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The LepidopterologicalSociety

The Lepidopterological Society of

of Japan

uetth 77ans, 1opid Soa Japan 53 (4):185-192, September 2002

Four new species and one new subspecies of the genus Ourmpterur Leach
Ennominae) from Southeast Asia

31t-2,Bushi, Iruma City, SaitamaPrefi,

Abstract The fbllowingfournew subspecies of Ourapter:px

species and one new are described:
OL cordijbra from Sulawesiand F]ores,O, nonmarginata from Palawan,Philippines,O. suiphun
ea from Negros, Philippines, O. diluculumfrom Sulawesi and O. picticaudota paldwanensis
from Palawan. Moth specimens and genitalia ofboth sexes are Mustrated.

Key words Ourcrptet:yx,

furca, Sulawesi,Flores, Philippines,Palawan, Negros.

Ouraptetl,x contij2rra sp. noy. (Figs


Wingspan: dZ 49-51mm, ? 57rnm. Very similar to apodoiZFiata Guenee (Holloway,

1994:57,fig.79 (male genitalia),pl,3: 1),but hindwing with tailbroader,with spatulate or
a little
expanded apex, shoulder at the end of yein 6 weaker. Colour and maculation of
wings almost identical with potlainTinta.

Male genitalia(Fig. 15). Gnathos with central scobinate area obleng. Valva with costa
weakly curved, apex triangularlyproduced, valvula with flat apex. Furca at right side
straight, scarcely reaching gnathos. Cornuti two masses of spines, the caudal spines much
longerand largerthan the basalones. In podofikiata the characteristic stick-like process of
furcais replaced by a broad apical plate,an exceptional structure fbr 0urapter:yx.
Female genitalia (Fig, 20). Ductus bursaestrongly sclerotized, lessslender than in poclaIZ}L
iata,almost straight, a littlelongerthan double the width. Cerpus bursaespherical, densely
wrinkled, signum absent.

Material examined. Holotype, dZ, S. W. Celebes,Pangean near Maros, 2,ooO ft,

March 1938
P, A. Kalis),RothschildBequest,B. M. 1939-1, poclaiZtiatacordij7etzz Prout,

MS", in coll, BMNH. Paratypes.S,Sulawesi,Quarles Mountains, ca 30km N Rantepao,

Polo Polo, 2,OOOm, xii. 1995, 1 6i (local collector); S.Sulawesi, StreetPalopo to Rantepao,
Puncak Palopo,1,1oom, 25.ix.1995,1g (H.Schnitzler); Flores(W),Prov. Nusa Tenggar-
a Timur, 15 km E Labohanbajo,2oo m, pr{mary fbrest, 9-12,/22.iv,1996,2 c7 (R.Brechlin),
in coll. ZFMK. S. Sulawesi, Puncak Palopo,900-I,3oom, iv.199& l din (local collector), in
coll, M. Schaarschrnidt, Leipzig. C. Sulawesi,Sampuraga, 1,300m, 23, viii. 1994,3 cii (T.
Masui),2c7 in coll. TM and1cln in coll. HI. Locality as above, x-xi. 1985,1cl (local
collector), in coll, HI,

Although the male genitalia
of this new species from those ofpociatidata,
are quitedistinct
itsshape of wings, colour and maculation apd femalegenitaliaare very similar to it. The
absence of signum and strongly wrinkled surface of corpus bursaeshared between the two
species are unique in OurapteT:yx.

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186 Hiroshi INouii

Figs I-6. 0urapteil,x spp. 1. 0, eordijZ?ra sp, nov., paratype[li. 2. Ditto, paratype c?n, 3.
O, nonmatginata sp.nov., paratype dl, 4. Ditte,paratype 4. 5. 0, marginata Hamp-
son, din. 6. Ditto,\.

Ounaptetvxnonmargi'nata sp. nov. (Figs

Wingspan: 48-53mm, ? 67 rnm.
cl Closelyrelated to OL margz'nata Hampson (1891: 104,
pl.150: 17) (Figs5,6) from Southwest India,but wings pure white, not thinly hued with
yellow as in margi'nata. Transverselinesnarrower, forewingwith subterminal striae thinner.
Hindwing with two red spots at the baseoftail, while in marginata there are two black dots
and a much smaller red spot at the shoulder,

Also simi]ar to a claretta Holloway (1976:79,fig,589 (malegenitalia),as OL clara Butler;

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Four New Spectesand One NeswSubspecies of Ourcrptet:}x 187

Figs7-t4 Ouraptet);xspp 7 O suiphureasp nov,paratypecl 8 Ditto,paratype9 9

O versuta Prout, di IO Ditto, 9 11 O dlrincuinmsp nov paratype ciT 12
Ditto, paratype 4 13 Opicticaudota pala"anensrs subsp nov, paratype [P 14
Dttto, paratype4

id,1982 57,fig80 (male

250, id,1994 pl 3 3) from Sundaland,but transverse
lmes narrower, fbrewmgwith fungedarker,hindwing with tail a little more slender, termen
from the shoulder oftatl to near tornus more cledrly black In claretta thespots at the base

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188 Hiroshi INouE

of tailare replaced by a bluishstreak. OL ckira Butler(Yazaki, 1992:40, pl. 12:23) from

NortheastIndiato North Vietnam isalsoa similar species, but in italmost alwaysthe bluish
streak at the base of the tailis dividedintotwo.

Male genitalia (Fig.

16). Very sirnilar to marginata, but furcaat rightside almost straight,
while in marginata (Fig.17)itisstrongly curved inward,
Female genitalia(Fig.21). Both in this species and marginata (Fig,22)
extremely long,coiled, strongly ribbed excepting the membranous posterior (orcaudal) part.
Materialexamined. Holotype, [3i, S.Palawan, Mt Mantalingajan,6oo-8oom, 2-12, viii.
2000 (D.Mohagan), in coll. ZFMK. Paratypes. Type-locality,Tagemburg, 1,150m, 15, ix.
1961,16n (NoonaDan Exp. 61-62),in coll. ZMUC. S.Palawan, Brookes Point,21. iv.
1990, 1 cin (local collector), in coll. C.G.Treadaway, latertranferred to Senckenberg-
Museum. Data as holotype,16 c3n, in coll. ZFMK and in coll, M, Schaarschmidt,Leipzig.
Type-localty, 6-13,i,2000, 1cl (D.Mehagan); cfitto, Brookes Point,8oo m, i,2oo2,3cin
(local collector), in coll. Schaarschmidt. Type-locality, 6-14.i.20oo,1 0 1 9 (local collec-
tor),ex coll. TM, in coll. HL


suiphunea sp. noy. (Figs
Wingspan: cfn 37-42 mm, \ 40-43 mm. Very similar to sulphur-yellow winged spocimens
of O, versuta Prout (1928: 208) (Figs 9,10) from Sulawesi,but hindwing with tai1 more
sharply po{nted. Forewing with discocellular bar more conspicuous. Hindwing with
costal area to dorsalmargin of cell and vein 6 widely white, unmarked, while in versuta the
unmarked area isconfined to a narrow dorsalmarginal area. Postmedianlinestarting from
near dorsalangle of discecellulars, reaching vein 2, then incurvedand gradually vanishing to
near tornus, while in versuta postmedianlinestarting from vein 8,runnjng midway between
discocellular bar and termen likepodoliiriata and cordijrera, vanishing at vein 2 or running
intohindmarginnear tornus. In bothspecies there are two red spots surrounded by a dark
grey shade at the base of the, tail, but the dorsalone in this new species issmaller than in

Male genitalia (Fig,18). Uncus much longerthan in versuta. Furca at rightside gently
incurved,reaching near middle of gnathos likethe preceding species, while in versuta furca
at left
side isvery slender, almost straight to the middle of uncus. Aedeagus broader and
shorter, spines of cornutus much thicker than in versuta.

Female genitalia(Fig. 21). Ductus bursaevery broad,nearly as longas corpus bursae,thinly

ribbed. In versuta ductusbursaeis much shorter, continuing to ovate corpus bursae,the
caudal partof which issclerotized as a broad and irregular band, an unusual structure fbr
Materialexamined, Holotype,c7i, Negros, Prov. Negros Occidental, Mt Canlaon, 2,050m,
W-route via Mambucal, Primary forest, vi. 1998 (lecal collector), in coll, ZFMK. Paratypes,
Data as holotype, 73 c7 20 \ in coll, ZFMK and in coll, M, Schaarschidt, Leipzig,and 2 cl
2 9 in coll, HL Negros, Mt Canlaen, 2,550m, 26-29. iii. 1998, 3 cl 7 \ in coll. TM and
ditto,2 ci'T1 filin coll,, HI. 1993",1 cln, in coll, HI,


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The Lepidopterological Society of
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Four New Species and One New Subspecies of Ourapteny).'x 189

-xt ,,11,#///



・i,IS /l/t//tt///////t/tt yes,


,- g7

1mu i"1"
rf ttt/t/

gg .m.4"/'

Figs15-19. of Ourapteiyx spp.

Male genitalia 15. 0. cordijlera (HI SIide 17271). 16. 0,
nonmarginata (ZMC). 17, 0, marginata (HlSlide 2627), 18. 0. suiphttrea (HISIide
15487). 19. 0. diluculum(HI SIide12274).

dilucuinm sp. noy.

ApparentlySulawesianrepresentative of a picticaudata Walker (Holloway, 1994:57,figs81,

82 (male genitalia),
pl. 3: 2) from Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra and Borneo.

Shape of wings and maculation very similar to picticaudota, but hindwing with termen
incurvedbeforethe shoulder oftail, tailmore slender, forewingwjth brownish grey striation
Male genitalia (Fig.19), Gnathos not gpecialized as in pictieauclata, but noumal with flat
central process. Furca much shorter, tip rounded, Cornuti represented by fewerand longer

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The Lepidopterological Society of
of Japan

190 Hiroshi INouE




, ,,
's .;// //,t,/

:,/,,,11 /t



' 'Wi9i
-i 22

Figs20-24. Female genitalia of Ourapte-'x spp. 20. 0, cordijlera (ZFMK). 21. 0. non-
marginata (HI SIide 17277). 22. 0. mat:ginata (HI SIide 17363). 23. 0. suiphurea
(HI SIide 17275). 24. 0. dthicuinm(HI SIide 12297).


genitalia(Fig.24),Corpus bursae much longer than in picticauclata,strongly

ribbed, corpus bursaeand signum much smaller,
Materialexamined. Holotype,c{n, W, Celebes,G, Tompoe, Paloe,2,700', Feb. I937,(J.P.A,
Kalis),Rothschild Bequest B. M. 1939-1, dtiucuinmProut, MS", in coll, BMNH.

Paratypes.W, Celebes,data as holotype,1 c7; W, Celebes,Koelawi Paloe,3,1oo', February

1937, 1 ci"; W. Celebes,Lindoe Paloe,3,700',April 1937,2 ciZ (J, P. A, Kalis),Rothschild
Bequest B, M. 1939-1, in coll. BMNH, S.Sulawesi,street from Palopo to Rantepao,Puncak

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Four New Species and One New Subspeciesof Ourapteny)av 191

Palolo,1,100m, 25,ix.1995, 7 cl (H,Schnitzler); C. Sulawesi,street from Tentena to Taripa,

Pompangeo Mts, ca 5 km N Taripa,7oo m, 24, ix.1995,1 9 (asabove); S.Sulawesi,Quarles
Mts, ca 30km N Rantepao, Polo Polo, 2,2oom, 26-28,ix.1995,8 6i 3 9 (asabove); C.
SulawesL vic. Mamasa, 2J57'S119'24'E, 15-16. x. 1995, 7 c{n (Gala); C. Sulawesi, Latimojong,
10-11.x. 1995,3 6Z (Johan); C. Sulawesi,TambusisiMts, 1,8oom, 1045'S121C27'E, ii.1996,
2 Sl(local collector); S. Sulawesi,Col de Batas, 1,100 m, 26, viii, 1991, 1 cl (B.Turlin); S.
Sulawesi,Rte de Rantepao a Paropo, 1,700m, x. 1995,5 di (G.Lecourt);ditto, x. 1996,2 cl;
C.Sulawesi, Sampuraga, 1,500-1,7com, vi. 1996, 4cl (asabove), in coll, ZFMK. S,
Sulawesi, Puncak Palopo, 900-1,OOOm, xii.1998 (local collector), in coll, ZSM, Sulawesi,
Sampuraga, I,500m, 3.xii. 2000,2 din1 9 (G.Orhant),incoll. Orhant,France. S.Sulawesi,
Puncak Palopo, 900-1,300m, i.1997, 11 cl 2 4 (local coliector); ditto, vii, 1997,4 cpu 2 \;
ditto, iv.1998,7 [{i 1 4; ditto, vi, 1998,6 (ii; C. Sulawesi, Taripa,8oo m, xii, 1997,9 6'i2 9;
ditto,ii,1998, 7cin (local collector), in coll. M.Schaarschmidt, Leipzig. C.Sulawesi,
Samplaga,x-xi. I985, 1 di; ditto, iv. 1994, 1 ciZ 1 4; ditto, x. 1995, 5 cl; Puncak Dingin, 7-
10. v. 1985,1 di; ditto, x-xi, 1985,5 cl 1 9; Pulu Pulu,700-1,OOem, 25 km N ofPartepac,
iv.1995,I c?n ] \ (local collector); S.Sulawesi, north border,Palolo,7oo m, x. 1985,2 cln (S.
Nagai),in colt. HI.


Ouniptev:yxpictieaudata palawanensis subsp. nov. (Figs


In this subspecies is almostidentical

appearance with the nominotypical subspecies (Holl-
oway, 1994,loc.cit), but male genitaliawith furcalongerand femalegenitaliawith ductus
bursaemore strongly sclerotized,
Material Holotype,cJ, Palawan, Mt Matalingajan,8oo m, xii, 1997 (leg.
examined, Bal),
[ex Dr.
coll. R. Brechlin,
ex Museum Witt],in coll. ZFMK. Paratypes. Type-locality, 600
m, 3 & 10. ix.I961, 2 c{i (Noona Dan Exp. 61-62),in coll. ZMUC, Palawan, Lanquan, 21.
ix,1984, 1 di (C.G. Treadaway),in coll. Treadaway. Type-locality, 600-800m, 2-10.viii.
2000,1 cli 1 ? (D.Mohagan); Brookes Point,800 rn, i,2oo2,2 c7 (local collector), incoll. M.
Schaars¢ hmidt,Leipzig. Type-locality, 6oo-7oom, 6-14.i.2ooO,2 cl (local collector), ex
coll, TM, in coll. HI, Palawan, Napson, Mt Salakot, 700 m, 18,iii.1996,4 diny 2 \ (J. S.
Petersen), in coli. HI.

Distribution.Philippines (Palawan).

In writing paper I acknowledge
this my indebtness to Dr D. StUning, Zeologisches Forschun-
gsinstitut und Museum Koenig Bonn (acronym:ZFMK) fbr his advice, giftand loan of
spocimens. I also express my gratitudeto Mr O, Karsholt, ZoologicalMuseum, Copenhagen
(ZMC) for loan of specimens, to MrT.Masui, Takamatsu, Japan (TM) for his gift of
specimens, and to MrG.Martin, The Natural History Museum, London (BMNH) for
informationabout specimens under his curation. My thanks also go to DrM.Owada,
National Science Museum, Tokyo, fbr taking microphotographs of the male and female
genitalia illustrated in this paper.

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The Lepidopterological Sooiety
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of Japan

192 HiroshiINOUE


Hampson ,
G,F . 1891. Th

LepidQptera of the NilgiriDistrict ∬伽 乙 りPpical
ζ Spec〃nens Le ρid.
CotlnBr .Mus .8 .iv,144 PP . ,plsl39− 156 , London .
Holloway ,J. D. ,1976 , ル ioths q ズ Borneo , ・餉 sρecial Reference to Mount
” .
Kinabatu .264 pp . Kuala
Lumpur .
,1982 , Taxonomic appendix . In Barlow ,H .S . ,肋 枷 o ぬ c 加 η to 酌e M ∂剏 qプ South East

4応 174 −269 . Kuala Lumpur ,
α :

,1994 (no ビ 1993 ” ). The moths of Borneo Famlly Geometridae,Subf毎mily Ennominae . [

: =

The MQths of Borneo,Partl1]. Malay .Nat 議 47 1−309,pls l− 19,593 丘gs.

Prout,L .B .
,1928. New and little known Geometridaefrem Cclebes. BulL Hi lMus .〃 7晦y 2 247・ −253 . ;

Yazaki,KJ992 , Geometridae. 加 Haruta,T .(Ed . ), Moths of Nepal ,Part L Tinea l3 Suppl.

( 2): 5−
46 pls 2 − 12.

摘 要

東南 ア ジ ア か らの 0 脚 ρ効 w 属 (シ ャ ク ガ 科エ ダシ ャ ク 亜 科) の 4 新種 と 1 新 亜種 の記 載
井 上 寛)

Ouraρteryx cordifera (ス ラ ウ ェ シ 。プ ロ レ ス ) , O .nonmarginata (フ ィ リ ッ ピ ン の パ ラ ワ ン ), (λ sul −

phurea (フ ィ リ ッ ピ ン の ネ グ ロ ス ) , 0 .diluculum (ス ラ ウ ェ シ )の 4 新 種 と pictieaudata pal −
amanensis パ ラ ワ
( ン ) と い う 1 新 亜 種 を 記 載 した .

Accepted June
( 18,2002)

Published by the Lepidopterological

Society of Japan ,
5 −20 ,Motoyokoyama 2 Hachioji Tokyo 192−0063 Japan
, , ,

工 工 Eleotronio Library
Library Service

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