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Term No. 232 Term Dates: 01/02/2024 to 25/05/2024 Semester: 4

Division :All(CO41-CO44) Course Name & Course Code: Computer Networking (4340703)

CO No. Course Outcome

1 Classify various types of networks base on their construction, usage and scope.
2 Differentiate OSI and TCP/IP models.
3 Select proper transmission media and devices based on network requirements.
4 Compare IPv4 and IPv6 addressing scheme.
5 Identify various types of network security threats.

Sr.No Question CO No BL
1 List applications of Computer Networks. 1 R
2 Define network topology . Explain any one network topology in detail. 1 R,U
3 Give Difference between LAN,MAN,WAN. 1 U
4 What is standard? Give the list standard used? Explain in brief. 1 R,U
5 List out different servers in network. Explain file server and proxy server. 1 R,U
6 Draw neat sketch of OSI model and TCP/IP model. 2 R,U
7 Explain TCP/IP models in details. 2 U
8 Differentiate between OSI model and TCP/IP model. 2 U
9 Define transmission media. 3 R
10 List out guided transmission media and explain optical fiber in details. 3 R,U
11 List out unguided media and explain radiowave in details. 3 R,U
12 Give difference between Guided and Unguided media. 3 U
13 List out connecting devices used in network. Explain Router & Switch. 3 R,U
14 Give the difference between Bridge and Router. 3 U
15 Differentiate Layer 2 switch vs Layer 3 switch. 3 U
16 Describe characteristics of IPv4 addressing. 4 U
17 Describe Packet structure/header format of IPv4. 4 U
18 Define subnet ? Why we required subnetting. 4 R
19 Describe Addressing scheme of IPv4 and IPv6. 4 U
20 Describe Addressing mode of IPv4 and IPv6. 4 U network have to make 30 host to each subnet, find subnet mask ?
21 4 A
subnet address ? and each subnet IP address range ?
22 Explain CIA in details. 5 U
23 Define firewall. List out types of firewalls. Explain working of firewall. 5 R,U
24 Describe virus & worms. 5 U
25 Explain insiders and intruders in details. 5 U

*CO - Course Outcome , BL - Blooms Taxonomy


VISION: To mould young and fresh minds into challenging computer professionals with ethical values and shaping them with upcoming
technologies and develop the ability to deal with real world situations with skills and innovative ideas.

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