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Data Cleaning in

MS Excel
“Dirty” data can actually do your business
more harm than good.
Types of problems
Extra Spaces from text

Trailing space in Excel refers to the spaces that appear
at the end of a cell's contents. Extra spaces added
when the entering cell's contents are or by formatting
issues often cause trailing space. Trailing space can
interfere with formulas and other functions

 Select the Entire column and then trim
The #REF! error shows when a formula
refers to a cell that's not valid. This
happens most often when cells that were
referenced by formulas get deleted, or
pasted over.
#NAME? is a common Excel error notation
that appears when a formula or function cannot find
the referenced data it needs to complete the
calculation. This could be caused by a few different
things, such as a misspelling in the formula name or
an invalid reference
Types of problems
Empty rows

 It breaks the information into multiple tables instead of
one single table
 There shouldn't be any empty rows in table

 Select the Entire column and then filter
 Filter for empty cell in any column
 Delete the row which appear after filtering
Types of problems
Duplicate Data

 Entire Record is same

 Highlight using Conditional formatting
 Remove Duplicate
 Filter Data using advance filtering
Types of problems
Data Types and Data Consistency
 Data spelled incorrect
 Some columns may have inconsistent data type

 Find and Replace
 Text to Column
Excel functions for changing text case

 Microsoft Excel has three special functions that you can use to change the case
of text. They are UPPER, LOWER and PROPER.
 The upper() function allows you to convert all lowercase letters in a text string to
 The lower() function helps to exclude capital letters from text.
 The proper() function makes the first letter of each word capitalized and leaves
the other letters lowercase (Proper Case).
1. Trim extra spaces
2. Delete/remove blank rows using filter
3. Remove duplicate
4. All “regular” and “irregular” must be in Upper
5. All Names in collum C must be in Proper
6. Font: Panroman
Font size: 11
Text alignment: Align Left
7. ID number must place in column B
Name must place in column C
Grade must place in column D

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