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Day 1

1. Prayer
-Good morning! Before we will start, let’s have a prayer. Let us all stand.
- Let’s put ourselves in the presence of God. Amen.

2. Greetings
-Good morning! I’m glad to see you all here.

3. Checking of Attendance
- Please sign the attendance sheet with your name and signature. Are you done?

4. Introduction of Oneself
-Welcome to Lourdes Ledesma Del Prado Memorial National High School. I am Mrs.
Yannee Vee T. Sumagaysay, your trainer in Computer Systems Servicing NC II.

5. Acknowledge the Students

-Okay, so you are Kianna and Daniel.

6. Data Gathering
-For me to gather more information about you, I have here a structured
questionnaire that you need to fill out. This will help me know your profile, characteristics
and learning styles and this will serve as my guide in preparing your learning activities.
(Give the Data Gathering Instrument to the students). You have 10mins to finish that. Done?

-Okay, so as I ran through here, you’re both senior high school graduate and physically
fit. Daniel has visual learning style while Kianna has an auditory learning style. So, you have
different learning styles. Again, this will be my guide in preparing your learning activities.

7. Self-Assessment Check
- This time I want you to answer this self-assessment check. This is a checklist of
competencies required in this qualification. This will help me to determine your current
competencies and with this self-assessment check, I would be able to identify the skills and
competencies needed by each one of you, so that the competencies or skills that are already
acquired will no longer be repeated. (Give the self-assessment checklist to the student).

- Please put a check to the yes column or no column and please read thoroughly the
different competencies enumerated in that checklist. If you check yes, make sure you know
and can perform the task enumerated in that competency. Also, by checking yes, you will
undergo an RPL (Recognition of Prior Learning) in which you will undergo Institutional
Assessment which is divided into 3: written, demonstration and oral questioning. (Give the
Self-assessment Check) Okay, are you done? May I have your test papers?
-Okay, Daniel you’ve checked yes on Install and Configure Computer Systems.
-Please make sure by tomorrow you can present proof of evidence. This could be the
projects you have made or certificate of awards, certificate of training and other related
proofs that you can perform the task enumerated in Plan and develop event proposal or bid,
and by tomorrow you will undergo Institutional Assessment.

8. Pre-test
-Now, I will let you answer this pre-test. This is a written test that would initially
test your underpinning knowledge on the competencies in Computer Systems Servicing NC II
and to determine your baseline knowledge and preparedness in this qualification. This is a 40-
item test, multiple choices. (Give the pre-test to the student). You have 30mins to finish the

-Done? May I have the test papers? Thank you.

-----------------------------Turn on the PROJECTOR------------------------------

9. Conduct Orientation

-Welcome to Lourdes Ledesma Del Prado Memorial National High School.

- In LLDPMNHS, we ensure that all learnings can be attained and, together with
TESDA, helps in the promotion of middle-level manpower development.

-Let us now have an overview about Competency-Based Training (CBT).

-CBT is a training that is designed to allow a learner to demonstrate their ability to do

something, meaning this emphasizes most on what the learner can do and focuses on outcomes
rather than the learning process within specified time. It is concerned with the attainment and
application of knowledge, skills, and attitude to a specific level of competency.

-In CBT, the unit of progression is mastery of specific knowledge and skills and is a
learner of participant centered.

- There are 10 principles of CBT. (Explain at least 3 principles)


-Explain Role at least 3 Role of a Trainer

- Explain Role at least 3 Role of a Trainee
- Continue sa Power Point.
- Do you have any question? (Turn off projector)

10. Workshop Tour

- This time we are now going to have a tour inside our workshop. Please follow me as
we will be visiting the 9 areas inside our workshop. (Explain the different areas inside the

 Practical Area
This area is where the learner acquires the skills and knowledge components
prescribed by the standard.
 Institutional assessment area
This is where Recognition of prior learning is done by the trainer. This component also
provides the mechanism of assessing the completion of competencies of a learner.
 Contextual Learning Laboratory
This facility ensures that the underpinning knowledge, science, mathematics, and
communication principles as applied to the technology are provided to the learner.
 Computer Laboratory
This area depicts the major physical change in the delivery –the use of information
technology. This laboratory has an array of computer units of which learners are
provided for them and gain appropriate IT competencies.
 Distance Learning Area
This is to enable the learning provision outside and away from the training institution in
terms of print and non-print media.
 Support Service Area
This area provides value- adding competencies as such for Automotive Service
Technician NCII, welding, competency address underpinning skills in the particular
 Learning Resource Area
This area provides the learner with the knowledge requirements in the various modules
responding to the competencies. It is a place where projects can be planned and self-
paced learning is based. This area has an array of learning materials in print or soft-
copies for a multimedia environment.
 Quality Control Area
Various test aside from metrology and calibration are conducted in this area including in-
process quality control
 Trainers Resource Center
This area houses the learning materials, the training regulations and curriculum
exemplars. This is also, the place where instructors’ procedure courseware or training
materials are located.

-Okay, do you have any questions about the different areas inside our workshop? If
none, please go back to your seat.

11. Remind

- Again, I would like to remind Daniel to please do bring with you your proof of
competency. It could be a certificate of training or other certificates that may support that you
have undergone the competencies you checked yes in the self-assessment check and please
prepare for the Institutional Assessment tomorrow. Again, this Institutional Assessment is package
into Written, Demo and Oral questioning. Do you have any questions? If none, please sign the
attendance sheet and you can go. See you tomorrow!

Day 2
- Good Morning! How are you today?

- Please sign the Attendance Sheet for today.

-Daniel, do you have with you your proof of evidence? Good. May I, have it?

- So, you had an OJT (On the Job Training) in Senior High School. That’s good, so please be
ready for the Institutional Assessment.

- For you Kianna, since you checked NO on all the items in the Self-Assessment Check
yesterday it means that you have no background of Computer Systems Servicing yet, so you
will start with the first competency.

- I’ll be posting here the Training Activity Matrix; this will serve as your guide or map on
which area you will go.

-Daniel, please prepare for the Institutional Assessment.

(NO) -Now, Kianna please proceed to the Learning Resource Area and read Information Sheet no.
1.1-1 on Operational Health and Safety Policies and Procedures and please answer
Self-Check, then compare your answer with the Answer Key. I will check on you later.

(Leave Kianna and go to Daniel)

(YES) -Okay, Daniel are you now ready for the Institutional Assessment? Good, now please proceed
to the Institutional Area for the written test. Here’s your written test. You have 20mins to answer
- Okay, Daniel time is up. May I have the test paper?

- Now, let’s proceed to your demonstration in “Install and Configure Computer

Systems” given the steps in Installing and Configuring Computer Systems. Don’t
forget to apply the Operational Health and Safety Policies and Procedures. You’re
given 1 hour to do the task. Time starts now.

- (Observe while the trainee is performing).

- Time is up. Bring your output to the quality control and we will proceed to oral
questioning. Are you ready? (Ask at least 2 questions)

1. What type of computer uses digital circuits and are designed to operate in two
states, namely bits 0 and 1?
2. What type of computer can be worn on the body and are often used in the study
of behaviour modelling and human health?

- Okay, so let us proceed to feed backing. Based on the result of the written test, you
were able to get 95%, well done! In the demonstration you were able to perform
Installing and Configuring Computer Systems by following the correct procedures
and you finished it on time. In the oral questioning, you were able to answer all my
questions correctly. Fantastic!

- Based on the evidence gathered, you were able to perform within the standard
requirement for the first competency which is Install and Configure Computer
Systems. This proves that you have prior learning about this competency.

- Congratulations Daniel for passing the Institutional Assessment.

- Now, let me record the result of performance in the Progress Chart and here is your
Certificate of Achievement.

- I assume you are now ready to move to the next competency Set-up Computer
Networks. Please proceed to the Learning Resource Area. Read this Info Sheet no.
2.1-1 on Planning Cable Route. Answer the self-check then compare your answer to
the answer key. I ill get back to you later.

Go back to Kianna

-Are you done Kianna? Did you answer the self-check? Did you compare your answers in
the answer key? Very good! You got a perfect score.

- Now, I think you are ready to perform a task. Here’s Task Sheet no. 1.1-5 on BIOS
Configuration Procedures. Please proceed to the Practical Work Area Station 1. After
studying the task sheet, you may perform the task. The tools, materials and equipment
are ready in your station. Don’t forget to practice

- Okay, Kianna as I’ve noticed you are having a hard time in BIOS Configuration
Procedures. Pls. allow me to do the demonstration then please observe because
afterwards you will have your return demo.

- (Do the demonstration on BIOS Configuration Procedures)

- I hope you were able to observe well during my demonstration. Now, I will give you
time to practice.

- Are you now ready for the return demo? Okay you may start now.
(Observe while the student/trainee is demonstrating)

- You’re doing great! You were able to follow the correct procedure. Congratulations!

- You may undergo the INSTITUTIONAL ASSESSMENT! Please proceed to the

Institutional Assessment Area.

- Written Test
- Demonstration
- Oral Questioning
- What type of computer uses digital circuits and are designed to operate in two
states, namely bits 0 and 1?
- What type of computer can be worn on the body and are often used in the study of
behavior modelling and human health?
- Based on the result of your written test, demonstration and oral questioning, you
passed the Institutional Assessment. Congratulations! Here is your Certificate of
Achievement. Please go back to the Contextual Learning Laboratory.

Go to Daniel
- Daniel please go back to the Contextual Learning Laboratory.

- Good job everyone! You were all able to perform the different activities and your
performances have been recorded in the Progress Chart and Achievement chart.
- Don’t forget to sign your attendance sheet and clean as you go.

Day 3

- Good day trainees!

- Please sign today’s Attendance Sheet
- Upon check the Progress Chart and Achievement Chart, you are about to finish
already so continue with your assigned activities and let me know whenever you’re
ready for the Institutional Assessment.

- Daniel Calls Trainer

- Alright Daniel you have finished the last competency, let’s now proceed to the
Institutional Assessment. Please proceed to the Institutional Assessment Area.
- Written Test
- Demonstration
- Oral Questioning
- What do you call the “brain” or “heart” of a computer system?
- What should be used to prevent ESD damage to computer equipment?
- Based on the result of your written test, demonstration and oral questioning, you
passed the Institutional Assessment. Congratulations! Here is your Certificate of
Achievement. Please go back to the Contextual Learning Laboratory.

- Kianna Calls Trainer

- Alright Kianna you have finished the last competency, let’s now proceed to the
Institutional Assessment. Please proceed to the Institutional Assessment Area.
- Written Test
- Demonstration
- Oral Questioning
- What do you call the “brain” or “heart” of a computer system?
- What should be used to prevent ESD damage to computer equipment?
- Based on the result of your written test, demonstration and oral questioning, you
passed the Institutional Assessment. Congratulations! Here is your Certificate of
Achievement. Please go back to the Contextual Learning Laboratory.
- Well, done! You both passed the Institutional Assessment.
- This time I will let you answer the post-test. The purpose of this post-test is to
measure the achievements and the effectiveness of the trainings program we have
done. (Give post-test) I am giving you 30 minutes to answer it. Alright, time is up.
- Good job, everyone. You have completed all the competencies for this qualification.
Finally, we’ve come to the most awaited part, which is the awarding of Certificate
of Training for completing the 35 days Training in Computer Systems Servicing NC II.
(Awarding of Certificate).
- I now suggest that you take a National Competency Assessment at any assessment
centers accredited for Computer Systems Servicing NC II. Bring with you 2 pcs.
Passport size ID Pictures wearing polo with white background and 780 PESOS FOR
- Before you go, let me conduct Program Session Evaluation. This program session
evaluation is done to evaluate the effectiveness of the program in terms of the
trainer, facilities, and methodologies.
- The result of the evaluation will further improve the program so kindly give your
honest rating by checking on the corresponding cell of your response. Your answers
will be treated with utmost confidentiality. Thank you. (Give the Program Session
- Please pass the answer sheets and you may now go. Congratulations once again and
Thank you!

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