EHS - Approved Companies For First Aid Training Certification

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Syalldlaialy elartg lgoilduunbo S CGovERNMENT OF DURA Ports, Customs and Free Zn Corporation EHS — Approved Companies for First Aid Training and Certification bei ond Pee ee pare [AL DERAH TRAINING AND POBox, Dube SANTANA a Toc renaranng | ote. 200 eae Toe ranmseerme ery | Wed la Toes ren voor st awa ana Toa ASGRIT SAFETY TRAINING Beijith Shape ‘Tek O4-3313815 Fiest Aid Training June 09, 2023 saitewbrerncon Toes ceonssranscanre| itnmeitod |" reasons renarane | aman24200 veasearion 7 Bs cewrnnasuery | pebrshon ‘wows vei soa woes etn a rene @0.00 ete duds: | vompetese Syalldlaialy elartg lgoilduunbo S CGovERNMENT OF DURA Ports, Customs and Free Zn Corporation EHS — Approved Companies for First Aid Training and Certification bei ond Sad oot oer ‘CONQUER TRAINING 70 Box 83606, Diba DeveLopMent centre | SrkantKumar Sie Tek ov 2696111, Fest id Training June 15,2028, uc Info@conquertecom FO Box 473520, Diba DANAT ALKHALEESFOR |i ret Tek 056-665103% Fest id Training Febuary 31,2024 ‘SAFETY CONSULTANCY lowing 0 Box 261032, Dub DDYNATECH TRANING & oncom Laney aro ‘Tet 0%-7878808. Fist id Training September, 2023, drc@eynatecsaferycon PO Bor B866h, Dubs ‘Shih Chiat Te04.2383659 Fist id Training Noverbee 2.2023 Info@erseonsutanscom 70 Bo 60767, Diba EUROUNK SAFETY LLC] Harold taney Weight Tek ow-2824263 Fest id Training Jy 05,2028, Exrolink@enirtesnetae EHS MANAGEMENT ‘CONSULTANTS as Upind toma 2023 Pate Info@eteae 0.802001, UAE. |. anally Lal ype .2001 @0.00 ete duds: | vompetese Cal Center 800 950 Jai 50 Syalldlaialy elartg lgoilduunbo S CGovERNMENT OF DURA Ports, Customs and Free Zn Corporation EHS — Approved Companies for First Aid Training and Certification bei ond oer Sad oot (GREEN CRESCENT SAFETY Po BOK 282749, Oa PrasanthNarayanan ‘Tet o4.2500980 Fest id Trani i108 2023 ‘CONSULTANCY se * peetos: Info@reencrescensferscom curresrsarew PO Box 184818, Dabo UAE ‘Ances Aamed Tek o42730028 Fest id Training ‘pl 282023 ‘CONSULTANCIES aémin@gules.o Po BOK 20567, Dubs menage SweTY ve Te 043519669 Fist id Seprenber 8, 2023, ‘TRAINING CENTRE wore fe ie Tring . ‘nfo@hertageafeyeerrecom HSEIMDDIEEAST PO 80K 79723, Dubs SAFETY CONSULTANCY | DeepthiBasbrishran Teko4-3558615, Fist id Training ober 30,2023 AND TRAINING info@hsine IMMACULATE TRAINING 70 Gos S260, vba: (Cheagh Hussain Teeow-2833022 Fest id Training ‘pl 18,2023 Sees inlo@innscoteae as Upind toma 2023 presl6 Info@eteae 0.802001, UAE. |. anally Lal ype .2001 Cal Center 800 950 Jai 50 @0.00 ete duds: | vompetese Syalldlaialy elartg lgoilduunbo S CGovERNMENT OF DURA Ports, Customs and Free Zn Corporation EHS — Approved Companies for First Aid Training and Certification bei ond Sad oot oer INNOVATION HEC PO Box 1250, ‘TRAINING AND hose Mgtote Teeons7on018 Fest id Training December 07,2028, CONSULTANCY itoanramagtots@hsecounclors PO Box 768 Diba ITACSAFETY TRAINING |g ueah Kumar ‘Tek o45136970 Fest id Training tober 22.2023 ue suresh@itacsafeyicom TMARSHALFIRE SAFETY PO Box 231621 Dabet ‘TRAINING & Ast owed Tet 043302324 Fist id Training august 30 2025 ‘CONSULTANCY ‘nguty@marsalesningcom TARDIFSECURTY PO Box 6067, Dubs SAFETY CONSULTANTS. | had Saad ‘ekonn513123 Fest id Training February 38,2004 ‘ONE PERSON COMPANY ve Info@rirstecurtysom NOMA OMAN PO Box 57500, resources ol eran ‘Tek o43453780 Fest id Training tober 12.2023 CONSULTANCY sejmauseanse as Upind toma 2023 Ponete Info@eteae 0.802001, UAE. |. anally Lal ype .2001 Cal Center 800 950 Jai 50 @0.00 ete duds: | vompetese Syalldlaialy elartg lgoilduunbo S CGovERNMENT OF DURA Ports, Customs and Free Zn Corporation EHS — Approved Companies for First Aid Training and Certification bei ond oer Sad oot PROACTIVE EXCEL SAFETY POBox 237204 Dub biehahoy ‘eosin ren oye coneurar sioeyentiin coun TORO DAO owner vn resoeansn renaranne | feteay2.200 odrenenseymecon NSN TOR as eceuparonnsnsery | ei orn sensronng | foray 15208 ‘manne ie prenena ro neh De carearnessery | vatonsiennne | Ueaate anen nea n CONSULTANCY Mubarak ‘Trion ‘ober sioputatiton “SAVE FAST FIRE AND POBox 7518 Dubai ohana "esoeszs renaranne | mayo 20— saver ante etn a 7 @0.00 ete duds: | vompetese Syalldlaialy elartg lgoilduunbo S CGovERNMENT OF DURA Ports, Customs and Free Zane Corporation EHS — Approved Companies for First Aid Training and Certification bet Sad oot oer GrDWavewery PO Box 119718 Dat eee Ashasose Tekow-2066254 Fest id Training Decenber25 2023, atrinspeedvayaley.or8 WESTERN SAFETY PO Box 738692, Dubl ‘CONSULTANCY & Fin Calo ‘Tekonassi7i7 Fest id Training February 132028, TRAINING info westernsafryarouncom PO Box 18668, Dabs woRto secuary race Napioy Tek o4s451515 Fist id Training December 08,2073, wsacadeny@wersecriyae as Upind toma 2023 Panels Infect ae PO.802001, UAE. |. anal agg Lal 2.2001 0 Cal Center 800 950 Jai 50 @0.00 ete duds: | vompetese

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