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5 On site

The vocabulary focus is on buildings and structures

Briefing on construction sites, as well as rooms found in a
typical building on the site (see 6 and 7 on page 39).
This unit focuses on the present simple and the
present continuous. These two forms have already Weather on site
been introduced in previous units. Here the aim is to
consolidate and compare them. The unit also looks This section focuses on describing different types of
at ways of following, asking for and giving weather. Adjectives and nouns to talk about weather
directions using a map and a ground plan. Types of are introduced, including sunny, cloudy, windy,
weather are then introduced, focusing on extreme snow, rain and lightning. The Reading section on
weather and problems it could cause on a page 40 includes examples of problems caused by
construction site. Finally, the topic of food and drink extreme weather on construction sites: injuries such
is presented in a conversation about what people are as dehydration (when someone becomes ill because
having for lunch, providing practice in talking about it is very hot and they have lost a lot of water in
lunchtime food and drink. their body) and sunburn (damage to the skin caused
by too much sun), as well as problems caused by
On-site subcontractors wet weather, mud and strong winds.
This section presents ways to describe what work The Language section focuses on giving reasons
colleagues and students themselves do in their jobs using because of.
and what they are doing at the moment. It also looks
at expressions for asking where someone is, such as Food
Excuse me, I’m looking for ... . Vocabulary to
This section introduces vocabulary for food and
describe tasks is introduced, including a number of
drink (see 1 on page 42). In the UK, builders on a
verb–noun collocations: test (electrical) systems,
construction site often bring their own packed
maintain a crane (keep a crane in a good condition),
lunch, prepared at home, or they might go to a local
erect scaffolding (put the scaffolding together in an
café for lunch. Some of the conversations students
upright position), co-ordinate specifications
listen to in this section are about workers’ packed
(organise the requirements of the design), install
lunches. Several questions are introduced, including
(drainage/roofing) systems (put pieces of
What have you got? What are you drinking/
equipment in place and connect them),
eating? What’s in the flask? Would you like some?
check/design buildings, lift equipment.
Students practise using the present simple and
The Language section focuses on the present simple present continuous to talk about what they usually
to talk about things in general and the present have for lunch and what they are having today.
continuous to talk about things that are happening
now, with verbs such as drink, plan, visit, train Further reading
(teach), look for, collect. Use the following keywords to search the internet
for websites which give more in-depth information
Directions about the topics covered in this unit: construction
work, weather forecasts for the construction
The focus of this section is on giving directions
industry, extreme weather, extreme weather +
using the imperative. Practice is provided in
construction, food and drink.
following directions on a map. Useful phrases for
asking for and giving directions are introduced,
including phrases with the imperative (see 2 and 3
on page 38). Vocabulary for places in a town is
presented on a map. It includes: tunnel,
roundabout, railway bridge and hospital. Further
practice is provided in giving directions using the
site map of a construction site and the floor plans of
a building.

On site 5 35
Extra activity
Teacher’s notes
Ask students to look back in their course books
Warm-up and choose a job but not to tell anyone what it
is. Ask them to imagine that it is their job and
1 With books closed, revise jobs. Put students in to think about the things they do (for example,
small groups. Give them three to four minutes to if they choose carpenter: I work with wood. I make
brainstorm all the jobs they know. Tell them to things.) Allow them a few minutes to do this.
appoint one person in the group to make a list of Demonstrate the activity first: choose a
the jobs they mention. Then find out which confident student and tell the rest of the class
group has the most jobs and ask one person that they have to guess his/her job by asking
from that group to read out their list. Ask other yes/no questions (for example, Do you supervise
students in the class to add any other jobs that people?). The student can only give short
were not mentioned. answers (for example, Yes, I do./No, I don’t.).
When someone has guessed the job, put
2 With books closed, revise/pre-teach the verbs in
students in small groups to continue the
the table in 1. Write the following on the board
activity. Go round monitoring and giving help
and ask students to complete the verbs to do
as needed.
with everyday jobs on a construction site:
1 ch_ck buildings
2 Ask students to match 1–7 to a–g to make seven
2 d_s_gn office blocks
short conversations. Demonstrate the word
3 _r_ct scaffolding
waving by waving to the class. To check answers,
4 _nst_ll wall insulation
you could get pairs of students to read out the
5 l_ft heavy equipment
6 m_ _ nt_ _ n cranes
(Answers: check, design, install, erect, lift, Now ask students to look at the conversations
maintain) and find phrases that are used when you want
to know where someone is. (I’m looking for ..., Are
you looking for ...?, Do you know where ... are?, Is ...
On-site subcontractors here?). Point out the answers They’re over there.,
He’s sitting over there., She’s in ... . Go on to ask
students to find two questions about jobs. (What
Listening do you do? and What does Ahmed do?).
1 ► 28 Ask students to look at the photos. Tell Ask questions about a few of the students (for
them that they are going to listen to these five example, Is Luis here? Do you know where Claudia
people talking about their jobs. Draw their is? What does Khalid do?) and elicit answers.
attention to the list of tasks in the first column of
the table and explain that as they listen, they 1c 2f 3b 4g 5a 6e 7d
should tick the things that these people do in
their jobs. Answer any vocabulary queries
students might have, then play the recording.
Allow students to compare answers in pairs Go through the first part of the Language box,
before you check with the class. about the present simple, with the class. Remind
You could ask students to look at the audio students that we use does not do in the third
script for track 28 on page 75 and to underline person singular. Point out that we use the
all the verbs. present simple to talk about something we do in
general, or things that we do every day.
1 building inspector: test electrical systems, Then go through the second part of the
check buildings Language box, about the present continuous,
2 roofer: erect scaffolding, install roofing
and point out its difference from the present
simple: here we are talking about things that are
3 architect: co-ordinate specifications, design
buildings happening now. Explain that we use the
4 crane operator: maintain crane, lift auxiliary verb be followed by the main verb +
equipment -ing. Point out the contractions ’m (for am) and ’s
5 plumber: install drainage systems (for is) in the example sentences and remind
students that the contracted form of are is ’re.

On site 5 36
prompts in 1–3. Tell them that these words
Extra activity
replace the words in bold for B. Explain that
Ask students to look back at the conversations they can also substitute the pronouns. Use the
in 2 and to find examples of the present following as an example:
continuous. A: Where is Brigitte?
B: She’s in the office.
Answers: A: What’s she doing?
I’m looking for Susan. B: She’s working on a drawing.
I’m looking for the supervisor.
Are you looking for Ken? Put students in pairs to make conversations
They’re taking a break. using the prompts. With stronger classes, you
He’s sitting over there. Look, he’s waving. could extend the activity by asking students to
They’re checking stock. make up their own conversations using different
places and activities.
3 Ask students to read through the sentences and
answer any questions on vocabulary. Point out Writing
that most of the sentences are in the present
6 Ask students to write down five things they do
continuous and ask them which sentences are in
every week, using the present simple tense. You
the present simple (3 and 5). Point out the
could tell them what you do every week as an
negative in item 2. Explain that to form the
negative in the present continuous, we add not
between be and the main verb. Then ask students Students’ own answers
to make the sentence in 1 negative. Remind them
how to form the negative of the present simple:
we use do not/does not before the main verb.
Draw attention to item 3 and ask students to Directions
make this sentence negative. Then ask them to
tick the sentences that are true for them and Listening
rewrite the sentences that are not.
1 ► 29 Tell students that in this lesson they are
Students’ own answers going to study how to give directions. Draw
their attention to the map and ask them what
Extra activity buildings they can see. Explain any words
Put students in pairs. Ask them to write five students do not know. Then revise top, bottom, on
sentences about someone in the class using the the left, in the middle and on the right. Start
present simple and present continuous. Tell students off by asking: What building is on the
them not to tell anyone the name of the person. bottom left? (the fire station), What building is on
Then choose students to read out their the top right? (Mamma Mia Pizza), What building
sentences for the rest of the class to guess who is in the middle? (the hospital).
they are talking about. Tell students that they are now going to listen to
a driver asking for directions. Ask them to look
4 Ask students to complete the sentences with the at the map again and find Sparky’s Electrical
correct form of the verbs in brackets. You could Supplies and the red cross next to it. Explain that
get them to compare answers in pairs before this is where the driver is and that the red dotted
checking with the class. line shows the route that he needs to take. Point
out that this is a British map and that in the UK
1 are you visiting 2 stay 3 I am looking
people drive on the left. Ask them to listen and
4 Manuel is having 5 He is training 6 They
follow the route on the map. Play the recording.
are working
Now ask students where the driver wants to go
Speaking (Mill Street construction site). Get them to point
to a roundabout, a tunnel and a railway bridge
5 Draw students’ attention to the example on the map. Remind them that they saw photos
conversation. Choose a confident student to act of a tunnel and a bridge on page 8 and point out
it out with you. Then explain that they are going that there are two roundabouts and two railway
to make up their own conversations using the bridges on the map.

On site 5 37
2 Ask students to look at sentences 1–5 and tell Speaking
them that the expressions are all from the
recording in 1. Allow them to work in pairs to 5 Ask students to look at the map in 1 and find the
complete the sentences with the words in the city hall. Tell them that they are at the city hall
box. Then play the recording for students to and that they are going to practise giving and
check their answers. You could play it a second asking for directions, starting at the city hall.
time, pausing after each expression for students Read through the example conversation first and
to check their answers. Finally, ask students to ask students to follow the directions on the map.
repeat the sentences. Then put students in pairs to take turns asking
for and giving directions. Point out that they can
1 tell 2 exit 3 past 4 on 5 miss ask for directions to anywhere on the map.

Extra activity Listening

You could ask students to copy sentences 1–3 6 ► 31 Ask students to look at A and explain that
from 2 in their notebooks and underline the it is a map of the Mill Street construction site
words they think are stressed. Then students from the map on page 38. Allow them a few
say the sentences, stressing the correct words. minutes to look at the site map and to ask you
any questions relating to vocabulary. Pre-teach
Answers: portable cabins by drawing attention to the photo
1 Can you tell me where Mill Street is? on the right. Ask students to find the ramp and
2 Take the first left. fence on the site map and make sure they
3 Then drive to the hospital. understand what they are. Tell them they are
going to listen to a conversation and that they
3 Draw students’ attention to the six sentences. need to mark where the site manager’s office is.
Explain that they are directions from Mill Street Play the recording. You could get students to
construction site to Brigg’s Timber Yard but that compare answers in pairs before checking with
the sentences are not in the correct order. Ask the class. After checking answers, ask students
them to find the two places on the map first, to look at the portable cabins on the site map
then to put the sentences in the correct order. and to point at the second one from the left.
You could get students to compare answers in Check that they are pointing at the correct cabin.
pairs before checking with the class.
The site manager’s office is the second
Check that they understand under, through and
portable cabin from the left.
past, using three objects as a car, a building and a
railway bridge, and your hand as a tunnel. Point
out that the sentences beginning Go ... and Language
Turn ... are in the imperative and they do not
Go through the example questions and answers
have a subject. Explain that we often use the
in the Language box with the class.
imperative to give directions.
You could drill Where’s the ...? and How do I get
The correct order is: 4, 3, 6, 2, 1, 5 to ...? replacing site manager’s office and the
conference room with other places in the building
4 ► 30 Draw a simple roundabout on the board you are in. Check that the students remember
and ask students what it is. Then do the same the prepositions opposite and next to by asking a
with a T-junction. couple of students in the class to stand opposite
Ask students to look at the map in 1 and find and then next to each other.
Brigg’s Timber Yard. Explain that they are going Explain corridor, fire doors, lift, stairs and then
to listen to directions from the timber yard to check that students understand the following
different places on the map. Tell them to listen phrases by miming the actions: Go along the
carefully and say whether the directions are corridor., Take the lift., When you come out of the lift,
correct. If not, they should correct them. turn right., Go up the stairs., Go through the fire
doors. Ask students to look at the Answers section
1 incorrect (... The hospital is on your left.)
2 incorrect (... Then take the first right. You in the Language box and to tell you which
can’t miss it.) phrase you are miming each time.
3 correct

On site 5 38
Speaking Extra activity
7 Tell students that they are going to practise Ask students to take turns asking for and
asking for and giving directions, using the plans giving directions to different places in the
of the ground floor and first floor of Building 2 building you are in now, starting at the
at the Mill Street construction site. Ask them to classroom. Go round the class monitoring and
look at the plans and answer any questions they giving help as needed.
may have. You may need to pre-teach some
vocabulary before they begin. Tell them that the
plans show the rooms, offices and departments
of a construction company. Explain that a Weather on site
department is a specialised part of a large
organisation. Check that they understand Vocabulary
reception, photocopying, storage, purchasing and
1 Ask students to look at the photos. Explain that
accounts. Remind them of the terms residential
this lesson is all about weather. Go through the
and commercial (they saw these in Unit 1, page 9)
photos with the students, reading out the labels
and explain that toilet is another word for WC.
one by one and getting students to repeat the
Check again that they remember next to, opposite
words after you. Write the following on the
and between. You may also need to point out that
ground floor is used in British English, whereas in
Adjectives: sunny, cloudy, windy
American English first floor is used instead, and
Verbs: rain, snow
that what is called the first floor in British
Nouns: lightning
English is the second floor in American English.
Then point to one of the photos and ask: What’s
Put students in pairs. Ask A students to look at the weather like? Explain that when we answer
the floor plans on page 39 and B students to look this question, we can use it’s + adjective (for
at the floor plans on page 69. Tell them to find example, it’s sunny) or the present continuous
the reception and ask them where it is (on the (for example, it’s raining). However, we do not
ground floor, next to the entrance). Go round say it’s lightning. We could say there’s lightning,
monitoring as students are practising their although we would normally say there’s a storm
conversations, giving help as needed. When they (or thunderstorm) or it’s stormy.
have finished, check answers by asking different
students to say where the different rooms are. Extra activities
1 Ask students to close their books. If you
Suggested answers have brought in pictures that illustrate
Student A weather words, hold them up one by one (in
1 The site manager’s office is on the first floor,
a different order to the ones on page 40),
next to the commercial department.
2 The first floor conference room is opposite and ask: What’s the weather like? Elicit an
the lift. answer for each picture. You could give out
3 The supervisor’s office on the first floor, some pictures to different students and get
between the storage room and the projects them to ask the question instead.
department. 2 With books open, ask students if the photos
Student B in 1 show good weather or bad weather.
1 The general manager’s office is on the Then ask them to tell you what weather they
ground floor, on the right of the accounts like/do not like, giving reasons for their
department. answers (for example, ... because it is difficult
2 The purchasing department is on the ground to work outside in bad weather). Do not go into
floor, on the left of the accounts department/ too much detail about problems at work.
opposite the photocopying room.
Students will be discussing these in 9.
3 On the ground floor, the toilet is on the right
of the photocopying room, opposite the
purchasing department. There is another
one next to the lift, opposite reception. On
the first floor, there is a toilet on the right of
the storage room, opposite the residential
department, and another one next to the lift.

On site 5 39
Listening 1b 2d 3a 4e 5c

2 ► 32 Tell students that five of the photos in 1 5 Ask students to write the words in the box in the
show bad weather. Explain that they are now correct column. Point out that some words can
going to listen to six conversations about very go in more than one column. You could get
bad weather conditions and construction sites. students to compare answers in pairs before
Tell them that they have to match the checking with the class. During feedback, ensure
conversations to the weather photos in 1. With students are pronouncing the words correctly.
stronger classes, you could ask students to write
the numbers 1–6 in their notebooks and to then Suggested answers
write the correct weather word next to the Hot: dehydration, lightning, sunburn, sunny,
number for each conversation as they listen. wind
Cold: wind, cloud, rain, snow, sunny
With weaker classes, you may wish to pause
Wet: mud, lightning, cloud, rain, snow
after each conversation, getting students to give
you one answer at a time. Note that answers may vary, depending on
Play the recording, then ask students to check where your students come from. The answers
their answers by looking at the audio script on above reflect typical weather in the UK. In other
climates, cloud may be associated with hot,
page 76. Point out that cloud, sun and wind are
humid weather. You can also get sunburn in
nouns for the adjectives cloudy, sunny and windy.
the snow in the mountains in winter.
1D 2B 3E 4C 5A 6F
Extra activity 6 ► 33 Tell students that they are going to listen
Ask students to look at the audio script for to five conversations in which people are talking
track 32 on page 76 and to tell you what the about problems with the weather. Explain that
problems are in conversations 1, 3, 5 and 6. they should complete the table as they listen.
This will help them with some of the You may need to pause after each conversation
vocabulary that will come up in the reading to allow students to write in their answers. Play
text in 3. To explain blow away, you could hold the recording and get students to compare
up a small piece of paper and blow on it, then answers in pairs. Before checking answers with
let it go. Ask students what problems people the class, play the recording again and answer
can have when it is very, very hot and sunny any vocabulary questions students may have.
and elicit sunburn and dehydration. Then ask
them to work in pairs to make a list of 1 rain 2 can’t work on the roof (, too
problems they can have with bad weather dangerous) 3 cold/snow 4 delays/trucks
when they are working on a construction site. can’t get to site 5 storm/sand storm
Get a few pairs to read out their lists. If they 6 can’t work outside 7 wind 8 sheeting on
mention rain, try to elicit mud. scaffolding blowing away (, too late to tie down)
9 cold/ice 10 one man injured/has a broken
arm, ice on ladder
3 Ask students to look at the photo and explain Language
that the text is about working on construction
Go through the Language box with the class.
sites in extreme weather. Ask them what they
Model the phrase because of the rain and get
think extreme weather means (very, very bad
students to repeat it after you. Check that they
weather). Then ask them to complete the text
are pronouncing because of (/bɪˈkɒzəv/) correctly.
with the words in the box. Tell them not to
worry about any words they do not understand. Also check their pronunciation of dangerous
1 hot 2 wet 3 wind 4 Lightning 5 cold
7 Ask students to look at the audio script for track
4 Ask students to read the text in 3 again and to 33 on page 76 and to underline all the examples
match the word pairs. You could mention that of because of in the conversations.
we say strong wind and strong sun but heavy rain
and heavy snow.

On site 5 40
Conversation 1: pronunciation as you do so. Then ask one member
Because of the rain. of the group who have written the most words to
Conversation 4: read out any words from their list that were not
Yes, because of the wind. mentioned. The other students in the class can add
Conversation 5: these to their lists. Finally, ask the rest of the groups
Because of the rain? if they have any other words to add.
No, because of the ice.
Extra activity
1 Draw students’ attention to the photos in the
Remind students of the use of too to say that margin and explain that they have to match
something is more than you want it to be. Ask them to conversations 1–6. Then tell them to
them to find examples in the audio script for complete the conversations with the words in
track 33 on page 76. Explain why we say too the box. During feedback, check students’
much snow if students ask (we add much after pronunciation of the words, particularly biscuits
too here because snow is a noun). Do not go into
(/ˈbɪskɪts/) and sandwiches (/ˈsӕnwɪʤɪz/). Say the
any more detail for now.
words and get students to repeat them after you.
Elicit the singular form of sandwiches and remind
students that for nouns that end in -ch, we add
Conversation 1:
-es to form the plural.
It’s too dangerous.
There’s just too much snow. 1E 2C 3F 4A 5D 6B
Conversation 4:
It’s too strong. 1 biscuits 2 milk 3 sandwiches 4 coffee
It’s too late, I think. 5 noodles 6 soup

8 Ask students to match questions 1–5 to reasons

Extra activity
a–e. Tell them that they can work in pairs if they
want to. Then check answers with the class. Ask students to look at the conversations in 1
and underline more food and drink words. If
1d 2a 3b 4e 5c you have pictures for any of these items with
you, get students to match the underlined
words to the pictures. Check that students are
pronouncing the words correctly, paying
9 Ask students to imagine that they work on particular attention to the /ʧ/ sound in
construction sites all over the world. Give them chocolate (/ˈʧɒklət/), cheese (/ʧi:z/), tuna
a few minutes to brainstorm problems they can
(/ˈʧu:nə/), chicken (/ˈʧɪkən/) and the /ʃ/ sound
have with the weather in four or five different
countries. Read out the example conversation in sugar (/ˈʃʊgə/).
with a confident student. Point out that instead
of you can’t work on the roof in the rain they can Answers:
say you can’t work on the roof because of the rain. chocolate, orange juice, cheese, tuna, snacks,
Ask students to work in pairs and tell each other sugar, chicken, fish, rice,
about the countries they work in and the
problems they have with the weather in each Speaking
one. Go round monitoring and encouraging
students to use because of wherever possible. 2 Tell students that they are going to work in pairs
and practise the conversations in 1. During the
activity, go round monitoring and checking that
they are pronouncing the food items correctly,
Food and using the present simple and present
With books closed, put students in small groups and continuous correctly.
ask them to make a list of as many food and drink 3 Put students in small groups. Explain that they
words as they can in three minutes. Then, if you are working on a building site and that it is
have brought in pictures of food and drink, show lunchtime. Tell them to find out what each of
them to the students and elicit the words for the their colleagues is having for lunch. If you have
different types of food/drink. Check students’

On site 5 41
brought in food and drink pictures, you can
5 Ask students to write questions for answers 1–4.
display them for students to use as prompts for
You could give an example for the first item
their conversations.
(Why are you late?) to make sure that students
understand what they have to do. Choose some
students to read out their answers to the class.
Suggested answers
1 Why can’t the trucks deliver the aggregate?
2 Why can’t we paint the walls today?
1 Ask students to complete the conversation with 3 Why is it dangerous to work on the roof?
the correct form of the verbs in brackets. You can 4 Why is everyone inside?
get them to compare answers in pairs before
6 Draw students’ attention to the email and ask
checking with the class.
them to complete it with what they had for
1 am looking for 2 is working 3 is installing lunch today or yesterday.
4 is carrying 5 is walking
Students’ own answers
2 Ask students to write down the answers to the
two questions about the conversation in 1, then 7 Put students in small groups. Give them three
check answers with the class. minutes to make a list of things to eat and drink.
Find out which group has the most words and
1 She’s an electrician. ask one of the students in that group to read out
2 She’s working, she’s installing a lighting their list. Finally, ask the other students in the
system (on the ground floor), she’s carrying class if they can add any other words to the list.
a box, she’s walking past the blue portable
cabin. Suggested answers
Things to eat: chicken, fish, rice, cheese,
3 Tell students that they need to look at the map sandwiches, tuna, biscuits, noodles, chocolate
on page 38 and write directions for the places in Things to drink: coffee, tea, orange juice,
1–3. When they have finished, choose three milk, water
students to read out their sentences and get the
rest of the class to say if they are correct or not. Now do Unit test 5.

Suggested answers
1 Take the first right. Go through the tunnel. Preparing for next unit
Take the first right after the tunnel and then
take the second left. The supermarket is on Prepare a simple map with a ‘You are here.’ sign
the left. and various shops and buildings to revise directions
2 Turn right at the roundabout. Go past the during the warm-up. Make one copy for each pair of
city hall. Turn left and it’s on your left. students in your class. Also find some examples of
3 Turn right. At the roundabout, turn right. common warning signs for the extra activity
Go past the hospital. Mill Street is the
following Exercise 7 on page 45. You could also
second street on the left after the tunnel.
prepare some cards with words for injuries for
4 Explain to students that the words and phrases Exercise 8 on page 49.
in 1–5 are all problems that bad weather can
cause. Ask them to write the type of weather
that causes each problem, then check answers
with the class.

Suggested answers
1 hot, sunny weather 2 a sand storm, wind
3 wind 4 cold, icy weather 5 wet weather,

On site 5 42

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