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Percussion – Bicí – Group of instruments that make sounds when they are hit, scraped or shaken.

My friends brother plays the percussion.

String orchestra – Smyčcový orchestr – Orchestra made out of string instruments.

I am playing next week with a string orchestra.

Baton – Taktovka – A stick used by conductors to enhance their body movements while conducting an

This baton is very elegant when the right conductor is holding it.

Harp – Harfa – A string instrument made of a wooden frame, pedal mechanism, 7 pedals and 47 strings.

I play the harp and it is the best instrument.

Opera – Opera – A dramatic work in one or more acts, set to music for singers and instrumentalists.

I don’tlike listening to operas.

Audition – Konkurs – An interview for a role or job as a singer, actor, dancer, or musician, consisting of a
practical demonstration of the candidate’s suitability and skill.

I performed in an audition last week.

Costume – Kostým – A set of clothes in a certain style that compliments the period of the play and the
character who is wearing them.

Her costume was a ball gown from the 1900s.

Dress rehearsal – Generální zkouška – The last rehearsal before the performance, that usually happens
the day of the concert or play.

I missed my dress rehearsal, I hope the conductor doesn't notice.

Conductor – Dirigent – The person who is responsible for the rehearsals of the orchestra and keeping
many musicians playing together.

This conductor is not good, everyone is playing in a diferent dynamic.

Orchestra pit – Orchestřiště – The part of a theatre where the orchestra plays, typically in front of the
stage and on a lower level.

It’stoo dark in the (orchestra) pit, I need my music stand light.

Double flat – dvojitý béčko - The note which has a double flat sign in front of it should sound two
semitones lower than without the double flat.

This double flat is making this tune very hard to sing.

Tuning key – ladící klíč - Used for instruments such as harp or piano and many more, the tuning key is a
tool with which musicians move the tuning pegs and tighten or loosen the strings.

I forgot my tuning key at home, my harp will be so out of tune.

Harp cart – vozík na harfu - Two wheel cart, with special belts, used specifically for transporting harps.

My harp cart is too small to carry your double bass.

String set – sada strun - Depending on the instrument, a string set has from 4 up to 88 strings.

A harp string set costs between 400€ and 900€.

Repetition – opakování - A method of writing a sign in the music score, telling the musician to repeat the
same section without the composer having to write it again.

Repetition sign is represented as two dots at the beginning and the end of the section that should be

Gig – Kšeft – Paid performance, but without a long-term commitment for the performer.

I'm playing a gig tomorrow, it's going to be very fun playing for the queen.

Soundboard – rezonanční deska - A thin sheet of wood over which the strings of a piano, harp or a
similar instrument are positioned to increase the sound produced.

If my soundboard cracks, I can throw away my instrument.

Podium – pódium - A raised platform especially for an orchestral conductor.

He fell off the podium, while he was yelling at the trumpets.

Make up artist - vizážistka - A person in charge of the make up of the performers in the theatre or the

The make up artist at the National Theatre didn't really get the characters right and the play was very
weird to watch.

Manuscript – rukopis - The original scores written by the composer, usually hard to read.

I lost the manuscript, I think I'll have to pay a fine to the library.

Music analysis – Rozbor skladeb – A school subject taught to musicians to help them better understand
the pieces they play, the style of playing and the development of music throughout time.

We had a music analysis asignment, but I didn't know where to start my research.

Music theory - hudební teorie - Music theory as a practical discipline encompasses the methods and
concepts that composers and other musicians use in creating and performing music.

You never learned music theory in school?

Concertmaster – koncertní mistr - The first chair violinist of an orchestra—known as the concertmaster—
is a vital musical leader with widely ranging responsibilities, from tuning the orchestra to working closely
with the conductor.

The concertmaster didn’t arrive on time, so the concert was postponed.

Section leader – vedoucí oddílu - Section leader means an employee appointed as such and who is in
charge of one or more sections in the orchestra.
Section leaders had a meeting to talk about the next concert season.

Tenor clef - tenorový klíč - A clef placing middle C on the second-highest line of the stave, used chiefly for
cello and bassoon music.

I can't read tenor clef, but maybe the bassoonist can help you.

Librettist - Libretista - A person who writes the text of an opera or other long vocal work.

The librettist of the Figaro's Wedding was Lorenzo Da Ponte.

Symphonic poem – Symfonická báseň- Musical composition for orchestra inspired by an extra-musical
idea, story, or “program,” to which the title typically refers or alludes.
Liszt loved writing symphonic poems.
Mazurka - Mazurka - A lively Polish dance in triple time.

I can't play this Mazurka.

Theme - Téma - Melodic subject of a musical composition.

The main theme is very bad, but the variations are great.

Improvisation - Improvizace - Something that is improvised, in particular a piece of music, drama, etc.
created spontaneously or without preparation.

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