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College of Education

Name of Teacher: Valdez, Jana Shanne F. Date:

Section: N034 Subject:Profed 12

4A’s Lesson Plan in Science for Grade 1

I. Learning Objectives:
At the end of the lesson the students must be able to:
 Identify the 5 basic senses.
 Understand the use of the different senses.
 Engage in hands-on activities related to the topic.

II. Subject Matter:

 Topic: The 5 Basic Senses
 Reference:

 Learning Materials:
 Low Tech: Flashcards, Cartolina for visual aids, and activity worksheets.
 High Tech: Laptop for PowerPoint presentation.

III. Procedure

A. Pre-Activity
 Greetings
 Prayer
 Checking of Attendance
 Classroom Management
 Review

B. Motivation
Before our discussion starts, can you all please stand up? Let’s sing and
dance together so that we are not sleepy anymore, okay?

C. Lesson Proper
 Enabling Activity
Children, can you tell me what you have noticed on the song we’ve
played? Yes, Hands that’s correct! Any other answers? Okay nose!
Good job! And last, eyes! Correct!

 Analysis
- So, can somebody have any idea what will be the lesson all
- Does Hands, Nose or Eyes have to do with our lesson? What
do you think? Okay, Let’s find out!

 Abstraction
Okay class, our lesson for today is all about The Five Senses. So, what
are the five senses? The sense of sight, the sense of hearing, the sense
of smell, the sense of taste and the sense of touch. First, the sense of
sight, to see we use our eyes. Your beautiful eyes are the reason why you
see the beautiful things and people around you. Second, the sense of
hearing, to hear we use our ears. Your ears are the reason why you hear
Teacher Jana’s beautiful voice, your favorite music, your classmates voice,
and your parents’ voice. Third, the sense of smell. To smell we use our nose.
Your nose is the reason why you smell your favorite food cooked by your
mom or dad. You also use your nose to check if you need to take a bath
already. Fourth, the sense of taste. To taste we use our tongue. We use our
tongue so that we can taste our favorite foods. And lastly, the sense of touch.
We used our hands to touch our soft pillow, to pet our dogs or cats and to
hug our loved ones.

 Application
Teacher Jana will group you into two groups. And I will give each one of
you a picture and you will paste it on the board under its designated
sense. The group that earns the highest points will be the winner.

IV. Assessment
And now that you already know the five senses, Teacher Jana will give you a
worksheet. Look at the picture on the left, then, encircle the sense that best matches
the picture.

V. Assignment
For your assignment, it has 2 parts. The first part, you will draw and color
something that you see with your eyes. The second part, you will encircle the
things you can only see but cannot smell. You will pass your homework in our next

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