see Arts. 1380-
1381[3].), and the remedy of the person
with the right of first refusal is an action
for damages against the vendor.
(Rosencor Development Corporation vs.
Inquing, 145 SCAD 484, 354 SCRA 119
(5) Where real property, subject
of unrecorded sale, subsequently
mortgaged by seller which mortgage
was registered. — The mortgagee’s
registered mortgage right over the
property is inferior to that of the buyer’s

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