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NodeMCU Heart Rate_Sensor Serial Plotter
//----------------------------------------Variable Declaration
const int PulseSensorHRWire = A0; //--> PulseSensor connected to ANALOG PIN 0 (A0 /
ADC 0).
const int LED_D1 = D1; //--> LED to detect when the heart is beating. The LED is
connected to PIN D1 (GPIO5) on the NodeMCU ESP12E.
int Threshold = 600; //--> Determine which Signal to "count as a beat" and which to
int Signal; //--> holds the incoming raw data.

void setup
void setup() {
Serial.begin(115200); //--> Set's up Serial Communication at certain speed.
pinMode(LED_D1,OUTPUT); //--> Set LED_3 PIN as Output.

void loop
void loop() {
Signal = analogRead(PulseSensorHRWire); //--> Read the PulseSensor's value.
Assign this value to the "Signal" variable.

Serial.println(Signal); //--> Send the Signal value to Serial Plotter.

if(Signal > Threshold){ //--> If the signal is above "600"(Threshold), then

"turn-on" Arduino's on-Board LED.
} else {
digitalWrite(LED_D1,LOW); //--> Else, the sigal must be below "600", so "turn-
off" this LED.


Heart Rate Sensor Station Mode
//----------------------------------------Include the NodeMCU ESP8266 Library
//----------------------------------------see here:
v=8jMr94B8iN0 to add NodeMCU ESP8266 library and board
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <WiFiClient.h>
#include <ESP8266WebServer.h>

#include "Index.h" //--> Our HTML webpage contents with javascripts

#define ON_Board_LED 2 //--> Defining an On Board LED (GPIO2 = D4), used for
indicators when the process of connecting to a wifi router and when there is a
client request.

//----------------------------------------SSID and Password of your WiFi router

const char* ssid = ""; //--> Your wifi name
const char* password = ""; //--> Your wifi password

ESP8266WebServer server(80); //--> Server on port 80

unsigned long previousMillisGetHR = 0; //--> will store the last time Millis (to
get Heartbeat) was updated.
unsigned long previousMillisHR = 0; //--> will store the last time Millis (to get
BPM) was updated.

const long intervalGetHR = 10; //--> Interval for reading heart rate (Heartbeat) =
const long intervalHR = 10000; //--> Interval for obtaining the BPM value based on
the sample is 10 seconds.

const int PulseSensorHRWire = A0; //--> PulseSensor connected to ANALOG PIN 0 (A0 /
ADC 0).
const int LED_D1 = D1; //--> LED to detect when the heart is beating. The LED is
connected to PIN D1 (GPIO5) on the NodeMCU ESP12E.
int Threshold = 600; //--> Determine which Signal to "count as a beat" and which to

int cntHB = 0; //--> Variable for counting the number of heartbeats.

boolean ThresholdStat = true; //--> Variable for triggers in calculating
int BPMval = 0; //--> Variable to hold the result of heartbeats calculation.

void handleRoot()
// This subroutine is executed when NodeMCU ESP12E IP is opened in the browser.
void handleRoot() {
String s = MAIN_page; //--> Read HTML contents
server.send(200, "text/html", s); //--> Send web page

void handleHeartRate()
// This subroutine is executed when there is a request from the browser / client.
// This subroutine will send / display the BPM value to the browser.
void handleHeartRate() {
digitalWrite(ON_Board_LED, LOW); //--> "ON_Board_LED" will be turned on when the
request from the browser / client starts.
String BPMvalSend = String(BPMval);
server.send(200, "text/plane", BPMvalSend); //--> Sends BPM value to client
request / browser.
digitalWrite(ON_Board_LED, HIGH); //--> Turn off the LED because the client
request / browser has been processed.

void GetHeartRate()
// This subroutine is for reading the heart rate and calculating it to get the BPM
// To get a BPM value based on a heart rate reading for 10 seconds.
void GetHeartRate() {
//----------------------------------------Process of reading heart rate.
unsigned long currentMillisGetHR = millis();

if (currentMillisGetHR - previousMillisGetHR >= intervalGetHR) {

previousMillisGetHR = currentMillisGetHR;

int PulseSensorHRVal = analogRead(PulseSensorHRWire);

if (PulseSensorHRVal > Threshold && ThresholdStat == true) {

ThresholdStat = false;

if (PulseSensorHRVal < Threshold) {

ThresholdStat = true;

//----------------------------------------The process for getting the BPM value.

unsigned long currentMillisHR = millis();

if (currentMillisHR - previousMillisHR >= intervalHR) {

previousMillisHR = currentMillisHR;

BPMval = cntHB * 6; //--> The taken heart rate is for 10 seconds. So to get the
BPM value, the total heart rate in 10 seconds x 6.
Serial.print("BPM : ");

cntHB = 0;

void setup()
void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:

pinMode(ON_Board_LED,OUTPUT); //--> On Board LED port Direction output

digitalWrite(ON_Board_LED, HIGH); //--> Turn off Led On Board

pinMode(LED_D1,OUTPUT); //--> Set LED_3 PIN as Output.

WiFi.begin(ssid, password); //--> Connect to your WiFi router

//----------------------------------------Wait for connection

while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
//----------------------------------------Make the On Board Flashing LED on the
process of connecting to the wifi router.
digitalWrite(ON_Board_LED, LOW);
digitalWrite(ON_Board_LED, HIGH);
digitalWrite(ON_Board_LED, HIGH); //--> Turn off the On Board LED when it is
connected to the wifi router.
//----------------------------------------If successfully connected to the wifi
router, the IP Address that will be visited is displayed in the serial monitor
Serial.print("Successfully connected to : ");
Serial.print("IP address: ");

server.on("/", handleRoot); //--> Which routine to handle at root location. This

is display page
server.on("/getHeartRate", handleHeartRate); //--> This page is called in the
javascript code in the Index.h file

server.begin(); //--> Start server

Serial.println("HTTP server started");

Serial.println("Please wait 10 seconds to get the BPM Value");

void loop()
void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
server.handleClient(); //--> Handle client requests
GetHeartRate(); //--> Calling the GetHeartRate() subroutine

Heart Rate Sensor Access Point Mode
//----------------------------------------Include the NodeMCU ESP8266 Library
//----------------------------------------see here:
v=8jMr94B8iN0 to add NodeMCU ESP8266 library and board
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <WiFiClient.h>
#include <ESP8266WebServer.h>
#include "Index.h" //--> Our HTML webpage contents with javascripts

#define ON_Board_LED 2 //--> Defining an On Board LED (GPIO2 = D4), used for
indicators when the process of connecting to a wifi router and when there is a
client request.

//----------------------------------------Create a name and password for the access

point on NodeMCU ESP12E
const char* ssid = "NodeMCU_ESP8266"; //--> Access point name
const char* password = "goodluck"; //--> Access point password

ESP8266WebServer server(80); //--> Server on port 80

unsigned long previousMillisGetHR = 0; //--> will store the last time Millis (to
get Heartbeat) was updated.
unsigned long previousMillisHR = 0; //--> will store the last time Millis (to get
BPM) was updated.

const long intervalGetHR = 10; //--> Interval for reading heart rate (Heartbeat) =
const long intervalHR = 10000; //--> Interval for obtaining the BPM value based on
the sample is 10 seconds.

const int PulseSensorHRWire = A0; //--> PulseSensor connected to ANALOG PIN 0 (A0 /
ADC 0).
const int LED_D1 = D1; //--> LED to detect when the heart is beating. The LED is
connected to PIN D1 (GPIO5) on the NodeMCU ESP12E.
int Threshold = 600; //--> Determine which Signal to "count as a beat" and which to

int cntHB = 0; //--> Variable for counting the number of heartbeats.

boolean ThresholdStat = true; //--> Variable for triggers in calculating
int BPMval = 0; //--> Variable to hold the result of heartbeats calculation.

void handleRoot()
// This subroutine is executed when NodeMCU ESP12E IP is opened in the browser.
void handleRoot() {
String s = MAIN_page; //--> Read HTML contents
server.send(200, "text/html", s); //--> Send web page

void handleHeartRate()
// This subroutine is executed when there is a request from the browser / client.
// This subroutine will send / display the BPM value to the browser.
void handleHeartRate() {
digitalWrite(ON_Board_LED, LOW); //--> "ON_Board_LED" will be turned on when the
request from the browser / client starts.
String BPMvalSend = String(BPMval);
server.send(200, "text/plane", BPMvalSend); //--> Sends BPM value to client
request / browser.
digitalWrite(ON_Board_LED, HIGH); //--> Turn off the LED because the client
request / browser has been processed.

void GetHeartRate()
// This subroutine is for reading the heart rate and calculating it to get the BPM
// To get a BPM value based on a heart rate reading for 10 seconds.
void GetHeartRate() {
//----------------------------------------Process of reading heart rate.
unsigned long currentMillisGetHR = millis();

if (currentMillisGetHR - previousMillisGetHR >= intervalGetHR) {

previousMillisGetHR = currentMillisGetHR;

int PulseSensorHRVal = analogRead(PulseSensorHRWire);

if (PulseSensorHRVal > Threshold && ThresholdStat == true) {

ThresholdStat = false;

if (PulseSensorHRVal < Threshold) {

ThresholdStat = true;

//----------------------------------------The process for getting the BPM value.

unsigned long currentMillisHR = millis();

if (currentMillisHR - previousMillisHR >= intervalHR) {

previousMillisHR = currentMillisHR;

BPMval = cntHB * 6; //--> The taken heart rate is for 10 seconds. So to get the
BPM value, the total heart rate in 10 seconds x 6.
Serial.print("BPM : ");

cntHB = 0;

void setup()
void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:

pinMode(ON_Board_LED,OUTPUT); //--> On Board LED port Direction output

digitalWrite(ON_Board_LED, HIGH); //--> Turn off Led On Board

pinMode(LED_D1,OUTPUT); //--> Set LED_3 PIN as Output.

WiFi.softAP(ssid, password); //--> Start Making ESP8266 NodeMCU as an access

IPAddress apip = WiFi.softAPIP(); //--> Get the IP server
Serial.print("Connect your wifi laptop/mobile phone to this NodeMCU Access
Point : ");
Serial.print("Visit this IP : ");
Serial.print(apip); //--> Prints the IP address of the server to be visited
Serial.println(" in your browser.");

server.on("/", handleRoot); //--> Which routine to handle at root location. This

is display page
server.on("/getHeartRate", handleHeartRate); //--> This page is called in the
javascript code in the Index.h file

server.begin(); //--> Start server

Serial.println("HTTP server started");

Serial.println("Please wait 10 seconds to get the BPM Value");

void loop()
void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
server.handleClient(); //--> Handle client requests
GetHeartRate(); //--> Calling the GetHeartRate() subroutine

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