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Pronomi oggetto e soggetto

Sostituisci i nomi con il pronome soggetto o oggetto corretto.

I can't find my keys. ⇒ I can't find 1.______.

Rachel helps the students. ⇒ 2.______ helps 3.______.

I need to tell John the truth. ⇒ I need to tell 4.______ the truth.

My dad and I love chocolate. ⇒ 5.______ love 6.______.

Suzan and Tom call their daughter every day. ⇒ 7.______ call
8.______ every day.

I like cooking for my children. ⇒ I like cooking for 9.______.

Give the documents to Carmen. ⇒ Give 10.______ to


Tom often plays football with my friends and me. ⇒ 12.______

often plays football with 13.______.

How old is Emma? ⇒ How old is 14.______?

I need the scissors to cut the paper. ⇒ I need 15.______ to cut

Inserisci il pronome oggetto o soggetto.

I'm not dangerous. Don't be afraid of 17._______.

I don't like this music; 18._______ is boring. Can you stop

That's my money. Can you give 20._______ to 21._______?
I need it.
Susan is in trouble and 22._______ needs help. We have to
help 23._______.

Jack is very special. I think I'm in love with 24._______.

We are going to the cinema. Do you want to come with


I don't want to eat this cheese. 26._______ smells horrible.

Don't eat cookies. 27._______ are very unhealthy.

I can't find Sally. Where is 28._______?

29._______ need help. Can you help us?

Riscrivi le frasi mettendo la lettera maiuscola dove necessario.

30. river ganga originates from gangotri glacier.

31. india is the biggest democracy in the world.

32. I have always wanted to visit japan.


33. rohan and sania have moved to kolkata.

34. do you know where ram lives?

35. meera wants to be a doctor.


36. yesterday I went to see doctor seema.


37. my brother and his family live in new york.


38. sahara is the largest desert in the world.


39. manu has a pet named tommy.

Traduci le parole tra parentesi.

I am always 40._________ (affamato) after school.

My 41._________ (cugina) lives in a different city.

My 42._______ (moglie) cooks delicious meals every evening.

I have a 43._________ (regalo) for your birthday.

The 44._________ (verità) is always the best option.

I 45._________ (ho bisogno) to finish my homework before


I 46._________ (voglio) to go to the park this weekend.

She wears 47._________ (occhiali) to see better.

Let's meet at the 48._________ (mensa) for lunch.

She has beautiful 49._________ (orecchini) that she got as a


My 50._________ (cugino) plays the guitar really well.

My 51._________ (moglie) enjoys reading books in her free


I 52._________ (ho bisogno) to wake up early tomorrow for


I 53._________ (devo) to visit the beach this summer.

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