Royal Enfield - Auto Selection of Pack Station

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Royal Enfield – Auto Selection of Pack Work Center

Problem Statement
To fulfil orders in RE Oragadam Warehouse (2080), picking tasks are created to the Pick Hand Over
Area (HDVR). For every handling unit confirmed to this area, a follow-on task to pack work center
PK00 is created. The handling units are kept it this area till the time picking has been completed for
the delivery. Once completed, a confirmation sheet is printed for the delivery based on which the
handling units are moved to a certain pack/mrp table. In the system, the open tasks to PK00 are
cancelled by the supervisor. Tasks to the required table is then manually created and confirmed.

As it may be observed that this process involves a lot of manual activities. The business wishes to
automate this process.

Things to Consider:
1. Selection of pack table is a completely manual call. There is no set logic to identify a pack
table. Whichever table is available to be used is randomly identified. As such a logic cannot
be built in the system to auto identify the pack bin.
2. However, if a logic can be discussed to auto identify a bin that will be the preferred way
forward. In absence of such a logical conclusion, the below options have been proposed.
3. Confirmation sheet is used to identify handling units and respective bins in the handover
area for any delivery.
4. Different pack transactions are used for different types of delivery. Any change if required in
the packing area, all these transactions must be altered accordingly.

Option 1: Manual RF move to pack work center (preferred option)

1. On confirmation of handling units to the handover area, a task will be created for the HU to
the pack work center storage type. No bin will be auto identified in the task.
2. The confirmation sheet will be printed for the delivery.
3. Based on this confirmation sheet, the user can choose to move the handling units to any
pack table that is available. This activity will have to be confirmed in RF by scanning the
handling units listed in the confirmation sheet.
4. Checks may be put in place to ensure that HUs from two different deliveries are not being
moved to the same table.
5. Not mandatory: As a further improvement, an RF transaction may be created to direct the
users to the list of handling units on entering the delivery number (new RF transaction). As
such a printed document (confirmation sheet) can be eliminated.


1. Manual task confirmation will be required in RF.

Option 2: Auto confirm stock to PK00. Move during packaging.
1. On confirmation of handling units to the handover area, a task will be created for the HU to
the pack work center PK00.
2. Once all the handling units for the delivery has been received in the handover area, all will
be moved to PK00 by a background job.
3. The confirmation sheet will be printed for the delivery.
4. Based on this confirmation sheet, the user can choose to move the handling units to any
pack table that is available. This activity will be outside system.
5. Bin assignment will be removed from the pack workcenter. This will allow users to login to
any pack workcenter and pull stock for the concerned delivery to the required bin.


1. Parallel activity from bin PK00 bin might result in some lock issues.
2. There will be no control if user builds the higher HU in a different bin.
3. Confirmation sheet will have to modified to include handling units which have already been
moved to PK00 from handover area.
*This can also be achieved via a PPF. Background job is recommended.

Option 3: Background HU move during logging into work center.

1. On confirmation of handling units to the handover area, a task will be created for the HU to
the pack work center storage type. No bin will be auto identified in the task.
2. The confirmation sheet will be printed for the delivery.
3. Based on this confirmation sheet, the user can choose to move the handling units to any
pack table that is available. This activity will be outside system.
4. Once user logs in to a work center, all the HUs for the delivery can be fetched and moved to
the selected work center in the backend.


1. If the number of HUs per delivery is on the higher side, a certain lag will be noticeable during
login to the work center.
2. If the HU move fails for any reason, the same might not be available for packing. This will call
for a manual intervention. Vigilance is expected from the user.
3. This option is only possible if one delivery is packed only at one work center without parallel
Option 3: Background HU move during logging into work center.
1. On confirmation of handling units to the handover area, a task will be created for the HU to
the pack work center storage type. No bin will be auto identified in the task.
2. The supervisor needs to assign a pack station to the delivery before packer may start
3. The confirmation sheet will be printed for the delivery.
4. Based on this confirmation sheet, the user can choose to move the handling units to the
identified pack table. This activity will be outside system.
5. Once user logs in to a work center, all the HUs for the delivery that are in the handover area
can be fetched and moved to the selected work center in the backend.
6. It has been discussed that the user could choose to start packing even before all Hus for the
delivery have been picked. If additional Hus are picked in the meantime, the user will be
required to log into pack station again so that the additional Hus are moved.


1. If the number of HUs per delivery is on the higher side, a certain lag will be noticeable during
login to the work center. – It has been confirmed that the deliveries generally have 3 to 5
Hus each
2. If the HU move fails for any reason, the same might not be available for packing. This will call
for a manual intervention. Vigilance is expected from the user.
3. This option is only possible if one delivery is packed only at one work center without parallel
login. – It has been confirmed that the same delivery may not be packed in different pack
stations .

Update: 19.02.2024
Option 3 has been chosen as the preferred option.

However, a control has been requested so that the packing station assignment is not at packer’s will.
Rather the supervisor should be able to assign packing station to the deliveries. The flow of logic
thus will be as below:

Step 1: Supervisor assigns pack table to the delivery

Option 1 (No Effort): This can be done using existing desktop transaction Z_PACKSTN_ASSGN

Option 2 (Technical Effort + Testing 3 Days): A method can be delivered in monitor node
‘Outbound-> Documents-> Outbound Delivery Order’
Option 3: (Technical Effort + Testing 6 Days): New RF transaction to assign pack station to

Step 2: Packer logs into the pack transaction. Here there can be 3 situations:

Effort: ZSDP144 – 3 Days (Each additional transaction = 1.5 Days)

1. Packer enters an incorrect pack table

a. Error “Delivery is assigned to a different pack table”

2. Packer enters one/multiple delivery(s) that has not been assigned any pack table
a. Pack table is assigned to delivery.
b. Any HU in the handover area assigned to the delivery is moved to the pack table in
the background.
c. All stock for the delivery with/without HU in PK00 is auto moved to the selected
work center in the backend.
d. The packer gets to see the usual pack screen.

3. Packer enters correct pack table:

a. Any HU in the handover area assigned to the delivery is moved to the pack table in
the background.
b. All stock for the delivery with/without HU in PK00 is auto moved to the selected
work center in the backend.
c. The packer gets to see the usual pack screen.

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